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A systematic investigation of the evolution of deformation microstructure and texture of twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) steel during cold rolling has been carried out using electron backscatter diffraction and X-ray diffraction, as well as viscoplastic self-consistent simulations. It is found that extensive twinning leads to the formation of the strong Brass {110}??112?? and Goss {110}??001?? components in TWIP steel even at low strains. At higher reduction, heterogeneous deformation contributes to further strengthening of Brass (Bs) component. The origin and stability of Bs component as well as the impact of the evolution of texture and microstructure on mechanical anisotropy is further explored using viscoplastic self-consistent simulations.  相似文献   

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - The evolution of the deformation microstructure and the local crystallographic orientations are investigated for 10, 30, 50, and 80 pct cold...  相似文献   

Hydrogen permeation is investigated in cold-rolled Fe-0.6C-18Mn-(1.5Al) alloys. The hydrogen mobility is lower in cold-rolled alloys compared with annealed alloys. Al-containing alloy shows less deceleration of hydrogen mobility compared with the Al-free alloy. This is attributed to the reduced formation of mechanical twins and dislocations. Mechanical twins trap hydrogen strongly but are vulnerable to crack initiation; suppression of these is thought to be a major favorable influence of Al on hydrogen-induced mechanical degradation.  相似文献   

The effect of warm rolling on the evolution of microstructure and texture in a duplex stainless steel (DSS) was investigated. For this purpose, a DSS steel was warm rolled up to 90 pct reduction in thickness at 498 K, 698 K, and 898 K (225 °C, 425 °C, and 625 °C). The microstructure with an alternate arrangement of deformed ferrite and austenite bands was observed after warm rolling; however, the microstructure after 90 pct warm rolling at 498 K and 898 K (225 °C and 625 °C) was more lamellar and uniform as compared to the rather fragmented and inhomogeneous structure observed after 90 pct warm rolling at 698 K (425 °C). The texture of ferrite in warm-rolled DSS was characterized by the presence of the RD (〈011〉//RD) and ND (〈111〉//ND) fibers. However, the texture of ferrite in DSS warm rolled at 698 K (425 °C) was distinctly different having much higher fraction of the RD-fiber components than that of the ND-fiber components. The texture and microstructural differences in ferrite in DSS warm rolled at different temperatures could be explained by the interaction of carbon atoms with dislocations. In contrast, the austenite in DSS warm rolled at different temperatures consistently showed pure metal- or copper-type deformation texture which was attributed to the increase in stacking fault energy at the warm-rolling temperatures. It was concluded that the evolution of microstructure and texture of the two constituent phases in DSS was greatly affected by the temperature of warm rolling, but not significantly by the presence of the other phase.  相似文献   

研究了经常化处理的无取向硅钢[w(Si)=3%]异步冷轧织构随形变量的变化.结果表明,异步冷轧织构随形变量的变化而发生改变,快慢辊侧的织构类型不变,但强度有所不同;随形变量增加,冷轧织构组分逐渐向α织构和γ织构组分聚集;高斯织构{110}<001>组分逐渐减少,反高斯{001}<110>织构组分逐渐增强;{111}<110>织构组分出现最大值;当压下率达到84%时,出现了较强的{001}<120>织构组分.  相似文献   

The microstructures and deformation behavior were studied in a high-temperature annealed high-manganese dual-phase (28 vol pct δ-ferrite and 72 vol pct γ-austenite) transformation-induced plasticity/twinning-induced plasticity (TRIP/TWIP) steel. The results showed that the steel exhibits a special Lüders-like yielding phenomenon at room temperature (RT) and 348 K (75 °C), while it shows continuous yielding at 423 K, 573 K and 673 K (150 °C, 300 °C and 400 °C) deformation. A significant TRIP effect takes place during Lüders-like deformation at RT and 348 K (75 °C) temperatures. Semiquantitative analysis of the TRIP effect on the Lüders-like yield phenomenon proves that a softening effect of the strain energy consumption of strain-induced transformation is mainly responsible for this Lüders-like phenomenon. The TWIP mechanism dominates the 423 K (150 °C) deformation process, while the dislocation glide controls the plasticity at 573 K (300 °C) deformation. The delta-ferrite, as a hard phase in annealed dual-phase steel, greatly affects the mechanical stability of austenite due to the heterogeneous strain distribution between the two phases during deformation. A delta-ferrite-aided TRIP effect, i.e., martensite transformation induced by localized strain concentration of the hard delta-ferrite, is proposed to explain this kind of Lüders-like phenomenon. Moreover, the tensile curve at RT exhibits an upward curved behavior in the middle deformation stage, which is principally attributed to the deformation twinning of austenite retained after Lüders-like deformation. The combination of the TRIP effect during Lüders-like deformation and the subsequent TWIP effect greatly enhances the ductility in this annealed high-manganese dual-phase TRIP/TWIP steel.  相似文献   

张熹  王春旭  刘宪民  史庆南 《钢铁》2007,42(7):64-67,71
用SEM、TEM研究了不同冷轧变形量(变形量0~81.6%)的过共析钢的组织演变规律.结果表明,由于珠光体片层取向的多样性,造成了不同珠光体团变形的不均匀性,随着变形量的增大,组织经历了一个由均匀一不均匀一均匀的过程;通过XRD分析,确定在冷轧变形过程中未发现渗碳体分解并溶入铁素体的现象;通过力学性能测定,发现屈服强度ReL与真应变ε基本符合Hollomon关系,可用方程ReL=1 465ε0.18预测不同变形量下试验钢的屈服强度.  相似文献   

In the present study, microstructure and texture evolution in an austenitic Fe-28 wt pct Mn-0.28 wt pct C TWIP steel in the range between 10 and 80 pct reduction by cold rolling were systematically analyzed. The formation of the observed microstructural features occurred in three different stages: I (10 to 20 pct)—mainly slip lines, grain elongation, and formation of few twin-matrix lamellae; II (30 to 50 pct)—severe increase of the volume fraction of twins, alignment of twins with the rolling plane, and formation of microshear bands; and III (60 to 80 pct)—further alignment of twins, evolution of a herring bone structure, and macroshear bands. In contrast to most f.c.c. metals, the transition from Copper- to Brass-type texture occurred at low strain levels (30 pct). This behavior is attributed to the early formation of deformation twins in the material and can be related to the SFE of this high manganese steel. At higher reduction levels, microscopic (≥40 pct) and macroscopic shear band formation (≥60 pct) contributed to the increase of randomly oriented grains, mainly at the expense of the Brass component. Furthermore, the formation of the Goss component and of the 〈111〉//ND fiber (γ) is attributed to severe twin formation.  相似文献   

High-manganese (15 to 30 wt pct) austenitic steels exhibit extreme strain hardening because of twinning with increased strain. Twinning in these low stacking fault materials promotes retention of the austenitic microstructure and impedes dislocation motion. A dearth of information is available concerning the extent to which strain path influences twinning in so-called twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) steels. The present study focuses on the influence of strain level and strain path on texture and twinning in a high-Mn content TWIP steel (Fe17.2Mn0.6C). Electron back-scatter diffraction was employed to measure the twin fraction, twin deviation, twin boundary length, grain misorientation, and volume fraction of different texture components as a function of both uniaxial and biaxial deformation. This information, which is part of the necessary first step toward linking crystallographic texture and twinning to mechanical properties, was used to quantitatively assess the extent to which these critical metallurgical features depend on the amount of straining and the strain path.  相似文献   

以铁素体区热轧低温卷取的Ti-IF钢为研究对象,选择13%~75%的冷轧压下率,观察在冷轧过程中织构的演变。研究表明,压下率为46%是一个转折点,冷轧压下率较小(13%~35%)时,表面上取向变化为{110}001→{554}225→{111}112→{111}110→{223}110,{114}110转向{001}110;压下率达到46%时,{111}织构消失;继续增加压下率,{111}织构再次出现,并随压下率增加而增强。随着冷轧压下率的增加,中心面上的{111}织构强度先增加,压下率达到46%后又降低,最强组分先由{001}110向{223}110转动;压下率达46%时,又向反方向转动。  相似文献   

The relation between microstructure and mechanical properties of a 30 pct cold-rolled, recovery-annealed, and recrystallization-annealed Fe-23Mn-1.5Al-0.3C twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) steel was studied. The thermal stability of deformation-induced twin boundaries along with a reduced dislocation density due to annihilation during recovery annealing at 903 K (630 °C) was found to be a simple, promising processing route to overcome the shortcoming of low yield strength usually associated with TWIP steels.  相似文献   

High-manganese FeMnC and FeMnAlC austenitic twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) steel exhibits excellent strain-hardening properties due to the gradual reduction of the mean free path for dislocations glide resulting from deformation twinning. Serrated stress-strain curves are often obtained when this type of steel is tested in a uniaxial tensile test. This phenomenon is due to dynamic strain aging (DSA). It is related to the occurrence of localized Portevin–LeChatelier (PLC) deformation bands. The properties of the PLC bands were accurately determined for a FeMnAlC TWIP steel using a combination of high-sensitivity infrared (IR) thermographic imaging and optical strain analysis carried out in situ during tensile deformation. Strain rate jump tests were conducted at room temperature to measure the instantaneous and steady-state strain rate sensitivity as a function of true stress and true strain. Negative values of the steady-state strain rate sensitivity were measured in both upward and downward jump tests. These measurements explain why FeMnC and FeMnAlC TWIP steels have a limited postuniform elongation. A model for the room-temperature DSA of high-Mn austenitic TWIP steel containing C in solid solution is proposed.  相似文献   

For the first time, martensite treatment was used to fabricate an ultrafine-grained (UFG) twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) steel. The effects of cold rolling with 70 pct reduction at the liquid nitrogen temperature and subsequently annealing at 973 K (700 °C) for 5 to 20 minutes on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe-22Mn-0.4C-1.5Al-1Si TWIP steel were investigated. The results showed that a fully recrystallized UFG TWIP steel with a mean grain size of about 400 to 600 nm can be produced by the designed martensite treatment. The UFG TWIP steel exhibited high yield and tensile strengths and relatively high ductility.  相似文献   

Texture Evolution in Ferritic Rolled Ti-IF Steel during Cold Rolling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Texture evolution of ferritic hot rolled Ti-IF steel was investigated during cold rolling in the reduction from 15% to 85%. It was found that, α fibre intensified monotonously with the increase of the cold reduction, but γ fibre changed in a different way. As the cold reduction was in the range of 15%-35% or 45%-75%, γ fibre intensified. While the reduction was between 35%-45% or 75%-85%, the intensity of γ fibre reduced. γ fibre displayed the maximum intensity at 75% and the highest average plastic strain ratio due to the favorable recrystallization texture was obtained at this point.  相似文献   

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - In order to achieve decarburization and manganese retention simultaneously, CO2 was introduced in the smelting process of high-Mn twinning-induced...  相似文献   

采用CSP工艺生产厚度为3.5 mm的IF热轧钢板,分析了冷轧压下率对冷轧织构、退火织构、各组分含量、{111}/{100}比值的影响。结果表明,采用71.4%的冷轧压下率生产的IF钢{111}织构占比最大,最有利于冲压性能的提高。  相似文献   

 780MPa级冷轧双相钢是低碳低合金钢,主要的金属元素为锰,另外根据强度要求的不同,还加入了适量的Mo、Cr等元素。试验结果表明:690℃卷取可以获得更好的性能;随着退火温度的升高,试验钢的马氏体体积分数增加,强度增加,在820℃获得的综合性能最好;在820℃退火,当退火时间为80~100s时强度变化剧烈;当退火时间超过100s后,变化趋势相对平缓,综合比较,退火时间为100s时,获得的综合性能最好。  相似文献   

Columnar grains in cast slabs of electrical steel show strong anisotropy in grain orientation and morphology and thus influence the subsequent microstructure and texture after hot rolling significantly. The texture evolution of hot rolled sheets containing initial columnar grains with their <100> directions approximately parallel to the rolling direction (RD), transverse direction (TD) and normal direction (ND) of the hot rolled sheets was investigated by using EBSD technique. The results indicated that, whatever the initial texture of the columnar grains was, typical Goss, brass-type and copper-type shear texture component could develop in shear-deformed surface region. The copper-type texture formed under the maximum shearing force with the fine, sheared or dynamically recrystallized grains, and Goss grains were mainly elongated and deformed grains, while brass grains behaved between them. Additionally, the rotating relationship of the three types of shear textures was different due to the restriction of grain boundaries. In homogenously deformed center region, the RD sample contained more {112} <110> grains, and TD sample was covered by {100} textures such as {100}<011> and {100}<021> with coarse grains, while the ND sample developed many {100}<011> grains which were attributed to more {100} grains in the initial sample. Remarkable texture transition occurred on both sides of grain boundaries when {110} grains were adjacent to α-fiber texture grains. It was found that significant texture gradient and preferred distribution of rotating axis existed in the soft orientation grains on the α-fiber when the grains neighbored hard grains on γ-fiber.  相似文献   

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