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This paper reports a comparative study of urban tourism development in two areas, Maun and Gaborone, located in northern and southeastern Botswana. More specifically, the study evaluated residents’ tourism awareness and its importance in their lives; assessed economic benefits and employment derived from tourism; and examined impacts of tourism and development issues as perceived by the residents. Data were collected via household surveys and key informant interviews between June 2003 and April 2004. Findings indicate that both study sites bear some similarities in terms of infrastructural development and rapid population growth. The study also found that only a small proportion of the local population is employed within the tourism sector and that the vast majority of tourism-related enterprises are foreign-owned. Various recommendations are outlined to increase citizen participation in urban tourism development, most notably in cultural heritage tourism.
Naomi MosweteEmail: Email:

Naomi Moswete   is with the Department of Environmental Science, University of Botswana and a Ph.D. candidate at University of Florida in Gainesville, USA. Brijesh Thapa   is in the Department of Tourism, Recreation and Sport Management, Center of Tourism, Research and Development at the University of Florida, Gainesville, USA. Elisha N. Toteng   is in the Department of Environmental Science, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana. Joseph E. Mbaiwa   is with the Harry Oppenheimer, Okavango Research Centre, University of Botswana, Maun, Botswana.  相似文献   

The official moniker of the city of Msunduzi in Kwazulu-Natal is “city of choice.” The economic revival of Msunduzi over the past decade has been driven by the influx of capital to a city that claims to offer significant advantages to the investor. This paper examines whether this marketing ploy has enlarged the choices of the poorer residents of the city, with particular regard to their food security. Using data from the 2008–2009 African Food Security Urban Network (AFSUN) baseline survey, the paper shows that Msunduzi’s residents experience higher levels of food insecurity than like neighbourhoods in Cape Town and Johannesburg and many other cities in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. Unlike a number of these cities, the food sourcing strategies of households are severely constrained. Urban agriculture and rural–urban food transfers are limited, and the informal food economy is much less significant than elsewhere. The control of the urban food system largely rests in the hands of supermarkets whose location and pricing policies put quality food outside the reach of most poor households. Although many are forced to buy supermarket food, through lack of choice, food shortages and a lack of dietary diversity are endemic. Worst off are female-headed households whose levels of unemployment are higher than average and whose incomes are lower than average.  相似文献   

城市设计理论涉及不同的研究领域,本文选取了街道这一城市设计客体要素,按照形态、认知、社会、视觉、功能、时间六个维度对相关的理论进行梳理。并指出街道城市设计的各个维度间并没有严格的分界线,而是在客体要素、方法论及研究过程等方面紧密联系的,只有同时考虑到所有这些维度,街道的城市设计才能被认为是完整的。  相似文献   

刘生军  徐苏宁 《华中建筑》2009,27(10):32-34
该文结合符号学意义结构的表征关系来指涉城市设计思维的意义维度,旨在形成对城市设计的语形、语义和语用思维等思维范式的认知。论文提出,城市作为特定人群的聚居形态记忆着场所、领域感与文化地理学特征,任何以单纯的语形思维、语义思维进行意义分析都是片面的,现代城市设计必然深入到语用的维度,形成一种综合而全面的思维方式。  相似文献   

城市交通问题的社会性与生态性   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
城市交通运行有着特殊的内在规律性,常常表现出中性运行甚至恶性运行的状态,解决城市交通问题应有社会学与生态学思想的指导。  相似文献   

Like most developing countries, Botswana—a middle-income country—has experienced rapid urban growth, which has brought in its wake many social and economic problems. One of the key challenges has been the lack of access to land and housing for the poor who have moved into the urban centres in large numbers in search of employment and economic survival. Many programmes and strategies have been introduced by both central and local governments to address this problem. These include: squatter settlement upgrading; public housing through site, service and self-help housing; subsidised plot allocation; financial incentives for housing construction, etc. Many challenges have hampered the implementation of these strategies and programmes including fast urbanisation, which outstrips supply of land and housing for most urbanites; unaffordability of many of these schemes; poor targeting; high defaulting rates and poor management of these schemes. This paper calls upon the government, the private sector and local communities to devise holistic solutions to enable low-income households to procure decent accommodation in urban areas.  相似文献   

In 2008, Zimbabwe was in crisis, with an economy in ruins and a volatile political environment. The country’s GDP had contracted by over 40 % since 2,000 level; the official unemployment rate was over 80 %; hyperinflation was running at over 200 million percent; and food production deficits of the staple crop, maize, hovered around 1,000,000 tons. Within this hyperinflationary environment, food shortages were acute, and over 80 % of households in the country survived on less than US$2 per day. While this deleterious environment affected the whole country, the vulnerability of the urban poor to the economic meltdown and food insecurity was especially severe given their heavy reliance on food purchases and increases in other urban expenses such as rent, electricity, and transport. This paper assesses the vulnerability of poor households to food insecurity in Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare, under the crisis conditions and beyond. It argues that while the ushering in of the Government of National Unity in 2009 stabilized the political and economic situation by bringing down inflation, introducing a multi-currency regime, and improving the food supply, the general livelihoods of the poor did not drastically improve. The food security challenges facing poor urban households in Harare did not immediately improve for reasons that are discussed in the paper. The analysis is based on a comparison of data from two household surveys conducted in Harare, the first at the height of the crisis in 2008 and the second in 2012.  相似文献   

项目地点:博茨瓦纳吉瓦宁项目类型:其他开工日期:2006年8月该项目获2005年豪瑞可持续建筑大奖赛非洲中东地区提名奖  相似文献   

城市公共空间正在成为城市居民生活的一部分,是城市中提供市民公共活动的自然或人为的外部空间。中国已经进入快速城市化阶段,人们对于城市公共空间的需求不断增强,通过城市设计的6个维度,探讨公共空间的定义、历史、演变、发展和设计运用的策略,并结合实际案例进行分析。  相似文献   

本文通过对城市、建筑、策略、人文四个支撑城市社区体育设施发展的不同维度的阐述与分析,全方位解析其发展动因以及趋势,为城市社区体育设施的策划、规划以及设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

该书从理论到实践,对城市设计的全过程进行了系统的论述,并对各阶段展开了较深入的分析,尝试从较广泛的角度来探索和剖析城市设计的整体过程。作者强调了城市设计作为一个设计过程的整体性特征,提出了城市设计的核心理念是为人们创造更好的场所,以及对城市设计的形态、感觉、社会、视觉、功能和时间维度的关注。  相似文献   

How can a city influence the food system? The first step is to understand how the food system operates and how the different elements are interconnected. The second is to understand the strengths and vulnerabilities in relation to food system sustainability and longer-term resilience. This article looks at how Bristol is exploring these challenges and how it is attempting to both inform and involve citizens and city decision makers by providing a holistic framework from which to develop a resilient food plan. At the heart of this challenge is finding effective mechanisms to bring together the right stakeholders to plan and implement change.  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: We draw on a multidisciplinary body of research to consider how planning for urban agriculture can foster food justice by benefitting socioeconomically disadvantaged residents. The potential social benefits of urban agriculture include increased access to food, positive health impacts, skill building, community development, and connections to broader social change efforts. The literature suggests, however, caution in automatically conflating urban agriculture’s social benefits with the goals of food justice. Urban agriculture may reinforce and deepen societal inequities by benefitting better resourced organizations and the propertied class and contributing to the displacement of lower-income households. The precariousness of land access for urban agriculture is another limitation, particularly for disadvantaged communities. Planners have recently begun to pay increased attention to urban agriculture but should more explicitly support the goals of food justice in their urban agriculture policies and programs.

Takeaway for practice: We suggest several key strategies for planners to more explicitly orient their urban agriculture efforts to support food justice, including prioritizing urban agriculture in long-term planning efforts, developing mutually respectful relationships with food justice organizations and urban agriculture participants from diverse backgrounds, targeting city investments in urban agriculture to benefit historically disadvantaged communities, increasing the amount of land permanently available for urban agriculture, and confronting the threats of gentrification and displacement from urban agriculture. We demonstrate how the city of Seattle (WA) used an equity lens in all of its programs to shift its urban agriculture planning to more explicitly foster food justice, providing clear examples for other cities.  相似文献   

申佳可  王云才 《风景园林》2018,25(12):65-69
在与韧性城市社区相关的研究文献中,适应性是经常使用的术语,它不仅描述了一个社区对于可能导致不良后果的扰动的抵抗或吸收能力,也包括一系列相应的变化能力,这些变化往往为社区带来成长、发展、创新与变革的机会。因此,适应性常被视为社区韧性的必要条件。然而在已有文献中,对于“什么是韧性城市社区适应性的本质”尚且没有清楚的阐述。旨在通过回答以下问题来补充这一理论的不足:韧性城市社区适应性的关键特征是什么?社区韧性应如何通过构建适应性来实现?从城市社区目前面临的挑战出发,基于对韧性城市社区本质及关键特征的分析,构建城市社区韧性与适应性概念模型。该模型以适应性为核心,以环境支撑、空间可变、以人为本作为解读城市社区适应性的3个维度,指出:遵循城市社区独特的地脉文脉特征;满足城市社区中变化的环境需求与空间的偏好;尊重居民的权利与建议的城市社区是体现适应性的韧性社区,并以此作为3个原则指导韧性城市社区的规划设计。  相似文献   

香港具有明显的高层、高密度城市形态,通过研究香港以轨道引导土地开发的过程,分析高密度开发所形成的城市独一无二的高层、高密度、高效率的特征,探索摩天轨道新市镇对香港可持续发展策略的积极作用和对亚洲高密度城市的示范作用.  相似文献   

粉煤灰混凝土氯离子二维、三维扩散特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先建立了氯离子二维(2D)和三维(3D)扩散的实验及测试方法,在此基础上系统研究了不同粉煤灰掺量(0%,20%,40%,60%)混凝土的边角处2D和3D氯离子扩散规律,并计算出了相应的2D和3D扩散系数;实验结果表明,粉煤灰混凝土的2D和3D自由氯离子浓度和总氯离子浓度随时间的增加而增加,随着粉煤灰掺量的增加先减少后增加,粉煤灰掺量为20%的混凝土的氯离子扩散系数最小;2D的自由氯离子浓度大于1D的自由氯离子浓度,3D的自由氯离子浓度大于2D的自由氯离子浓度;另外,与1D氯离子扩散相比,边角处的2D和3D氯离子扩散存在明显的交互作用,为了量化该交互作用,提出了氯离子2D和3D扩散交互系数的概念。  相似文献   

章明  鞠曦  张姿 《中国园林》2022,38(5):31-38
上海自2002年启动黄浦江两岸综合开发后,于2014年底提出《黄浦江两岸地区公共空间建设三年行动计划》,作为其中杨浦滨江南段公共空间的总设计师团队,深度介入了上海城市滨水空间的复兴。依托实践提出“八合一”理念,即城市设计、建筑设计、景观设计、市政设计、水工设计、生态修复、智能设计和艺术设计协同合作;并在突破学科壁垒的基础之上,构建包含系统化空间营造、历史文脉延续、基础设施复合、场景节点构筑、生态环境修复和公共艺术植入的六维城市滨水空间再生体系。  相似文献   

在非洲一些发展中国家,从1980年代末期到1990年代中期兴起的经济自由化和政治民主化促进了城市规划和管理方法的转变,在城市规划制定和实施中引入了公众参与和协商过程。本文介绍了博茨瓦纳在新规划范式中开展公众参与的经验。  相似文献   

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