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Only a small percentage of patients with Hodgkin's disease become clinically Jaundiced during their disease. This Jaundice may be secondary to biliary obstruction, hemolysis, direct hepatic infiltration by the disease, drug toxicity or viral hepatitis. Vanishing bile duct syndrome secondary to Hodgkin's disease is a rare cause of cholestasis in these patients, only 13 cases having been reported so far. The authors describe 2 patients who developed severe Jaundice secondary to Hodgkin's disease due to vanishing bile duct syndrome affecting small intrahepatic bile ducts.  相似文献   

A 42-year-old man with Beh?et's disease of the intestinal type and a chronic cholestatic profile is presented. He had oral aphthea, genital ulcer, erythema nodosum, thrombophlebitis and central retinitis during the clinical course. Deep ileal ulcers recurred with massive bleeding and perforation. Cholestatic laboratory findings were also noted in the clinical course. A biopsied liver specimen, taken at the second operation for the ileal ulcer, showed chronic portal inflammation associated with ductopenia and epithelial degeneration of the small interlobular bile ducts, but periductal concentric fibrosis was not found. The patient died of sepsis 7 months after the last laparotomy. Although there was no significant abnormality in the large biliary tract at autopsy, pericholangitis in the small portal tracts and cholestasis were pronounced. Sclerosing cholangitis is one of well-known complications of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. We report herein another rare association of small bile duct damage resembling sclerosing cholangitis with enteritis in Beh?et's disease.  相似文献   

The apparent well-being of some children who as neonates were believed to have obstructive jaundice prompted us to study the clinical course, histologic features and possible etiologic factors in 17 children with cholestasis in the neonatal period. During a follow-up period of five months to 22 years, all had signs of chronic cholestasis, but only four died (two from nonhepatic causes); the others live remarkably normal lives. Serial hepatic biopsies in 11 showed a variety of initial lesions, which progressed to hypoplasia of the intrahepatic bile ducts, increasing portal fibrosis and eventual cirrhosis. Although evidence of possible viral infection was found in only 10 cases, a hepatitis, beginning either before or after birth, appears to be a likely original cause. The histologic changes seen may represent different stages of one process, starting as cholestasis with or without evidence of hepatitis and progressing to obliteration or failure of normal growth of the intrahepatic bile ducts.  相似文献   

Hepatic angiography was performed following nonsurgical percutaneous transhepatic intubation of the bile ducts in patients with extrahepatic cholestasis. Vascular lesions of the liver (aneurysm, hematoma, arterioportal venous fistula, arteriohepatic venous fistula) were demonstrated in 27 of 83 patients. No clinical complications were observed in 22 of these cases. One patient with an arterioportal venous fistula developed marked hemobilia necessitating blood transfusion. In four patients with severe hemorrhage from an intrahepatic aneurysm, transcatheter embolization was performed. Two of these patients died within 72 h because of liver insufficiency.  相似文献   

Within the "primary" cholestasis we can discriminate "essential" forms due to an endogenous biochemical error of bile acid metabolism and/or secretion and "conditioned" forms, in which a known precipitating factor is required to elicit the functional disorder responsible for cholestasis. Among the essential forms of cholestasis must be included benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis or Summerskill-Walshe disease, Aagenaes disease, progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis or Byler's disease, and forms due to disorders of the peroxisomes. Benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis, the best known form, is characterized by recurrent episodes of itching and jaundice with an acute onset separated by symptom-free intervals, which shows no tendency to progress to liver failure. The conditioned cholestasis group comprises cholestasis of pregnancy and drug-induced cholestasis. Benign recurrent cholestasis of pregnancy is a form induced "by" pregnancy and not a form occurring "in" pregnancy, such as cholestasis due to hepatitis, to primary biliary cirrhosis, to cholelithiasis. Drug-induced cholestasis is a chapter of great clinical relevance: forms due to steroid hormones and due to phenothiazines are discussed.  相似文献   

Serum IgE levels were determined in a retrospectively selected group of 37 patients with Hodgkin's disease. IgE was determined by a double-antibody radioimmunoassay and expressed as International Units/ml. Patients were analyzed by stage and histologic classification of disease and compared to a group of 102 normal controls. IgE levels for the total group with Hodgkin's disease were significantly higher (p = .02) than controls but there was considerable overlap in ranges. Significant elevation of IgE was found in nodular sclerosing (p = .005) and Stage II Hodgkin's disease p = .0025). IgE elevations seen in other stages and histologic classes were not significant. While not conclusive, the IgE elevations that were found would be consistent with a suppressor T cell dysfunction in Hodgkin's disease.  相似文献   

Although involvement of the hepatic vasculature in patients with polyarteritis nodosa is not unusual, biliary manifestations are very rare. We describe a patient with polyarteritis nodosa presenting with a febrile cholestatic anicteric syndrome. Histological examination of the liver revealed necrotizing arteritis of small hepatic arteries associated with significant lesions of intrahepatic bile ducts of the sclerosing cholangitis type, i.e. fibrous collar around the ducts, periductal inflammation and ductal proliferation. Concomitant nodular regenerative hyperplasia was found, a condition which has rarely been described in association with polyarteritis nodosa. We think that hepatic arteritis compromising arterial blood flow to the liver was responsible for the most likely ischemic nature of the bile duct injury and the nodular regenerative hyperplasia seen in our patient.  相似文献   

Gaining a sufficient exposure for aortic valve surgery after previous coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) has been a problem due to the patent saphenous vein grafts. Although a patient had had CABG twice we performed aortic valve replacement (AVR) with almost the usual exposure. We attached the proximal anastomosis in a more distal position of the ascending aorta than usual, at the first CABG, as he was diagnosed to have mild aortic valve stenosis prior to surgery. We consider this method allows easier AVR after previous CABG when the patient is diagnosed with mild aortic valve stenosis before CABG.  相似文献   

Using routine liver function tests, cholestasis of pregnancy was diagnosed in 86 pregnant women with pruritus. Serum aminotransferase levels were elevated in all cases, ASAT in 99%, and ALAT in 100%. In these patients serum concentrations of cholic, chenodeoxycholic, and deoxycholic acid were determined using a gas chromatographic method and were compared with those in a group of 40 uncomplicated pregnancies. Of these bile acids, cholic acid levels were most frequently elevated, ie, in 92% of the patients. The frequency of elevation of serum levels of alkaline phosphatase, and total and conjugated bilirubin was lower. Thus, it appears that in addition to serum aminotransferase levels the serum cholic acid concentration is a sensitive indicator of cholestasis of pregnancy. The cholestasis series was divided into 3 subgroups of increasing severity of cholestasis as assessed by maternal serum cholic acid levels, and the occurrence of signs of fetal distress was compared between these subgroups. The only intrauterine fetal loss in the series belonged to the severe cholestasis group. The incidence of meconium-stained amniotic fluid also increased significantly in this group, and 21 of the 24 cases with other signs of fetal distress were in the groups of moderate and severe cholestasis.  相似文献   

The experiments presented here were performed to see whether the level of expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II antigen (Ia antigen) on dendritic cells, one of the most critical antigen presenting cells (APC), influences the humoral immune response in hepatitis B virus (HBV) transgenic mice. We have reported that transgenic mice had a low responsiveness in specific antibody production to keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH), a T-cell dependent, HBV-unrelated antigen compared with the age, sex, and major histocompatibility-matched normal mice, due to a significantly lower T-cell stimulatory capacity of transgenic mice-derived dendritic cells, possibly as a result of significantly lower level of Ia antigen. Immunohistochemical staining has shown that treatment of transgenic mice with mouse recombinant interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), daily for six consecutive days resulted in an increased expression of Ia antigen on splenic dendritic cells. Again, flow cytometric analyses have further confirmed the significant increase in the expression of Ia antigen on dendritic cells, isolated from transgenic mice treated with IFN-gamma compared with the same from the untreated or phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)-treated transgenic mice. Transgenic mice immunized with two optimum doses of KLH (5 micrograms/mouse) could not produce anti-KLH antibodies in sera, but injecting transgenic mice with the same doses of KLH together with IFN-gamma resulted in the production of anti-KLH antibodies in sera. Again, KLH-primed normal mice-derived T/B lymphocytes produced anti-KLH antibody, when cultured with dendritic cells from IFN-gamma-treated transgenic mice expressing a higher level of Ia antigen, but not with the same from PBS-treated or untreated transgenic mice. Treatment of transgenic mice with IFN-gamma resulted in a reduced level of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in liver and in sera. These experiments have shown that the level of expression of Ia antigen on dendritic cells is a critical factor for its APC capability and its modulation of IFN-gamma may be used for immune therapy in HBV carriers.  相似文献   

The prognostic significance of specific cytogenetic abnormalities in follicular lymphoma (FL) is an area of ongoing research. A small percentage of FL are characterized by a polyploid karyotype. Several studies have analyzed ploidy level to determine its role as an independent prognostic factor in non-Hodgkins lymphoma, with equivocal results, mostly using DNA flow cytometry to ascertain ploidy status. We have performed cytogenetic analyses on 180 cases of FL with a t(14;18) diagnosed between 1980 and 1995. Cases were divided into a polyploid group (20 cases) and a non-polyploid group (160 cases), polyploidy defined as a modal chromosome number of 58 or greater. Each group included examples of the 3 subtypes of FL, [Working Formulation]: 1) follicular small cleaved cell (FSC), 2) follicular mixed, small and large cell (FM), and 3) follicular large cell (FLC). The median follow-up time was 38.5 months. The histological subclassification of the polyploid group revealed much less FSC (30% vs 66%, p < 0.004) and much more FLC (25% vs 4%, p < 0.003) than the non-polyploid group, implying histological progression may occur in parallel with the development of polyploidy. Recognized clinical prognostic factors were evenly distributed between the two groups and no survival difference was detected. We show that polyploidy as determined by classical cytogenetics is present in different frequencies across the subtypes of FL with a t(14;18), but is not an independent prognostic factor for survival in FL.  相似文献   

We describe a 26-year-old man in whom the Laurence-Moon-Biedl-Bardet syndrome had been associated with congenital cystic dilations of both the intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary tract. The fact of the simultaneous occurence of two rare diseases in a single patient suggests the congenital origin of cystic dilation of the biliary tract and the importance of examining for a possible association of anomalies in the alimentary tract with the Laurence-Moon-Biedl-Bardet syndrome.  相似文献   

In 18 pairs of fifth-grade males matched on sex, CA, and IQ, 1 was a good reader and 1 a poor reader. Each child read 8 3-sentence acquisition stories, subsequently performed a card-sorting task, and finally a recognition test consisting of 40 sentences which either were in the acquisition set or were 1 of 5 kinds of transformation. Retention was better for semantic aspects of the stories, but retention of tense was poor. Good readers mad fewer recognition errors than poor readers on new sentences which were true inferences from the acquisition list and on tests for retention of tense and number.  相似文献   

Talon cusp is an uncommon anomaly in the primary dentition. The present report describes a case of bilateral talon cusps on the maxillary primary central incisors of a 17-month-old Jordanian-Arab boy, bringing to seven the total cases reported in the literature. Both central incisors exhibited a sharp prominent accessory cusp on the palatal surface which extended from the cemento-enamel to the incisal edge. The cusp on the right incisor was attached to tooth surface, forming a T-shape crown outline. whereas the cusp on the left incisor projected away from the rest of the crown. The anomalous cusps were a source of tongue irritation and occlusal interference.  相似文献   

A 35-yr-old female presented with symptoms of obstructive jaundice. Liver biopsy, bone marrow aspiration, and biopsy revealed systemic mastocytosis and acute myeloid leukemia. The liver biopsy specimen showed infiltration of mast cells within portal tracts with periductal and portal edema, irregularity of interlobular duct epithelium, and centrizonal cholestasis. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography was normal. Following chemotherapy treatment with idarubicin and cytarabine for seven days for AML, the bilirubin levels continued to increase for two weeks and then decreased, reaching normal levels in two months. Infiltration of mast cells in the liver leads to hepatomegaly, liver function abnormality and rarely portal hypertension. Intrahepatic cholestasis due to systemic mastocytosis has never been reported. We report a rare case of systemic mastocytosis causing intrahepatic cholestasis that resolved with remission of AML following chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Among techniques commonly used to deliver bioactive molecules into living cells, microinjection is a very efficient method. Microinjection has been used extensively for gene transfer into different cell types. We applied the microinjection technique to the adult rat ventricular cardiac muscle cells (AVC) in primary culture and optimized microinjection parameters and the appropriate cell culture conditions. We also optimized the use of particular agents (i.e. 2,3-butanedione monoxime, verapamil) for the prevention of the cell damage caused by the micropuncture. We obtained the expression of a CMV-beta-galactosidase reporter gene in up to 20% of the injected cells with efficient maintenance of long term cell viability. Under our experimental conditions direct microinjection is a very advantageous technique to transfer macromolecules into living adult cardiac muscle cells and a powerful system to study and manipulate the biochemistry and molecular biology of the cardiac myocyte.  相似文献   

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