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为准确评测机载防火系统的灭火功能与性能,设计基于微压差测量技术的灭火剂浓度机载测试系统。通过真空泵采集灭火剂与空气复合气体,利用过滤器对其展开过滤后,传输至微压差浓度传感模块,经该模块的气体加热器加热该气体,温度控制器控制所加热气体温度,然后通过节流设备使其形成压差,利用压差传感器变更压差信号为电信号,再应用信号处理器展开信号处理,计算出灭火剂浓度并得出与其浓度值呈正相关的电信号;依据该信号,利用流量恒定设备高精度控制灭火剂与空气复合气体流量,合并该气体流量后将其输入稳压缓冲罐进行缓冲,通过气体分析仪测量灭火剂与空气复合气体差异浓度和压差的关联,输出灭火剂浓度数字信号,并利用排气口将测试完的灭火剂空气复合气体排入真空泵,通过真空泵将测试完的灭火剂空气复合气体排放至空气内。试验表明:该系统的测量范围大、测量数据有效且精准程度高,重复与稳定功能性好,灭火剂体积浓度与维持时长在常温下大于低温下。  相似文献   

The development of an experimental tactile sensor system fitted on a robot work-table is analyzed in this paper. In the first stage of this research a 16 × 16 piezoresistive sensor was used, attached on the work-table of an ASEA IRB-2000 robot. The keypoint of the above design is that the sensor is not used just to obtain texture information, as it is happens when it is fitted on the gripper, but also to obtain tactile data from the object nonvisible base-surface and finally the object weight. The experimental system is designed so as to allow variation in the design parameters to determine the best set of parameter values for optimal performance of the sensor. Experiments carried out show the operability of the above system and, furthermore, the advantages using this sensor topology.  相似文献   

设计了基于ZigBee的新型矿山压力检测系统,通过对矿山压力的实时监控,可以及时发现危险并进行处理,极大地提高了矿下安全,使工作人员的生命财产得到保障。  相似文献   

在 - 6 0~ 85℃的温度范围内 ,压力传感器检测系统可以满足压力传感器静态特性参数的检测 ,它采用了液体传压原理、温度控制技术和计算机应用技术。解决了压力传感器的热零点漂移、热灵敏度漂移、非线性、迟滞和重复性在不同温度环境条件下难以精确检测的问题 ,为压力传感器的研究和使用提供依据 ,在压力传感器研制和生产中有着重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

设计主要目的旨在解决电力设备的人为检测的麻烦、不安全,为此引入基于嵌入式计算机系统开发与紫外内窥检测技术相结合的智能检测应用。设计了一套基于嵌入式系统的电力设备紫外监测系统,该系统核心部分主要由紫外探头、嵌入式计算机系统和GPRS模块构成。利用日盲型的紫外传感器检测特定波长的紫外线来正确检测电力设备的放电,并将紫外放电检测和视频内窥技术相结和实现了基于无线GPRS的电力设备紫外放电的远程实时在线监测,最终监控数据通过嵌入式计算机系统处理利用GPRS模块通信网络将信息反馈给工作人员做处理。  相似文献   

设计了一种压力传感器自动测试系统,可实现对多路传感器和多个参数的自动切换测量.通过设计的多功能矩阵开关电路配合一台高精度数据采集器,实现选通切换与测量;采用LabVIEW设计上位机软件,实现标定数据、温度补偿数据、时漂数据显示以及计算、报表功能.实验证明:该系统可同时进行90只压力传感器的桥路电压、电阻、电流等参数测量,满足精度为1%~0.1%压力传感器批量产品检测与检定的多种测试需要.  相似文献   

This work focuses on the design and implementation of a fuzzy inference system for fault detection and isolation (FDI) which can learn from example fault data, and the determination of a suitable optimisation strategy for the membership functions. A FDI system was developed which is based on adaptive fuzzy rules. A number of optimisation strategies were then applied; it was found that an evolutionary algorithm not only produced the best results but did so with relatively little processing effort and with excellent consistency.The adaptive fuzzy system, thus optimised, was tested against a neural network, which was trained to produce analogue outputs as an indication of fault magnitude. The fuzzy solution produced the best accuracy.We can conclude that an adaptive fuzzy inference system for FDI, using an evolutionary algorithm to learn from examples, can provide an accurate and readily comprehensible solution to diagnosing and evaluating fluid process plant faults.  相似文献   

套管阀是实施主过程欠平衡钻井的关键工具。结合胜利油田井下压力监测系统进行研究,设计并实现了一种基于CAN总线技术以超低功耗单片机MSP430为核心的具有温度补偿的智能型压力传感器监测系统,对井下的实时压力及温度信号进行实时采集,为井下套管阀开启提供保证。采用硬件补偿以及曲线拟合和牛顿插值法进行软件温度补偿,有效解决了由于温度变化对压力测量带来的影响;采用CAN总线及光电隔离等技术,抗干扰能力比较强,传输距离长,可达10km。通过实验证明,本系统实时性好,精度误差达0.75%,足以满足套管阀阀底压力监测系统研制要求。  相似文献   

In this article a system to detect the physical behavior of bedridden elderly people is proposed. This system is used to prevent elderly people from falling down and injuring themselves. The basic idea of our approach is to measure the body movements of the person using an acceleration sensor. Based on the data measured, dangerous actions are recorded and warning signals to the care workers are generated via wireless signals. A feature of the system is that the sensor is compactly assembled as a wearable unit. Another feature of the system is that it adopts a simplified wireless network system. Owing to its network capability, the system can monitor the physical movements of many patients. The applicability of the system is now being examined at hospitals. This work was presented in part at the 10th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, February 4–6, 2005  相似文献   

开发了一种新型用于室外传感器网络节点的微太阳能系统。在系统中,太阳能电池板将太阳能转换为电能,并存储于新型低自放电率的镍氢AAA电池中。为进一步延长电池的使用寿命,系统设计过程中采用了电池驱动的设计方法。超过4周的测试结果表明:本设计具有高可靠,低成本和高可行性等优势。  相似文献   

1553B总线在军事领域应用非常广泛,目前针对1553B总线设备的检测系统并不能完全满足实际应用需求。为使计算机与1553B总线设备的数据通信更加方便,提高总线设备检测效率,基于ARM和FPGA设计了一种1553B总线设备检测系统。首先给出了系统的总体设计框架,详细介绍了硬件设计和软件设计方法。设计时采用了模块化的方法,对ARM模块、FPGA模块及接口连接部分进行分别设计。ARM模块实现了USB和以太网双接口。用FPGA设计1553B协议IP核采用自顶向下的方法。同时,也对外围电路和电源模块进行了优化设计。完成设计后进行了仿真验证,结果表明设计实现了接收与发送功能,符合设计要求。最后,在电路板上进行了实际调试,测试取得了良好的效果,能够满足实际应用要求。  相似文献   

基于虚拟仪器技术研制了某型航空发动机综合电子调节器测试系统,进行了传感器的虚拟和硬件部分的设计以及软件的开发与调试。实验测试证明:测控系统能够实现相关传感器的模拟和所有信号的模拟发送与采集,测试精度高,性能稳定,在研究综合电子调节器内部结构和控制规律,以及发动机数字控制系统设计中具有重要的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型水热式孵化机温度控制装置,该系统以AT89S51为控制器,通过数字式温度传感器SHT11采集孵化箱温度,应用GM(1,1)灰色模型建立温度的数学模型,根据监测到的孵化箱温度数据进行预测,判断温度的变化趋势,计算得出下一时刻的温度预测值。控制器根据预测结果,产生相应控制信号调节孵化箱温度,最终达到使孵化箱温度维持在键盘输入的设定值水平的要求。  相似文献   

为了进一步提高基于物联网的监控系统的可靠性和延长其网络生命周期,设计了一种基于灰色模型GM(1,1)和自回归AR(p)的对物联网监测区域中的数据传输进行控制的有效方法;首先,定义了基于GM(1,1)和自回归AR(p)的预测混合模型并对其运行原理进行了描述,然后,提出了采用最小二乘法对GM(1,1)的参数进行估计以获得预测模型,以总体最小二乘为评价准则,设计了基于SVD(sigular value decomposition,SVD)的AR(p)参数估计方法,最后将两种预测模型获得的结果进行加权融合作为最终的预测值;仿真实验表明,文中设计的基于GM(1,1)和自回归AR(p)模型的预测方法能较为精确地传感器节点在未来时刻采集的数据进行预测,同时由于节点预测的精确性,避免了其与基站之间的冗余数据传输,延长了网络生命周期,具有很强的可行性。  相似文献   

Three new chemodosimeters 13 were prepared, and their chromogenic and fluorogenic behaviors toward various metal cations were investigated. Receptors 13 show exclusive response toward Hg2+ ion and also distinguish Hg2+from other metal cations by different color changes in DMSO aqueous solution (DMSO/H2O = 9/1). Among them, receptor 1 also exhibits a pronounced Hg2+-induced fluorescence enhancement. Thus, the receptor 1 can be used as a colorimetric and fluorescent chemodosimeter for the determination of Hg2+ ion. The use of the test strip of the receptor 1 to detect Hg2+ was also reported.  相似文献   

The increase in the number of counterfeits penetrating into the open market has created the need for a product authentication approach in tracing and tracking the product anytime, anywhere. Owing to the vague concepts frequently represented in flow of products, this paper presents a self-valuation and visualization system by integrating the RFID technology and EPC concept to protect products from counterfeiting by the means of mobile platform. In this paper, a system architecture is proposed which is capable of integrating mobile technology and EPC-RFID applications. The implementation roadmap of such system architecture is examined and explained in the context of a case study. The aims of the system are to provide greater visibility of the product logistic flow data and to improve the anti-counterfeit process, from traditional physical identification to self-validated location-based authentication. The case study illustrates the capability, benefits and advantages of using the proposed system, particularly its support of product authentication and supply chain activities in countering the global counterfeit problems.  相似文献   

针对目前建筑工地上存在的建筑材料及机械设备频繁被盗事件,论文提出利用加速度传感器对各物体的振动进行监测,通过分析加速度信号的标准差对偷盗事件作出判断;结合Zigbee无线传感器网络和GPRS构建了以移动手持终端、本地和远程两级控制中心组成的广域无线分簇式监测网络。论文给出了详细的系统结构和软硬件设计。实验表明,系统可有效排除偶然扰动和周期扰动,无线网络传输稳定,准确性高。系统稍加改进即可应用于其他广域防盗监测环境中。  相似文献   

In this paper the author describes the first expert system in CNES designed to operate in a Satellite Control Centre (SCC) from the project point of view. The SE-TC2 is mainly dedicated to fault isolation on the TELECOM 2 satellite platform. We explain why we believe in this kind of system and how it should be designed and developed in the future within the SCC project.

The first part describes the origins of this system and gives details of how the needs were confirmed by the end of an R&T study carried out from 1986 to 1989. This study showed the feasibility of such an approach and allowed us to specify the functionalities an operational system should offer. The paper then goes on to discuss the framework in which the project was completed. We give enough details on the system's architecture to be able to show why we think it is likely to be accepted by users in accordance with their current habits. We also clarify the kind of knowledge used in the system and explain why it is so crucial to use a form and content well-known to potential users. There follows a brief section on the services the system is supposed to provide and its restrictions. Some of these limitations are due to financial or technical reasons, but others are desirable insofar as we consider the way a satellite is currently controlled using this generation of SCCs and the role of humans in the control ‘loop’.

The SE-TC2 was installed in the TELECOM 2 SCC in February 1993. It was decided to install it for a ten-month period before putting it into operation. We describe why this period was chosen and how we are using it to best advantage. A major aspect in the system's design is its ability to improve the knowledge added by the users themselves, so we are able to focus on this feature, which is vital with respect to the system's relevance.  相似文献   

The problem of optimal allocation of flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) devices is deemed as a formidable optimisation problem. Metaheuristics are the common approaches for solving FACTS allocation problems. Imperialistic competitive algorithm (ICA) is a well-established optimisation algorithm which has been successfully employed for solving complex optimisation problems in different fields. It is inspired by imperialistic competition and socio-political evolution of human beings and offers appropriate exploration and exploitation capabilities during the search for global optima. This paper employs ICA for solving FACTS allocation problem in a way that low values of overloads and voltage deviations are resulted both during line outage contingencies and demand growth. Thyristor-controlled phase shifting transformers (TCPST’s) and thyristor-controlled series compensators (TCSC’s) have been used as FACTS devices. The results of employing ICA for FACTS allocation problem indicate that ICA Offers better results than artificial bee colony (ABC), gravitational search algorithm (GSA), evolutionary programming (EP), bat swarm optimisation (BSO), nonlinear programming (NLP), pattern search (PS), asexual reproduction optimisation (ARO) and backtracking search algorithm (BSA).  相似文献   

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