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Implantation of a posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens is an effective refractive procedure with a good safety record in the short-term follow-ups reported in the literature. Cataract formation is a potential complication of the procedure. Two patients developed lens opacities in 3 eyes after the procedure was performed for myopic astigmatism. The possible causes are discussed. This is not a dangerous complication as cataract extraction is easily achieved if necessary. However, it is undesirable and further research is required to assess the long-term incidence, causes, and ways to prevent its occurrence.  相似文献   

Posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens (PCP IOL) implantation is an emerging refractive procedure. We report a case of cataract formation 6 months after uneventful implantation of a Staar PCP IOL to correct high myopia. Visual recovery was achieved after explantation of the phakic IOL and phacoemulsification with implantation of a foldable IOL through the same unenlarged self-sealing corneal incision.  相似文献   

The vertebrate lens provides an in vivo model to study the molecular mechanisms by which growth factors influence development decisions. In this study, we have investigated the expression patterns of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and PDGF receptors during murine eye development by in situ hybridization. Postnatally, PDGF-A is highly expressed in the iris and ciliary body, the ocular tissues closest to the germinative zone of the lens, a region where most proliferation of lens epithelial cells occurs. PDGF-A is also present in the corneal endothelium anterior to the lens epithelium in embryonic and early postnatal eyes. PDGF-B is expressed in the iris and ciliary body as well as in the vascular cells which surround the lens during early eye development. In the lens, expression of PDGF-alpha receptor (PDGF-alphaR), a receptor that can bind both PDGF-A and PDGF-B, is restricted to the lens epithelium throughout life. The expression of PDGF-alphaR in the lens epithelial cells and PDGF (A- and B-chains) in the ocular tissues adjacent to the lens suggests that PDGF signaling may play a key role in regulating lens development. To further examine how PDGF affects lens development in vivo, we generated transgenic mice that express human PDGF-A in the lens under the control of the alphaA-crystallin promoter. The transgenic mice exhibit lenticular defects that result in cataracts. The percentage of surface epithelial cells in S-phase is increased in transgenic lenses compared to their nontransgenic littermates. Higher than normal levels of cyclin A and cyclin D2 expression were also detected in transgenic lens epithelium. These results together suggest that PDGF-A can induce a proliferative response in lens epithelial cells. The lens epithelial cells in the transgenic mice also exhibit characteristics of differentiating fiber cells. For example, the transgenic lens epithelial cells are slightly elongated, contain larger and less condensed nuclei, and express fiber-cell-specific beta-crystallins. Our results suggest that PDGF-A normally acts as a proliferative factor for the lens epithelial cells in vivo. Elevated levels of PDGF-A enhance proliferation, but also appear to induce some aspects of the fiber cell differentiation pathway.  相似文献   

Proton pumps (H+-ATPases) are the primary active transport systems in the plasma membrane of higher plant cells. These enzymes are encoded by a large gene family expressed throughout the plant, with specific isoforms directed to various specialized cells. While their involvement in membrane energetics has been suggested by a large body of biochemical and physiological studies, a genetic analysis of their role in plants has not yet been performed. We report here that mutant Arabidopsis thaliana plants containing a phloem-specific transgene encoding a plasma membrane H+-ATPase with an altered carboxy terminus show improved growth at low pH during seedling development. These observations provide the first genetic evidence for a role of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase in cytoplasmic pH homeostasis in plants.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CAM) is recognized as a major intermediary in intracellular calcium signaling, but as yet little is known of its role in developmental and behavioral processes. We have generated and studied mutations to the endogenous Cam gene of Drosophila melanogaster that change single amino acids within the protein coding region. One of these mutations produces a striking pupal lethal phenotype involving failure of head eversion. Various mutant combinations produce specific patterns of ectopic wing vein formation or melanotic scabs on the cuticle. Anaphase chromosome bridging is also seen as a maternal effect during the early embryonic nuclear divisions. In addition, specific behavioral defects such as poor climbing and flightlessness are detected among these mutants. Comparisons with other Drosophila mutant phenotypes suggests potential CAM targets that may mediate these developmental and behavioral effects, and analysis of the CAM crystal structure suggests the structural consequences of the individual mutations.  相似文献   

To identify genes involved in meristem function we have designed a screen for temperature-sensitive mutations that cause a conditional arrest of early shoot development in Arabidopsis. We describe the characterization of three mutations, arrested development (add) 1, 2 and 3. At the restrictive temperature the add1 and add2 mutations disrupt apical meristem function as assayed by leaf initiation. Furthermore, add1 and add2 plants exhibit defects in leaf morphogenesis following upshift from permissive to restrictive temperature. This result suggests that proximity to a functional meristem is required for the completion of normal leaf morphogenesis. The add3 mutation does not have a dramatic effect on the production of leaves by the apical meristem; however, add3 prevents the expansion of leaf blades at high temperature. Thus, in this mutant the temperature-dependent arrest of epicotyl development is due to a failure of normal leaf development rather than new leaf initiation. While all add mutants have a reduced rate of root growth in comparison to wild-type plants, the mutants do not display a temperature-dependent arrest of root development. All add mutants display some developmental defects at low temperature, suggesting that these mutations affect genes involved in inherently temperature-sensitive developmental processes.  相似文献   

The present study describes the influence of cataract on high-pass resolution perimetry results. Twenty-five otherwise healthy patients were examined before and after cataract surgery. Their preoperative visual acuities ranged from 0.1 to 0.8 and their mean resolution thresholds from 3.9 to 12.3 dB. Both elevated mean thresholds and local visual fields defects were observed. In patients with low-grade cataract, i.e. preoperative visual acuity 0.3 to 0.65, the mean improvement in perimetric results after operation was approximately 1 dB. In patients with higher degrees of lens opacity, visual acuity 0.1 to 0.25, the difference between pre- and postoperative perimetry results showed a wide range, 1.4-6.2 dB. In conclusion, cataract induced different types of visual field defects. The general threshold increase due to low-grade cataract (VA > or = 0.3) could be compensated for by subtracting 1 dB from the measured value.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the Millon Behavior Health Inventory basic coping styles, mental absorption (Tellegen Absorption Scale), sensation seeking (Arnett Inventory of Sensation Seeking, AISS) and affect inhibition (Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale, MC-SDS), in a group of abstainers from alcohol (n = 55) compared to an age-equivalent group of moderate drinkers (n = 176). The abstainers had significantly higher scores on one of the repressive coping styles (respectful) and significantly lower scores on sociability. There were no differences on the other basic coping styles. The abstainer group had lower AISS scores and higher MC-SDS scores. There were no significant differences between abstainers and drinkers in mental absorption. The results suggest that abstainers from alcohol may have adopted an affect-inhibiting, passive-ambivalent coping style associated with denial of hostility, rigid impulse control and social conformity.  相似文献   

The fundus contact lens is a much overlooked diagnostic aid that can make difficult diagnosis simple. The combination of binocular vision, great light intensity and a range of magnification powers using the fundus contact lens and the slit lamp give the practitioner an excellent resolution to view the fundus.  相似文献   

AA Dahl 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,278(18):1489; author reply 1490-1489; author reply 1491

Examines types of social support that best predicts adherence at different time points during a 1-year endurance exercise program in 269 women and men ages 50 to 65 years. Results indicate that social support had similar effects on exercise participation for women and men, and support specific to exercise was a better predictor of exercise adherence than general social support. A preference for receiving a lesser amount of initial support from exercise staff was the strongest social support-related predictor of exercise adherence during the initial 6 months of the program. Support currently received from family and friends and exercise staff at Month 6 was found to be the strongest predictor of adherence during Months 7 to 12. Format of exercise was also a strong predictor of exercise adherence with home-based programs related to greater adherence. Additionally, divorced nonsmokers appear to be at increased risk for poor early exercise adherence and should be targeted in interventions to promote exercise participation.  相似文献   

AIMS: The study was undertaken to test the feasibility of using the LOCS III cataract grading scale in the field and to determine the rate of cataract progression over a 1 year period of time. METHODS: For 150 subjects between the ages of 33 and 55 who attended the refraction clinic at Aravind Eye Hospital in Madurai, India, lens abnormalities were graded at the slit lamp using the LOCS III scale. One year later, 99 of the subjects were re-evaluated by the same methodology to assess the amount of lens change. RESULTS: Interrater reliability was high. A change of 0.5 or more in lens colour, cortical, nuclear, or posterior subcapsular cataract was observed in at least one eye of 54% of the subjects. CONCLUSION: The LOCS III grading scale is a feasible method for measuring lens changes in the field with the slit lamp. Cataract progression in India is rapid enough to permit intervention studies to be performed with relatively small numbers of subjects over a short period of time (that is, 600 subjects for 2 years).  相似文献   

The zebrafish pronephric kidney provides a simplified model of nephron development and epithelial cell differentiation which is amenable to genetic analysis. The pronephros consists of two nephrons with fused glomeruli and paired pronephric tubules and ducts. Nephron formation occurs after the differentiation of the pronephric duct with both the glomeruli and tubules being derived from a nephron primordium. Fluorescent dextran injection experiments demonstrate that vascularization of the zebrafish pronephros and the onset of glomerular filtration occurs between 40 and 48 hpf. We isolated fifteen recessive mutations that affect development of the pronephros. All have visible cysts in place of the pronephric tubule at 2-2.5 days of development. Mutants were grouped in three classes: (1) a group of twelve mutants with defects in body axis curvature and manifesting the most rapid and severe cyst formation involving the glomerulus, tubule and duct, (2) the fleer mutation with distended glomerular capillary loops and cystic tubules, and (3) the mutation pao pao tang with a normal glomerulus and cysts limited to the pronephric tubules. double bubble was analyzed as a representative of mutations that perturb the entire length of the pronephros and body axis curvature. Cyst formation begins in the glomerulus at 40 hpf at the time when glomerular filtration is established suggesting a defect associated with the onset of pronephric function. Basolateral membrane protein targeting in the pronephric duct epithelial cells is also severely affected, suggesting a failure in terminal epithelial cell differentiation and alterations in electrolyte transport. These studies reveal the similarity of normal pronephric development to kidney organogenesis in all vertebrates and allow for a genetic dissection of genes needed to establish the earliest renal function.  相似文献   

The SOS Chromotest was carried out on leachates of ten industrial wastes with the standard procedure and a miniaturized version with microplates. The two methods gave identical results in nine samples (eight negative and one positive). A simple additional manipulation is described for the identification of the false positive response that is frequently observed with complex mixtures. It involves challenging the SOS Chromotest bacteria with samples (having previously shown a positive genotoxic response) just before the enzymatic activities (i.e. beta-galactosidase and alkaline phosphatase) are estimated colorimetrically. This additional step eliminates discrepancies between the results for the standard and the miniaturized procedures.  相似文献   

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