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Large-scale column experiments were undertaken to evaluate the potential of in situ polymer mats (installed in series) to be used as permeable reactive barriers for delivery of oxidants and reductants to induce sequential bioremediation of ammonium-contaminated groundwater (approximately 120mg L(-1) NH4+-N), without bioaugmentation. The strategy was for the first group of polymer mats to deliver oxygen to induce bacterial nitrification of the ammonium to nitrite/ nitrate as the groundwater moved past and for the second group of polymer mats to deliver hydrogen or ethanol, to induce bacterial denitrification of the nitrite/nitrate to produce nitrogen gas. Once purging of the first polymer mat commenced, ammonium concentrations decreased downgradient from the polymer mats. Nitrification rates increased and stabilized over the 6-month experiment, with stable nitrification half-lives in the range 0.07-0.25 days. Nitrification most likely occurred in a biologically active zone at the polymer wall/aqueous interface. With hydrogen delivery via the polymer mats, a denitrification half-life (nitrate plus nitrite removal) of 3.5 days was induced. Denitrification rates were significantly enhanced when ethanol was delivered via a polymer mat, with denitrification half-lives in the range of 0.12-0.34 days. Nitrification/ denitrification rates were maintained for groundwater flow rates up to 300 m yr(-1), suggesting oxygen and ethanol delivery rates via the polymer mats were sufficient not to limit nitrification or denitrification. In soil columns, the polymer mat delivery system provided an effective and reliable technique for delivery of oxygen and hydrogen or ethanol for sequential nitrification/denitrification of ammonium-contaminated groundwater. Scale-up of this concept to a field pilot-scale is currently underway.  相似文献   

Following a thorough site investigation, a biological Sequential Reactive Barrier (SEREBAR), designed to remove Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and BTEX compounds, was installed at a Former Manufactured Gas Plant (FMGP) site. The novel design of the barrier comprises, in series, an interceptor and six reactive chambers. The first four chambers (2 nonaerated-2 aerated) were filled with sand to encourage microbial colonization. Sorbant Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) was present in the final two chambers in order to remove any recalcitrant compounds. The SEREBAR has been in continuous operation for 2 years at different operational flow rates (ranging from 320 L/d to 4000 L/d, with corresponding residence times in each chamber of 19 days and 1.5 days, respectively). Under low flow rate conditions (320-520 L/d) the majority of contaminant removal (>93%) occurred biotically within the interceptor and the aerated chambers. Under high flow rates (1000-4000 L/d) and following the installation of a new interceptor to prevent passive aeration, the majority of contaminant removal (>80%) again occurred biotically within the aerated chambers. The sorption zone (GAC) proved to be an effective polishing step, removing any remaining contaminants to acceptable concentrations before discharge down-gradient of the SEREBAR (overall removals >95%).  相似文献   

Solid-phase associations of chromium were examined in core materials collected from a full-scale, zerovalent iron permeable reactive barrier (PRB) at the U.S. Coast Guard Support Center located near Elizabeth City, NC. The PRB was installed in 1996 to treat groundwater contaminated with hexavalent chromium. After eight years of operation, the PRB remains effective at reducing concentrations of Cr from average values >1500 microg L(-1) in groundwater hydraulically upgradient of the PRB to values <1 microg L(-1) in groundwater within and hydraulically downgradient of the PRB. Chromium removal from groundwater occurs at the leading edge of the PRB and also within the aquifer immediately upgradient of the PRB. These regions also witness the greatest amount of secondary mineral formation due to steep geochemical gradients that result from the corrosion of zerovalent iron. X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy indicated that chromium is predominantly in the trivalent oxidation state, confirming that reductive processes are responsible for Cr sequestration. XANES spectra and microscopy results suggest that Cr is, in part, associated with iron sulfide grains formed as a consequence of microbially mediated sulfate reduction in and around the PRB. Results of this study provide evidence that secondary iron-bearing mineral products may enhance the capacity of zerovalent iron systems to remediate Cr in groundwater, either through redox reactions at the mineral-water interface or by the release of Fe(II) to solution via mineral dissolution and/or metal corrosion.  相似文献   

Hollow-fiber silicone tubing, coiled and shaped as mats, has been evaluated for its potential to provide predictable delivery of ethanol to aquifers to promote reducing conditions for enhanced bioremediation of a range of contaminants in groundwater. A model was developed to predict the steady-state mass flux of diffusional ethanol delivery to an external aqueous phase from an aqueous ethanol solution present inside the polymer tubing mat, and an effective diffusion coefficient of ethanol through the silicone tubing of 1.22 x 10(-6) cm2 s(-1) was determined experimentally. The model was then validated in column-scale laboratory and field experiments where polymer mats configured as permeable reactive barriers maintained uniform diffusive delivery of ethanol. Steady-state mass flux delivery ratios of ethanol through the polymer tubing wall of 1.45 (+/-0.18) x 10(6) to 1.64 (+/-0.17) x 10(6) s cm(-1) were determined under laboratory conditions, and 2.43 (+/-1.47) x 10(6) s cm(-1) under field conditions, which were found to be statistically similar to model-predicted ethanol mass flux delivery ratios.  相似文献   

Iron and sulfur reducing conditions generally develop in permeable reactive barrier systems (PRB) constructed to treat contaminated groundwater. These conditions allow formation of FeS mineral phases. FeS readily degrades TCE, but a transformation of FeS to FeS2 could dramatically slow the rate of TCE degradation in the PRB. This study uses acid volatile sulfide (AVS) and chromium reducible sulfur (CRS) as probes for FeS and FeS2 to investigate iron sulfide formation and transformation in a column study and PRB field study dealing with TCE degradation. Solid phase iron speciation shows that most of the iron is reduced and sulfur partitioning measurements show that AVS and CRS coexist in all samples, with the conversion of AVS to CRS being most significant in locations with potential oxidants available. In the column study, 54% of FeS was transformed to FeS2 after 2.4 years. In the field scale PRB, 43% was transformed after 5.2 years. Microscopy reveals FeS, Fe3S4 and FeS2 formation in the column system; however, only pyrite formation was confirmed byX-ray diffraction. The polysulfide pathway is most likely the primary mechanism of FeS transformation in the system, with S0 as an intermediate species formed through H2S oxidation.  相似文献   

The speciation of U(VI) sorbed to synthetic hydroxyapatite was investigated using a combination of U LIII-edge XAS, synchrotron XRD, batch uptake measurements, and SEM-EDS. The mechanisms of U(VI) removal by apatite were determined in order to evaluate the feasibility of apatite-based in-situ permeable reactive barriers (PRBs). In batch U(VI) uptake experiments with synthetic hydroxyapatite (HA), near complete removal of dissolved uranium (>99.5%) to <0.05 microM was observed over a range of total U(VI) concentrations up to equimolar of the total P in the suspension. XRD and XAS analyses of U(VI)-reacted HA at sorbed concentrations < or = 4,700 ppm U(VI) suggested that uranium(VI) phosphate, hydroxide, and carbonate solids were not present at these concentrations. Fits to EXAFS spectra indicate the presence of Ca neighbors at 3.81 A. U-Ca separation, suggesting that U(VI) adsorbs to the HA surfaces as an inner-sphere complex. Uranium(VI) phosphate solid phases were not detected in HA with 4700 ppm sorbed U(VI) by backscatter SEM or EDS, in agreement with the surface complexation process. In contrast, U(VI) speciation in samples that exceeded 7000 ppm sorbed U(VI) included a crystalline uranium(VI) phosphate solid phase, identified as chernikovite by XRD. At these higher concentrations, a secondary, uranium(VI) phosphate solid was detected by SEM-EDS, consistent with chernikovite precipitation. Autunite formation occurred at total U:P molar ratios > or = 0.2. Our findings provide a basis for evaluating U(VI) sorption mechanisms by commercially available natural apatites for use in development of PRBs for groundwater U(VI) remediation.  相似文献   

Interest has grown in designing new materials for groundwater treatment via "permeable reactive barriers". In the present case, a model siliceous surface, controlled pore glass (CPG), was treated with a polycation (quaternized polyvinyl pyridine, QPVP) which immobilizes anionic/nonionic mixed micelles, in order to solubilize a variety of hydrophobic pollutants. Polymer adsorption on CPG showed atypically slow kinetics and linear adsorption isotherms, which may be a consequence of the substrate porosity. The highest toluene solubilization efficiency was achieved for the silica-polycation-immobilized micelles (SPIM) with the highest polymer loading and lowest micelle binding, a result discussed in terms of the configuration of the bound polymer and the corresponding state of the bound micelles. The ability of SPIM to treat simultaneously a wide range of pollutants and reduce their concentration in solution by 20-90% was demonstrated. Optimization of SPIM systems for remediation calls for a better understanding of both the local environment of the bound micelles and their intrinsic affinities for different hydrophobic pollutants.  相似文献   

Groundwater contaminated with TCE is commonly treated with a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) constructed with zero-valence iron. The cost of iron has driven a search for less costly alternatives, and composted plant mulch has been used as an alternative at several sites. A column study was conducted that simulated conditions in a PRB at Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma. The reactive matrix was 50% (v/v) shredded tree mulch, 10% cotton gin trash, and 40% sand. The mean residence time of groundwater in the columns was 17 days. The estimated retardation factor for TCE was 12. TCE was supplied at concentrations near 20 microM. Over 793 days of operation, concentrations of TCE in the column effluents varied from 0.1% to 2% of the column influents. Concentrations of cis-DCE, vinyl chloride, ethylene, ethane, and acetylene could account for 1% of the TCE that was removed; however, up to 56% of 13C added as [1,2-13C] TCE in the column influents was recovered as 13C in carbon dioxide. After 383 and 793 d of operation, approximately one-half of the TCE removal was associated with abiotic reactions with FeS that accumulated in the reactive matrix.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that adding micaceous minerals to 137Cs-contaminated aquatic systems would serve as an effective in situ remediation technique by sequestering the contaminant and reducing its bioavailability. Results from several laboratory studies are presented from which an effective amendment material was chosen for a replicated field study. The field study was conducted over a 2-year period and incorporated 16 3.3-m diameter column-plots (limnocorrals) that were randomly placed in a 137Cs-contaminated pond. The limnocorrals received three rates of amendment treatments to their water surfaces. The amendment material was a commercially available mineral with high sorption (Kd > 9000 L kg(-1)) and low desorption (<20%) characteristics for cesium, even in the presence of high concentrations of the competing cation, NH4+. In the treated limnocorrals, 137Cs concentrations were reduced some 25-30-fold in the water, 4-5-fold in aquatic plants, and 2-3-fold in fish. The addition of the amendment did not adversely affect water chemistry, although increased turbidity and subsequent siltation did alter the aquatic macroinvertebrate insect community. This in situ technology provides a valuable, less-environmentally intrusive alternative to costly ex situ technologies that require the contaminated sediment to be excavated prior to treatment, or excavated and disposed of elsewhere.  相似文献   

Two reactive media [zerovalent iron (ZVI, Fisher Fe0) and amorphous hydrous ferric oxide (HFO)-incorporated porous, naturally occurring aluminum silicate diatomite [designated as Fe (25%)-diatomite]], were tested for batch kinetic, pH-controlled differential column batch reactors (DCBRs), in small- and large-scale column tests (about 50 and 900 mL of bed volume) with groundwater from a hazardous waste site containing high concentrations of arsenic (both organic and inorganic species), as well as other toxic or carcinogenic volatile and semivolatile organic compounds (VOC/SVOCs). Granular activated carbon (GAC) was also included as a reactive media since a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) at the subject site would need to address the hazardous VOC/SVOC contamination as well as arsenic. The groundwater contained an extremely high arsenic concentration (341 mg L(-1)) and the results of ion chromatography and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (IC-ICP-MS) analysis showed that the dominant arsenic species were arsenite (45.1%) and monomethyl arsenic acid (MMAA, 22.7%), while dimethyl arsenic acid (DMAA) and arsenate were only 2.4 and 1.3%, respectively. Based on these proportions of arsenic species and the initial As-to-Fe molar ratio (0.15 molAs mole(-1)), batch kinetic tests revealed that the sorption density (0.076 molAs molFe(-1)) for Fe (25%)-diatomite seems to be less than the expected value (0.086 molAs molFe(-1) calculated from the sorption density data reported by Lafferty and Loeppert (Environ. Sci. Technol. 2005, 39, 2120-2127), implying that natural organic matters (NOMs) might play a significant role in reducing arsenic removal efficiency. The results of pH-controlled DCBR tests using different synthetic species of arsenic solution showed that the humic acid inhibited the MMAA removal of Fe (25%)-diatomite more than arsenite. The mixed system of GAC and Fe (25%)-diatomite increased the arsenic sorption speed to more than that of either individual media alone. This increase might be deduced by the fact that the addition of GAC could enhance arsenic removal performance of Fe (25%)-diatomite through removing comparably high portions of NOMs. Small- and large-scale column studies demonstrated that the empty bed contact time (EBCT) significantly affected sorpton capacities at breakthrough (C = 0.5 C0) forthe Fe0/sand (50/50, w/w) mixture, but notfor GAC preloaded Fe (25%)-diatomite. In the large-scale column tests with actual groundwater conditions, the GAC preloaded Fe (25%)-diatomite effectively reduced arsenic to below 50 microg L(-1) for 44 days; additionally, most species of VOC/SVOCs were also simultaneously attenuated to levels below detection.  相似文献   

A method incorporating laboratory analysis of constituents that formed as reaction products was developed and used to determine the flux of groundwater through a zerovalent iron-based permeable reactive barrier (PRB) installed to treat U-contaminated groundwater. Concentrations of three nonvolatile constituents (Ca, U, and V) that formed as reaction products in the PRB were analyzed in 279 samples. Areal distributions of the reaction products indicate that groundwater flowed through all portions of the PRB and that nearly the entire volume of reactive material is treating the groundwater. Almost 9 t of calcium carbonate precipitated in the PRB during the first 2.7 yr of operation, but only 24 kg of combined U- and V-bearing minerals precipitated during the same period. Concentration gradients of Ca, U, and V dissolved in the groundwater indicate that a hydraulically upgradient portion of the PRB lost some reactivity during the first 2.7 yr of operation. Calculations that partially couple porosity changes to ZVI reactivity suggest that loss of reactivity may be more limiting than porosity reduction for long-term performance of the PRB. Calculations using groundwater concentration gradients and solid-phase concentrations indicate that the mean groundwater flux ranged from 11 to 24 L/min, considerably less than the design flux of 185 L/min. Flux values calculated with all three constituents were in good agreement. This method provides a more accurate determination of groundwater flux than is possible with flow sensor measurements, dissolved tracers, or Darcy's law computations.  相似文献   

Knowledge of atmospheric mercury speciation is critical to modeling its fate. Thus there is a crucial need for reliable methods to measure the fraction of gaseous atmospheric Hg which is in the oxidized Hg(II) form (termed reactive gaseous mercury, RGM). We have developed a novel method for measurement of RGM using a refluxing mist chamber, and we recently reported the results of sampling campaigns for RGM in Tennessee and Indiana. In general, measured RGM levels were about 3% of total gaseous mercury (TGM), and our results support prevailing hypotheses about the nature and behavior of RGM in ambient air. Because its use for RGM is growing, we now report in more detail the development and testing of the mist chamber method. Several styles of mist chambers have been investigated. The most versatile design employs a single nebulizer nozzle and can operate at flows of 15-20 L/min. The water-soluble Hg is collected in ca. 20 mL of absorbing solution, which is then analyzed for Hg(II) by SnCl2 reduction and CVAFS. One-hour samples (ca. 1 m3 of air) generally contain 50-200 pg of RGM. The method detection limit for 1-h samples is approximately 6-10 pg/m3. Thus short sample times can reveal temporal variations in RGM that would not otherwise be observable. The efficiency of collecting RGM in mist chambers is highly dependent on Cl- concentration in the absorbing solution, in keeping with equilibrium calculations. Artifact formation of Hg(II) by oxidation of Hg0 under ozone ambient conditions appears to be sufficiently slow so as to be negligible for the short (ca. 1 h) runs that are typically employed. We observed no significant error from cosampled particles or aerosols in rural nonimpacted air samples. We have developed a simple approach to analyzing mist chamber samples in the field using an automated Hg sampler.  相似文献   

After developing the radio-wave technique for various conditions in laboratory-scale and technical plant-scale experiments, field tests in combination with biodegradation and soil vapor extraction were carried out at three sites: (i) a bioremediation facility for ex situ cleaning of soil, (ii) in situ remediation of contamination at a former storage facility for organic solvents, and (iii) a polluted soil under a former petrol station. Various electrode arrangements such as parallel plates, rod arrays, and coaxial antenna were applied in order to meet the site-specific requirements optimally. Soil temperatures between 35 and 100 degrees C were established. The successful tests gave much insight into the engineering, physical, biological, and chemical aspects of radio-wave application. General conclusions on the appropriateness and competitiveness of the radio-wave method as well as on preferred application fields are drawn.  相似文献   

Recent laboratory-scale studies strongly suggested an advantage to operating air-sparging systems in a pulsed mode; however, little definitive field data existed to support the laboratory-scale observations. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of a field-scale pulsed air-sparging system during a short-term pilot test and during long-term system operation. The air-sparging system consisted of 32 sparging points and had been previously operated in a continuous mode for two years before the field study was performed. The field study used instruments with continuous data logging capabilities to monitor the dynamic responses of groundwater and soil vapor parameters to air injection. The optimum pulsing frequency was based on the evidence that the hydrocarbon volatilization and oxygen dissolution rates dramatically dropped after the air-sparging system reached steady state. The short-term pilot test results indicated a substantial increase in hydrocarbon volatilization and biodegradation in pulsed operation. On the basis of the results of the pilottest, the air-sparging system was set to operate in a pulsed mode at an optimum pulsing frequency. Operation parameters were collected 2, 8, and 12 months after the start of the pulsed operation. The long-term monitoring results showed thatthe pulsed operation increased the average hydrocarbon removal rate (kg/day) by a factor of up to 3 as compared to the previous continuous operation. The pulsed air sparging has resulted in higher reduction rates of dissolved benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) than were observed during the continuous operation. Among BTEX, benzene's reduction rate was the highest during the pulsed air-sparging operation.  相似文献   

Batch tests were performed utilizing four zerovalent iron (Fe0) filings (Fisher, Peerless, Master Builders, and Aldrich) to remove As(V) and As(III) from water. One gram of metal was reacted headspace-free at 23 degrees C for up to 5 days in the dark with 41.5 mL of 2 mg L(-1) As(V), or As(III) or As(V) + As(III) (1:1) in 0.01 M NaCl. Arsenic removal on a mass basis followed the order: Fisher > Peerless Master Builders > Aldrich; whereas, on a surface area basis the order became: Fisher > Aldrich > Peerless Master Builders. Arsenic concentration decreased exponentially with time, and was below 0.01 mg L(-1) in 4 days with the exception of Aldrich Fe0. More As(III) was sorbed than As(V) by Peerless Fe0 in the initial As concentration range between 2 and 100 mg L(-1). No As(III) was detected by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) on Peerless Fe0 at 5 days when As(V) was the initial arsenic species in the solution. As(III) was detected by XPS at 30 and 60 days present on Peerless Fe0, when As(V) was the initial arsenic species in the solution. Likewise, As(V) was found on Peerless Fe0 when As(II) was added to the solution. A steady distribution of As(V) (73-76%) and As(III) (22-25%) was achieved at 30 and 60 days on the Peerless Fe0 when either As(V) or As(III) was the initial added species. The presence of both reducing species (Fe0 and Fe2+) and an oxidizing species (MnO2) in Peerless Fe0 is probably responsible for the coexistence of both As(V) and As(III) on Fe0 surfaces. The desorption of As(V) and As(III) by phosphate extraction decreased as the residence time of interaction between the sorbents and arsenic increased from 1 to 60 days. The results suggest that both As(V) and As(III) formed stronger surface complexes or migrated further inside the interior of the sorbent with increasing time.  相似文献   

Smoldering combustion has been introduced recently as a potential remediation strategy for soil contaminated by nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs). Published proof-of-concept experiments demonstrated that the process can be self-sustaining (i.e., requires energy input only to start the process) and achieve essentially complete remediation of the contaminated soil. Those initial experiments indicated that the process may be applicable across a broad range of NAPLs and soils. This work presents the results of a series of bench-scale experiments that examine in detail the sensitivity of the process to a range of key parameters, including contaminant concentration, water saturation, soil type, and air flow rates for two contaminants, coal tar and crude oil. Smoldering combustion was observed to be self-sustaining in the range 28,400 to 142,000 mg/kg for coal tar and in the range 31,200 to 104,000 mg/kg for crude oil, for the base case air flux. The process remained self-sustaining and achieved effective remediation across a range of initial water concentrations (0 to 177,000 mg/kg water) despite extended ignition times and decreased temperatures and velocities of the reaction front. The process also exhibited self-sustaining and effective remediation behavior across a range of fine to coarse sand grain sizes up to a threshold maximum value between 6 mm and 10 mm. Propagation velocity is observed to be highly dependent on air flux, and smoldering was observed to be self-sustaining down to an air Darcy flux of at least 0.5 cm/s for both contaminants. The extent of remediation in these cases was determined to be at least 99.5% and 99.9% for crude oil and coal tar, respectively. Moreover, no physical evidence of contamination was detected in the treatment zone for any case where a self-sustaining reaction was achieved. Lateral heat losses to the external environment were observed to significantly affect the smoldering process at the bench scale, suggesting that the field-scale lower bounds on concentration and air flux and upper bound on grain size were not achieved; larger scale experiments and field trials where lateral heat losses are much less significant are necessary to define these process limits for the purposes of field application. This work provides valuable design data for pilot field trials of both in situ and ex situ smoldering remediation applications.  相似文献   

The effects of the construction methods, materials of reactive media and groundwater constituents on the environmental impacts of a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) were evaluated using life cycle assessment (LCA). The PRB is assumed to be installed at a simulated site contaminated by either Cr(VI) alone or Cr(VI) and As(V). Results show that the trench-based construction method can reduce the environmental impacts of the remediation remarkably compared to the caisson-based method due to less construction material consumption by the funnel. Compared to using the zerovalent iron (Fe(0)) and quartz sand mixture, the use of the Fe(0) and iron oxide-coated sand (IOCS) mixture can reduce the environmental impacts. In the presence of natural organic matter (NOM) in groundwater, the environmental impacts generated by the reactive media were significantly increased because of the higher usage of Fe(0). The environmental impacts are lower by using the Fe(0) and IOCS mixture in the groundwater with NOM, compared with using the Fe(0) and quartz sand mixture. Since IOCS can enhance the removal efficiency of Cr(VI) and As(V), the usage of the Fe(0) can be reduced, which in turn reduces the impacts induced by the reactive media.  相似文献   

Irrigation of rice fields in Bangladesh with arsenic-contaminated groundwater transfers tens of cubic kilometers of water and thousands of tons of arsenic from aquifers to rice fields each year. Here we combine observations of infiltration patterns with measurements of porewater chemical composition from our field site in Munshiganj Bangladesh to characterize the mobility of arsenic in soils beneath rice fields. We find that very little arsenic delivered by irrigation returns to the aquifer, and that recharging water mobilizes little, if any, arsenic from rice field subsoils. Arsenic from irrigation water is deposited on surface soils and sequestered along flow paths that pass through bunds, the raised soil boundaries around fields. Additionally, timing of flow into bunds limits the transport of biologically available organic carbon from rice fields into the subsurface where it could stimulate reduction processes that mobilize arsenic from soils and sediments. Together, these results explain why groundwater irrigated rice fields act as net sinks of arsenic from groundwater.  相似文献   

A permeable reactive barrier (PRB) using zerovalent iron (ZVI) was installed at a site near Ca?on City, CO, to treat molybdenum (Mo) and uranium (U) in groundwater. The PRB initially decreased Mo concentrations from about 4.8 to less than 0.1 mg/L; however, Mo concentrations in the ZVI increased to 2.0 mg/L after about 250 days and continued to increase until concentrations in the ZVI were about 4 times higherthan in the influent groundwater. Concentrations of U were reduced from 1.0 to less than 0.02 mg/L during the same period. Investigations of solid-phase samples indicate that (1) calcium carbonate, iron oxide, and sulfide minerals had precipitated in pores of the ZVI; (2) U and Mo were concentrated in the upgradient 5.1 cm of the ZVI; and (3) calcium was present throughout the ZVI accounting for up to 20.5% of the initial porosity. Results of a column test indicated that the ZVI from the PRB was still reactive for removing Mo and that removal rates were dependenton residence time and pH. The chemical evolution of the PRB is explained in four stages that present a progression from porous media flow through preferential flow and, finally, complete bypass of the ZVI.  相似文献   

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