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The advent of Web 2.0 has led to an increase in user-generated content on the Web.This has provided an extensive collection of free-style texts with opinion expressions that could influence the decisions and actions of their readers.Providers of such content exert a certain level of influence on the receivers and this is evident from blog sites having effect on their readers’ purchase decisions,political view points,financial planning,and others.By detecting the opinion expressed,we can identify the sentiments on the topics discussed and the influence exerted on the readers.In this paper,we introduce an automatic approach in deriving polarity pattern rules to detect sentiment polarity at the phrase level,and in addition consider the effects of the more complex relationships found between words in sentiment polarity classification.Recent sentiment analysis research has focused on the functional relations of words using typed dependency parsing,providing a refined analysis on the grammar and semantics of textual data.Heuristics are typically used to determine the typed dependency polarity patterns,which may not comprehensively identify all possible rules.We study the use of class sequential rules(CSRs) to automatically learn the typed dependency patterns,and benchmark the performance of CSR against a heuristic method.Preliminary results show CSR leads to further improvements in classification performance achieving over 80% F1 scores in the test cases.In addition,we observe more complex relationships between words that could influence phrase sentiment polarity,and further discuss on possible approaches to handle the effects of these complex relationships.  相似文献   

微博情感分析是社交媒体挖掘中的重要任务之一,在个性化推荐、舆情分析等方面具有重要的理论和应用价值.挖掘性能良好且可同步进行文档主题分析与情感分析的主题情感模型近来在以微博为代表的社交媒体情感分析中备受关注。然而,绝大多数现有主题情感模型都简单地假设不同微博的情感极性是互相独立,这与微博生态的现实状况不相一致的,从而导致这些模型无法对用户的真实情感进行有效建模。基于此,本文综合考虑了微博用户相互关联的事实,提出基于LDA和微博用户关系的主题情感模型SRTSM,该模型在LDA中加入情感层与微博用户关系参数,利用微博用户关系与微博主题学习微博的情感极性。新浪微博真实数据集上的大量实验表明,与代表性算法JST、Sentiment-LDA与DPLDA相比较,SRTSM模型能对用户真实情感与讨论主题进行更加有效的分析建模.  相似文献   

针对在金融领域实体级情感分析任务中缺乏足够的标注语料,以及通用的情感分析模型难以有效处理金融文本等问题,该文构建一个百万级别的金融领域实体情感分析语料库,并标注5 000余个金融领域情感词作为金融领域情感词典。同时,基于该金融领域数据集,提出一种结合金融领域情感词典和注意力机制的金融文本细粒度情感分析模型(FinLexNet)。该模型使用两个LSTM网络分别提取词级别的语义信息和基于情感词典分类后的词类级别信息,能有效获取金融领域词语的特征信息。此外,为了让文本中金融领域情感词获得更多关注,提出一种基于金融领域情感词典的注意力机制来为不同实体获取重要的情感信息。最终在构建的金融领域实体级语料库上进行实验,取得了比对比模型更好的效果。  相似文献   

网络上带有人的主观感情色彩的评论性文本反映了人们的意见、态度和立场,因而具有很大的利用价值.信息挖掘技术针对这些主观文本进行处理,获得有用的意见、结论和知识.首先介绍了意见挖掘出现的背景和应用意义,然后从词汇情感极性识别、粗粒度的情感分类、细粒度的意见挖掘与摘要、意见检索和相关语言资源与系统5个方面综述了研究历程和现状,最后总结了研究难点与研究趋势.  相似文献   

Text is not only an important medium to describe facts and events, but also to effectively communicate information about the writer's positive or negative sentiment underlying an opinion, or to express an affective or emotional state, such as happiness, fearfulness, surpriseness, and so on. We consider sentiment assessment and emotion sensing from text as two different problems, whereby sentiment assessment is the task that we want to solve first. Thus, this article presents an approach to sentiment assessment, i.e., the recognition of negative or positive valence of a sentence. For the purpose of sentiment recognition from text, we perform semantic dependency analysis on the semantic verb frames of each sentence, and then apply a set of rules to each dependency relation to calculate the contextual valence of the whole sentence. By employing a domain-independent, rule-based approach our system is able to automatically identify sentence-level sentiment. A linguistic tool called “SenseNet” has been developed to recognize sentiments in text, and to visualize the detected sentiments. We conducted several experiments with a variety of datasets containing data from different domains. The obtained results indicate significant performance gains over existing state-of-the-art approaches.  相似文献   

中文微博情感分析旨在发现用户对热点事件的观点态度。已有的研究大多使用SVM、CRF等传统算法根据手工标注情感特征对微博情感进行分析。该文主要探讨利用深度学习来做中文微博情感分析的可行性,采用递归神经网络来发现与任务相关的特征,避免依赖于具体任务的人工特征设计,并根据句子词语间前后的关联性引入情感极性转移模型加强对文本关联性的捕获。该文提出的方法在性能上与当前采用手工标注情感特征的方法相当,但节省了大量人工标注的工作量。  相似文献   

Online opinions are one of the most important sources of information on which users base their purchasing decisions. Unfortunately, the large quantity of opinions makes it difficult for an individual to consume in a reasonable amount of time. Unlike standard information retrieval problems, the task here is to retrieve entities whose relevance is dependent upon other people’s opinions regarding the entities and how well those sentiments match the user’s own preferences. We propose novel techniques that incorporate aspect subjectivity measures into weighting the relevance of opinions of entities based on a user’s query keywords. We calculate these weights using sentiment polarity of terms found proximity close to keywords in opinion text. We have implemented our techniques, and we show that these improve the overall effectiveness of the baseline retrieval task. Our results indicate that on entities with long opinions our techniques can perform as good as state-of-the-art query expansion approaches.  相似文献   

With the development of Internet, people are more likely to post and propagate opinions online. Sentiment analysis is then becoming an important challenge to understand the polarity beneath these comments. Currently a lot of approaches from natural language processing’s perspective have been employed to conduct this task. The widely used ones include bag-of-words and semantic oriented analysis methods. In this research, we further investigate the structural information among words, phrases and sentences within the comments to conduct the sentiment analysis. The idea is inspired by the fact that the structural information is playing important role in identifying the overall statement’s polarity. As a result a novel sentiment analysis model is proposed based on recurrent neural network, which takes the partial document as input and then the next parts to predict the sentiment label distribution rather than the next word. The proposed method learns words representation simultaneously the sentiment distribution. Experimental studies have been conducted on commonly used datasets and the results have shown its promising potential.  相似文献   

通过基于概念的聚类方法,对博客作者的情感极性进行分析。在知网情感词汇库的基础上,将概念引入向量空间模型。首先,提取博客文本情感词,利用基于情感词概念的向量空间模型完成对博客文本的表示。然后,使用k-means算法对博客文本进行聚类,完成对博客情感极性的分析。在向量空间模型中使用概念作为特征项,提高了对博客作者情感极性分析的精度。实验证明基于概念的向量空间模型比传统基于词语的向量空间模型在博客文本情感聚类上具有更好的性能。  相似文献   

针对互联网出现的评论文本情感分析,引入潜在狄利克雷分布(Latent Dirichlet allocation,LDA)模型,提出一种分类方法。该分类方法结合情感词典,依据指定的情感单元搭配模式,提取情感信息,包括情感词和上、下文。使用主题模型发掘情感信息中的关键特征,并融入到情感向量空间中。最后利用机器学习分类算法,实现中文评论文本的情感分类。实验结果表明,提出的方法有效降低了特征向量的维度,并且在文本情感分类上有很好的效果。  相似文献   

为了对中文微博进行有效的情感极性识别,基于表情符能改变或加强微博文本的情感极性这一认知事实,提出基于表情符注意力机制的微博情感分析神经网络模型。该模型在使用双向循环神经网络模型(BiLSTM)学习文本的特征表示时,利用表情符注意力机制,得到文本结合表情符后新的特征表示,从而实现微博情感识别。实验结果显示,与输入纯文本和表情符的Bi-LSTM模型相比,基于表情符注意力机制的模型准确率提高了4. 06%;与仅输入纯文本的Bi-LSTM模型相比,基于表情符注意力机制的模型准确率提高了6. 35%。  相似文献   

在文本情感分析研究中,一条评论分别包含了篇章级、句子级和词语级等不同粒度的语义信息,而不同的词和句子在情感分类中所起的作用也是不同的,直接使用整条评论进行建模的情感分析方法则过于粗糙,同时也忽略了表达情感的用户信息和被评价的产品信息。针对该问题,提出一种基于多注意力机制的层次神经网络模型。该模型分别从词语级别、句子级别和篇章级别获取语义信息,并分别在句子级和篇章级引入基于用户和商品的注意力机制来计算不同句子和词的重要性。最后通过三个公开数据集进行测试验证,实验结果表明,基于多注意力层次神经网络的文本情感分析方法较其他模型性能有显著的提升。  相似文献   

情感分析旨在从文本数据中自动识别主观情感,即文本中表达的观点、态度、感受等,在线评论通常都涉及特定的对象,通过在JST模型基础上加入对象层提出了一种无监督的对象情感联合模型(UOSU model),UOSU模型对每个词同时采样对象、情感和主题标签,最终得到各个主题的对象情感词以及文本的对象情感分布。在汽车评论数据集上进行的情感分类实验取得了74.19%的精确率和73.97%的召回率。  相似文献   

研究情境特征在文本分类中的作用,提出了一种层级双向LSTM模型用于情感分类问题。该模型首先将句子分词,把词向量作为第一层双向LSTM模型的输入;其次从文档中提取出稠密、连续的向量作为情境特征;然后将第一层模型的输出向量和情境向量共同输入第二层双向LSTM;最后将这种层级双向的LSTM模型的输出向量通过sigmoid函数进行分类。情境向量作用于每个句子,一致的情感得到增强,不一致的情感被弱化,从而提高了分类的精度。在两个公开数据集上的实验表明,整合了情境特征的层级双向LSTM取得较优的精度。除此之外,通过在一个包含两万余条中文评论的公开数据集上对模型进行测试,表明该模型测试正确率相比于普通的LSTM和双向LSTM都有提升,说明情境特征对于提升情感分类的作用比较显著。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于语义的观点倾向分析方法。按照文本结构特点,依据语义相近的原则,将文本分割为若干语义段,对语义段采用条件随机场模型进行主观内容提取和观点倾向识别,计算各个语义段的权值,确定文本的观点倾向。实验表明,与传统机器学习方法相比,该方法能有效提高文本观点倾向分析的准确率。  相似文献   

The analysis of sentiments and mining of opinions have become more and more important in years because of the development of social media technologies. The methods that utilize natural language processing and lexicon-based sentiment analysis techniques to analyze people's opinions in texts require the proper extraction of sentiment words to ensure accuracy. The current issue is tackled with a novel perspective in this paper by introducing a hybrid sentiment analysis technique. This technique brings together Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), to accurately categorize text data and pinpoint feelings. The proposed method involves 1D convolutional-layer CNN to extract hidden features from comments and applying HMMs on a feature-sentence matrix, allowing for the utilization of word sequences in extracting opinions. The method effectively captures diverse text patterns by extracting a range of features from texts using CNN. Text patterns are learned using text HMM by calculating the probabilities between sequences of feature vectors and clustering feature vectors. The paper's experimental evaluation employs benchmark datasets such as CR, MR, Subj, and SST2, demonstrating that the proposed method surpasses existing sentiment analysis techniques and traditional HMMs. One of its strengths is to analyze a range of text patterns and identify crucial features that recognize the emotion of different pieces of a sentence. Additionally, the research findings highlight the improved performance of sentiment analysis tasks through the strategic use of zero padding in conjunction with the masking technique.  相似文献   

This study investigates customer satisfaction through aspect-level sentiment analysis and visual analytics. We collected and examined the flight reviews on TripAdvisor from January 2016 to August 2020 to gauge the impact of COVID-19 on passenger travel sentiment in several aspects. Till now, information systems, management, and tourism research have paid little attention to the use of deep learning and word embedding techniques, such as bidirectional encoder representations from transformers, especially for aspect-level sentiment analysis. This paper aims to identify perceived aspect-based sentiments and predict unrated sentiments for various categories to address this research gap. Ultimately, this study complements existing sentiment analysis methods and extends the use of data-driven and visual analytics approaches to better understand customer satisfaction in the airline industry and within the context of the COVID-19. Our proposed method outperforms baseline comparisons and therefore contributes to the theoretical and managerial literature.  相似文献   

Blog clustering is an important approach for online public opinion analysis. The traditional clustering methods, usually group blogs by keywords, stories and timeline, which usually ignore opinions and emotions expressed in the blog articles. In this paper, an integrated graph-based model for clustering Chinese blogs by embedded sentiments is proposed. A novel graph-based representation and the corresponding clustering algorithm are applied on the Chinese blog search results. The proposed model SoB-graph considers not only sentiment words but also structural information in blogs. Experimental results show that comparing with the traditional graph-based document representation model and vector space document representation model, the proposed SoB-graph model has achieved better performance in clustering sentiments in Chinese blog documents.  相似文献   

Neural network approaches are end-to-end learning approaches without well-designed training data and achieve high performance in sentiment analysis. Because of complex architecture of a neural network, it is difficult to analyze how they work and find their bottleneck to improve their performance. To remedy it, we propose neural sentiment analysis with attention mechanism. Using attention mechanism, we can find important words to determine sentiment polarity of a sentence. Moreover, we can understand why the sentiment analysis could not classify sentiment polarity correctly. We compare our method with neural sentiment analysis without attention mechanism over TSUKUBA corpus and Stanford Sentiment Treebank (SST). Experimental results show that our method is interpretable and can achieve higher precision.  相似文献   

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