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Eighty multiparous cows were used to test the effects of feeding a supplement containing 55% dry propylene glycol (PGLY), prilled fat (PrFA) containing a low proportion of unsaturated fatty acids (FA), or calcium soaps of long-chain FA (CaLFA) containing a high proportion of unsaturated FA on energy balance (EB), blood metabolites, and early postpartum (PP) ovarian follicles. Dry cows (256 d pregnant) were divided into 6 groups and began the following dietary treatments: 1) control group, fed a dry cow diet and fed a lactating cow diet PP; 2) PGLY group, diet supplemented with 500 g/d per cow of dry PGLY prepartum through 21 d in milk; 3) PrFA:control group, diet supplemented with 230 g/d per cow of PrFA prepartum and fed the control diet PP; 4) PrFA:PrFA group, diet supplemented with 230 g/d per cow of PrFA prepartum through 21 d in milk; 5) CaLFA:control, supplemented with 215 g/d per cow of CaLFA prepartum and fed the control diet PP; 6) CaLFA:CaLFA, supplemented with 215 g/d per cow of CaLFA prepartum through 21 d in milk. Follicular fluid was aspirated from follicles ≥6 mm on d 12 PP. The daily average calculated EB during the first 21 d in milk was lower in the PrFA:PrFA (−4.16 Mcal/d) and CaLFA:CaLFA (−3.64 Mcal/d) groups than in the control (−1.71 Mcal/d) and PGLY (−2.19 Mcal/d) groups. Postpartum plasma β-hydroxybutyrate was higher, and insulin concentrations were lower in the PrFA:PrFA (6.2 mg/dL and 126.1 pg/mL, respectively) and CaLFA:CaLFA (7.0 mg/dL and 130.7 pg/mL) groups than in the control (4.5 mg/dL and 274.5 pg/mL) and PGLY (4.3 mg/dL and 272.6 pg/mL) groups, whereas nonesterified FA concentrations were higher only than the control group. Postpartum nonesterified FA were 21% lower and insulin plasma concentrations were 86% higher in the CaLFA:control group as compared with the PrFA:control group. The progesterone concentrations in the follicular fluid of estradiol-active follicles were higher in the CaLFA:CaLFA (200.7 ng/mL) group than in all other groups (57.3 to 92.4 ng/mL), and androstenedione and estradiol concentrations were higher (54.2 and 1,049.1 ng/mL, respectively) than in the PGLY (15.5 and 440.1 ng/mL), PrFA:control (22.6 and 314.1 ng/mL), and CaLFA:control (17.5 and 451.9 ng/mL) groups. In conclusion, supplementation of protected fat during the peripartum period negatively affected the EB status of the cows. Neither fat supplementation nor PGLY influenced the development of ovarian follicles during the early PP period, but feeding fat containing a high ratio of unsaturated FA (CaLFA) increased progesterone concentrations in estradiol-active follicles that were aspirated at 12 d in milk.  相似文献   

Experimental objectives were to determine the effects of supplemental saturated fatty acids on production, body temperature indices, and some aspects of metabolism in mid-lactation dairy cows experiencing heat stress. Forty-eight heat-stressed Holstein cows were allocated into 3 groups (n = 16/group) according to a completely randomized block design. Three treatment diets consisted of supplemental saturated fatty acids (SFA) at 0 (SFA0), 1.5 (SFA1.5), or 3.0% (SFA3) of dry matter (DM) for 10 wk. Diets were isonitrogenous (crude protein = 16.8%) and contained 1.42, 1.46, and 1.49 Mcal of net energy for lactation/kg of DM for the SFA0, SFA1.5 and SFA3 diets, respectively. The average temperature-humidity index at 0700, 1400 and 2200 h was 72.2, 84.3, and 76.6, respectively. Rectal temperatures at 1400 h were decreased with fat supplementation. Treatment did not affect dry matter intake (20.1 ± 0.02 kg/d), body condition score (2.72 ± 0.04), body weight (627 ± 16.1 kg), or calculated energy balance (1.32 ± 0.83 Mcal/d). Saturated fatty acid supplementation increased milk yield, milk fat content, and total milk solids. Increasing fat supplementation decreased plasma nonesterified fatty acids (8%) but had no effect on other energetic metabolites or hormones. In summary, supplemental SFA improved milk yield and milk fat content and yield and reduced peak rectal temperatures in mid-lactation heat-stressed dairy cows. This demonstrates the remarkable amount of metabolic heat that is “saved” by energetically replacing fermentable carbohydrates with supplemental SFA.  相似文献   

论述了兔毛优良的环保特性,分析了兔毛产品掉毛、起球及缩水产生的原因,提出了结合兔毛的特点,采用改造过的棉、毛结合设备,加工纯兔毛产品的设想,阐述了梳前准备工序、梳毛工序、并条工序中应注意的问题,并建议根据兔毛的品质开发我国独特的兔毛系列产品.  相似文献   

Liver biopsies from 38 multiparous Holstein cows were used to determine rates of peroxisomal beta-oxidation and total beta-oxidation of palmitate in liver homogenates and contents of total lipid, triglyceride, and glycogen during the lactation cycle. Cows were assigned to one of four diets from wk 4 through wk 42 of lactation: control, control plus nicotinic acid (12 g/d), supplemental fat, or supplemental fat plus nicotinic acid. Liver biopsies were obtained at wk 3 (covariate), 6, 12, 24, and 42 of lactation. Neither supplemental fat nor nicotinic acid affected palmitate oxidation in liver homogenates or liver composition. Peroxisomal beta-oxidation capacity and the ratio of peroxisomal to total beta-oxidation decreased from wk 3 to 12 and then increased at wk 42. Contents of total lipid and triglyceride decreased, and content of glycogen increased, from wk 3 to 12. Total oxidation capacity in liver homogenates was correlated negatively with total lipid and triglyceride in liver, yields of milk and solids-corrected milk (SCM), and plasma nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), and was correlated positively with liver glycogen, dry matter intake (DMI), energy balance, and plasma glucose. Peroxisomal beta-oxidation was correlated negatively with yields of milk and SCM. The ratio of peroxisomal to total beta-oxidation was correlated positively with liver total lipid, liver TG, and plasma NEFA and negatively with DMI and energy balance. When only data from wk 3 postpartum were considered, both total and peroxisomal beta-oxidation were correlated negatively with hepatic concentrations of total lipid and TG. Peroxisomal beta-oxidation in liver of dairy cows is not affected by feeding supplemental fat or nicotinic acid during wk 4 to 42 of lactation but may be a part of the hepatic adaptations to negative energy balance.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the maternal supply of essential fatty acids (EFA), especially α-linolenic acid, and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), affects glucose metabolism, the endocrine regulation of energy metabolism and growth, and the intestinal development of neonatal calves. We studied calves from dams that received an abomasal infusion of 76 g/d coconut oil (CTRL; n = 9), 78 g/d linseed oil and 4 g/d safflower oil (EFA; n = 9), 38 g/d Lutalin (BASF SE) containing 27% cis-9,trans-11 and trans-10,cis-12 CLA (CLA; n = 9), or a combination of EFA and CLA (EFA+CLA; n = 11) during the last 63 d of gestation and early lactation. Calves received colostrum and transition milk from their own dam for the first 5 d of life. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, leptin, and adiponectin concentrations were measured in milk. Blood samples were taken before first colostrum intake, 24 h after birth, and from d 3 to 5 of life before morning feeding to measure metabolic and endocrine traits in plasma. On d 3 of life, energy expenditure was evaluated by a bolus injection of NaH13CO3 and determination of CO2 appearance rate. On d 4, additional blood samples were taken to evaluate glucose first-pass uptake and 13CO2 enrichment after [13C6]-glucose feeding and intravenous [6,6-2H2]-glucose bolus injection, as well as postprandial changes in glucose, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), insulin, and glucagon. On d 5, calves were killed 2 h after feeding and samples of small intestinal mucosa were taken for histomorphometric measurements. The concentrations of IGF-I, adiponectin, and leptin in milk decreased during early lactation in all groups, and the concentrations of leptin in first colostrum was higher in EFA than in CTRL cows. Plasma glucose concentration before first colostrum intake was higher in EFA calves than in non-EFA calves and was lower in CLA calves than in non-CLA calves. Plasma IGF-I concentration was higher on d 1 before colostrum intake in EFA calves than in EFA+CLA calves and indicated an overall CLA effect, with lower plasma IGF-I in CLA than in non-CLA calves. Postprandial NEFA concentration was lowest in EFA and CLA calves. The postprandial rise in plasma insulin was higher in EFA than in non-EFA calves. Plasma adiponectin concentration increased from d 1 to d 2 in all groups and was higher on d 3 in CLA than in non-CLA calves. Plasma leptin concentration was higher on d 4 and 5 in EFA than in non-EFA calves. Maternal fatty acid treatment did not affect energy expenditure and first-pass glucose uptake, but glucose uptake on d 4 was faster in EFA than in non-EFA calves. Crypt depth was lower, and the ratio of villus height to crypt depth was higher in the ilea of CLA than non-CLA calves. Elevated plasma glucose and IGF-I in EFA calves immediately after birth may indicate an improved energetic status in calves when dams are supplemented with EFA. Maternal EFA and CLA supplementation influenced postprandial metabolic changes and affected factors related to the neonatal insulin response.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of prepartum plane of energy intake on metabolic profiles related to lipid metabolism and health in blood and liver. Primiparous (n = 24) and multiparous (n = 23) Holsteins were randomly assigned by expected date of parturition to 1 of 3 prepartum energy intakes. A high energy diet [1.62 Mcal of net energy for lactation (NEL)/kg; 15% crude protein] was fed for either ad libitum intake or restricted intake to supply 150% (OVR) or 80% (RES) of energy requirements for dry cows in late gestation. To limit energy intake to 100% of National Research Council requirements at ad libitum intake, chopped wheat straw was included as 31.8% of dry matter for a control diet (CON; 1.21 Mcal of NEL/kg of dry matter; 14.2% crude protein). Regardless of parity group, OVR cows had greater concentrations of glucose, insulin, and leptin in blood prepartum compared with either CON or RES cows; however, dietary effects did not carry over to the postpartum period. Prepartum nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) were lower in OVR cows compared with either CON or RES cows. Postpartum, however, OVR cows had evidence of greater mobilization of triacylglycerol (TAG) from adipose tissue as NEFA were higher than in CON or RES cows, especially within the first 10 d postpartum. Prepartum β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) was not affected by diet before parturition; however, within the first 10 d postpartum, OVR cows had greater BHBA than CON or RES cows. Prepartum diet did not affect liver composition prepartum; however, OVR cows had greater total lipid and TAG concentrations and lower glycogen postpartum than CON or RES cows. Frequency of ketosis and displaced abomasum was greater for OVR cows compared with CON or RES cows postpartum. Controlling or restricting prepartum energy intake yielded metabolic results that were strikingly similar both prepartum and postpartum, independent of parity group. The use of a bulky diet controlled prepartum energy intake in multiparous and primiparous cows, improved metabolic status postpartum, and reduced the incidence of health problems. When metabolic profiles are considered collectively, cows overfed energy prepartum exhibited an “overnutrition syndrome” with characteristics of clinical symptoms displayed by diabetic or obese nonruminant subjects. This syndrome likely contributed to metabolic dysfunction postpartum.  相似文献   

Some studies have reported improved reproductive performance with dietary fat supplementation. This study examined effects of fatty acids with different lengths, or desaturation, or both, on metabolism of estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) in bovine liver slice incubations (experiments 1 and 2) and in vivo (experiment 3). In experiment 1, effects of fatty acids C16:0 (palmitic acid), C16:1 (palmitoleic acid), C18:1 (oleic acid), and C18:3 (linolenic acid) were evaluated at 30, 100, and 300 μM on P4 and E2 metabolism in vitro. In experiment 2, stearic acid (C18:0) and C18:3 were evaluated in the same incubation conditions. In experiment 1, all of the fatty acids had some significant inhibitory effect on metabolism of P4, E2, or both (300 μM C16:0 on E2; 100 μM C16:1 on E2; 300 μM C16:1 on both P4 and E2; 300 μM C18:1 on P4; and 100 and 300 μM C18:3 on both P4 and E2). In experiment 2, C18:3 (100 and 300 μM) but not C18:0 decreased P4 and E2 metabolism. Overall, the most profound increase (∼60%) in half-life of P4 and E2 was observed with incubations of 300 μM C18:3 in both in vitro experiments. Based on these in vitro results, in experiment 3 linseed oil (rich in C18:3) was supplemented into the abomasum and acute effects on metabolism of E2 and P4 were evaluated. Cows (n = 4) had endogenous E2 and P4 minimized (corpus luteum regressed, follicles aspirated) before receiving continuous intravenous infusion of E2 and P4 to analyze metabolic clearance rate for these hormones during abomasal infusion of saline (control) or 70 mL of linseed oil every 4 h for 28 h. Linseed oil infusion increased C18:3 in plasma by 46%; however, metabolic clearance rate for E2 and P4 were similar for control cows compared with linseed-treated cows. Thus, in vitro experiments indicated that E2 and P4 metabolism can be inhibited by high concentrations of C18:3. Nevertheless, in vivo, linseed oil did not acutely inhibit E2 and P4 metabolism, perhaps because insufficient C18:3 concentrations (increased to ∼8 μM) were achieved. Further research is needed to determine the mechanism(s) of fatty acid inhibition of P4 and E2 metabolism and to discover practical methods to mimic this effect in vivo.  相似文献   

研究了摄食不同来源磷脂对大鼠脂质代谢及其脑内磷脂脂肪酸组成的影响。雄性SD大鼠按体重随机分为大豆油对照组(添加9%)、牛乳磷脂组(添加5%)、大豆磷脂组(添加5%)、蛋黄磷脂组(添加5%),喂食3周。检测了血清总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、游离脂肪酸(FFA)及肝脏TC、TG、磷脂(PL)的含量,并用气相色谱法测定了脑内磷脂脂肪酸的组成变化。结果显示:与大豆油对照组相比,3种磷脂均不同程度提高了大鼠体重、脏器指数,蛋黄磷脂效果显著;3种磷脂不同程度降低了血清TC、TG和FFA含量,牛乳磷脂降低血清FFA显著,大豆磷脂降低血清TC、TG显著,蛋黄磷脂降低FFA显著,大豆磷脂显著提升了血清HDL-C含量;3种磷脂不同程度降低了肝脏TC、TG、PL含量,牛乳磷脂与大豆磷脂降低肝脏TG、TC显著,而蛋黄磷脂降低肝脏TG显著;3种磷脂对脑内磷脂脂肪酸组成的影响各不相同,牛乳磷脂显著提高了脑内磷脂饱和脂肪酸含量,而大豆磷脂和蛋黄磷脂提高了DHA等多不饱和脂肪酸含量。研究表明,3种磷脂均有降血脂、肝脂作用,以大豆磷脂作用尤为明显,大豆磷脂和蛋黄磷脂的益智作用可能优于牛乳磷脂。  相似文献   

天然高聚物对兔毛改性处理的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用天然高聚物作为固着剂,在微波场中对兔毛纤维与丝胶进行改性处理.考虑预处理工艺、丝胶浓度、固着剂浓度和微波参数4个因素,对实验方案进行优化设计,并讨论了各因素对兔毛纤维改性处理效果的影响.本方法具有工艺流程短、成本低、操作简便、环保等优点.  相似文献   

The effects of beef tallow-, soya and sunflower olein- and soya bean oil-enriched (3%) diets on the chemical and fatty acid composition of total, a polar and polar lipids of rabbit meat have been studied. No significant differences (P > 0.05) in the meat chemical composition were observed between groups. However, a large effect of the diet on the total and apolar lipid fatty acids was found, with C18:1 and C18:2 the most affected fatty acids. The influence of the diets on the fatty acids of the polar fraction was less marked. It is concluded that the enrichment of the rabbit diet with either soya and sunflower oleins or soya bean oil allows the production of rabbit meat with a higher unsaturation degree than is obtained by using conventional diets, which constitutes an important nutritional benefit to the human being.  相似文献   

3-氯-1,2-丙二醇脂肪酸酯(3-MCPD酯)主要是植物油脱臭过程中产生的一类过程污染物, 其在生物体内经脂肪酶水解会生成3-氯-1,2-丙二醇(3-MCPD), 3-MCPD具有神经、肾脏、遗传毒性以及潜在的致突变性, 是国际公认的食品污染物。近年来国内外学者对于3-MCPD酯的毒理学研究逐渐增多, 研究发现3-MCPD酯的毒性作用范围与游离3-MCPD的毒性作用范围相同, 这支持酯键断裂形成游离3-MCPD, 并且主要由3-MPCD施加毒性的观点。虽然3-MCPD酯相比游离3-MCPD的急性毒性较低, 但2种化合物都产生广泛的肾组织病理学包括肾小球损害和肾小管上皮细胞增生及睾丸毒性。本文主要对3-MCPD酯的生物代谢及毒性研究进行了概述, 旨在给国内相关毒理学研究提供参考, 并有助于后续健康风险评估工作的开展。  相似文献   

采用壳聚糖作为固着剂,在微波场中运用丝胶对兔毛纤维进行改性处理。考虑丝胶质量分数、壳聚糖质量分数、微波处理液pH值、微波参数和水洗温度5个因素,对实验方案进行优化设计,并讨论了各因素对兔毛纤维改性处理效果的影响。根据改性处理综合效果确定最优方案为:丝胶质量分数2%,壳聚糖质量分数1.2%,微波处理液pH值4.5,微波参数为:P30火力加热7 min,停2 min,再加热7 min,水洗温度为常温。  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the effects of intravenous infusion of triacylglycerol (TAG) emulsions derived from different lipid sources on energy metabolism during a 4-d fast. Six nonpregnant, nonlactating multiparous Holstein cows were randomly assigned to treatments in a replicated 3 x 3 Latin Square design. Treatments included intravenous infusion of tallow, linseed oil, or fish oil emulsions at a rate of 0.54 g of TAG/kg of body weight per day; infusions were concurrent with a 4-d fast. The emulsions were administered for 20 to 30 min every 4 h throughout the 4-d fast. Cows were fed ad libitum for 24 d between the fast/infusion periods. Infusion of tallow, linseed oil, or fish oil emulsions increased plasma concentrations of palmitic acid, linolenic acid, and eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, respectively. Infusion of linseed oil emulsion decreased plasma TAG concentrations compared with tallow and fish oil treatments, which were similar. Infusion of the tallow emulsion resulted in the highest concentrations of plasma nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA), insulin, and glucose, whereas the infusion derived from linseed oil had the lowest NEFA and beta-hydroxybutyric acid concentrations. The different TAG emulsions had no effect on total or peroxisomal oxidation of [1-(14C)]oleic acid in liver homogenates. Liver TAG content increased 12.0, 7.8, and 14.1 microg/microg of DNA during the fast for tallow, linseed oil, and fish oil treatments, respectively; linseed oil was different from fish oil and tended to be different from tallow.  相似文献   

Dairy goats were fed a total mixed ration with or without the inclusion of castor oil [40 g/kg of dry matter (DM)] to study the metabolism of ricinoleic acid (12-OH,cis-9–18:1). Ten goats, at 39.7 ± 4.0 d in milk, were individually penned and allocated at random to the 2 experimental diets. Goats were manually milked twice a day. Milk fatty acids (FA) were analyzed as methyl esters and hydroxyl groups were derivatized in trimethylsilyl ethers. Apart from ricinoleic acid, 6 FA were only detected in the milk of the castor oil group. Ricinoleic acid composed 0.3% of total FA in milk of the castor oil group, whereas the hydroxy-FA (8-OH-14:0, 10-OH-16:0, and 12-OH-18:0) and oxo-FA (8-oxo-14:0, 10-oxo-16:0, and 12-oxo-18:0) reached 7.5% of total FA in milk. We anticipate that these FA were derived from the metabolism of ricinoleic acid, although it was not clear if they were produced in the rumen or in the tissues. To confirm that, we conducted in vitro batch incubations repeated for 3 consecutive weeks with castor oil (40 g/kg of DM) and strained rumen fluid from 2 fistulated sheep. To examine the products formed over time, incubation tubes were stopped at 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h. The results of the in vitro experiment showed that ricinoleic acid was metabolized in the rumen at a slow rate and the main products formed were 12-OH-18:0 and 12-oxo-18:0, by hydrogenation of the cis-9 double bond, followed by oxidation of the hydroxyl group, respectively. Our results suggest that the 12-OH-18:0 and 12-oxo-18:0 escape rumen and are further metabolized through partial β-oxidation in ruminant tissues. We propose that the 10-OH-16:0 and 8-OH-14:0 found in goat milk of the castor oil group are successive products of the β-oxidation of 12-OH-18:0, and the 10-oxo-16:0 and 8-oxo-14:0 are successive products of the 12-oxo-18:0 in tissues. Overall, our results indicate that ricinoleic acid is extensively metabolized in the rumen and tissues, producing mainly oxo- and hydroxy-FA that are further excreted in milk.  相似文献   

朱玉竹  朱萍 《食品与机械》2018,34(6):158-162
为研究云南产不同色型玛咖对体内能量代谢的影响及机理。将40只SD雌性大鼠按体质量随机分为黑玛咖、紫玛咖、黄玛咖、白玛咖、空白对照5组,其中空白对照组灌胃等体积1%羧甲基纤维素钠溶液,而试验组灌胃0.42g/kg·BW的1%羧甲基纤维素钠玛咖干粉悬浮液,每天1次,连续灌胃28d后,测定血清胰岛素样生长因子(insulin-like growth factor 1,IGF-1)、血糖、肝/肌糖原、血清胰岛素(insulin,Ins)、血清和肝脏组织氨基酸的含量及变化;测定肝脏组织中腺苷酸活化的蛋白激酶(AMP activated protein kinase,AMPK)、哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mammalian target of rapamycin,mTOR)、蛋白激酶B(protein kinase B,AKT)和肝激酶B1(liver kinase B1,LKB1)的mRNA水平。试验结果表明:与空白对照组相比,黑玛咖、紫玛咖组试验大鼠相对骨骼肌增重显著(P0.05),玛咖对各试验大鼠血清Ins和IGF-1含量的影响均不显著;黑玛咖和紫玛咖可显著(P0.05)上调血清中Asn、Arg、Ser和Leu的含量,显著(P0.05)上调肝脏中Asp、Ser、Thr、Ala、Val和Leu的含量。各玛咖试验组均显著(P0.05)上调试验大鼠肝脏mTOR mRNA表达量,黑玛咖和紫玛咖可显著(P0.05)上调AKT mRNA表达量;各玛咖试验组对AMPK和LKB1mRNA表达量的影响均不显著(P0.05)。综上可知,玛咖可通过调节能量分配来改变机体的组成,氨基酸可能是介导mTOR活化的主要信号因子。  相似文献   

Saturated and unsaturated fatty acid supplements (FS) were evaluated for effects on yield of milk and milk components, concentration of milk components including milk fatty acid profile, and energy balance. Eight ruminally and duodenally cannulated cows and 8 noncannulated cows were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design experiment with 21-d periods. Treatments were control and a linear substitution of 2.5% fatty acids from saturated FS (SAT; prilled, hydrogenated free fatty acids) for partially unsaturated FS (UNS; calcium soaps of long-chain fatty acids). The SAT treatment did not change milk fat concentration, but UNS linearly decreased milk fat in cannulated cows and tended to decrease milk fat in noncannulated cows compared with control. Milk fat depression with UNS corresponded to increased concentrations of trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid and trans C18:1 fatty acids in milk. Milk fat profile was similar for SAT and control, but UNS decreased concentration of short- and medium-chain FA. Digestible energy intake tended to decrease linearly with increasing unsaturated FS in cannulated and noncannulated cows. Increasing unsaturated FS linearly increased empty body weight and net energy gain in cannulated cows, whereas increasing saturated FS linearly increased plasma insulin. Efficiency of conversion of digestible energy to milk tended to decrease linearly with increasing unsaturated FS for cannulated cows only. Addition of SAT provided little benefit to production and energy balance, whereas UNS decreased energy intake and milk energy yield.  相似文献   

脱发症是皮肤科常见疾病之一,发病率较高但临床治疗手段有限。大部分脱发症与毛囊周期的改变有关,而Omega-3及Omega-6多不饱和脂肪酸被证实通过促进或抑制毛囊细胞释放信号分子,从而促进毛囊生长、改善毛囊周期以及促进毛囊的再生。对多不饱和脂肪酸干预脱发症的研究现状及作用机制的国内外相关研究进行综述,期望能够为多不饱和脂肪酸对各类脱发症的治疗提供新思路及深入探讨脱发症的治疗方法及治疗机制提供借鉴,为利用现代分子生物技术改善脱发症提供理论依据。  相似文献   

兔绒、山羊绒氧化/酶改性处理对比研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对兔绒、山羊绒和绵羊毛的结构、性能进行了对比分析,通过对兔绒、山羊绒进行适当的改性处理后,使纤维具有良好的可纺性,在大大减少兔羊绒纺织品的脱绒现象的同时,又保持了兔羊绒纺织品优异的风格特征.  相似文献   

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