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网络,数学家们称其为图,它为许多复杂系统的结构提供了一个很好的抽象,从社会网络、计算机网络,到生物网络以及物理系统的状态空间。在过去的几十年里出现了许多确定网络系统拓扑结构的改进实验,但对实验产生的数据进行科学的分析,仍然存在本质的挑战。目前的社团检测中主要存在两个问题:一是不知道网络中有几个社团;二是网络中的顶点可能属于不同的社团,也就是社团中存在重叠结构。为了了解各种重叠社团检测算法的思想、实现步骤、优缺点比较、算法应用,文中对邻域重叠社团检测算法进行了深入的分析,以k-means算法分析了经济网络,同时采用Silhouette指标解决了最佳聚类数的问题,并通过仿真实验证明了此算法的可能性。  相似文献   

杜航原  裴希亚  王文剑 《计算机应用》2019,39(11):3151-3157
针对现实世界的网络节点中包含大量属性信息并且社区之间呈现出重叠特性的问题,提出了一种面向属性网络的重叠社区发现算法。融合网络的拓扑结构和节点属性定义了节点的密集度和间隔度,分别用于描述社区内部连接紧密和外部连接松散的特点。基于密度峰值聚类的思想搜索局部密度中心作为社区中心,在此基础上给出了非中心节点关于各个社区的隶属度的迭代计算方法,实现了重叠社区的划分。在真实数据集上进行了仿真实验,实验结果表明所提算法相对于LINK、COPRA和DPSCD能获得更好的社区划分结果。  相似文献   

Detecting communities is of great importance in social network analysis. However it is an issue that has not yet been satisfactorily solved, despite the efforts made by interdisciplinary research communities over the past few years, because of the nature of complexity in deciding how community structures should be recognized. In this paper we propose an approach based on cooperative game theory for community detection in social networks. We regard individuals as players, and regard communities as coalitions formed by players, and model community detection problem as the formation and optimization of coalitions. Furthermore, we define coalition profile for players to indicate coalitions that players joined, the order of a coalition profile is defined as the number of coalitions in a coalition profile, and we introduce a utility function to measure preference of coalition profiles. Accordingly, we propose an algorithm to detect a coalition profile with maximal utility function values. We have implemented the algorithms developed in this study and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approaches.  相似文献   

With the recent surge of location-based social networks (LBSNs), e.g., Foursquare and Facebook Places, huge amount of human digital footprints that people leave in the cyber-physical space become accessible, including users’ profiles, online social connections, and especially the places that they have checked in. Different from social networks (e.g., Flickr, Facebook) which have explicit groups for users to subscribe or join, LBSNs usually have no explicit community structure. Meanwhile, unlike social networks which only contain a single type of social interaction, the coexistence of online/offline social interactions and user/venue attributes in LBSNs makes the community detection problem much more challenging. In order to capitalize on the large number of potential users/venues as well as the huge amount of heterogeneous social interactions, quality community detection approach is needed. In this paper, by exploring the heterogenous digital footprints of LBSNs users in the cyber-physical space, we come out with a novel edge-centric co-clustering framework to discover overlapping communities. By employing inter-mode as well as intra-mode features, the proposed framework is able to group like-minded users from different social perspectives. The efficacy of our approach is validated by intensive empirical evaluations based on the collected Foursquare dataset.  相似文献   

Coalitional Resource Games (crgs) are a form of Non-Transferable Utility (ntu) game, which provide a natural formal framework for modelling scenarios in which agents must pool scarce resources in order to achieve mutually satisfying sets of goals. Although a number of computational questions surrounding crgs have been studied, there has to date been no attempt to develop solution concepts for crgs, or techniques for constructing solutions. In this paper, we rectify this omission. Following a review of the crg framework and a discussion of related work, we formalise notions of coalition structures and the core for crgs, and investigate the complexity of questions such as determining nonemptiness of the core. We show that, while such questions are in general computationally hard, it is possible to check the stability of a coalition structure in time exponential in the number of goals in the system, but polynomial in the number of agents and resources. As a consequence, checking stability is feasible for systems with small or bounded numbers of goals. We then consider constructive approaches to generating coalition structures. We present a negotiation protocol for crgs, give an associated negotiation strategy, and prove that this strategy forms a subgame perfect equilibrium. We then show that coalition structures produced by the protocol satisfy several desirable properties: Pareto optimality, dummy player, and pseudo-symmetry.  相似文献   

Reasoning about coalitional games   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We develop, investigate, and compare two logic-based knowledge representation formalisms for reasoning about coalitional games. The main constructs of Coalitional Game Logic (cgl) are expressions for representing the ability of coalitions, which may be combined with expressions for representing the preferences that agents have over outcomes. Modal Coalitional Game Logic (mcgl) is a normal modal logic, in which the main construct is a modality for expressing the preferences of groups of agents. For both frameworks, we give complete axiomatisations, and show how they can be used to characterise solution concepts for coalitional games. We show that, while cgl is more expressive than mcgl, the former can only be used to reason about coalitional games with finitely many outcomes, while mcgl can be used to reason also about games with infinitely many outcomes, and is in addition more succinct. We characterise the computational complexity of satisfiability for cgl, and give a tableaux-based decision procedure.  相似文献   

Community mining is one of the most popular issues in social network analysis. Although various changes may occur in a dynamic social network, they can be classified into two categories, gradual changes and abrupt changes. Many researchers have attempted to propose a method to discover communities in dynamic social networks with various changes more accurately. Most of them have assumed that changes in dynamic social networks occur gradually. This presumption for the dynamic social network in which abrupt changes may occur misleads the problem. Few methods have tried to detect abrupt changes, but they used the statistical approach which has such disadvantages as the need for a lot of snapshots. In this paper, we propose a novel method to detect the type of changes using the least information of social networks and then, apply it to a new community detection framework named change-aware model. The experimental results on different benchmark and real-life datasets confirmed that the new method and framework have improved the performance of community detection algorithms.  相似文献   

We present a new approach for the problem of finding overlapping communities in graphs and social networks. Our approach consists of a novel problem definition and three accompanying algorithms. We are particularly interested in graphs that have labels on their vertices, although our methods are also applicable to graphs with no labels. Our goal is to find k communities so that the total edge density over all k communities is maximized. In the case of labeled graphs, we require that each community is succinctly described by a set of labels. This requirement provides a better understanding for the discovered communities. The proposed problem formulation leads to the discovery of vertex-overlapping and dense communities that cover as many graph edges as possible. We capture these properties with a simple objective function, which we solve by adapting efficient approximation algorithms for the generalized maximum-coverage problem and the densest-subgraph problem. Our proposed algorithm is a generic greedy scheme. We experiment with three variants of the scheme, obtained by varying the greedy step of finding a dense subgraph. We validate our algorithms by comparing with other state-of-the-art community-detection methods on a variety of performance measures. Our experiments confirm that our algorithms achieve results of high quality in terms of the reported measures, and are practical in terms of performance.  相似文献   

The world around us may be viewed as a network of entities interconnected via their social, economic, and political interactions. These entities and their interactions form a social network. A social network is often modeled as a graph whose nodes represent entities, and edges represent interactions between these entities. These networks are characterized by the collective latent behavior that does not follow trivially from the behaviors of the individual entities in the network. One such behavior is the existence of hierarchy in the network structure, the sub-networks being popularly known as communities. Discovery of the community structure in a social network is a key problem in social network analysis as it refines our understanding of the social fabric. Not surprisingly, the problem of detecting communities in social networks has received substantial attention from the researchers.In this paper, we propose parallel implementations of recently proposed community detection algorithms that employ variants of the well-known quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm (QIEA). Like any other evolutionary algorithm, a quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm is also characterized by the representation of the individual, the evaluation function, and the population dynamics. However, individual bits called qubits, are in a superposition of states. As chromosomes evolve individually, the quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithms (QIEAs) are intrinsically suitable for parallelization.In recent years, programmable graphics processing units — GPUs, have evolved into massively parallel environments with tremendous computational power. NVIDIA® compute unified device architecture (CUDA®) technology, one of the leading general-purpose parallel computing architectures with hundreds of cores, can concurrently run thousands of computing threads. The paper proposes novel parallel implementations of quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithms in the field of community detection on CUDA-enabled GPUs.The proposed implementations employ a single-population fine-grained approach that is suited for massively parallel computations. In the proposed approach, each element of a chromosome is assigned to a separate thread. It is observed that the proposed algorithms perform significantly better than the benchmark algorithms. Further, the proposed parallel implementations achieve significant speedup over the serial versions. Due to the highly parallel nature of the proposed algorithms, an increase in the number of multiprocessors and GPU devices may lead to a further speedup.  相似文献   

Applied Intelligence - The community detection in complex networks has become a major field of research. Disjoint community detection deals often with getting a partition of nodes where every node...  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Performance improvement of community detection is an NP problem in large social networks analysis where by integrating the overlapped communities’...  相似文献   

Social networking sites (SNS), which allow users to express opinions on products/services, have become an important channel and platform for enterprises to acquire and trace users’ sentiments in order to design appropriate business strategies and online marketing campaigns. However, with the large number of users and complex user relationships on SNS, effectively capturing these sentiments for business decision support is still a big challenge. In this study we introduce the concept of “Sentiment Community,” a group of users who are closely connected and highly consistent in their sentiments about one product/service. Discovering such sentiment communities would be very valuable to enterprises for customer segmentation and target marketing. Taking into account both connections and sentiments, we propose two methods to discover sentiment communities by adopting the optimization models of semi-definite programming (SDP). Our experimental evaluations demonstrated great performances for the proposed methods. This study opens the doors to effectively explore users’ sentiments on SNS for business decision making.  相似文献   

In classic community detection, it is assumed that communities are exclusive, in the sense of either soft clustering or hard clustering. It has come to attention in the recent literature that many real-world problems violate this assumption, and thus overlapping community detection has become a hot research topic. The existing work on this topic uses either content or link information, but not both of them. In this paper, we deal with the issue of overlapping community detection by combining content and link information. We develop an effective solution called subgraph overlapping clustering (SOC) and evaluate this new approach in comparison with several peer methods in the literature that use either content or link information. The evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness and promise of SOC in dealing with large scale real datasets.  相似文献   

社区结构是复杂网络的重要属性之一, 有效挖掘出复杂网络中隐藏的社区结构具有重要的理论研究意义和广泛的应用前景。真实网络在一定程度上都表现为重叠的社区结构, 针对这一问题, 提出了一种基于三角形的重叠社区发现算法。通过判断两个节点与其共享邻居节点能否构成一个三角形来判断, 若能构成三角形, 则这两个节点属于同一社区。在计算机生成网络与真实网络上进行了实验, 都正确地识别出了社区结构以及重叠节点, 表明了此算法对于发现重叠社区结构的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

图神经网络在学习节点表示中展现了其突出的能力,然而在社团检测方面,大多数图神经网络模型仍然使用K-means来定位社团中心,为了克服K-means不适用于高维空间下聚类的缺点,提出了联合图的全局和局部互信息的重叠社团检测算法(overlapping community detection algorithm using global and local mutual information of graph,overDGI),这是一种用于处理重叠社团检测问题的图神经网络。首先,采用最大化图互信息和社团互信息使得隶属于同一社团的节点间的向量表示距离更近、更接近社团中心;然后,设计了一个目标分布来帮助模型更好地解决重叠社团检测任务。综合实验表明,overDGI在重叠社团划分上的表现对比现有的几种基准算法都有很强的竞争力。  相似文献   

Recently, social networking sites are offering a rich resource of heterogeneous data. The analysis of such data can lead to the discovery of unknown information and relations in these networks. The detection of communities including ‘similar’ nodes is a challenging topic in the analysis of social network data, and it has been widely studied in the social networking community in the context of underlying graph structure. Online social networks, in addition to having graph structures, include effective user information within networks. Using this information leads to enhance quality of community discovery. In this study, a method of community discovery is provided. Besides communication among nodes to improve the quality of the discovered communities, content information is used as well. This is a new approach based on frequent patterns and the actions of users on networks, particularly social networking sites where users carry out their preferred activities. The main contributions of proposed method are twofold: First, based on the interests and activities of users on networks, some small communities of similar users are discovered, and then by using social relations, the discovered communities are extended. The F-measure is used to evaluate the results of two real-world datasets (Blogcatalog and Flickr), demonstrating that the proposed method principals to improve the community detection quality.  相似文献   

We study coalitional games in which agents are each assumed to have a goal to be achieved, and where the characteristic property of a coalition is a set of choices, with each choice denoting a set of goals that would be achieved if the choice was made. Such qualitative coalitional games (qcgs) are a natural tool for modelling goal-oriented multiagent systems. After introducing and formally defining qcgs, we systematically formulate fourteen natural decision problems associated with them, and determine the computational complexity of these problems. For example, we formulate a notion of coalitional stability inspired by that of the core from conventional coalitional games, and prove that the problem of showing that the core of a qcg is non-empty is Dp1-complete. (As an aside, we present what we believe is the first “natural” problem that is proven to be complete for Dp2.) We conclude by discussing the relationship of our work to other research on coalitional reasoning in multiagent systems, and present some avenues for future research.  相似文献   

On the computational complexity of coalitional resource games   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study Coalitional Resource Games (crgs), a variation of Qualitative Coalitional Games (qcgs) in which each agent is endowed with a set of resources, and the ability of a coalition to bring about a set of goals depends on whether they are collectively endowed with the necessary resources. We investigate and classify the computational complexity of a number of natural decision problems for crgs, over and above those previously investigated for qcgs in general. For example, we show that the complexity of determining whether conflict is inevitable between two coalitions with respect to some stated resource bound (i.e., a limit value for every resource) is co-np-complete. We then investigate the relationship between crgs and qcgs, and in particular the extent to which it is possible to translate between the two models. We first characterise the complexity of determining equivalence between crgs and qcgs. We then show that it is always possible to translate any given crg into a succinct equivalent qcg, and that it is not always possible to translate a qcg into an equivalent crg; we establish some necessary and some sufficient conditions for a translation from qcgs to crgs to be possible, and show that even where an equivalent crg exists, it may have size exponential in the number of goals and agents of its source qcg.  相似文献   

社区发现是一个基础性的且被广泛研究的问题。现有的社区发现方法大多聚焦于网络拓扑结构,然而随着真实网络中实体可用属性的激增,捕获图中结构和属性的丰富交互关系来进行社区发现变得尤为必要。据此面向属性图提出了一种基于染色随机游走的可重叠社区发现算法OCDC,该算法解决了传统的基于随机游走的社区发现算法利用结构转移矩阵造成社区发现效果不佳的问题。具体地,首先利用经典的初始种子策略选出网络中差异度较大的节点,在此基础上设计种子替换策略,挖掘网络中质量更佳的种子替换路径集合对初始种子集合进行替换;其次构建结构-属性交互节点转移矩阵并执行染色随机游走过程得到高质量种子节点的染色分布向量;最后基于融合结构和属性的并行电导值对社区进行扩展。在人工网络和现实网络上的实验表明,本文提出的算法能够准确地识别属性社区并显著优于基准算法。  相似文献   

Community detection can be used to help mine the potential information in social networks, and uncovering community structures in social networks can be regarded as clustering optimization problems. In this paper, an overlapping community detection algorithm based on biogeography optimization is proposed. Firstly, the algorithm takes the method of label propagation based on local max degree and neighborhood overlap for initial network partitioning. The preliminary partition result used to construct initial population by cloning and mutating to accelerate the algorithm’s convergence. Next, to make biogeography optimization algorithm suitable for community detection, we design problem-specific migration rules and mutation operators based on a novel affinity degree to improve the effectiveness of the algorithm. Experiments on benchmark test data, including two synthetic networks and four real-world networks, show that the proposed algorithm can achieve results with better accuracy and stability than the compared evolutionary algorithms.  相似文献   

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