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以掺混不同体积分数(5%、10%)二乙二醇二甲醚(DGM)的柴油为燃料,采用F6L913柴油机进行发动机台架试验,通过控制进气压力模拟高原地区柴油机的工作条件,考察了海拔2000~4000 m下不同掺混比例的含氧燃料对发动机性能的影响。结果表明,在海拔2000 m以上地区,发动机燃用含氧燃料的功率均大于燃用纯柴油,且功率会随燃料中DGM添加量的增加而增大;海拔越高,转速越大,燃用含氧燃料时发动机动力性越好。在海拔2000 m以上地区,发动机燃用含氧燃料的燃油消耗率比燃用纯柴油低,且会随着海拔的升高和DGM添加量的增加而明显降低;含氧燃料可以显著降低柴油机高原地区碳烟、HC、CO的排放,NOx排放有所增加。在高原地区使用高含氧燃料是恢复柴油机性能的有效方法。  相似文献   

动荡的燃料市场中的含氧添加剂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在过去的十年里,汽油的消耗增长了30%。空气污染成为人们日益关心的问题。在汽油中添加含氧添加剂则是一条奇效的解决途径。文章讨论了全球含氧添加剂市场的供需现状及趋势。  相似文献   

依据国家石油和石油产品标准试验方法研究了二乙二醇二甲醚、烷基醚、乙酸-2-甲氧基乙酯三种含氧燃料对柴油(密度、粘度、净热值)理化性质的影响规律,筛选出烷基醚最适合作为柴油调和组分使用.在20 L液体燃料爆炸球中,通过弱点火方式,分别在常压和负压条件下实现含氧柴油和空白柴油云雾的燃爆.通过对比燃爆压力和压力上升速率,评价了烷基醚对柴油燃爆的影响规律.结果表明:在常压条件下,烷基醚在柴油中的最佳添加比例为15%(体积比);在负压燃烧条件下,烷基醚能有效地改善柴油的燃烧性能.  相似文献   

针对高海拔地区柴油机燃用煤基柴油性能下降的问题,将醚类含氧添加剂聚甲氧基二甲醚(PODE,n=3~8)以不同体积分数与煤基柴油掺混成含氧煤基燃料,通过控制发动机进气压力模拟高海拔下柴油机的工作条件,考察在平原(260 m)和海拔1 500、2 500 m时醚类含氧添加剂对煤基柴油性能的影响。在平原地区,随着PODE比例增加,柴油机动力性逐渐降低,油耗率逐渐上升,排放性变差。在高海拔2 500 m地区,PODE添加量(体积分数)为15%时,柴油机的动力性明显增强,平均功率增幅超过4%;经济性逐渐提升,油耗率平均增幅降低10%以上;HC排放降低幅度8.6%,CO排放降低幅度达到75.1%。  相似文献   

柴油催化燃烧添加剂制备研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对添加剂的组成及配比的研究 ,得到一种新型高效柴油催化燃烧添加剂。测定了添加剂的理化性质。对添加剂的节油率及烟度降低率进行了综合测试和评价  相似文献   

由于生成条件比较温和、含气率较高、储存稳定、耗能低、再分解简单可控、水合物晶体仅包含水和甲烷的优点,水合物法已成为一种有吸引力的分离含氧煤层气的新方法。实验研究了THF+TBAB+SDS体系中煤层气水合物生成的热力学参数及诱导时间的变化规律,获得了相应的相平衡数据。结果表明:THF+TBAB+SDS对煤层气水合物生成的热力学促进作用明显好于单一组分添加剂;并且THF、TBAB混合后,对煤层气水合物生成热力学起主要促进作用的为THF;三种添加剂混合后,记忆效应对煤层气水合物生成诱导时间影响不明显。  相似文献   

Chit.  GH  管爱清 《国外油田工程》2000,16(12):23-25,39
自负压钻井 (UBD)的腐蚀第一次被作为一个问题提出来的这几年 ,已经研究出了使用含氧钻井液的腐蚀控制理论 ,并在实验室的测试中得到了满意的结果。本文提出了解决腐蚀问题的方案 ,并用Chevron和Howell石油公司在怀俄明州的两口存在潜在腐蚀的负压井来说明在设计和井场应用中的实际结果。  相似文献   

王国庆  杨建军 《石油商技》2004,22(6):17-19,35
在柴油中添加润滑性添加剂是改善柴油润滑性能的有效措施,但是若添加剂选用不当,也可能带来一些有害的影响。为此,广泛收集市场上有代表性的润滑性添加剂,并就其在燕山分公司炼油厂柴油中的无害化表现进行了深入考察。试验结果表明,酸性衍生物类添加剂与润滑油的兼容性不能令人满意。  相似文献   

乙醇-柴油混合燃料的制备及其性能研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
 研究了乳化剂种类、乳化剂含量、乳化剂之间配比及乙醇含量对乙醇-柴油混合燃料性能的影响,优化出乙醇-柴油混合燃料的乳化剂,将其添加于乙醇-柴油中,采用物理共混法制备出最优乙醇-柴油混合燃料。实验得出,阳离子乳化剂31381与非离子乳化剂1202在m(31381) :m(1202)=3:7下复配,制得乙醇-柴油混合燃料的最优乳化剂。在乙醇—柴油(乙醇质量分数为16%)中添加质量分数为3.3%的最优乳化剂,制备出的最优混合燃料在室温下能稳定存放6个月以上;透射电镜测定该混合燃料的粒径分布均匀;燃烧速率与0#柴油相当,而烟度较0#柴油降低60%;腐蚀性符合国家标准。  相似文献   

研究提出了超低硫燃料暂定战术技术指标,并规定了其润滑性要求。通过对基础油生产工艺研究、柴油润滑性添加剂研究及配方性能评定,成功研制了一种环保型超低硫燃料,满足外燃发动机(燃烧室高温高压)的使用要求。研制产品具有馏分窄、闪点高、氧化安定性好、低温性能优异、硫含量超低、润滑性能好等特点。燃料的低硫化是燃料发展的必然趋势。在我国开展低硫或超低硫环保型燃料研制,同时开展燃料润滑性添加剂的研制,具有重要意义。  相似文献   


Biomass pyrolysis oils were produced from stored biomass feedstocks by rapid pyrolysis in a fluidized bed reactor. The feedstocks used for these studies were switchgrass, com stover, and hybrid poplar. The woody and herbaceous feedstocks were stored in chip piles and bales, respectively, unprotected in an open field for 6 months. At the end of the storage period, biomass samples were taken from the interior of bales and the centers of chip piles for pyrolysis studies. The materials were ground to pass ?20/+80 mesh and dried to less than 10% moisture content before pyrolyzing in the fluidized bed reactor. Pyrolysis was conducted at 500°C and with less than 0·4 s. vapor residence time. Total liquid yields were as high as 66% for the hybrid poplar and as low as 58% for the com stover. Moisture content of the oils was between 10% and 13%. Gas and char/ash yields were 10-15% and 12-22%, respectively. The char/ash yields were feedstock dependent, but storage influence was significant for only the com stover feedstock. Gas and liquid yields were not influenced by storage time. The oils were highly oxygenated and had higher heating values (HHV) of 23-24 MJlkg that decreased slightly with storage time for all the feedstocks except the switchgrass. The oils, as currently produced, are high in ash and alkali metals. Ultimately, they will be upgraded and used as boiler and turbine fuels.  相似文献   

Biomass pyrolysis oils were produced from stored biomass feedstocks by rapid pyrolysis in a fluidized bed reactor. The feedstocks used for these studies were switchgrass, com stover, and hybrid poplar. The woody and herbaceous feedstocks were stored in chip piles and bales, respectively, unprotected in an open field for 6 months. At the end of the storage period, biomass samples were taken from the interior of bales and the centers of chip piles for pyrolysis studies. The materials were ground to pass -20/+80 mesh and dried to less than 10% moisture content before pyrolyzing in the fluidized bed reactor. Pyrolysis was conducted at 500°C and with less than 0·4 s. vapor residence time. Total liquid yields were as high as 66% for the hybrid poplar and as low as 58% for the com stover. Moisture content of the oils was between 10% and 13%. Gas and char/ash yields were 10-15% and 12-22%, respectively. The char/ash yields were feedstock dependent, but storage influence was significant for only the com stover feedstock. Gas and liquid yields were not influenced by storage time. The oils were highly oxygenated and had higher heating values (HHV) of 23-24 MJlkg that decreased slightly with storage time for all the feedstocks except the switchgrass. The oils, as currently produced, are high in ash and alkali metals. Ultimately, they will be upgraded and used as boiler and turbine fuels.  相似文献   


In recent years the hydrogen content of Aviation Fuels has generated considerable interest. Various investigators have suggested correlation of hydrogen content with combustion related properties of aviation turbine fuel (ATF). A suitable threshold value of hydrogen content 13.8 %wt is being considered as a waiver of Specification sueh as specific energy, aniline gravity product, smoke point, aromatic content, naphthalenes and luminometer number.

In the present paper relationship between the Hydrogen content and. combustion related properties have been examined and improved correlations of hydrogen content with several combustion related properties have been developed by incorporating a characterizationfactor in the equations. The supporting threshold value of a hydrogen content of 13.8 %wt is verified with 25 data points for waiving of combustion properties such as specific energy, aniline gravity product, smoke point and aromatic content from aviation turbine fuel.  相似文献   

In recent years the hydrogen content of Aviation Fuels has generated considerable interest. Various investigators have suggested correlation of hydrogen content with combustion related properties of aviation turbine fuel (ATF). A suitable threshold value of hydrogen content 13.8 %wt is being considered as a waiver of Specification sueh as specific energy, aniline gravity product, smoke point, aromatic content, naphthalenes and luminometer number.

In the present paper relationship between the Hydrogen content and. combustion related properties have been examined and improved correlations of hydrogen content with several combustion related properties have been developed by incorporating a characterizationfactor in the equations. The supporting threshold value of a hydrogen content of 13.8 %wt is verified with 25 data points for waiving of combustion properties such as specific energy, aniline gravity product, smoke point and aromatic content from aviation turbine fuel.  相似文献   

自升式海洋平台站立状态下的性能分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以一桁架桩腿自升式平台为例,通过有限元计算分析,阐述了平台站立状态下几个重要性能的校核方法,包括①桩腿强度;②锁紧系统(升降系统)承载性能;③预压载性能;④桩靴承载性能;⑤抗倾稳性。  相似文献   

利用球柱润滑性试验机和RJY-2型溶解氧测定仪,研究了溶解氧对喷气燃料润滑性的影响。研究结果表明,给喷气燃料通入氮气可迅速降低其中溶解氧,在充氮气条件下,6种试样溶解氧含量比充空气时,平均下降30.5μg/g,磨痕直径比充空气时平均减小了0.048mm,表明降低喷气燃料中溶解氧含量有利于改善其润滑性能。  相似文献   

SAPO-34分子筛在水热环境中的失活研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用XRD,BET,NMR,IR等手段对水热老化前后的SAPO-34分子筛进行表征研究。结果表明,水热老化没有破坏SAPO-34分子筛的晶体结构,而是使分子筛中的Si进行了重新分布,导致分子筛强酸中心减少,弱酸中心增加,活性下降。  相似文献   


Physical, chemical, and fuel properties of diesel fuel samples were investigated in the research. Combustion heats as higher heating values (HHV) of the samples were determined experimentally and calculated from ultimate analysis data. The HHV (MJ kg?1) of the samples as a function of carbon (C, wt%) and hydrogen (H, wt%) was calculated from the following equation :

for which the correlation coefficient was 0.999. The calorific values calculated from the equation showed a mean difference of 0.41 %.  相似文献   

由于脉冲中子氧活化测井在水平井油水两相流条件下测量结果的相对误差随着含水率的减小而增大,因此有必要研究氧活化测井解释校正方法.根据放射性衰减规律以及物质对伽马射线的吸收规律,分析了理想测量条件下井内介质含水率对测量结果的影响,利用函数回归方法对水平井油水两相流条件下脉冲中子氧活化测井的解释结果进行了校正,并给出了与含水率相关的解释结果校正公式.当井内为油水两相流体时,采用该方法能够有效提高氧活化测井的解释精度.  相似文献   

采用柠檬酸络合法制备了不同Co含量的LaFe1-xCoxO3系列复合氧化物载氧体。采用热分析、X射线、程序升温还原和扫描电境等手段对载氧体进行了表征,并在化学链燃烧反应中进行性能评价。XRD表征结果表明,不同Co含量的LaFe1-xCoxO3均能形成钙钛矿结构。TPR表征结果可以说明LaCoO3中的氧物种氧化能力强于LaFeO3。在连续十次化学链燃烧反应中,燃料一氧化碳全部被氧化,这归于LaCoO3持续供氧能力强的特点。LaCoO3循环十次后仍然保持钙钛矿结构不变,而且颗粒没有长大,只是颗粒之间形成了网状结构。通过该实验发现LaCoO3具有高活性和较强的稳定性,适合做化学链燃烧技术的载氧体。  相似文献   

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