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Sodium, potassium, arsenic, selenium and tin have been determined in 38 different types of domestic and imported fresh fruits. All samples (n = 242) were analysed for Na und K whereas a limited number of samples (n = 85) of each fruit type was selected for the determination of As, Se and Sn. The median contents, in mass fractions of the edible portion, found for fresh fruits are: Na less than 0.001%; K 0.17%; As 4 micrograms/kg; Se 2 micrograms/kg and Sn less than 0.05 mg/kg. The corresponding 90th percentile values are: Na 0.002%, K 0.34%; As 12 micrograms/kg; Se 10 micrograms/kg and Sn 0.10 mg/kg. Results for selenium reported here differ substantially from those given for a number of fresh fruits in the German Food Composition Tables 1986/1987. The average consumption of 129 g fresh fruit by Dutch citizens in the age category of 22-75 years contributes, in general, marginally to the total daily dietary intake of sodium, arsenic, selenium and tin. Fresh fruit can contribute substantially, up to 23%, to the average oral daily intake of potassium.  相似文献   

Summary The contents of cadmium, lead mercury, copper, manganese and zinc in 242 samples of 37 different species of domestic and imported fruits have been determined. Also contents of the same heavy metals, except mercury, have been determined in 205 samples of 7 species of domestic vegetables (lettuce, spinach, endive, beetroots, onions, celeriac and Swedish turnips). The median contents (in mg/kg fresh mass of the edible part) found for fruits are: Cd 0.002; Pb 0.017; Hg 0.002; Cu 0.61; Mn 0.52 and Zn 0.99. In the vegetables median levels have been found (mg/kg) of 0.009–0.073 for Cd, 0.01–0.03 for Pb, <0.2–0.3 for Cu, 0.69–1.41 for Mn and 0.95–5.5 for Zn. The contribution of fruits to the tolerable daily intakes of Cd, Pb and Hg is, for an average consumption pattern, less than 1%. On the other hand, the contribution to the recommended amounts of the essential elements Cu, Mn, and Zn is no more than 1%–3%. From the vegetables an average portion of spinach contains 19% and 2.6% of the tolerable daily amounts of Cd and Pb, respectively. For the other species of vegetables these figures are less than 5% for Cd (except for endive, 6.8%) and for lead less than 1%. Spinach contributes considerably to the need for Cu, Mn and Zn, in general more than 10% of the recommended daily amounts. The other species of vegetables contribute only from less than 1% to less than few percents.
Schwermetalle in niederländischen Gemüsen und in inländischem und importiertem Obst
Zusammenfassung Es wurde der Gehalt an Cadmium, Blei, Quecksilber, Kupfer, Mangan und Zink in 242 Proben von 37 verschiedenen Fruchtarten, landeseigenen und importierten, bestimmt. Darüber hinaus wurde der Gehalt der gleichen Schwermetalle, außer Qeucksilber, in 205 Proben von 7 Sorten landeseigenen Gemüsen, Kopfsalat, Spinat, Endivie, rote Rüben, Zwiebeln, Sellerie und Kohlrüben ermittelt. Die Medianwerte (in mg/kg Frischsubstanz des eßbaren Anteils) für die Fruchtproben sind: Cd 0,002; Pb 0,017; Hg 0,002; Cu 0,61; Mn 0,52; Zn 0,99. In den Gemüsen betrugen die Medianwerte (mg/kg) für Cd 0,009–0,073, für Pb 0,01–0,03, für Cu <0,2–1,3, für Mn 0,69–1,41 und für Zn 0,95–5,5. Der Anteil an den duldbaren täglichen Aufnahmemengen für Cd, Pb und Hg liegt bei durchschnittlichem Verzehr von Früchten unterhalb 1%. Andererseits ist der Anteil der Früchte an den empfohlenen Mengen für die essentiellen Spurenelemente Cu, Mn und Zn bei normalem Verzehr auch nur 1%–3%. Bei den Gemüsen liefert eine Tagesportion Spinat im Durchschnitt 19% bzw. 2,6% der duldbaren täglichen Menge an Cd bzw. an Pb; bei den übrigen Gemüsearten macht das Cd weniger als 5% (außer Endivie 6,8%) und das Pb weniger als 1% aus. Spinat liefert einen wesentlichen Anteil des Bedarfs an Cu, Mn und Zn von über 10%. Der Beitrag der übrigen Gemüsearten ist im Durchschnitt nur einige Prozent.

The contents of cadmium, lead mercury, copper, manganese and zinc in 242 samples of 37 different species of domestic and imported fruits have been determined. Also contents of the same heavy metals, except mercury, have been determined in 205 samples of 7 species of domestic vegetables (lettuce, spinach, endive, beetroots, onions, celeriac and Swedish turnips). The median contents (in mg/kg fresh mass of the edible part) found for fruits are: Cd 0.002; Pb 0.017; Hg 0.002; Cu 0.61; Mn 0.52 and Zn 0.99. In the vegetables median levels have been found (mg/kg) of 0.009-0.073 for Cd, 0.01-0.03 for Pb, less than 0.2-0.3 for Cu, 0.69-1.41 for Mn and 0.95-5.5 for Zn. The contribution of fruits to the tolerable daily intakes of Cd, Pb and Hg is, for an average consumption pattern, less than 1%. On the other hand, the contribution to the recommended amounts of the essential elements Cu, Mn, and Zn is no more than 1%-3%. From the vegetables an average portion of spinach contains 19% and 2.6% of the tolerable daily amounts of Cd and Pb, respectively. For the other species of vegetables these figures are less than 5% for Cd (except for endive, 6.8%) and for lead less than 1%. Spinach contributes considerably to the need for Cu, Mn and Zn, in general more than 10% of the recommended daily amounts. The other species of vegetables contribute only from less than 1% to less than few percents.  相似文献   

以5种国产鲜纳豆和5种日本鲜纳豆为研究对象,分别对其感官品质、纳豆芽孢杆菌(Bacillus natto)活菌数、纳豆激酶活力进 行分析比较。 结果表明,在感官方面,国产鲜纳豆普遍优于日本鲜纳豆,所测样品大多数口感酥软,粘性较强,拉丝状态较好(>9 cm), 仅有1种日本鲜纳豆(N6)口感偏硬,1种国产鲜纳豆(N1)和1种日本鲜纳豆(N10)的拉丝长度<10 cm;在活菌数与酶活力方面,国 产鲜纳豆与日本鲜纳豆差别不大,所测样品纳豆芽孢杆菌活菌数均在1×108~3×109 CFU/g之间,纳豆激酶活力均在400~2 500 IU/g 之间。  相似文献   

One hundred and eleven samples of processed fruit juices (apple, grape, pineapple, papaya, guava, banana and mango) and 38 samples of sound fruits (apple, papaya, mango, pear and peach) produced and marketed in Brazil, were analysed for patulin by HPLC. Only one out of 30 samples of apple juice was found positive at 17 mug/l. Patulin was not detected in the other foodstuffs. It was found in 14 samples of spoiled fruit samples of apple (150-267 mug/kg), pear (134-245 mug/ kg) and peach (92-174 mug/kg). Confirmation of the identity of patulin was based on the UV spectrum obtained by the HPLC diode array detector, compared with thatof standard patulin, TLC developed by several solvent systems and sprayed with 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone , and by acetylation with acetic anhydride.  相似文献   

切割果蔬保鲜   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
切割果蔬是指果蔬经清洗、去皮、切割或切片、修整、包装而成的新鲜、方便、营养、无公害的果蔬产品 ,切割果蔬相对于未加工的果蔬由于受到机械损伤而更易腐败变质。从切割果蔬的组织生理、微生物、包装及品质等方面对切割果蔬进行了介绍。  相似文献   

见春来 《中国皮革》2003,32(15):8-10
对英国CT公司的MENTORⅡ工业用全数字直流驱动器电路故障进行了分析 ,介绍了改进电路并采用国产器件替代进口器件的设备维修经验  相似文献   

To survey the hygienic quality and freshness of fresh fish and shellfish, 533 specimens of fish and shellfish were collected from fishing piers, traditional markets and supermarkets (including warehouses) in northern Taiwan during the winter (January-February) and summer (July-August) seasons for hygienic quality and freshness examinations. The indicators included total bacterial count, fecal coliform, Escherichia coli, volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) and K value judged from ATP-related compounds. It was found that the hygienic quality and freshness of fish and shellfish decreased in summer, especially for clam and mussel. The ratio of unacceptable hygienic quality or freshness of fish and shellfish was the highest in fecal coliform, followed by E. coli and others. The fecal coliform count in products from the traditional markets was the highest, followed by those from supermarkets and fishing piers. Secondary contamination seems to be the most important problem for hygienic quality and freshness of fish and shellfish.  相似文献   

A total of 286 fresh and processed meat samples marketed in Jordan were collected for isolation and typing of Staphylococci. Devriese’s system was followed for biotyping of the isolated Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus and enterotoxigenicity of the isolates was also determined. S. aureus subsp. aureus was found in 80.8% of the samples. Means counts for meats of the various sources ranged from 5.3 × 102 to 4.3 × 104 cfu/g. However, only 33.6% of the samples had coagulase positive Staphylococci. Biotyping of S. aureus subsp. aureus isolates revealed that 12%, 24%, 8%, and 27% are human, bovine, ovine and non-host specific biovars, respectively. Only 28% of these isolates, of unknown type, were isolated from goat’s meat. Enterotoxigenic S. aureus subsp. aureus isolates accounted for 13.5% of a total of 231 Staphylococci. The non-S. aureus enterotoxigenic isolates were identified as Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus sciuri and Staphylococcus intermedius. Staphylococci enterotoxin types A, C, and B accounted for 57%, 36% and 7% of the isolated S. aureus subsp. aureus, respectively. This study showed that the enterotoxigenic Staphylococci represent a potential hazard in meat and the Devriese’s biotyping system needs to be extended to accommodate the isolates of unknown type.  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA) concentrations were surveyed in 100 domestic and 60 imported canned foods purchased from the Japanese market in 2011–12. BPA was extracted from the canned foods, derivatised by ethylation and analysed using GC-MS. In the domestic canned foods, the maximum and average BPA concentrations were 30 and 3.4 ng g?1, respectively, while in the imported canned foods they were 390 and 57 ng g?1, respectively. The BPA level in the domestic canned foods was significantly lower than that in the imported canned foods. Based on these results, the intakes of BPA from the domestic and imported canned foods in Japan were estimated as 644 ng person?1 day?1. The Japanese BPA intake was the second lowest following New Zealand, although imported canned foods increased. It was sufficiently lower than the tolerable daily intake of EFSA and the USEPA. The drastic reduction of BPA in the domestic canned foods should be due to the ‘BPA reduced cans’ that Japanese can manufacturers had developed in the late 1990s and became widely used in Japan.  相似文献   

《Food chemistry》2005,92(4):587-595
The stability of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5MTHF) in homogenized fresh fruits and vegetables representing samples for the USDA National Food and Nutrient Analysis Program was evaluated. Samples were homogenized in liquid nitrogen and 5MTHF was measured after 0, 2, 7, 30 days and then at 3-month intervals for a total of 12 months storage at −60 ± 5 °C, utilizing extraction by a tri-enzyme treatment, purification by strong anion-exchange solid-phase extraction, and quantification by reverse-phase HPLC. Method validation included analysis of a reference material and interlaboratory analysis of selected samples by HPLC and LC-MS. A canned spinach composite was assayed in each analytical batch to monitor inter-assay precision.No change in 5MTHF content was detected in any of the samples after 12 months. Concentrations ranged from <10 μg/100 g in bananas to >100μg/100 g in spinach. Relative standard deviations were generally <7% within assay and <11% between assays.  相似文献   

文章介绍了整经机的分类方法,同时比较了2种整经方法的优缺点;通过对国产与进口分条整经机的对比,结合生产实践,从利于生产、便于操作、保证质量的角度,以及整经机的技术性能、工艺参数、整经易产生的质量问题方面,综合国产与进口分条整经机各自的优点,得出了性能优良的分条整经机所具备的必要条件.  相似文献   

采用Hi-Plex钙型强阳离子交换柱,以超纯水为流动相、示差折光仪为检测器,在进样量15μL、流速0.4mL/min、柱温80℃的条件下建立了高效液相色谱法同时测定烟草中的果糖、葡萄糖、麦芽糖、蔗糖和甘油、丙二醇、山梨醇的方法。结果表明,该方法检测限、回收率、相对标准偏差分别在1.5~2.0 mg/L、97%~108%、0.89%~1.39%。同时,利用该方法对13种国内外品牌卷烟进行分析,结果发现所有卷烟样品中均检出了丙二醇和果糖、葡萄糖、麦芽糖、蔗糖,而仅在中国产卷烟1和C牌号进口卷烟中检出丙三醇的存在,表明大部分卷烟基本上不用甘油作保润剂。同时发现进口卷烟不同价位间所使用保润剂比例不同,其配方保润剂的设计思路可能充分考虑了烟叶类型的差异,值得深入探讨。  相似文献   

Recent produce-related outbreaks have been receiving heightened media coverage, which has increased public concern toward the safety of fresh fruits and vegetables. In response, the microbial contamination of Ontario-grown fresh fruits and vegetables was evaluated by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs during the summer of 2004. Prior to this survey, information specific to the microbial contamination of Ontario-produced fruits and vegetables was limited. This nonregulatory survey had two objectives: (i) to obtain a general microbiological profile of selected fruits and vegetables produced in Ontario and (ii) to use the information and knowledge gained from this survey to direct and support future on-farm food safety research and food safety programs to manage potential risks. In all, 1,183 samples, including muskmelon (151), scallions and green onions (173), leaf lettuce (263), organic leaf lettuce (112), head lettuce (155), parsley (127), cilantro (61), and fresh market tomatoes (141), were collected and analyzed. Samples were analyzed for Salmonella, Shigella, and generic E. coli. Enrichment cultures positive for E. coli were further assessed for verotoxigenicity. One sample each of Roma tomato and organic leaf lettuce were positive for Salmonella, with no samples yielding Shigella or verotoxigenic E. coli. The E. coli prevalence was highest in parsley (13.4%), followed by organic leaf lettuce (11.6%), leaf lettuce (6.5%), scallions (6.4%), cilantro (4.9%), muskmelon (1.3%), head lettuce (0%), and fresh market tomatoes (0%). These findings, in combination with foodborne illness data, will help target those commodities that require more focused risk mitigation efforts.  相似文献   

Minimally processed fresh (MPF) fruits and vegetables are good media for growth of microorganisms. They have been involved in outbreaks because of the consumption of products contaminated by pathogens. They are also sensitive to various spoilage microorganisms such as pectinolytic bacteria, saprophytic Gram‐negative bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, and yeasts. Contamination of MPF fruits and vegetables occurs at every stage of the food chain, from cultivation to processing. Polluted environments during cultivation or poor hygienic conditions in processing increase the risk of contamination with foodborne pathogens. Although MPF fruits and vegetables may harbor psychrotrophic microorganisms such as fluorescent pseudomonads or Listeria monocytogenes, good control of refrigeration temperature limits growth of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms. Modified atmospheres are often efficient to maintain or improve visual and organoleptic quality of MPF fruits and vegetables, but their effects on microorganisms are inconsistent. Chemical disinfection can partially reduce the initial bacterial contamination; irradiation seems to be more efficient. The applications of legislations and quality assurance systems to control contamination, survival, and growth of foodborne pathogens in MPF fruits and vegetables are discussed.  相似文献   

Dried fruits consumption has not received much research attention, although these foods are associated with potential health benefits. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare fresh fruits and dried fruits on measures of health, convenience and consumer feelings.An on-line questionnaire that measured consumers' perceptions of the health benefits and convenience characteristics and their feelings about the consumption of both fresh fruits (apples and plums) and dried fruits (e.g., raisins, dates, and apricots) was completed by 693 respondents (Polish, French, and Dutch).Generally, fresh fruits were perceived to be healthier and less convenient than dried fruits. Consumers also reported more positive feelings about the consumption of fresh fruits compared to dried fruits. The more that the respondents were willing to sacrifice for their health, the more positively they rated the health aspects of both fresh and dried fruits, as well as several perceptions of convenience of both fresh and dried fruits. Health preoccupation was unrelated to most of the convenience perceptions and was associated with lower scores on several perceptions of healthiness. Recommendations for the consumer-oriented development of dried fruits are also provided.  相似文献   

Ten Leuconostoc mesenteroides and one Ln. citreum strains isolated from fresh fruit and vegetables were tested for their antagonistic capacity against Listeria monocytogenes. Genetic differences among strains were analyzed by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). All the isolates clustered together and differed from the type strain Ln. mesenteroides ATCC 8293 as well as from Ln. fallax and Ln. citreum. Organic acids, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins were detected as main inhibition mechanisms. Characterization of culture supernatants from the bacteriocinogenic strains, CM135 and CM160 revealed a high resistance of antibacterial activity to temperature and pH, and a bactericidal mode of action against L. monocytogenes. Produced bacteriocins belonged to the Class IIa and sequencing of genes showed complete homology with mesentericin Y105. A study of the effect of the relative dose of pathogen and LAB on control of L. monocytogenes in wounds of Golden Delicious apples and Iceberg lettuce leaf cuts was performed. A comparison of the dose of bioprotective strain needed for a ten fold reduction of the viable pathogen concentration (ED(90)) revealed that strain CM160 was the most effective against L. monocytogenes. ED(90) values varied from 1.3.10(4) to 5.0.10(5) cfu.g(-1) or wound, at ranges of pathogen levels from 1.0.10(3) to 5.0.10(4) cfu.g(-1) of lettuce or wound of apple. The efficiency of the strains was also calculated as the ratio of the ED(90) value to the pathogen dose inoculated. The lowest ratio was found for strain CM160 at 5 to 50 cells of LAB per cell of pathogen. The strain offers potential application for prevention of the presence of L. monocytogenes in fresh fruit and vegetables.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies from other parts of the world indicate that increased consumption of fruits and vegetables are associated with lower risk of chronic degenerative diseases. Fruits are an important component of Indian diets. Studies indicate that fruits and vegetables are rich sources of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity (AOA). Present study was taken up to determine the AOA and phenolic content of fresh and dry fruits commonly consumed in India by two different (radical scavenging) methods and relate it to their total phenolic content (TPC) for the first time. Fourteen commonly consumed fresh fruits and ten dry fruits were studied. AOA and TPC contents of both fresh and dry fruits showed marked variation. Correlation analysis between the TPC and AOA as assessed by the two methods showed that phenolics may contribute maximally to the ABTS (r = 0.84) and to lesser extent to DPPH (r = 0.77) in fresh fruits, where as in dry fruits they correlated well to DPPH activity (r = 0.97) and to a lesser extent to FRAP (r = 0.87). In general, the results indicate that majority of the fresh and dry fruits studied are rich in phenolic antioxidants with potent free radical scavenging activity imply their importance to human health.  相似文献   

The development of new edible coatings with improved functionality and performance for fresh and minimally processed fruits is one of the challenges of the post harvest industry. In the past few years, research efforts have focused on the design of new eco-friendly coatings based on biodegradable polymers, which not only reduce the requirements of packaging but also lead to the conversion of by-products of the food industry into value added film-forming components. This work reviews the different coating formulations and applications available at present, as well as the main results of the most recent investigations carried out on the topic. Traditionally, edible coatings have been used as a barrier to minimize water loss and delay the natural senescence of coated fruits through selective permeability to gases. However, the new generation of edible coatings is being especially designed to allow the incorporation and/or controlled release of antioxidants, vitamins, nutraceuticals, and natural antimicrobial agents by means of the application of promising technologies such as nanoencapsulation and the layer-by-layer assembly.  相似文献   

Fresh fruits are prone to fungal contamination in the field, during harvest, transport, marketing, and with the consumer. It is important to identify fungal contaminants in fresh fruits because some moulds can grow and produce mycotoxins on these commodities while certain yeasts and moulds can cause infections or allergies. In this study, 251 fresh fruit samples including several varieties of grapes, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and various citrus fruits were surface-disinfected, incubated at room temperature for up to 14 days without supplemental media, and subsequently examined for mould and yeast growth. The level of contamination (percent of contaminated items/sample) varied depending on the type of fruit. All raspberry and blackberry samples were contaminated at levels ranging from 33% to 100%, whereas 95% of the blueberry samples supported mould growth at levels between 10% and 100% of the tested berries, and 97% of strawberry samples showed fungal growth on 33-100% of tested berries. The most common moulds isolated from these commodities were Botrytis cinerea, Rhizopus (in strawberries), Alternaria, Penicillium, Cladosporium and Fusarium followed by yeasts, Trichoderma and Aureobasidium. Thirty-five percent of the grape samples tested were contaminated and supported fungal growth; the levels of contamination ranged from 9% to 80%. The most common fungi spoiling grapes were Alternaria, B. cinerea and Cladosporium. Eighty-three percent of the citrus fruit samples showed fungal growth at levels ranging from 25% to 100% of tested fruits. The most common fungi in citrus fruits were Alternaria, Cladosporium, Penicillium, Fusarium and yeasts. Less common were Trichoderma, Geotrichum and Rhizopus.  相似文献   

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