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自适应网页设计是一种目前国内外最新流行的网页设计技术,通过对网页页面的大小调整、重新布局等来满足用户来自不同大小的手持移动设备,如笔记本电脑、平板电脑、智能手机等对网页直接实时访问的需求。在能给用户提供理想的网页视觉体验前提下,大大减少了针对于小屏幕移动设备的网页重新开发成本。文中通过总结现有的国外自适应网页设计方法,提出了一个网页的基本自适应框架,并且基于该框架设计并实现了一整套具有网页自适应功能的电子医疗系统。系统测试表明,较普通不具有自适应功能的网页,利用该框架的自适应网页在页面读取速度与访问时间上有显著的提高。  相似文献   

设计并实现了一种基于C4.5决策树算法用户行为分析的智能家居控制软件系统,该软件系统利用智能家居用户行为数据并分析,使家居系统能够根据用户行为习惯规律,安排合理的控制家居电器设备,通过web数据可视化使得用户清楚地掌握家中各种家电设备使用情况,为用户提供人性化和智能化的服务.测试结果表明:该软件系统能够帮助提高家居系统的人性化和智能化程度,数据可视化软件系统用户体验性好,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义.  相似文献   

聂刚  卿秀华 《现代电子技术》2007,30(18):91-93,96
Struts提供了一个非常好的MVC框架,在Web应用开发中把界面和业务逻辑分离,提高了代码的可重用性和灵活性。介绍Struts概念和体系结构,阐述Struts的工作原理。然后介绍了高校开放式实验室系统各个功能模块以及整个系统基于Struts的开发流程。最后,通过一个应用示例,详细介绍Struts框架在系统开发中的应用。  相似文献   

袁薇 《电子科技》2009,22(8):55-58
Struts框架具有组件的模块化、灵活性和重用性等优点,同时简化了基于MVC的Web应用程序的开发。文中将Struts框架技术运用到电子商务Web系统的设计与开发中,有效地分离出系统的界面显示和业务逻辑处理,降低了系统开发及维护代价,同时大大提高了系统的可重用性。  相似文献   

Business process redesign and improvement has become an increasingly attractive subject in the wider area of business process intelligence. Although there have been many attempts to establish a business process redesign framework, there is little work on the actual optimisation of business processes with given objectives. Furthermore, most of the attempts to optimise a business process are manual and do not involve a formal automated methodology. This paper proposes a process improvement approach for automated multi-objective optimisation of business processes. The proposed framework uses a generic business process model that is formally defined. The formal definition of business processes is necessary to ensure that the optimisation will take place in a clearly defined, repeatable and verifiable way. Multi-objectivity is expressed in terms of process cost and duration as two key objectives for any business process. The business process model is programmed and incorporated into a software optimisation platform where a selection of multi-objective optimisation algorithms can be applied to a business process design. This paper outlines a case study of business process design that is optimised by the state-of-the-art multi-objective optimisation algorithm NSGA2. The results indicate that, although business process optimisation is a highly constrained problem with fragmented search space, a number of alternative optimised business processes that meet the optimisation criteria can be produced. The paper also provides directions for future research in this area.  相似文献   

崔佳 《移动信息》2023,45(1):117-119
在大数据时代,企业对业务数据价值挖掘和展现的需求更加明显,这进一步推动了商业智能或商务智能(Business Intelligence, BI)的发展。经过多年的发展,传统的商业智能已经难以满足要求,自助式商业智能成为了未来的发展趋势。文中主要针对大数据时代的自助式商业智能进行了探讨。  相似文献   

广州联通数据互联网智慧化运维系统是目前在数据网络监控和故障处理领域,最为行之有效的故障自动诊断系统之一。为提升大带宽业务的服务质量和提高网络安全水平,加速IP与IT的融合,提出了打造数据互联网智慧化运维系统。本系统以服务质量、用户感知、支撑效率、智慧运维为核心,率先将SDN&人工智能技术与传统网络维护相融合,针对影响互联网专线业务支撑效率的网络资源管理和影响用户体验的网络设备故障等难点痛点进行建模分析,利用大数据分析技术、IT信息化技术等手段,达到专线业务快速开通、安全事件迅速处置、网络瓶颈智能预警、网络故障自动处理的管控效果,完成对业务支撑、网络安全、故障响应和智能调整四个方面运维能力大幅提升,缩短故障历时,优化用户体验。  相似文献   

移动运营商拥有海量网络数据源,如:Mc、Abis、Gb、Gn、IuPs、C、D等接口数据;BOSS数据;日常网络维护中大量的测试数据、终端用户感知数据等。这些数据中都包含了很多重要信息,有很大的应用价值。特别是Mc、Gb、IuPs等接口数据包含了对业务支撑和网络发展重要的海量信息,这些海量数据的获取与网络设备无关,不受网络设备厂家的约束,也不会对网络设备产生影响。在不影响网络运行的情况下,通过对海量数据的采集,基于云计算技术的多接口综合信令业务支撑平台能够提供跨接网络和市场的具有BI功能,能嵌入运营商业务的智能系统,能够提供网络拓扑管理、热点分析、业务质量监控、用户行为分析、精细化运营、增值业务、异常告警等功能,能为新业务发展提供数据支持和网络支撑。  相似文献   

1 Introduction InthecurrentInternetarea ,managementsystemsaredevelopedmainlybasedontheInternetStandardManagementFrameworkSNMP[1 ] toimplementnetworkelementmanagement.WhilethiskindoftraditionalSNMP basednetworkmanagementmakespossibleadevice by deviceconfigurationofnetworkelements,theincreasedsizeandcomplexityturnstheconfigurationintoamoredifficulttask .Theincreaseinsizemeansmoredevicesneededtoconfigure ,andtheincreaseincomplexitymeansthatdevicesareofdifferenttypesandfromdifferentven dors…  相似文献   

In common with the majority of service providers today, BT currently implements services and applications with a disparate set of intelligence components, which have been provided over a number of years. It is a key belief that a unified intelligence architecture, implemented as software components in centralised data centres, is essential to hit the key strategic requirements of improved customer experience, increased speed to market and cost reduction. Unification of network and user client intelligence is key. BTs proposed multiservice network and intelligence platform needs to support fixed, mobile and mobility services as well as the broad range of communications applications. The intelligence platform needs to provide the necessary reuse of common capabilities, e.g. authentication, to support these services and applications. Enabling applications to be delivered in co-operation with partners, as well as providing enterprise solutions for specific organisations, is commercially important. This paper describes the architecture for this major change for intelligence in the BT network.  相似文献   

Operational risk is a function of the complexity of the business and the environment that the business operates in. Such complexities increase as the business or the environment become more dynamic, i.e. where change is a permanent feature and a factor to build into the management of the business. The key question that arises is how do businesses respond to such changes today and, if the nature of the business and the environment is becoming more and more dynamic, what actions can businesses take to predict and prepare for change. Viewed in this manner, operational risk becomes very closely related to the operational performance of the enterprise because it can be considered as dealing with changes that have a negative impact on the operational objectives. It is vital for enterprises to understand in real time how they are performing, and where on the spectrum of operational risk they are positioned. To accomplish this, it is essential to have a system for establishing the status of a business at any moment in time in relation to its performance objectives. This is the role of real-time business intelligence (RTBI), without which operational risk management could be out of date, or in some cases out of synchronisation with the business cycle, with serious consequences. This paper discusses the cornerstones of RTBI and demonstrates how these are also essential elements of an effective operational risk management framework.  相似文献   

介绍了C&C08数字程控交换机的特点。C&C08数字程控交换系统是一种综合业务平台和大容量交换中心,提供给用户很多功能和业务,满足了新时期网络建设的需要,包括Internet接入解决方案、集团用户业务解决方案、智能增值业务解决方案等。但是任何设备都会有出现故障的时候,文章对C&C08数字程控交换机日常维护中常见故障的处理进行了深入的探讨,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

电子商务帮助人们突破了时间和空间的限制,扩大了交易的对象与范围.但往往一笔交易必须查询及比较多个网站,分别和许多交易对象进行议价,这种复杂性阻碍了电子商务的快速发展。为了使电子商务企业提供人性化、个性化的服务,实现资源集成共享,节约商务成本.作者提出了一个基于Web Service和移动Agent的电子商务议价系统框架。  相似文献   

Web程序通常在页面中嵌入使用JavaScrip脚本来实现检测动态客户端行为。这些脚本在用户浏览器的上下文中被执行。为了防范恶意的JavaScript脚本,浏览器可以使用一套沙盒机制,使脚本只能访问到自己所在网站域的资源。如果用户被诱骗至一个中间的、受信任的网站,然后从该网站下载恶意脚本,那么此套安全机制就失效了。文章呈现了一套Web邮件跨站代码检测系统模型,该模型能满足高效率、优性能下的完整代码测试需求。根据设计需求,文章实现了Web邮件跨站脚本检测系统。最后,对系统的测试结果表明:系统具有一定的可行性与实用性。  相似文献   

陈万通  何珺 《信息技术》2007,31(11):81-84
Windows Mobile是微软公司的开放式移动设备操作系统,Microsoft.NETCompact Framework是针对这一资源受限的移动设备上应用程序的开发而设计的执行环境。Web服务是电子商务发展的下一个阶段,它能够让任何平台上的用任何语言编写的服务进行交互。由于移动设备中使用Web Services技术与台式计算机中调用Web Services有着许多的不同,现详细介绍了移动设备中使用该技术所面临的挑战和解决办法。  相似文献   

无差别移动性管理网络   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了使IMS网络提供更加灵活的移动性支持,提出了一种无差别移动性管理网络。这种网络可以提供良好的服务移动性和用户移动性,使得用户可以永远以本地用户的身份使用接入地的服务,并对在此网络结构下的用户位置管理和会话建立进行了分析。实验结果表明,这种网络结构可以很好地支持用户移动性和服务的移动性。并且在此网络结构下的会话建立开销和用户位置注册开销,均比IMS目前采用的归属地控制方式下的用户注册开销和会话建立开销要小。  相似文献   

为提高体育场馆预约效率,文中开发了一种基于Web的体育场馆预约系统,为用户提供了一个方便快捷的网络预约方式。预约系统包含场馆信息展示、用户注册登录、提交预定信息、预定状态图与后台管理等功能。该系统采用HTML、CSS、JavaScript (JQuery)等技术实现Web前端界面交互,服务器端使用了PHP语言以及ThinkPHP框架和MySQL数据库来开发。测试结果表明,系统使用方便、界面友好,实用价值较高。  相似文献   

一种基于领域模型和构件组合的软件开发框架   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
王晓燕  刘淑芬  张俊 《电子学报》2009,37(3):540-545
 本文提出了一种基于领域模型和构件组合的软件开发框架,使用领域模型捕获系统业务静态需求,描述领域内业务对象之间的静态关系,通过领域应用框架描述系统的共性,并在框架中提供足够多的反映领域可变性的扩展点,在此扩展点上可以集成各种类型构件,创建新的应用系统,来满足领域内不同具体应用的特定需求.实验表明,该框架能够利用同一领域软件系统间的共性和变化性并实施有效的控制,促进了软件复用,提高软件生产效率和质量.  相似文献   

Chi Zhang  Jun Luo 《Wireless Networks》2014,20(6):1477-1494
For a set of mobile users with designated friendship relations, it is a recurring issue to keep track of whether some friends appear in the vicinity of a given user. While both distributed and centralized solutions for proximity detection have been proposed, the cost metrics for evaluating these proposals are always based on counting the number of message (e.g., query or update) exchanges. However, as mobile users often rely on wireless networks to maintain their connectivity, the cost incurred by any message passing is strongly affected by the distance between the sender and receiver. In this paper, we propose TRack Others if You can (TROY) as a novel distributed solution for proximity detection. Extending the principle of spatial tessellations, TROY incurs only localized message exchanges and is thus superior to existing proposals in terms of more realistic cost metrics that take into account the actual energy consumption of message passing. Moreover, our spatial tessellations inspired analytical framework allows for a meaningful comparison with an existing work. Finally, we use extensive experiments to validate the efficiency of TROY.  相似文献   

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