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姜葱炒龙虾 用料:澳洲大虾1只(重约1500g),生姜100g,大葱150g,精盐,味精,鸡精,生粉,白糖,绍酒,上汤,花生油,香油,水淀粉,白粥,姜丝,葱丝,香菜,鸡蛋清,鸡香油各适量。  相似文献   

一、糖蒜咖喱酱 原料:糖蒜1500g,顶汤5000g,味精250g,鸡汁150g,盐150g,红尖椒250g,茴香100g,肉扣150g,桂皮100g,丁香50g,香沙50g,筚拨50g,迷迭香50g,白扣100g,良姜50g,陈皮100g,白质50g,辛夷50g,花椒50g,草果100g,沙姜150g,黄姜100g,芥末子150g,酸奶1盒。  相似文献   

翠鸟鸣春 用料:椒油鸡丝,炝莴笋,黄瓜,盐水虾,黄蛋糕,小火腿肠,西兰花,五香肉干,白莱卷,紫菜蛋卷,凉拌发菜等。  相似文献   

豆浆作为寻常之物,各地一般为早餐之用。然而,殊不知,笔者在一次偶然机会,用豆浆做了一款汤菜,竟然大受欢迎。以此为例,便一发不可收,经过多款豆浆汤菜制作后,笔者体会到,豆浆做汤,简便实用,用料多样,适应性强,清淡香纯,营养丰富,尤其适宜老人、妇女、儿童食用,太有可为。现介绍五则,供试做。  相似文献   

在国内外各类文具博览会,在文具连锁超市,在百货大楼文具柜……琳琅满目的中国学生文具正在展示她们的英姿,目前,我们行业生产的学生文具大致有:文具盒,笔袋,书包,橡皮,卷笔刀,削笔机,削笔刀,油画棒,笔类,裁纸刀,彩泥,学生用尺,学生教具,组合学生文具,涂改制品,墨水,固体胶,胶水,学生算盘等。绚丽多彩的学生文具吸引着众多的经销商,吸引着我国2亿学生和世界各地学生的眼球,孕育着巨大的商机。  相似文献   

佳食 《烹调知识》2009,(11):24-24
鲜椒泥鳅 原料:泥鳅10条,姜片10g,葱段15g,干青花椒10g,保鲜青花椒10g,青小米辣节50g,沙姜粉5g,鸡蛋清1个,精盐5g,味精4g,鸡精3g,胡椒粉2g,料酒10g,化猪油75g,生菜油50g,干淀粉适量,鲜汤1000g。  相似文献   

王金华 《中国宝石》2005,14(2):137-137
中国素有衣冠之国的美称,中国各民族的服饰文化多种多样,令世界瞩目,服饰上的吉祥图案,无论是人物,山水,楼台亭阁,花卉,动物,植物,器物,活灵活现,仿佛跟真的一样,精细的做工,美丽的图案,都是一针一线用手工做的。  相似文献   

阿伟 《中国酒》2014,(10):32-43
时光已然是中秋,月到中秋分外明。这晚,圆月高悬,明澄如镜,清光如水。拜月之果饼糕点一应什物早已摆上桌案:西瓜柚子石榴苹果梨,月饼螃蟹莲藕桂花酒,一时间,果香飘飘,酒香四溢,把盏高歌,喜悦不尽。家家团圆的欢声,户户聚合的笑语,穿过层层月波,袅袅而来,声声可闻;兼之蝈蝈鸣唱蛐蛐作响,如梦如幻,不似在人间——好一阙盛世清歌,好一个花好月圆夜!  相似文献   

刘昂 《烹调知识》2014,(5):80-80
中国中心:包括中国的中部和西部山区及低地,最许多温带,亚热带作物的起源地,也是世界农业最古老的发源地和栽培植物起源中心。起源的蔬菜主要有大豆,竹笋,山药,东亚大型萝卜,牛蒡,荸荠,莲藕,芋,百合,白菜类,芥蓝,黄花菜,苋菜,韭菜,葱,苘蒿等。  相似文献   

红木家具文化的继承与创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红木家具是我国的瑰宝,举世闻名,独步世界。红木家具材质坚实致密,色泽深沉华美,纹理生动瑰丽,典雅尊贵;结构独特,构思奇巧,严丝密缝,雕镂精细,棱角分明,巧夺天工;红木家具造型优美,比例适度,或以线构成,刚柔相济.简洁明快,典雅隽秀,或端庄稳重,雕饰精细,  相似文献   

The content and the bioaccessibility of Se, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Fe were determined in unaged and aged meat (14days) from the Psoas major (PM), Gluteus medius (GM) and Longissimus dorsi (LD) muscles of Hereford (H) and Braford breed (B) steers fed pasture. Furthermore, the content of heme-Fe was determined in the same muscles. The H had a lower content of Cu and a higher content of Fe. Also, H had more heme-Fe than B. The bioaccessibility in unaged meat for Se, Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe ranged between 75 and 91%, 30 and 45%, 40 and 68%, 55 and 95%, and 60 and 70%, respectively. After aging, the bioaccessibility for the same minerals ranged between 58 and 80%, 30 and 48%, 40 and 58%, 75 and 95%, and 59 and 70%, respectively. Aging affected negatively the Se content and its bioaccessibility, in the two breeds. Also, the heme-Fe content was negatively affected by aging in all muscles and breeds.  相似文献   

Phytoestrogens are polyphenols similar to human estrogens found in plants or derived from plant precursors. Phytoestrogens are found in high concentration in soya, flaxseed and other seeds, fruits, vegetables, cereals, tea, chocolate, etc. They comprise several classes of chemical compounds (stilbenes, coumestans, isoflavones, ellagitannins, and lignans) which are structurally similar to endogenous estrogens but which can have both estrogenic and antiestrogenic effects. Although epidemiological and experimental evidence indicates that intake of phytoestrogens in foods may be protective against certain chronic diseases, discrepancies have been observed between in vivo and in vitro experiments. The microbial transformations have not been reported so far in stilbenes and coumestans. However, isoflavones, ellagitanins, and lignans are metabolized by intestinal bacteria to produce equol, urolithins, and enterolignans, respectively. Equol, urolithin, and enterolignans are more bioavailable, and have more estrogenic/antiestrogenic and antioxidant activity than their precursors. Moreover, equol, urolithins and enterolignans have anti-inflammatory effects and induce antiproliferative and apoptosis-inducing activities. The transformation of isoflavones, ellagitanins, and lignans by intestinal microbiota is essential to be protective against certain chronic diseases, as cancer, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and menopausal symptoms. Bioavailability, bioactivity, and health effects of dietary phytoestrogens are strongly determined by the intestinal bacteria of each individual.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins in botanicals and dried fruits: A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Botanicals are used in many countries for medicinal and general health-promoting purposes. Numerous natural occurrences of mycotoxins in botanicals and dried fruits have been reported. Aflatoxins or ochratoxin A (OTA) have been found in botanicals such as ginseng, ginger, liquorice, turmeric, and kava-kava in the USA, Spain, Argentina, India, and some other countries, while fumonisins have been found in medicinal wild plants in South Africa and in herbal tea and medicinal plants in Turkey. Zearalenone was identified in ginseng root. Dried fruits can be contaminated with aflatoxins, OTA, kojic acid, and, occasionally, with patulin or zearalenone. One main area of concern is aflatoxins in dried figs; bright greenish yellow fluorescence under ultraviolet light is associated with aflatoxin contamination. OTA in dried vine fruits (raisins, sultanas, and currants) is another concern. There are also reports of aflatoxins in raisins and OTA in dried figs, apricots, dried plums (prunes), dates, and quince. Maximum permitted levels in the European Union include 4 µg kg-1 for total aflatoxins in dried fruit intended for direct consumption and 10 µg kg-1 for OTA in dried vine fruit. This review discusses the occurrence of mycotoxins in botanicals and dried fruits and analytical issues such as sampling, sample preparation, and methods for analysis. Fungal contamination of these products, the influence of sorting, storage, and processing, and prevention are also considered.  相似文献   

Food oral processing—A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Food oral processing is an essential procedure not only for the consumption and digestion of foods but also for the appreciation and pleasure of food texture and food flavour. The consumption of a food inside mouth involves various oral operations, including first bite, chewing and mastication, transportation, bolus formation, swallowing, etc. Exact mechanisms and governing principles of these oral operations are still not fully understood, despite of continuous efforts made by scientists from food, psychology, physiology, dental and clinical studies, and other disciplines. This article reviews recent progresses and literature findings about food processing and transformation in mouth, with particular attention on the physiology and rheology aspects of oral operations. The physiological behaviour of human's oral device is discussed in terms of biting capability, tongue movement, saliva production and incorporation, and swallowing. The complexity of oral processing is analysed in relation to the rheology and mechanical properties of foods. The swallowing and oral clearing process is also examined for its criteria, triggering mechanism, bolus deformation, and the rheology of swallowing.  相似文献   

Benzoic acid is an aromatic carboxylic acid naturally present in plant and animal tissues, which can also be produced by microorganisms. Benzoic acid and a wide range of derivatives and related benzenic compounds, such as salts, alkyl esters, parabens, benzyl alcohol, benzaldehyde, and benzoyl peroxide, are commonly used as antibacterial and antifungal preservatives and as flavoring agents in food, cosmetic, hygiene, and pharmaceutical products. As a result of their widespread occurrence, production, and uses, these compounds are largely distributed in the environment and found in water, soil, and air. Consequently, human exposure to them can be high, common, and lengthy. This review is mainly focused on the presence and use of benzoic acid in foods but it also covers the occurrence, uses, human exposure, metabolism, toxicology, analytical methods for detection, and legal limits for benzoic acid and its derivatives. Their controversial effects and potential public health concerns are discussed.  相似文献   

As part of the project “Religious slaughter (DIALREL): improving knowledge and expertise through dialogue and debate on issues of welfare, legislation and socio-economic aspects”, this paper discusses an evaluation of current practices during Halal and Shechita slaughter in cattle, sheep, goats and poultry. During religious slaughter, animals are killed with and without stunning by a transverse incision across the neck that is cutting the skin, muscles (brachiocephalic, sternocephalic, sternohyoid, and sternothyroid), trachea, esophagus, carotid arteries, jugular veins and the major, superficial and deep nerves of the cervical plexus. In this report, the restraint methods, stunning, neck cutting, exsanguination, slaughter techniques and postcut handling in the abattoir were assessed for religious slaughter. Information about the procedures used during religious slaughter in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, the UK, Turkey and Australia was collected by means of spot visits to abattoirs. To standardize the information gathered during the spot visits three guidelines were designed, one for each species, and translated into the national languages of the countries involved. The document included questions on the handling and restraint methods (stunning, neck cutting/exsanguination/slaughter techniques and postcut handling performed under religious practices) and for pain and distress of the animal during the restraint, neck cutting and induction to death in each abattoir. Results showed differences in the time from restraining to stun and to cut in the neck cutting procedures and in the time from cut to death.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Novel composite hydrogels, poly(acrylamide)–sepiolite (PAS), poly(acrylamide/acrylic acid)–sepiolite (PAAS), and poly(acrylamide/itaconic acid)–sepiolite (PAIS) were prepared and used for the immobilization of invertase. The parameters of equilibrium swelling, diffusional exponent, and diffusion coefficient of these hydrogels were calculated from swelling experiments. Invertase was immobilized onto PAS, PAAS, and PAIS and immobilized invertases (PASI, PAASI, and PAISI) were prepared. Optimum pH values for free invertase, PASI, PAASI, and PAISI are found to be 5, 5.5, 4.5, and 6, respectively, and the optimum temperatures were 30, 50, 50, and 35 °C for free invertase PASI, PAASI, and PAISI. It was found that  Km  values of free invertase, PASI, PAASI, and PAISI were 11.3, 41.0, 94.5, and 56.0 mM, respectively.  V max values were 2 μmol/min for free invertase, 8.10 μmol/min for PASI, 1.30 μmol/min for PAASI, and 0.42 μmol/min for PAISI, respectively. The invertase immobilized hydrogels showed excellent, temperature, storage, and operational stability.  相似文献   

On the basis of a Total Diet Study, the Br, As, Cd and Pb contents in relevant food groups consumed in Portugal were determined. The studied groups were meat products, fatty fish, lean fish, shellfish, cephalopods, fresh and dried fruit, crucifers and other vegetables. It was observed that the concentrations of As, Br, Cd and Pb in fruit, vegetables and meat products were much lower than in seafood. Fresh fruit exhibited the lowest elemental contents. The concentrations of As, Br, Cd and Pb did not show any dependence on season. With respect to proximate composition, elemental content dependence on protein or ash was weak. PCA showed relevant associations: between Br and ash contents in fatty fish; between Cd, Pb and protein contents in crucifers; and between As, fat and protein contents in the other vegetables group. Therefore, the effect of the proximate composition on the studied elemental contents warrants investigation.  相似文献   

目的 建立电感耦合等离子体质谱法同时测定莲藕中的铅、镉、铬、砷和汞含量的分析方法。方法样品经微波消解后,以209铋、115铟、72锗内标溶液消除非质谱干扰,以氦气为碰撞反应气消除质谱干扰。采用基准物质大米粉GBW(E)100348、菠菜GBW10015和加标回收率验证方法的准确度。对方法的线性范围、检出限、精密度和回收率等进行了考察。结果 铅、镉、铬、砷和汞5种元素的线性范围分别为0~50、0~50、0~50、0~50和0~2μg/L;相兲系数r分别为0.9996、0.9996、0.9991、0.9997和0.9990;平均加标回收率分别为97.3%、97.5%、95.7%、96.0%和97.4%;相对标准偏差分别为0.37%、0.89%、1.04%、1.03%、1.58%;检出限分别为0.001、0.002、0.002、0.001和0.0003mg/kg。结论 该方法操作简便,干扰较小,灵敏度高,同时检出限低、精密度高、准确度好,适用于同时检测莲藕中的铅、镉、铬、砷和汞。  相似文献   

Morels are edible mushrooms appreciated worldwide for their savory flavor. Morels have been in use in traditional medicine for centuries, due to their health-related benefits, and current research demonstrated their anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory bioactivities, in addition to immunostimulatory and anti-tumor properties. In spite of the high demand for morels and their increasing economic importance, their cultivation is limited, and they are either used as wild harvested or fermented in culture, for consumption as a functional food and for food-flavoring. Morel's health benefits were attributed mainly to polysaccharides as the active compounds, and to various phytochemicals, mainly phenolic compounds, tocopherols, ascorbic acid and vitamin D. Morel's nutritional composition was reported, including sugar, amino acid, fatty and organic acid and mineral profile. Information regarding Morel's flavor is limited, and while some of their taste attributes have been described, including the role of umami taste, details about their volatile aroma profile are scarce, and it was reported to include eight carbon volatiles, the main aroma volatiles typical to most mushrooms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first review presenting morels' nutritional and phytochemical composition, health benefits and flavor, and we will review the available information in current literature regarding these aspects in light of morels phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

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