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We have developed a set of naming and recognition tests for evaluating the retrieval of lexical and conceptual knowledge for actions. As a first step, normative information about 280 items was collected for the following variables: (1) the naming responses elicited by each item, (2) the degree to which the image of each item agreed with a target name, (3) the familiarity to each depicted action, and (4) the visual complexity of each item. This information was used to develop administration and scoring procedures for a standardized test of action naming. The effectiveness and reliability of these procedures were evaluated in a second experiment. In a third experiment, five tests were developed to probe the retrieval of conceptual knowledge: (1) independently of the production of a naming response, (2) in response to pictorial and nonpictorial stimuli, (3) in terms of the attributes associated with specific actions, and (4) in terms of similarities and differences between various actions.  相似文献   

Category-related effects in the retrieval of conceptual and lexical knowledge for concrete entities have been well documented in lesion studies, and also with functional imaging and electrophysiological approaches. For example, brain-damaged subjects may be impaired in the ability to recognize or to name animals but not tools, or the opposite pattern may obtain. One reason for these dissociations is that different patterns of defects tend to be caused by distinct lesion profiles, suggesting a relative tendency for certain neural systems to be involved in category-related knowledge. But we and others have also hypothesized that a variety of traits of concrete entities co-determine category-related dissociations. Such traits ('factors') include homomorphy (similarity of form), familiarity, value to perceiver, manipulability, characteristic motion, characteristic sensory modality of transaction (vision, touch, hearing), and typical age of acquisition. It is our view that the mix of factors relative to different conceptual categories plays a key role in the neuroanatomical distribution of records for those different categories, and is thus behind the systematic correlations between certain retrieval defects and damage to certain neural systems [12, 52]. In this study, we operationalized these factors and analyzed their intercorrelations. Stimuli were slides of 215 items from the conceptual categories of animals, fruits/vegetables, tools/utensils, vehicles, and musical instruments. The factors were operationalized on the basis of ratings obtained from 227 normal control subjects and on the basis of computer analyses of the digitized outlines of the stimuli. Principal components analysis revealed that 81% of the variability across items could be accounted for by three components: Component 1 (practically useful, common items): high value to perceiver, tactile mode of transaction, high familiarity, low age of acquisition; Component 2 (homomorphic, non-manipulable items): high homomorphy, low characteristic motion and manipulability; Component 3 (items with characteristic sound): hearing mode of transaction, highly distinctive sounds. In another analysis, we found that the categories of animals versus tools/utensils differed significantly on the factors of homomorphy, familiarity, value, manipulability, characteristic motion, and touch. The factor structure we identified in this study may help explain category-related performance defects in brain-damaged subjects. The results lend support to our proposal that systematic differences in physical characteristics and contextual specification of concrete entities constitute a driving force behind the regionalization of neural systems related to the acquisition and retrieval of conceptual and lexical knowledge.  相似文献   

Contends that from an information-processing viewpoint, memory can be subdivided into cue-access, short-term memory, and long-term memory storage and retrieval systems, which in turn are controlled by a number of operations, (e.g., match-mismatch, decay, and selective attention). Furthermore, it is assumed that specific neural substrates are maximally involved in the modulation of these specific processes essential to efficient mnemonic processing of information. Evidence is presented from previous studies to support this theoretical view of information processing. This evidence suggests that (a) the sensory systems and the cerebral cortex are critically involved in match-mismatch processing of information in the cue-access system, (b) the midbrain reticular formation and association cortex process information in the short-term memory system, and (c) the hippocampus is critically involved in consolidation and read-out of information in the long-term memory system. Evidence is also presented to suggest that after an initial preperceptual analysis information is transferred in parallel to the short-term and long-term memory systems, but that superimposed upon this parallel structure are sequential transfer processes (e.g., rehearsal). (6 p. ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Concepts seem to consist of both an associative component based on tabulations of feature typicality and similarity judgments and an explanatory component based on rules and causal principles. However, there is much controversy about how each component functions in concept acquisition and use. Here we consider two assumptions, or dogmas, that embody this controversy and underlie much of the current cognitive science research on concepts. Dogma 1: Novel information is first processed via similarity judgments and only later is influenced by explanatory components. Dogma 2: Children initially have only a similarity-based component for learning concepts; the explanatory component develops on the foundation of this earlier component. We present both empirical and theoretical arguments that these dogmas are unfounded, particularly with respect to real world concepts; we contend that the dogmas arise from a particular species of empiricism that inhibits progress in the study of conceptual structure; and finally, we advocate the retention of a hybrid model of the structure of knowledge despite our rejection of these dogmas.  相似文献   

Definitions are provided of the key entities in knowledge representation for Natural Language Processing (NLP). Starting from the words, which are the natural components of any sentence, both the role of expressions and the decomposition of words into their parts are emphasized. This leads to the notion of concepts, which are either primitive or composite depending on the model where they are created. The problem of finding the most adequate degree of granularity for a concept is studied. From this reflection on basic Natural Language Processing components, four categories of linguistic knowledge are recognized, that are considered to be the building blocks of a Medical Linguistic Knowledge Base (MLKB). Following on the tracks of a recent experience in building a natural language-based patient encoding browser, a robust method for conceptual indexing and query of medical texts is presented with particular attention to the scheme of knowledge representation.  相似文献   

Interactions between conceptual and procedural knowledge influence the development of mathematical competencies. However, after decades of research, these interrelations are still under debate, and empirical results are inconclusive. The authors point out a source of these problems. Different kinds of knowledge and competencies only show up intertwined in behavior, making it hard to measure them validly and independently of each other. A multimethod approach was used to investigate the extent of these problems. A total of 289 fifth and sixth graders’ conceptual and procedural knowledge about decimal fractions was measured by 4 common hypothetical measures of each kind of knowledge. Study 1 tested whether treatments affected the 2 groups of measures in consistent ways. Study 2 assessed, across 3 measurement points, whether conceptual and procedural knowledge could be modeled as latent factors underlying the measures. The results reveal substantial problems with the validities of the measures, which might have been present but gone undetected in previous studies. A solution to these problems is essential for theoretical and practical progress in the field. The potential of the multimethod approach for this enterprise is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Several investigators have argued that raters often rely on the conceptual similarity among performance dimension labels to guide the pattern of their performance ratings. Recent studies have used individual-level conceptual similarity (COS) judgments to investigate this systematic distortion hypothesis and related performance rating issues. In this article the results from 4 studies are reported in which 171 subjects completed COS judgments on 2 occasions. In 3 separate studies the reliability of COS schemata was found to be positively related to the rater's relevant job knowledge. In a 4th study it was found that changes in COS schemata over a 9-week interval may result from COS unreliability as much as from any meaningful reconceptualization of COS structure. Implications for performance rating research are reviewed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article presents a sequential learning algorithm for function approximation and time-series prediction using a minimal radial basis function neural network (RBFNN). The algorithm combines the growth criterion of the resource-allocating network (RAN) of Platt (1991) with a pruning strategy based on the relative contribution of each hidden unit to the overall network output. The resulting network leads toward a minimal topology for the RBFNN. The performance of the algorithm is compared with RAN and the enhanced RAN algorithm of Kadirkamanathan and Niranjan (1993) for the following benchmark problems: (1) hearta from the benchmark problems database PROBEN1, (2) Hermite polynomial, and (3) Mackey-Glass chaotic time series. For these problems, the proposed algorithm is shown to realize RBFNNs with far fewer hidden neurons with better or same accuracy.  相似文献   

Investigated the concept comparison task as a means of assessing knowledge of concept interrelationships. The task involves making a comparative judgment in the form of a rating on each pair of a set of concept labels. In the present study, the judgment involved the strength of relationship between members of pairs of concepts. The relationship between performance on the concept comparison task and essay test performance was examined. Exp I, with 64 undergraduates, considered the relationship between 3 types of essay questions (definition, application, and comparison) and measures derived from the concept comparison task. Materials used for the concept comparison task and essay tests were taken from the perception component of an introductory psychology course. A canonical correlation analysis indicated a fairly strong relationship between essay performance and performance on the concept comparison task. Regression analysis was used to investigate specific aspects of the relationship. Exp II used 67 different Ss and a different set of concepts (memory). It is concluded that the concept comparison task does assess conceptual knowledge in a nontrivial way. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conducted 2 experiments to examine developmental changes from middle childhood to adolescence in metaretrieval plans offered to solve different retrieval problems. In each experiment, 80 children in Grades 3, 5, 7, and 9 made judgments about 2 problems that were more or less external or internal . The spontaneous responses from Exp I revealed an age increase in the number of different ideas generated for the internal problem and an age increase in the number of children who recommended the highly general strategy of retracing one's steps for retrieval. The forced-choice judgments in Exp II revealed the perception that the internal problem is more difficult than the external one and some discrepancy between the "best" strategy most often chosen for each retrieval problem (Exp II) and the strategy most frequently mentioned (Exp I). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

知识获取技术制约着知识系统的研究和应用,有效地从文本中提取领域知识成为知识获取的重要途径.本文提出了基于本体和图分析的领域知识获取技术,分析了本体数据结构、本体概念的实例化以及基于图分析的语义场构造方法.建立了具有广泛适用性的文本知识获取系统框架,实现了原型系统.通过针对中医医案的中医领域知识获取实验验证,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

Competence in many domains rests on children developing conceptual and procedural knowledge, as well as procedural flexibility. However, research on the developmental relations between these different types of knowledge has yielded unclear results, in part because little attention has been paid to the validity of the measures or to the effects of prior knowledge on the relations. To overcome these problems, we modeled the three constructs in the domain of equation solving as latent factors and tested (a) whether the predictive relations between conceptual and procedural knowledge were bidirectional, (b) whether these interrelations were moderated by prior knowledge, and (c) how both constructs contributed to procedural flexibility. We analyzed data from 2 measurement points each from two samples (Ns = 228 and 304) of middle school students who differed in prior knowledge. Conceptual and procedural knowledge had stable bidirectional relations that were not moderated by prior knowledge. Both kinds of knowledge contributed independently to procedural flexibility. The results demonstrate how changes in complex knowledge structures contribute to competence development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

One current higher education paradigm shift is the movement from traditional classroom settings and interactive television satellite transmission to course and program delivery via the World Wide Web (WWW). The authors describe the experiences of faculty in reconceptualizing and redesigning course and program delivery via the Internet. An electronic "template" has been collaboratively developed by multidisciplinary university partners to facilitate this work. The template incorporates an advanced nursing practice conceptual framework based on American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) core educational essentials for advanced practice combined with a continuum of electronic course tools. Strategies, tools, and applications are discussed.  相似文献   

The need to account for the adaptive behavior of the patient in the clinical test situation is discussed with respect to the relative rather than absolute nature of test responses. Adaptation-level (AL) theory is proposed as a framework of reference for adaptive behavior of the patient in the clinical situation, as well as for clinical judgment and prediction. The theory of AL possesses the relativity and operational validity required for dealing with complex clinical phenomena. Implications of the AL model for clinical theory, experimentation, and practice are suggested. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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