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BACKGROUND: We report a 1-year surveillance study that evaluates colonization and infection with ciprofloxacin-resistant gram-negative bacilli (CR GNB) and the relation to quinolone use and other possible risk factors in a proprietary skilled nursing facility (SNF) with no history of outbreaks. METHODS: Rectal swabs obtained quarterly were streaked on MacConkey agar with ciprofloxacin discs (5 microg) to screen for CR GNB and later were speciated and the antimicrobial susceptibilities were confirmed by standardized disc-diffusion tests. RESULTS: The mean prevalence of CR GNB colonization was 2.6% (range 0.9% to 5.3%). The colonization frequency was higher in the last survey than it was in the first survey. CR GNB-colonized strains included Pseudomonas species (21%), but more than half were non-Pseudomonas enterics such as Acinetobacter baumannii (25%), Proteus mirabilis (17%), and Providencia stuartii (13%). None of the patients who had colonization with CR GNB had subsequent infections with the same species. Patients with colonization had more exposure to ciprofloxacin and they were more likely to have been recently admitted from an acute-care hospital and have decubitus ulcers. During the study period, of 336 patients surveyed, 98 (29%) patients developed suspected infections and cultures were done; the infection rate was 4.7 per 1000 patient days. Of these infected patients, 59 (60%) were infected by GNBs; the infection rate was 2.3 per 1000 patient days. Nineteen percent of the GNB infections were treated with a quinolone. (Overall, quinolones constituted about 17% of antibiotic usage in the SNF). Only 3 (5%) of the patients infected with GNB were infected with CR GNB, including Pseudomonas and Providenci a species. The CR GNB infections involved multiple sites, multiple organisms, and long length of stay in the SNF. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that in this community SNF, a low frequency of colonization or infection with CR GNB existed. Whether continued moderate use of quinolones will lead to increasing levels of CR GNB will require further study.  相似文献   

We examined associations between lifestyle factors and subsequent risk of prostate cancer in a population-based case-control study. Information on smoking and alcohol habits, socioeconomic factors, marital status, family history, and sexual habits were obtained from a questionnaire and a face-to-face interview with 256 (74.6%) eligible patients and 252 (76.6%) selected controls, frequency matched by age and screened for prostate cancer with negative findings. Unconditional logistic regression was used to estimate the odds ratios (ORs). Risk was elevated among current smokers of cigarettes (OR, 1.8) and current users of hard liquor (OR, 1.4); however, the lack of dose-response trend for both of these exposures argues against a causal association. We found tentative evidence that early first intercourse, a larger number of sexual partners, and other indices of high sexual activity are associated with increased risk. Similarly, adult height, an indicator of nutrition during childhood and adolescence, was weakly positively associated with risk, although larger studies are needed to establish this link. Unmarried men had a lower risk than married men (OR, 0.3), and socioeconomic status did not appear to be strongly associated with prostate cancer. Men with a father who had prostate cancer had a more than 2-fold increased risk of prostate cancer, whereas those with a brother affected had about a 5-folk risk.  相似文献   

Because it has been suggested that an environmental factor may play a role in the etiology of ovarian cancer, a case-control study was conducted to assess some environmental and other risk factors for ovarian cancer from 1994 to 1996 in northern Kyushu, Japan. We analyzed the data of 89 cases with epithelial ovarian cancer and 323 controls without any cancer or ovarian disorder. After controlling for the effect of potential confounders, the odds ratios of ovarian cancer across increasing quartiles of the heaviest body weight were 1.00, 1.15, 1.71, 2.29 (P = 0.008, test for trend). Significantly increased risks were noted for a history of diabetes mellitus (P < 0.05), and for a family history of ovarian cancer (P < 0.05). Significantly decreased trends for risk were obtained for the number of pregnancies (P < 0.01) and the number of live births (P < 0.001). This study provides additional support for an association between obesity and the risk of ovarian cancer. This relationship may at least partly explain the recent increase in the incidence of ovarian cancer in Japan, although possible contributions of other factors can not be ruled out.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between postoperative endophthalmitis and current changes in the cataract operative technique. DESIGN: A retrospective case-control study. PARTICIPANTS: The 22,091 cataract operations performed from 1990 through 1993 at St Eriks Hospital formed the basis for this investigation. In a random fashion, 220 control subjects were selected to be compared with the endophthalmitis cases. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Numerous variables pertaining to the cataract extraction procedure and to the ocular and general health of patients with cataracts were analyzed regarding the development of postoperative intraocular infection. Patient age, presence of diabetes or immunosuppression, type of cataract extraction and intraocular lens (IOL), and intraoperative or postoperative complications were the principal variables assessed. RESULTS: Fifty-seven patients with endophthalmitis were diagnosed, resulting in an overall frequency of 0.26%. Immunosuppressive treatment (P = 0.019), wound abnormality (P = 0.03), and the use of IOLs without a heparinized surface (P = 0.0023) were the only significant risk factors found in a logistic regression model. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that cataract operating practice may alter the risk for endophthalmitis in that implanting a heparinized IOL and creating a tight section both seem to provide protection against this dreaded complication. Regarding patient history, an increased susceptibility was found among subjects treated with immunosuppressants. Designing a prophylactic protocol that protects against endophthalmitis more efficiently than did the study prophylaxis of 20 mg of subconjunctival gentamicin, is important not only for this patient subgroup but also for the cataract operated population at large.  相似文献   

Varicella pneumonia is the most common complication of adult varicella. Symptoms may be severe and the mortality rate high in patients who are immunodeficient or pregnant. Symptoms may be mild and progression more favorable in adults previously in good health. We report two cases of varicella infection complicated by severe pulmonary involvement in adult patients who were previously healthy. Case 1 was a 36-year-old male who 6 days after developing varicella was clinically observed to have dyspnea and hemopytsis. He died of acute respiratory failure on the following day. Case 2 was a 28-year-old male whose respiratory symptoms started the third day after developing varicella. These symptoms were relieved by treatment with acyclovir and gammaglobulin. Careful observation is and an early treatment of varicella should be undertaken not only for patients with suppressed cellular immunity, but also for healthy adults, to prevent severe complications.  相似文献   

A case-control study of traffic risk factors and child pedestrian injury   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Pedestrian injuries in children constitute an important cause of mortality and morbidity. Specific hazards which contribute to these injuries need to be identified to enable the development of preventive strategies. METHODS: A population-based case-control study was conducted in which 40 aspects of traffic and road environment that contribute to the likelihood of childhood pedestrian injury were examined. The factors of interest were measured at 100 places of injury and 200 control sites between December 1991 and December 1993. RESULTS: The volume of traffic (odds ratio [OR] = 2.16 for an increase of 100 vehicles per hour) in combination with the proportion of vehicles exceeding the speed limit (OR = 1.04) for each 1% increase in average speed, and the presence of footpaths (OR = 11.0) were associated with significant increase in the risk of injury. A graded inverse relationship was present between socioeconomic status and the odds of pedestrian injury. CONCLUSIONS: These findings have obvious implications for public health as features of the physical environment are potentially modifiable.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Stroke is the cardiovascular disease which causes the greatest number of deaths in Galicia, mortality, particularly in women, being higher than in the rest of Spain. The aim of this study was to investigate the risk factors of stroke and its importance in Galicia. METHODS: A hospitalary study of cases and controls was performed including 76 patients with stroke and 76 controls individually paired for age, sex, population habitat and date of admission with anamnesis, weight, height and blood pressure, analysis and electrocardiogram being carried out in all. RESULTS: An association was found between the disease and family history of stroke (odds ratio = 3.6, confidence interval 95% = 1.2-13.3), personal history of stroke (17.9; 4.0-79.1), personal history of atrial fibrillation (15.0; 3.3-68.3), high blood pressure (4.5; 1.9-11.6) and ingestion of alcohol greater than or equal to 80 g/day in comparison with abstemious patients adjusted for the effect of high blood pressure (2.5; 1.1-5.7). An association was also observed with serum cholesterol levels greater than or equal to 250 mg/dl (6.46 mmol/l) (3.3; 1.2-8.8, in comparison with cholesterol less than 200 mg/dl). No association was found with the cigarette smoking (1.2; 0.7-2.3). CONCLUSIONS: The results observed for high blood pressure and the ingestion of alcohol regardless of the same are of importance in primary prevention due to being modifiable risk factors. The association with family history of stroke and auricular fibrillation reinforce the needs for primary prevention measures in these subpopulations while having had a stroke or a transitory ischemic attack is the characteristic with the most risk reinforcing the need for secondary prevention measures which have found to be effective. The controls presented abnormally low cholesterol levels that do not reflect those of the population from which they originate, thus existing the possibility that the association observed is spurious.  相似文献   

This population-based case-control study systematically examined reported malignant melanoma risk factors by anatomic site. Study subjects consisted of 548 invasive melanoma cases diagnosed in Connecticut during 1987-1989 and 494 randomly selected controls. Multivariate polychotomous logistic regression was used to determine whether risk factors differed across anatomic sites. Risk factors examined included demographic and pigmentary characteristics, sun exposure-related factors, anatomic site-specific sunburn, recreational water activity clothing habits and number of nevi. A pattern of site-specificity was observed for sunburn. A history of sunburn at an anatomic site was specifically related to the development of malignant melanoma at that site more so than at other sites. This site-specificity was consistent with a direct role for intense, intermittent sun exposure in the development of melanoma. Age and gender were the only risk factors that differed significantly in effect across anatomic sites. The age difference was explained by differences in histologic subtype across sites. The gender difference could not be explained by sex differences in anatomic site-specific sunburns or in recreational water activity clothing habits. Alternative explanations include sex differences in behavioral patterns of sun exposure that we did not measure and as yet unelucidated differences in susceptibility to melanoma according to sex and anatomic site.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The relationship between cutaneous malignant melanoma and sunlamp use is examined in a Caucasian population in Connecticut, United States. METHODS: Cases were diagnosed between 15 January 1987 and 15 May 1987 with a first primary cutaneous melanoma. Controls were obtained from the general population, frequency matched to cases by sex and age, through random digit dialling of Connecticut telephone numbers. RESULTS: Of all study subjects, 141 (23%) cases and 95 (19%) controls reported ever having used sunlamps. The crude odds ratio (OR) for developing malignant melanoma after ever having used sunlamps was 1.30 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.97-1.74). This was reduced to 1.13 (95% CI: 0.82-1.54) after further adjusting for cutaneous phenotype and recreational sun exposure. Those who used more than one type of sunlamp had a threefold higher risk for melanoma compared to never users. Subgroup analyses showed that sunlamp use was associated with a greater increase in risk for melanoma among those who used sunlamps at home and those who were first exposed to sunlamps prior to 1971. The first use of sunlamps before the age of 25 showed somewhat higher risk for melanoma compared to first use later in life. CONCLUSION: The current study provides limited evidence that use of sunlamps increases the risk of melanoma. For future studies, it is crucial that type of sunlamp, year of first use and amount of exposure are all taken into account. The association between melanoma and tanning with both UV-A and UV-B lamps and tanning under sunlamps early in life merits further investigation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To ascertain antepartum predictors of newborn encephalopathy in term infants. DESIGN: Population based, unmatched case-control study. SETTING: Metropolitan area of Western Australia, June 1993 to September 1995. SUBJECTS: All 164 term infants with moderate or severe newborn encephalopathy; 400 randomly selected controls. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Adjusted odds ratio estimates. RESULTS: The birth prevalence of moderate or severe newborn encephalopathy was 3.8/1000 term live births. The neonatal fatality was 9.1%. The risk of newborn encephalopathy increased with increasing maternal age and decreased with increasing parity. There was an increased risk associated with having a mother who was unemployed (odds ratio 3.60), an unskilled manual worker (3.84), or a housewife (2.48). Other risk factors from before conception were not having private health insurance (3.46), a family history of seizures (2.55), a family history of neurological disease (2.73), and infertility treatment (4.43). Risk factors during pregnancy were maternal thyroid disease (9.7), severe pre-eclampsia (6.30), moderate or severe bleeding (3.57), a clinically diagnosed viral illness (2.97), not having drunk alcohol (2.91); and placenta described at delivery as abnormal (2.07). Factors related to the baby were birth weight adjusted for gestational age between the third and ninth centile (4.37) or below the third centile (38.23). The risk relation with gestational age was J shaped with 38 and 39 weeks having the lowest risk. CONCLUSIONS: The causes of newborn encephalopathy are heterogeneous and many of the causal pathways start before birth.  相似文献   

The relationship between reproductive factors and risk of lymphoid neoplasms was investigated in a hospital-based case-control study conducted in northern Italy on women with histologically confirmed incident Hodgkin's disease (HD) (n = 68), non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) (n = 180) and multiple myelomas (MM) (n = 71), and 448 controls admitted to hospitals, for acute, non-neoplastic, non-immunological and non-gynecological conditions. The odds ratios (OR) of HD were 0.6 for > or = 3 pregnancies compared to nulligravidae, and 0.5 for > or = 1 total (spontaneous and induced) abortions compared to women reporting no abortions. Compared to nulliparae, the OR of HD was 0.9 in parae and 0.3 in those with first birth when aged < 20 years. The OR of NHL and MM in relation to number of pregnancies, abortions and births, age at first birth and time since last birth were close to unity. Results were similar for the relation between reproductive factors and HD in women younger than 50 years. The OR of NHL was above unity (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.0 to 4.9) for women aged < 50 years reporting one or more pregnancies as compared to nulliparae, and for women reporting the last birth since less than 10 years (OR 2.9, 95% CI 1.1 to 7.4). Early events in pregnancy, including changes in immunological status, rather than exposure to female sex hormones are likely mechanisms for the protection of pregnancies and abortions on the risk of HD.  相似文献   

This case-control study was aimed at identifying environmental risk factors for multiple-sclerosis (MS). Ninety-three Israeli-born MS patients identified in country-wide studies and 94 age- and sex-matched controls were interviewed. The questionnaire covered a large span of factors at ages 0, 10 and onset of the disease, with particular emphasis on socioeconomic status (SES) and sanitary conditions (SAN). A significantly larger percentage of patients reported frequent respiratory educational levels than controls. The SES and SAN at age 10 were also systematically higher among patients, but significance was reached only when the frequencies of conditions indicating extremely low values of SES or SAN were compared. It is possible that the protective effect of low SES or SAN on risk of MS can be detected only when living conditions are well below average, as is frequent in developing countries.  相似文献   

Three unusual cases of small-size leiomyosarcoma of the perirenal space were studied with CT. The renal capsule has been proved to be the origin of this type of tumor. A CT examination is accurate in suggesting the site of origin and excluding a renal cell carcinoma. However, unless evidence of invasion is noted, it is impossible on CT features to discriminate leiomyosarcoma from a benign leiomyoma.  相似文献   

We conducted a case-control study of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin (SCC) in a cohort of people followed from 1987 to 1994. Subjects were residents of Geraldton, Western Australia, who were between 40 and 64 years of age in 1987. On 2 occasions, in 1987 and 1992, dermatologists examined participants for skin cancers. Subjects were also asked on several occasions about skin cancers that they had had treated. Migrants to Australia had reduced risks of SCC. Furthermore, people who migrated to Australia early in life or, equivalently, lived in Australia for a long time had a higher risk than immigrants who arrived later in life or more recently. People who had southern European ancestry had a much lower risk of SCC than other subjects, most of whom were of British or northern European origin. Among Australian-born subjects of British or northern European ancestry, the skin's sensitivity to sunlight was strongly associated with SCC. The pigmentary traits of hair colour, eye colour and skin colour showed weaker associations. The degree of freckling on the arm was strongly predictive of risk. The risk of SCC increased strongly with increasing evidence of cutaneous solar damage and was most strongly associated with the number of solar keratoses. Our results show that sensitivity to sunlight and high levels of exposure to sunlight are important determinants of the risk of SCC.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: South Asians who have settled overseas and those in urban India have an increased risk of ischaemic heart disease (IHD). Reasons for this increased risk are unclear. Most studies have been based on migrants to western nations, so their findings may not apply to most south Asians, who live in their own countries. Therefore, we assessed the relative importance of risk factors for IHD among South Asians in Bangalore, India. METHODS: We conducted a prospective hospital-based case-control study of 200 Indian patients with a first acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and 200 age and sex matched controls. We recorded prevalence of the following risk factors for IHD: diet, smoking, alcohol use, socioeconomic status, waist to hip ratio (WHR), blood glucose, serum insulin, oral glucose tolerance test, and lipid profile. FINDINGS: The most important predictor of AMI was current smoking (odds ratio [OR] 3.6, p < 0.001) of cigarettes or beedis (a local form of tobacco), with individuals who currently smoked 10 or more per day having an OR of 6.7 (p < 0.001). History of hypertension and of overt diabetes mellitus were also independent risk factors (OR 2.69 [p = 0.001] and 2.64 [p = 0.004], respectively). Among all individuals, fasting blood glucose was a strong predictor of risk over the entire range, including at values usually regarded as normal (OR adjusted for smoking, hypertension, and WHR 1.62 for 1 SD increase, p < 0.001). Abdominal obesity (as measured by WHR) was also a strong independent predictor across the entire range of measures (OR adjusted for smoking, hypertension, and blood glucose 2.24 for 1 SD increase; p < 0.001). Compared with individuals with no risk factors, individuals with multiple risk factors had greatly increased risk of AMI (eg, OR of 10.6 for the group with smoking and elevated glucose). Lipid profile was not associated with AMI. In univariate analyses, higher socioeconomic (income) status (OR 0.32, p = 0.005 highest vs lowest; OR 0.75 middle vs lowest) and vegetarianism (OR = 0.55, p = 0.006), seemed to be protective. The impact of vegetarianism was closely correlated with blood glucose and WHR. INTERPRETATION: Smoking cessation, treatment of hypertension, and reduction in blood glucose and central obesity (perhaps through dietary modification) may be important in preventing IHD in Asian Indians.  相似文献   

The risk profile of childhood leukaemia in Greece was studied through a case-control investigation that included all 153 incident cases of the disease, ascertained throughout the country during 1993 and 1994, and two hospital controls for every case matched for gender, age and place of residence. The data were analysed using conditional logistic regression and the associations are expressed in terms of adjusted odds ratios (OR) and their 95% confidence intervals. Cases were born to mothers of a higher standard education, the OR for an increment of four schooling years being 1.48 (1.17-1.87) and had higher birth weight, the OR for an increment of 500g being 1.36 (1.04-1.77). Pet ownership and birth after a pregnancy with anaemia were associated with increased risk, the ORs being 2.18 (1.14-4.16) and 2.60 (1.39-4.86) respectively. From the frequency analyses, indicative inverse associations were found with birth order, household crowding and previous hospitalization with allergic diseases, whereas indicative positive associations were found with diabetes mellitus during pregnancy and with neonatal jaundice. Substantial or significant elevations were not found with respect to maternal smoking and coffee drinking during pregnancy, diagnostic radiography and ultrasonographic examinations or blood transfusions. A significant inverse association with maternal consumption of alcohol could be due to multiple comparisons, but a detrimental effect can probably be excluded. A non-significant positive association with total shots of viral vaccinations and a weak non-significant inverse association with breast feeding were also found. We interpret the findings of this study as being compatible with acute childhood leukaemia being linked with delayed development of herd immunity to fairly common infectious agents, in conjunction with accelerated perinatal and early post-natal growth.  相似文献   

The relationship between alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk was investigated using data from a co-operative case-control study conducted in Italy between 1991 and 1994 on 2569 incident, histologically confirmed breast cancer cases and 2588 controls in hospital for acute, non-neoplastic, non-hormone related conditions. Overall, 915 (38%) cases and 1048 (43%) controls were abstainers. Compared with them, the odds ratio (OR), adjusted only for age, was 1.31 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.13-1.53) for drinkers and became 1.39 (95% CI 1.(1)21-1.60) after correction for measurement error. The multivariate OR was 1.21 for drinkers of < or = 5.87 g/day and 1.23, 1.19, 1.21, 1.41 for drinkers of 5.88-13.40, 13.41-24.55, 24.56-27.60, > 27.60 g/day, respectively. The trend in risk was significant (chi 2 = 12.28, P < 0.0005). The association was apparently stronger in premenopausal women (OR = 1.80 for > 27.60 g/day). Considering the different types of alcoholic beverages (wine, beer, digestives, grappa and other spirits), a significant direct trend in breast cancer risk was seen for wine with an OR of 1.27 (95% CI 1.06-1.53) for the category > 26.34 g/day. The ORs were also above unity for beer, grappa, digestives and spirits drinkers. No appreciable interaction was observed between alcohol drinking and body mass index, smoking, or any other covariate considered. Thus, the present data, based on a validated alcohol consumption questionnaire and on a population characterised by a relatively high alcohol consumption in women, confirmed that alcohol drinking is moderately related to breast cancer risk. If causal, this association could explain 12% (95% CI, 5-19%) of breast cancers in Italy, thus representing one of the major avoidable risk factor for breast cancer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Despite the high prevalence of the hyperplastic polyp, little is known about its etiology. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between diet and other lifestyle factors and the presence of colorectal hyperplastic polyps. METHODS: Information on diet and other known or suspected risk factors for colorectal cancer or adenoma was collected among 81 subjects with hyperplastic polyps and 480 controls. RESULTS: The multivariate-adjusted odds ratio (OR) for hyperplastic polyps for individuals in the upper vs. the lower quartile was 0.30 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.10-0.88) for dietary fiber, 0.32 (95% CI, 0.11-0.96) for dietary calcium, 0.90 (95% CI, 0.27-2.95) for total fat, and 2.02 (95% CI, 1.05-3.91) for alcohol consumption. Compared with individuals in the lower category, those in the upper category of body mass index had a higher risk for hyperplastic polyps (OR, 4.50; 95% CI, 1.84-10.97). Cigarette smoking was associated with a higher risk (OR, 1.97; 95% CI, 1.02-3.81 for > 20 pack-years vs. never), whereas an inverse association was seen for use of aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (OR, 0.29; 95% CI, 0.12-0.67 for once per day or more vs. never). CONCLUSIONS: Hyperplastic polyps share common lifestyle risk factors with colorectal adenomas and carcinomas.  相似文献   

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