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分析了顶、底复吹转炉冶炼中高碳钢时影响脱磷的主要因素。通过采取相应的措施,优化工艺操作,达到了在高拉碳的同时实现了较好的去磷效果,满足了安钢新品种开发的需要。  相似文献   

冶炼82B主要从入炉废钢、高碱度渣、双渣法、温度控制、高拉补吹法、挡渣出钢、避渣操作、钝化炉渣等方法控制钢中磷含量,本文主要通过论述影响转炉脱磷的各种因素,阐述82B冶炼过程脱磷的各个控制环节.  相似文献   

在不新增设备的前提下,通过优化转炉冶炼工艺,使用复吹转炉多功能法进行铁水脱磷,提高转炉脱磷率.根据现有转炉设备条件,通过热力学计算确定转炉前期脱磷温度范围,并在现场实验中掌握好倒渣时机、渣碱度、加料量和出钢温度,确定最佳脱磷工艺.分析实验结果,与常规冶炼相比,该脱磷工艺用原料量少,脱磷率稳定,且高达90%以上,在提高钢水质量的同时也降低了生产成本.  相似文献   

总结了三钢120t转炉冶炼中高碳钢的生产现状及其存在的问题.通过采取相应措施,优化工艺操作,解决了冶炼中后期炉渣“返干”、粘枪严重、终点渣不化等问题.为实现降本增效、达到较好的脱磷效果,确定将中高碳钢终点平均碳含量提高到(12~18)×10-4这个适宜的区间范围,终点平均磷含量可降至16.26×10-5,满足了市场需求和新品种开发的需要.  相似文献   

复吹转炉冶炼低磷钢工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李峻  刘浏 《炼钢》2009,25(6)
探讨了复吹转炉采用常规冶炼工艺和脱磷预处理直炼工艺冶炼低磷钢的工艺条件.A、B两厂采用常规冶炼工艺,当炉渣w(T.Fe)=16 %~24 %,炉渣碱度为3.5时,要稳定冶炼w(P)<0.01 %的低磷钢时,终点w(C)应控制在0.05 %以下.C、D两厂采用脱磷预处理直炼工艺,当一次倒炉w(C)<0.10 %时,钢水w(P)能控制在0.01 %以下.预处理直炼工艺脱磷、脱碳期的关键是控制总渣量和半钢磷含量,为使在冶炼低磷钢w(P)<0.01 %的同时吨钢总渣量控制在90 kg以内,当脱磷期倒渣率达到40 %~50 %时,半钢w(P)最高应控制在0.026 %~0.037 %.  相似文献   

为了有效控制82B钢水氮含量,在转炉终点、氩站精炼、钢包炉精炼、VD真空处理和连铸中包等工序进行取样,得到氮含量变化数据,研究了各工序操作对钢水氮含量的影响。结果表明:除VD真空处理外,其他工序均有不同程度的增氮。通过采取转炉终点氮含量控制、氩站弱吹、减少钢包炉精炼补加合金以及全保护浇铸等措施,可有效控制82B钢增氮。  相似文献   

我国钢铁产量在世界上遥遥领先,正处于从钢铁大国走向钢铁强国发展时期,目前很多炼钢工艺已处于国际领先水平。磷含量是评判钢铁质量的一个重要指标,脱磷效果好不好基本决定了炼钢是否合格。本文对转炉炼钢脱磷工艺理论介绍,并结合炼钢实践说明脱磷过程的注意事项,旨在为行业提供参考。  相似文献   

介绍三钢对100t复吹转炉的底吹工艺和脱磷工艺进行优化的实践.结果表明,在高冷料比条件下,转炉一倒钢水平均w(P)从0.047%下降到0.027%;平均w(Mn)从0.22%提高到0.25%;平均终渣w(TFe)下降3.26%;平均终点w(O)降低370×10-6;平均终点w(C)×w(O)积下降0.0007%.钢铁料消耗从1088kg/t下降到1082kg/t;合金加入量从10.2kg/t下降到9.4kg/t.  相似文献   

李广帮  赵亮  孙深  曹东  孙殿东 《炼钢》2024,(1):9-13+51
通过500 kg多功能顶底复吹转炉吹炼铁水,进行双相不锈钢冶炼试验。采取钢水脱磷、降碳保铬、钢水深脱硫以及钢水增氮的方法,得到在碳质量分数降到2.0%时,钢水温度控制在1 360~1 440℃,炉渣的碱度控制在1.4~1.8,炉渣中FeO质量分数控制在15%~20%,钢水中的磷质量分数可以脱除75%以上;在钢水降碳保铬过程中,钢水温度始终控制在1 660℃以上,同时随着碳含量降低,逐渐降低氧气比例,增加氩气比例,减少铬元素的氧化;合金化后继续对炉渣进行还原,碱度控制在2.0左右,钢水温度控制在1 550~1 600℃,渣中的FeO和MnO质量分数之和控制在1%以下,钢水中的硫质量分数可以由0.004 0%降低到0.001 0%;顶底复吹转炉冶炼双相不锈钢奥氏体和铁素体的占比在49%~51%,钢板的冲击性能远高于标准值180 J,性能满足用户的要求。  相似文献   

张润灏  杨健  叶格凡  孙晗  杨文魁 《炼钢》2022,38(1):1-13
转炉脱磷工艺利用了转炉容积大的特点,可以实现转炉前期快速高效低碱度脱磷.脱碳渣的循环利用降低了石灰等辅料消耗和渣量.在低温低碱度转炉脱磷的条件下,低温在热力学上有利于脱磷,但温度过低会使渣过于粘稠而影响动力学条件并使倒渣困难;适当提高碱度,脱磷效果较好.随着渣中氧化铁含量的上升,脱磷效果先上升后下降.转炉脱磷渣中固液两...  相似文献   

磷在钢中作为一种有害元素会危害钢材的塑性、韧性和可焊性等性能,如何高效地降低钢中的磷含量一直成为国内外钢铁企业的研究重点.总结并分析了转炉冶炼中造渣料、氧枪控制、底吹控制、冶炼温度和转炉渣成分对脱磷的影响,并以此为基础,对转炉脱磷技术的发展进行了展望,为钢铁企业的脱磷工艺提供理论依据和技术参考.  相似文献   

RH oxygen top- blowing for raising temperature should be avoided to improve the cleaniness of IF steel as far as possible, which made the end point temperature of converter higher and then dephosphorization in converter became difficult. Thermodynamics and dynamics of dephosphorization process in converter were calculated to study the relationship of phosphate partition ratio to compositions of molten steel, slag, temperature in molten steel based on slag- remaining and double slag process. Through changing the first deslagging time and the composition of slag,then serial sampling from molten steel and slag in industrial production experiments, the behavior of phosphorus in molten steel was studied and then the main measures obtaining higher phosphate partition ratio in slag- remaining and double slag process are: small- sized scrap or thin steel sheet should be used to increase FeO content in slag and prevent molten steel temperature increase when oxygen blowing in converter begins. Slag with high phosphorus content should be poured when amount of oxygen blowing reachs 40% of the total; FeO content in slag should be increased to assure the mobility of slag and then reduce rephosphorization from slag to steel when amount of oxygen blowing is greater than 40% and less than 80% of the toal; the end- point slag with 4. 0 basicity and 18 mass%-20 mass% FeO content and molten steel temperature should be controlled.  相似文献   

Taking water- model experiments of a 300 t dephosphorization converter, when under eight bottom blowing element, different bottom blowing arrangement, the size of the bottom blowing flow rate and top blowing parameters on the influence of the molten pool mixing effect was studied. From the research, when the bottom blowing elements concentrated and symmetrically arranged in the furnace bottom of 0. 42D on the circumference of a circle, the bottom blowing flow rate is 2. 94m3/h, the lance height is 58?D88mm, the blending effect of the molten pool is best. When the scrap ratio reaches to 10%, the mixing time increases greatly, and different single scrap has similar influence on mixing time. For a 1. 5 t scrap, the bottom blowing flow rate must reach to 4010m3/h, the scrap can meet the suspension energy, when the top blowing flow rate is 30000m3/h. The research results can provide reference for optimization of practical operation parameters.  相似文献   

The dephosphorization process test was carried out in a domestic converter steel plant by using the “remaining slag double slag” process technology. The results show that with the increasing of dephosphorization rate in early stage of converter, the end point dephosphorization rate increases continuously. The silicon content in molten iron has the greatest influence on the dephosphorization rate in early stage. According to the composition of molten iron, properly reducing the oxygen supply intensity, reducing the gas solid oxygen ratio,adding an appropriate amount of lime and sinter in early stage of smelting are conducive to the improvement of dephosphorization rate in early stage. Adding lime of 4-8kg per ton of molten steel in the first turn down stage does not affect the tapping temperature, which can improve the dephosphorization rate in the first turn down to end point stage and the end point dephosphorization rate at the same time. From the control effect of the end point, the alkalinity of the end point slag should not be less than 3.0, the mass fraction of FeO in the slag should be 16%-20%, and the end point tapping temperature should be appropriately reduced to 1610-1630℃, which is conducive to the improvement of the end point dephosphorization rate. By strengthening of the stirring of molten pool and promoting the balance of the steel slag reaction, it is conducive to improvement of the end point phosphorus distribution ratio, so as to further improve the end point dephosphorization rate.  相似文献   

介绍了国内外先进炼钢厂各自开发的大型转炉脱磷炼钢新工艺。对比分析了8家大型钢铁厂的转炉双联法技术经济指标及其生产实绩。转炉脱磷炼钢新工艺的操作方式主要有双联法和双渣法两种,双联法比传统方法工序简化,转炉内自由空间大,反应动力学条件优越,生产成本较低,通常铁水磷质量分数可脱至0.010%,适于大批量、经济地生产超低磷钢。  相似文献   

对复吹转炉脱磷过程进行了热力学及物料和热平衡计算,并在此基础上进行了冶炼过程的理论模拟,得出"双渣法"脱磷期的工艺要点:脱磷期低温、适当碱度有利于促进磷的脱除;提高脱磷渣倒出率可以有效降低过程石灰消耗与渣量。工业试验取得了良好的效果:石灰、白云石消耗分别降低25.00%、36.67%,冶炼前期平均脱磷率62.95%,冶炼过程平均脱磷率90.72%。通过对脱磷率影响因素分析得出,脱磷期控制工艺为R=1.80~2.00,w(T.Fe)=16.00%~20.00%,T=1 400~1 420℃;脱碳期控制工艺为R=3.20~3.60,w(T.Fe)=16.00%~20.00%,T=1 600~1 640℃。  相似文献   

转炉大补炉后第一炉钢的脱磷探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转炉大补炉后冶炼第一炉钢时钢中磷含量容易偏高,有时甚至超出钢种要求的磷含量上限.结合某厂90t转炉大补炉后冶炼第一炉钢时的生产情况,分析了入炉铁水硅含量、脱磷剂加入量、碱度、渣中FetO、MgO和Al2O3含量对转炉大补炉前后钢水脱磷的影响,对改进脱磷效果提出了建议.  相似文献   

 京唐公司炼钢系统铁水转炉预脱磷及“全三脱”铁水少渣冶炼工艺不断进行技术优化,脱磷转炉通过优化废钢尺寸、底吹枪数量和排布,半钢脱磷率可达到70%;铁水经过脱磷转炉脱硅、脱磷后,温度和磷质量分数更加稳定,为脱碳转炉少渣冶炼、自动化炼钢终点双命中率的提高提供了先决条件;脱碳转炉通过采用留渣操作、少渣冶炼技术、溅渣护炉技术后,自动化命中率达到90%以上,炉龄达到7 000炉以上;炼钢车间内渣钢、除尘灰、氧化铁皮等含铁物料实现了自循环消耗。采用“全三脱”铁水冶炼工艺,钢种质量进一步提高,超低磷与超低硫钢中(S+P+N)元素质量分数可稳定控制在0.009 5%以下。  相似文献   

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