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Most magnetic resonance imaging sequences employ field gradients and amplitude modulated RF pulses to excite only those spins lying in a specific plane. The fidelity of the resulting magnetization distribution is crucial to overall image resolution. Conventional RF-pulse design techniques rely on the small tip-angle approximation to Bloch's equation, which is inadequate for the design of 90 degrees and 180 degrees pulses. This paper demonstrates the existence of a selective pulse, and provides a sound mathematical and computational basis for pulse design. It is shown that the pulses are optimal in the class of piecewise continuous functions of duration T. An optimal pulse is defined as the pulse on the interval that achieves a magnetization profile "closest" to the desired distribution. Optimal control theory provides the mathematical basis for the new pulse design technique. Computer simulations have verified the efficacy of the 90 degrees and the 180 degrees inversion and "pancake-flip" optimal pulses.  相似文献   

基于椭圆曲线的数字签名的盲签名   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:34  
椭圆曲线数字签名实际上是基于乘法群的离散对数的数字签名的椭圆曲线上的模拟,本文描述了由ANS(1999)颁布的椭贺曲线数字签名算法(ECDSA)标准,提出了三个新的基于椭圆曲线的数字签名方案和两个盲签名方案。  相似文献   

人体红外辐射及温度特性与呼吸等生理活动密切相关。针对远程监测需要,提出了一种基于面部红外图像分析的在体呼吸监测方法。为了提高红外热成像中鼻孔区域识别及跟踪精度,研究了基于Harris角点法的提取方法,及基于光流场方法的特征跟踪识别方法;分析对比了不同环境中在体呼吸信号时频特征及统计参数。实验结果表明,本文提出的方法可以准确监测在体呼吸信号,分析呼吸模式变化,为红外热成像方法在临床医学的应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

基于ACJT方案构造高效多群签名方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多群签名方案是对普通群签名方案的一种推广。如何构造安全、高效的多群签名到目前为止还是一个未解决的问题。该文对G.Ateniese和G.Tsudik提出的多群签名方案进行了改进,且构造过程无需借助基于两个双重离散对数相等的知识签名。通过较为充分的安全性分析及执行效率的比较,可以看出新方案具有更好的安全性、有效性和实用性。最后还提出了一个安全、高效的子群签名方案,其效率较G.Ateniese和G.Tsudik提出的子群签名方案也有显著提高。  相似文献   

A noninvasive electromagnetic method has been developed that can effectively measure the in-vivo conductivity difference between rat tumor lines having a low and high metastatic potential. These tumor lines are used in the study of human prostate tumor.  相似文献   

本文从色氨酸和酪氨酸的分子结构出发,运用HMO模型计算得到了它们的分子轨道能级,从而对它们的双光子吸收选择性激发的机理进行了理论分析。  相似文献   

If NMR imaging uses selective excitation, then it has to do it correctly as it affects the image resolution. We have related the properties of the selected slice, such as its width, its rate of attenuation, and its side lobes to the amplitude modulation of the radio frequency pulse. An interesting observation was that multiplying sinc(t) function by a triangle can give better results than multiplying it with a Gauss function. We have used computer simulation and tried to emphasize the qualitative relationship between the properties. We conclude with some practical requirements and show the need of a numerical design procedure if the slice properties have to be optimized.  相似文献   

提出了一种新的基于椭圆曲线密码体制的公平盲签名方案.该方案结合了已有的公平盲签名和基于双线性配对函数的短签名方案.方案中裁判者可在特殊情况下揭示签名文件的原文,可有效阻止利用盲签名的匿名性进行犯罪的行为.最后对方案作了安全性分析.  相似文献   

Electronic transaction through e-payment protocol will grow tremendous in the coming years. In this article, by conversely using blind signature, the authors propose a fair electronic payment scheme for electronic commerce, which can ensure two participants' right simultaneously in electronic transaction process. This scheme is different from other existing schemes and it does not require strong trust relation between customer and merchant. In the scheme, a semi-trusted third party (S-TTP) is involved to provide a fair commerce environment. The S-TTP takes part in the protocol on-line and no secure information about the business is leaked. Moreover, the participants do not need to register to S-TTP. This scheme does not require intervention of a third party in case of dispute, if one user cheats or simply crashes.  相似文献   

With the development of blockchain,huge storage space is needed to store all of blockchain data.In addition,data can’t be changed once it is packaged into the chain,and it may be possible for overdue data to take up large storage space.Firstly,a threshold ring signature scheme was improved,and then a deletable blockchain scheme based on the mechanism of proof of space (PoSpace) consensus was constructed.Most of nodes could sign and delete a block together when block data was overdue,and the overall structure of the blockchain was unchanged.Several experiments in a simulated environment were executed,and the results show that the proposed blockchain scheme has high efficiency in generating and delegating a block.Meanwhile,the deletion of a block doesn’t influence the storage and use of other blocks.  相似文献   

提出一种基于SIFT的算法,对签名鉴别算法进行研究。首先对采集样本图像进行预处理。然后对处理后的图像分别构建高斯差分尺度空间(DoG),通过DoG来寻求极值点即特征点。最后通过BBF搜索算法来匹配目标样本。该方法继承了SIFT算法的稳定性,能取得较好的签名鉴别精度。  相似文献   

基于量子纠缠交换的原理,提出了一种基于量子纠缠的盲签名方案。制备后的EPR纠缠粒子通过EPR纠缠交换,变化为全新的纠缠态。对新量子态的测量可以作为签名者和测量者的签名、测量依据,实现了量子通信、盲签及验证。不同于基于数学求解困难性的经典盲签名,本方案保证了消息对签名者的匿名性和方案的无条件安全性。  相似文献   

Efficient blind signature scheme based on quadratic residues   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Fan  C.-I. Lei  C.-L. 《Electronics letters》1996,32(9):811-813
The authors propose an efficient blind signature scheme based on quadratic residues. It takes only a few computations to obtain and verify a legal signature in their scheme. The security of the scheme depends on the difficulty of solving the square roots of quadratic residues without trapdoors  相似文献   

通过分析基于大整数分解、离散对数和双线性对等数学问题的特殊可传递签名方案,抽象出了可传递签名实现方法的共性。以此为基础,提出了一个基于同态加密体制的通用可传递签名方案,该方案利用同态加密体制能支持密文运算的特性实现了可传递签名及验证的一般模型,为基于同态密码体制构造安全可靠的可传递签名方案提供了一种通用框架。其次,通过适当定义安全目标和设计安全性实验,完成了该通用可传递签名方案的可证明安全性,指出若使用的同态加密方案是CPA安全而标准签名是CMA安全的,则所提出的方案就达到CMA安全。最后,给出了该通用可传递签名方案并进行了性能分析与比较。  相似文献   

邵云生  钱坤 《雷达与对抗》2011,(1):25-27,52
特征提取是目标自动识别的关键。本文给出了改进的回波预处理算法、基于图像处理理论的目标特征提取算法以及基于统计和变换特征的目标回波特征提取算法。第一种算法能有效提高识别效率,后两种算法相互补充,在实际工程应用中有较强的适应性。  相似文献   

新颖的基于并发签名的公平交易协议   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
基于完美的并发签名,提出了一个新颖的公平交易协议,在双方起初交换2个模糊签名及相关交易数据的时候,任何人都无法辨认是谁签了哪一个签名,直到发起方公布一个秘密信息,2个签名才同时绑定到各自的签署方,之后另一方发送解密商品的密钥,从而让双方都能公平的得到对方的物品,而且本协议无需可信第三方(TTP)的参与即可让交易双方公平地交易数据条目,避免了两方勾结的可能性以及可信第三方参与协议的瓶颈.通过分析,协议很好地保证了公平性、不可否认性以及不可滥用性等性质,而且协议只需两方发送4条消息,简洁高效.  相似文献   

基于无证书群签名方案的电子现金系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁艳  张筱  郑志明 《通信学报》2016,37(5):184-190
在经典方案ACJT群签名方案的基础上,提出了一种基于椭圆曲线的前向安全的成员可撤销无证书群签名方案,改进了ACJT计算复杂、参数较多、签名较长的不足,减小了计算量及参数个数,缩短了签名长度,提高了方案效率,并基于此群签名方案构建了一个离线公平高效的多银行电子现金系统,该电子现金系统不仅继承了群签名方案的安全性、高效性,还实现了不可伪造性、防止多重支付、防止金额篡改等多种性质,较同类方案具有明显优势。  相似文献   

针对云环境下文件的敏感信息隐藏问题,提出基于属性的可净化签名方案。将可净化的思想引入到基于属性的签名中,有效解决了敏感信息隐藏,保证签名者隐私性的同时提供细粒度访问控制。具体构造了该方案并在CDH假设下证明该方案在标准模型下是不可伪造的。分析表明,与已有方案相比,所提方案适用于云环境下文件的敏感信息隐藏。  相似文献   

基于Java2的数字签名技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汤海凤 《信息技术》2003,27(10):1-3,17
数字签名是现代互联网中应用十分广泛的一种信息安全技术,用于保证在不安全的公共网络中,信息传输过程中的完整性以及信息发送的不可抵赖性。结合Java2特有的安全体系结构,详细讨论了数字签名的定义、作用和基本原理,并给出了一个Java2中数字签名的具体实例。  相似文献   

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