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The giant muscle protein titin (connectin) is essential in the temporal and spatial control of the assembly of the highly ordered sarcomeres (contractile units) of striated muscle. Here we present the crystal structure of titin's only catalytic domain, an autoregulated serine kinase (titin kinase). The structure shows how the active site is inhibited by a tyrosine of the kinase domain. We describe a dual mechanism of activation of titin kinase that consists of phosphorylation of this tyrosine and binding of calcium/calmodulin to the regulatory tail. The serine kinase domain of titin is the first known non-arginine-aspartate kinase to be activated by phosphorylation. The phosphorylated tyrosine is not located in the activation segment, as in other kinases, but in the P + 1 loop, indicating that this tyrosine is a binding partner of the titin kinase substrate. Titin kinase phosphorylates the muscle protein telethonin in early differentiating myocytes, indicating that this kinase may act in myofibrillogenesis.  相似文献   

The expression and organization patterns of several myofibrillar proteins were analysed in the putative myofibroblast cell line BHK-21/C13. Although this cell line originates from renal tissue, the majority of the cells express titin. In these cells, titin is, under standard culture conditions, detected in myofibril-like structures (MLSs), where it alternates with non-muscle myosin (NMM). Expression of sarcomeric myosin heavy chain (sMyHC) is observed in a small minority of cells, while other sarcomeric proteins, such as nebulin, myosin binding protein C (MyBP-C), myomesin and M-protein are not expressed at all. By changing the culture conditions in a way equal to conditions that induce differentiation of skeletal muscle cells, a process reminiscent of sarcomerogenesis in vitro is induced. Within one day after the switch to a low-nutrition medium, myofibrillar proteins can be detected in a subset of cells, and after two to five days, all myofibrillar proteins examined are organized in typical sarcomeric patterns. Frequently, cross-striations are visible with phase contrast optics. Transfection of these cells with truncated myomesin fragments showed that a specific part of the myomesin molecule, known to contain a titin-binding site, binds to MLSs, whereas other parts do not. These results demonstrate that this cell line could serve as a powerful model to study the assembly of myofibrils. At the same time, its transfectability offers an invaluable tool for in vivo studies concerning binding properties of sarcomeric proteins.  相似文献   

Localization of CapZ during myofibrillogenesis in cultured chicken muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Actin filaments undergo dramatic changes in their organization during myofibrillogenesis. In mature skeletal muscle, both CapZ and the barbed end of the actin filaments are located at Z-discs. In vitro, CapZ binds the barbed end of actin filaments and prevents actin subunit addition and loss; CapZ also nucleates actin polymerization in vitro. Taken together, these properties suggest that CapZ may function to organize actin filaments during myofibrillogenesis. We report here that the amount of CapZ in myofibrils from adult chicken pectoral muscle is sufficient to "cap" each actin filament of the sacromere. Double immunofluorescence microscopy of skeletal muscle cells in culture was used to determine the spatial and temporal distributions of CapZ relative to actin, alpha-actinin, titin, and myosin during myofibrillogenesis. Of particular interest was the assembly of CapZ at nascent Z-discs in relation to the organization of actin filaments in nascent myofibrils. In myoblasts and young myotubes, CapZ was diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm. As myotubes matured, CapZ was initially observed in a uniform distribution along non-striated actin filaments called stress fiber-like structures (SFLS). CapZ was observed in a periodic pattern characteristic of mature Z-discs along the SFLS prior to the appearance of a striated staining pattern for actin. In older myotubes, when actin was observed in a pattern characteristic of I-bands, CapZ was distributed in a periodic pattern characteristic of mature Z-discs. The finding that CapZ was assembled at nascent Z-discs before actin was observed in a striated pattern is consistent with the hypothesis that CapZ directs the location and polarity of actin filaments during I-band formation in skeletal muscle cells. The assembly of CapZ at nascent Z-disc structures also was observed relative to the assembly of sarcomeric alpha-actinin, titin, and thick filaments. Titin and myosin were observed in structures having the organization of mature sarcomeres prior to the appearance of CapZ at nascent Z-discs. The distribution of CapZ and sarcomeric alpha-actinin in young myotubes was not coincident; in older myotubes, both CapZ and alpha-actinin were co-localized at Z-discs. In cardiac myocytes, CapZ was detected at Z-discs and was distributed in a punctate pattern throughout the cytoplasm. CapZ also was co-localized with A-CAM and vinculin at cell-cell junctions formed by the myocytes.  相似文献   

The sarcomeric Z-disk, the anchoring plane of thin (actin) filaments, links titin (also called connectin) and actin filaments from opposing sarcomere halves in a lattice connected by alpha-actinin. We demonstrate by protein interaction analysis that two types of titin interactions are involved in the assembly of alpha-actinin into the Z-disk. Titin interacts via a single binding site with the two central spectrin-like repeats of the outermost pair of alpha-actinin molecules. In the central Z-disk, titin can interact with multiple alpha-actinin molecules via their C-terminal domains. These interactions allow the assembly of a ternary complex of titin, actin and alpha-actinin in vitro, and are expected to constrain the path of titin in the Z-disk. In thick skeletal muscle Z-disks, titin filaments cross over the Z-disk centre by approximately 30 nm, suggesting that their alpha-actinin-binding sites overlap in an antiparallel fashion. The combination of our biochemical and ultrastructural data now allows a molecular model of the sarcomeric Z-disk, where overlapping titin filaments and their interactions with the alpha-actinin rod and C-terminal domain can account for the essential ultrastructural features.  相似文献   

Titin and twitchin are giant proteins expressed in muscle. They are mainly composed of domains belonging to the fibronectin class III and immunoglobulin c2 families, repeated many times. In addition, both proteins have a protein kinase domain near the C-terminus. This paper explores the evolution of these and related muscle proteins in an attempt to determine the order of events that gave rise to the different repeat patterns and the order of appearance of the proteins. Despite their great similarity at the level of sequence organization, titin and twitchin diverged from each other at least as early as the divergence between vertebrates and nematodes. Most of the repeating units in titin and twitchin were estimated to derive from three original domains. Chicken smooth-muscle myosin light-chain kinase (smMLCK) also has a kinase domain, several immunoglobulin domains, and a fibronectin domain. From a comparison of the kinase domains, titin is predicted to have appeared first during the evolution of the family, followed by twitchin and with the vertebrate MLCKs last to appear. The so-called C-protein from chicken is also a member of this family but has no kinase domain. Its origin remains unclear but it most probably pre-dates the titin/twitchin duplication.  相似文献   

A 2.3 kb region of rabbit cardiac and skeletal muscle titin has been cloned. The cDNA sequences of the two tissues are identical and show 91% identity on the nucleotide level with the corresponding region of human cardiac muscle titin. On the amino acid level the identity is 96% and similarity is 98%. Alignment of predicted amino acid sequences of several homologous kinase domains reveals that the rabbit titin kinase has all the necessary elements of an active catalytic domain and carries a potential regulatory region on its C-terminal end. The distance of the 2.3 kb contig from the 3' end of the message was determined to be 5.7 kb in both tissues using oligonucleotide directed RNase H cleavage of titin mRNAs. This is essentially identical with the length of the fully sequenced human cardiac titin C-terminal end. It therefore appears unlikely that there are major tissue specific differences in this 8 kb cDNA region which encodes the C-terminus of rabbit skeletal and cardiac titin.  相似文献   

Titin is a giant elastic protein in vertebrate striated muscles with an unprecedented molecular mass of 3-4 megadaltons. Single molecules of titin extend from the Z-line to the M-line. Here, we define the molecular layout of titin within the Z-line; the most NH2-terminal 30 kD of titin is located at the periphery of the Z-line at the border of the adjacent sarcomere, whereas the subsequent 60 kD of titin spans the entire width of the Z-line. In vitro binding studies reveal that mammalian titins have at least four potential binding sites for alpha-actinin within their Z-line spanning region. Titin filaments may specify Z-line width and internal structure by varying the length of their NH2-terminal overlap and number of alpha-actinin binding sites that serve to cross-link the titin and thin filaments. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the NH2-terminal titin Ig repeats Z1 and Z2 in the periphery of the Z-line bind to a novel 19-kD protein, referred to as titin-cap. Using dominant-negative approaches in cardiac myocytes, both the titin Z1-Z2 domains and titin-cap are shown to be required for the structural integrity of sarcomeres, suggesting that their interaction is critical in titin filament-regulated sarcomeric assembly.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial creatine kinases form octameric structures composed of four active and stable dimers. Octamer formation has been postulated to occur via interaction of the charged amino acids in the N-terminal peptide of the mature enzyme. We altered codons for charged amino acids in the N-terminal region of mature sarcomeric mitochondrial creatine kinase (sMtCK) to those encoding neutral amino acids. Transfection of normal sMtCK cDNA or those with the mutations R42G, E43G/H45G, and K46G into rat neonatal cardiomyocytes resulted in enzymatically active sMtCK expression in all. After hypoosmotic treatment of isolated mitochondria, mitochondrial inner membrane-associated and soluble sMtCK from the intermembranous space were measured. The R42G and E43G/H45G double mutation caused destabilization of the octameric structure of sMtCK and a profound reduction in binding of sMtCK to the inner mitochondrial membrane. The other mutant sMtCK proteins had modest reductions in binding. Creatine-stimulated respiration was markedly reduced in mitochondria isolated from cells transfected with the R42G mutant cDNA as compared with those transfected with normal sMtCK cDNA. We conclude that neutralization of charges in N-terminal peptide resulted in destabilization of octamer structure of sMtCK. Thus, charged amino acids at the N-terminal moiety of mature sMtCK are essential for octamer formation, binding of sMtCK with inner mitochondrial membrane, and coupling of sMtCK to oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Microtubules, purified by cycles of assembly and disassembly in vitro, are composed of tubulin and several microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). When the MAPs were separated from the tubulin by phosphocellulose chromatography, the tubulin by phosphocellulose chromatography, the tubulin no longer assembled at 37 degrees C as measured by turbidity. If the MAPs and tubulin were recombined and warmed to 37 degrees C, microtubules assembled. MAPs stimulated tubulin assembly by affecting both the initiation and elongation processes. The effect on initiation was indicated by results showing an increase in initial rate and a decrease in average microtubule length as the MAP:tubulin ratio was increased. The initiation and elongation activities of the MAPs at 4 degrees C during which time the initiating activity decreased while the ability to affect the total amount of assembly remained constant. The decrease in initiating ability was correlated with the loss of the two major components of the MAP fraction, MAPs 1 and 2.  相似文献   

Phospholamban has been proposed to coexist as pentamers and monomers in native sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. To determine its functional unit in vivo, we reintroduced wild-type (pentameric) or monomeric mutant (C41F) phospholamban in the hearts of phospholamban knockout mice. Transgenic lines, expressing similar levels of mutant or wild-type phospholamban, were identified, and their cardiac phenotypes were characterized in parallel. Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transport assays indicated similar decreases in SERCA2 Ca2+ affinity by mutant or wild-type phospholamban. However, the time constants of relaxation and Ca2+ transient decline in isolated cardiomyocytes were diminished to a greater extent by wild-type than mutant phospholamban, even without significant differences in the amplitudes of myocyte contraction and Ca2+ transients between the two groups. Langendorff perfusion also indicated that mutant phospholamban was not capable of depressing the enhanced relaxation parameters of the phospholamban knockout hearts to the same extent as wild-type phospholamban. Moreover, in vivo assessment of mouse hemodynamics revealed a greater depression of cardiac function in wild-type than mutant phospholamban hearts. Thus, the mutant or monomeric form of phospholamban was not as effective in slowing Ca2+ decline or relaxation in cardiomyocytes, hearts, or intact animals as wild-type or pentameric phospholamban. These findings suggest that pentameric assembly of phospholamban is necessary for optimal regulation of myocardial contractility in vivo.  相似文献   

Capsid assembly is the final event of virus replication, and its understanding is pivotal for the design of empty capsid-based recombinant vaccines and drug delivery systems. Although the capsid structure of several members of the picornavirus family has been elucidated, little is known about the structural elements governing the assembly process that is tightly associated with proteolytic processing of the viral polyprotein. Among the picornaviruses, hepatitis A virus (HAV) is unique in that it contains VP1-2A as a structural component and the small structural protein VP4, which argues for an assembly pathway different from that proposed for other picornaviruses. Using a recombinant system we show here that proteolytic processing of the HAV capsid proteins' precursor P1-2A is independent of the terminal domains 2A and VP4 of the substrate. However, both terminal domains play distinct roles in the assembly of viral particles. 2A as part of P1-2A is a primary signal for the assembly of pentameric structures which only further aggregate to empty viral capsids when VP4 is present as the N terminus of the precursor. Particle formation in the hepatovirus genus is thus regulated by two intrinsic signals that are distinct from those described for other picornaviruses.  相似文献   

Splicing factors belonging to the DEAD-box superfamily can affect RNA conformation in vitro. These proteins may control the dynamic changes in RNA base-pairing interactions during spliceosome assembly.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the biochemical mechanisms involved in the cataract induced by lovastatin, a commonly used cholesterol-lowering agent. METHODS: The effects of lovastatin on lens transparency and on lens epithelial cell proliferation and structure have been investigated using organ-cultured rat lenses and cultured epithelial cells from human and rabbit lenses, respectively. Lens histologic and morphologic changes were recorded microscopically. Small GTP-binding protein profiles were determined by [alpha-32P] GTP overlay assays. RESULTS: Rat lenses organ cultured for 7 days with lovastatin, a 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase inhibitor, developed frank subcapsular opacity. Lens epithelial cells (both human and rabbit) demonstrated extensive morphologic changes and inhibition of proliferation when treated with lovastatin. Histologic sections of lovastatin-treated lenses showed partial to complete degeneration of the central epithelium, distortion of elongating epithelial cells, and extensive vacuole formation in the equatorial regions of the cortex. Supplementation of the medium with DL-mevalonic acid (a precursor of isoprenoids whose synthesis is inhibited by lovastatin) prevented the lovastatin-induced changes in whole lenses or in lens epithelial cell cultures, whereas supplementation with cholesterol had no such effect. GTP-binding proteins accumulated in the soluble fractions of lovastatin-treated lens epithelial cells. This was consistent with a blockade in isoprenylation preventing normal association with membranes. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that impairment of the function of small GTP-binding proteins, due to a lovastatin-induced blockade in their isoprenylation, affects lens cell structure and proliferation in tissue culture and induces lens opacity in organ culture. These findings are consistent with the proposed roles of small GTP-binding proteins as molecular switches that regulate fundamental cellular processes, including growth, differentiation, and maintenance of cell structure.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerases I and II are the two major nuclear enzymes capable of relieving torsional strain in DNA. Of these enzymes, topoisomerase I plays the dominant role in relieving torsional strain during chromatin assembly in cell extracts from oocytes, eggs, and early embryos. We tested if the topoisomerases are used differentially during chromatin assembly in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by a combined biochemical and pharmacological approach. As measured by plasmid supercoiling, nucleosome deposition is severely impaired in assembly extracts from a yeast mutant with no topoisomerase I and a temperature-sensitive form of topoisomerase II (strain top1-top2). Expression of wild-type topoisomerase II in strain top1-top2 fully restored assembly-driven supercoiling, and assembly was equally efficient in extracts from strains expressing either topoisomerase I or II alone. Supercoiling in top1-top2 extract was rescued by adding back either purified topoisomerase I or II. Using the topoisomerase II poison VP-16, we show that topoisomerase II activity during chromatin assembly is the same in the presence and absence of topoisomerase I. We conclude that both topoisomerases I and II can provide the DNA relaxation activity required for efficient chromatin assembly in mitotically cycling yeast cells.  相似文献   

Clathrin-mediated endocytosis involves cycles of assembly and disassembly of clathrin coat components and their accessory proteins. Dephosphorylation of rat brain extract was shown to promote the assembly of dynamin 1, synaptojanin 1, and amphiphysin into complexes that also included clathrin and AP-2. Phosphorylation of dynamin 1 and synaptojanin 1 inhibited their binding to amphiphysin, whereas phosphorylation of amphiphysin inhibited its binding to AP-2 and clathrin. Thus, phosphorylation regulates the association and dissociation cycle of the clathrin-based endocytic machinery, and calcium-dependent dephosphorylation of endocytic proteins could prepare nerve terminals for a burst of endocytosis.  相似文献   

Despite Beta-blockade therapy has been considered as an absolute contraindication in the treatment of heart failure, it has been shown that they could have a beneficial effect, provided that they were introduced at very low dose, and very progressively in addition of the traditional treatment. The advances in the understanding of the neuro-hormonal mechanisms of heart failure have modified the therapeutic strategy: the deleterious effect of the activation of the sympathetic nervous system on the myocardium has served as the rationale for randomized clinical trials comparing beta-blockade to placebo: the current data are promising, suggesting a beneficial effect on survival as well as on quality of life. However, these results have to be confirmed by larger trials, currently underway, before to consider that beta-blockade should definitely be incorporated in the treatment of heart failure.  相似文献   

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