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利用激光熔覆制备WC增强涂层,通过光学显微镜(OM)、电子扫描显微镜(SEM)和EDS对试样观察和分析,并依据颗粒相分布均匀性,获得推荐优化工艺参数是送粉量为7.8g/min、扫描速度为4mm/s、激光功率为2.0kW和离焦量为50mm。在此基础上,应用M-200摩擦磨损试验机考察了WC/Ni60涂层在40% NaOH强碱溶液作用下的摩擦磨损行为,结果表明,涂层的摩擦磨损机制随工况的变化而变化,钝化膜的生成和溶解成为一个动态过程,且所制备的涂层在中速中载时较干摩擦能够显著降低摩擦因数和磨损量。  相似文献   

A titanium-based composite coating reinforced by in situ synthesized TiB and TiC particles was fabricated on Ti6Al4V by laser cladding. The microstructure and mechanical properties were investigated. The coating was mainly composed of β-Ti cellular dendrites and an eutectic in which a large number of rod/needle-shaped TiB and a few equiaxial TiC particles were homogeneously embedded. The microstructural evolution could be divided into four stages: precipitation and growth of primary β-Ti phase, formation of the binary eutectic β-Ti+TiB, formation of the ternary eutectic β-Ti+TiB+TiC, and solid transformation from β-Ti to β-Ti. Microhardness of the coating showed a gradient variation from the surface (about HV0.2 876) to the bottom (about HV0.2 660) and was prominently improved in comparison with that of the substrate. Fracture toughness of the coating also exhibited a gradient variation from the surface (6.3 MPa·m1/2) to the interface (11.9 MPa·m1/2). Wear resistance of the coating was significantly superior to that of Ti6Al4V.  相似文献   

为了提高煤油泵的使用寿命,利用真空熔覆技术在316L不锈钢表面原位合成了WC/Ni基复合涂层.采用扫描电子显微镜、能谱仪、X射线衍射仪研究了复合涂层的显微组织和相组成,并对其进行了硬度测量和摩擦性能试验.结果表明,复合涂层组织细密且与基材呈冶金结合.复合涂层主要由γ-Ni固溶体、原位生成的WC、(Cr,Fe)7C3和Cr7C3相组成,且WC相弥散分布在γ-Ni固溶体中.复合涂层的硬度约为316L不锈钢基材的4倍,相对耐磨性约为基材的37倍.xxx  相似文献   

激光熔覆Ni+Cr2O3复合涂层的耐蚀性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了激光搭接熔覆Ni+Cr2 O3复合涂层在 0 .5mol/LH2 SO4 +0 .5mol/LNaCl水溶液中的电化学行为 .试验表明Cr2 O3粒子在激光熔池中发生了完全溶解 ,涂层具有胞状枝晶组织特征 .激光熔覆Ni+Cr2 O3复合涂层比单一熔覆Ni合金涂层和 2Cr13马氏体不锈钢基材具有更低的维钝电流密度和更宽的钝化区范围 ,明显改善了在该腐蚀介质中的抗点蚀能力 .  相似文献   

Hydroxyapatite (HA, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) coating was fabricated on pure Ti (TA2) by laser cladding technology. The phase structure, microstructure, microhardness and electrochemical behavior of the laser cladded HA coating in artificial body fluid were investigated. The results show that the HA coating is mainly composed of highly crystallized HA. A transitional layer between HA coating and Ti substrate is formed. Microhardness measurement shows the gradually increasing of microhardness from 150 HV at TA2 substrate to 600 HV at transitional layer, and followed by a decreasing to 400 HV at HA coated layer. Electrochemical corrosion tests show that the HA coating has higher open circuit potential , lower corrosion current density and corrosion rate in comparison to the TA2 substrate.  相似文献   

以不同粒径的石墨颗粒和SiC粉体为原料,采用SiC粉体包覆石墨颗粒的方法,于2000℃热压制备了石墨/碳化硅(Gp/SiC)复合材料.利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM,EDS)分析了材料的金相和断口显微结构.研究表明,石墨粒径较小且质量分数较少的复合材料比石墨粒径较大且质量分数较多的复合材料在热压工艺中更致密.石墨颗粒呈岛状紧密地镶嵌在SiC基体中,石墨与SiC界面处C和Si的扩散不明显.复合材料的相对密度、抗折强度,断裂韧性和硬度随石墨粒径和质量分数的减少而增加.断口形貌表明SiC陶瓷基体为脆性,石墨为韧性断裂.当石墨粒径为125μm、SiC与石墨的质量比为3.5时,复合材料的综合性能最佳,开口气孔率为0.3%,相对密度为97.9%,抗折强度为75±15 MPa,断裂韧性为5.4±0.5 MPa.m1/2,硬度为26.8±3GPa.  相似文献   

在2738模具钢表面通过CO2激光熔覆制备Ni基WC复合涂层。分别对2738钢基体和Ni-WC激光熔覆层进行干摩擦试验。用三维表面形貌仪测量磨损体积,用扫描电镜观察磨痕的表面形貌。试验结果表明,Ni-WC复合涂层试样的硬度显著提高,表面硬度超过1200HV,保证了Ni-WC熔覆层的耐磨性。熔覆层的平均摩擦因数约为0.24,与2738钢基体的摩擦因数0.43相比,降低了约44%。熔覆试样的比磨损率比基体试样的比磨损率下降了96.7%,WC硬质相提高了摩擦副表面的承载能力。磨粒磨损为Ni-WC复合涂层的主要磨损机理。  相似文献   

钛合金表面激光熔覆Cr3C2/Ni基合金复合涂层的微观组织   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将质量分数为25%的Cr3C2/Ni基合金混合粉末预置在TCA合金表面,利用5kW横流CO2激光器进行激光熔覆试验,得到Ni基Cr3C2复合涂层.利用SEM和XRD对熔覆层的微观组织和相组成进行了分析,采用HXD—1000T数字式显微硬度计测量了熔覆层的硬度.结果表明,Ni+Cr3C2复合涂层存在γ-Ni、TiC、CrTC扑M23(C,B)6和CrB等相,熔覆层硬度在600~900HV之间.  相似文献   

对以激光熔覆方式在45钢基体上制备的FeNiSiBVRE非晶涂层进行激光晶化,制备非晶/纳米晶复合涂层.利用X射线衍射仪、透射电镜、扫描电镜和磨损试验机研究非晶/纳米晶复合涂层的组织与性能.研究结果表明,涂层存在着分层结构,组成相有晶化相、非晶相和纳米晶相;涂层底部和顶部的显微组织由大量的稀土树枝晶、板条状硼化物和粒状碳化物组成,涂层中部的显微组织是由大量的纳米晶相镶嵌在非晶基体上构成.与没有进行激光晶化的非晶涂层相比,涂层的耐磨损性能下降.其磨损机制以粘着磨损和剥层磨损为主.  相似文献   

采用脉冲电弧放电法在SiC-C/C复合材料表面制备硼化硅和硅化钼的复相(SiB6-MoSi2)抗氧化涂层.借助X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜对复合涂层的晶相组成、显微结构和抗氧化性能进行了表征与测试.研究了不同晶相组成(m[MoSi2]/m[SiB6]=Cp)对SiB6-MoSi2涂层显微结构的影响.结果表明:当晶相组成m[MoSi2]/m[SiB6]=1∶4时,制备的涂层致密均匀,在1 773K氧化156h后失重仅为2.12%,复合涂层氧化失效是由于长时间氧化后涂层挥发变薄,不能及时有效的愈合气相(CO和CO2)的逸出产生的氧化孔洞等缺陷导致的.  相似文献   

镍基纳米碳管/二氧化钛复合镀层的制备及性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了改善金属基材的表面性能,以钛铁矿为原料,利用微波等离子体化学气相沉积法制备了纳米碳管/二氧化钛复合粉体.采用复合电泳电沉积法在不锈钢基体表面制备了镍基纳米碳管/二氧化钛复合镀层;利用扫描电镜、X射线衍射仪、数显维氏硬度计和电化学测试等手段研究了纳米碳管/二氧化钛复合粉体对复合镀层结构和性能的影响.结果表明纳米碳管/二氧化钛复合粉体的加入有效地减小了复合镀层中镍的晶粒尺寸,促进了金属镍沿(111)晶面择优取向生长,改变了镍的电沉积层结构,提高了镀层的硬度,改善了镀层的耐腐蚀性能;在复合粉体的作用下,复合镀层的硬度与纯镍镀层相比提高了110%,腐蚀电位正移了23mV,腐蚀电流密度减少了0.991微安/平方厘米.  相似文献   

Stainlesssteel9Cr18withhighhardnessandanti wearpropertyiswidelyusedinthefieldsofbothna tionaldefenseandciviluse,especiallyapplicationintheaero enginebearingsandnationaldefenseaccoutre ments.Thetechnologyoflasercladdinghighhardness,antiwearandantifrictionc…  相似文献   

Using different proportional mixtures of Ni-coated MoS2, TiC and pure Ni powders, new typical wear resistant and selflubricant coatings were formed on low carbon steel by laser cladding process. The microstructures and phase composition of the composite coatings were studied by SEM and XRD. The typical microstructure of the composite coating is composed of multisulfide phases including binary element sulfide and ternary element sulfide, γ-Ni, TiC and Mo2C. Wear tests were carried out using an FALEX-6 type pin-on-disc machine. The friction coefficient and mass loss of three kinds of MoS2/TiC/Ni laser clad coatings are lower than those of quenched 45 steel, and the worn surfaces of the laser cladding coatings are very smooth. Because of high hardness combined with low friction, the laser cladding composite coating with a mixture of 70% Ni-coated MoS2, 20%TiC and 10% pure Ni powder presents better wear behaviors than the composite coating with other powder blends. The composition analysis of the worn surface of GCr15 bearing steel shows that the transferred film from the laser cladding coating to the opposite surface of GCr15 bearing steel contains an amount of sulfide, which can change the micro-friction mechanism and lead to a reduced friction coefficient.  相似文献   

采用梯度设计思想,利用宽带激光熔覆技术,在TC4合金表面分别熔覆Ca/P为1.4和1.5的CaH-PO4.2H2O+CaCO3混合粉末制备含羟基磷灰石[Ca10(PO4)6(OH2),简称HA]、β-磷酸三钙[β-Ca3(PO42),简称β-TCP]的度生物陶瓷涂层.采用XRD、SEM等表征手段,研究不同Ca/P粉末配比对生物陶瓷涂层组织结构的影响.研究表明:由于P在激光条件下存在烧损现象,当Ca/P为1.5的粉末经激光熔覆后所生成的陶瓷组织较Ca/P较1.4结晶状态更好.不同Ca/P粉末以及CeO2的添加量对催化合成HA+β-TCP有着深刻的影响.当Ca/P=1.4,CeO2的添加量为0.4wt%时,催化合成HA+β-TCP的数量最多;而当Ca/P=1.5,CeO2的添加量在0.2~0.4wt%范围内,催化合成HA+β-TCP的量最多.  相似文献   

The in situ synthesized NbC particles reinforced Ni-based alloy composite coating was produced by laser cladding a precursor mixture of Ni-based alloy powder,graphite and niobium powders on a steel substrate.The microstructure,phase composition and wear property of the composite coating were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy(SEM),X-ray diffraction(XRD)and dry sliding wear test.The experiment results show that the composite coating is homogeneous and free from cracks,and about 0.8 mm thick.The microstructure of the composite coating is mainly composed of NbC particles,CrB type chromium borides,γ-Ni primary dendrites,and interdendritic eutectics.CrB phases often nucleate and grow on the surface of NbC particles or in their close vicinity.NbC particles are formed via in situ reaction between niobium and graphite in the molten pool during the laser cladding process and they are commonly precipitated in three kinds of morphologies,such as quadrangle,cluster,and flower-like shape.Compared with the pure Ni-based alloy coating,the microhardness of the composite coating is increased about 38%,giving a high average hardness of HV0.21000,and the wear rate of the composite coating is decreased by about 32%,respectively.These are attributed to the presence of in situ synthesized NbC particles and their well distribution in the coating.  相似文献   

通过送粉式激光熔覆在碳素工具钢(T10钢)表面制备了Co基合金熔覆涂层。利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)分析其微观结构和相组成。结果表明:熔覆层中主要有γ-Co相以及其他相,包括Cr23C6、Co7W6和CrNi。从熔池与基体界面到熔覆层表面存在不同的凝固形态,依次为平面晶(在界面处)、胞状晶和树枝晶。微观组织较细的树枝晶强化了熔覆层,因而激光熔覆层的显微硬度增加,耐腐蚀性提高。  相似文献   

采用20%WC作为镍基自熔合金的掺杂增强相,研究了该复合材料在送粉激光熔敷工艺条件下的熔敷层显微组织、显微硬度与熔敷工艺规范间关系,得出了在实验条件下的优化工艺参数:激光功率为2.5kW(光斑离焦量60mm);扫描速度为2.4mm/s;送粉量为3.0g/min.  相似文献   

An aluminum/copper clad composite was fabricated by the casting-cold extrusion forming technology and the microstructures of the products were observed and analyzed.It is found that aluminum grains at the interface are refined in the radial profiles of cone-shaped deformation zone,but the grains in the center maintain the original state and the grain size is non-uniform.A clear boundary presents between the refined area and center area.In contrast,the copper grains in the radial profiles have been significa...  相似文献   

采用激光熔覆快速非平衡合成方法制备了原位反应合成TiB增强钛基复合材料.用Y2O3、Ti和B的混合粉末在Ti-6Al-4V基体表面激光熔覆制得TiB/Ti复合涂层.采用X线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、能量散射光谱仪(EDS)和硬度测试等方法,研究了原位合成TiB/Ti复合涂层的显微结构和显微硬度.结果显示:激光熔覆层的相结构主要为α-Ti和TiB两相,TiB增强相均匀地分布于复合涂层中,熔覆层的硬度值高于基体Ti合金的硬度值1倍以上,Y2O3含量(质量分数w,全文同)为1%的激光熔覆涂层内部的增强相组织最为均匀、细小,且硬度值也最高,平均硬度(HV)值约为830.  相似文献   

TiC x -NiTi2/Ti cermet composite coatings C1 and C2 with gradient TiC x reinforcements were prepared on TC4 titanium alloy by laser cladding method. The microstructure and phase compositions were analyzed by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) meter. The TiC x exhibited a dendritic microstructure, and homogeneously dispersed in the Ti-based matrix where NiTi2 was embedded. With increasing ingredient supercooling, temperature gradient and cooling temperature, the dendrites displayed a finer morphology with longer primary trunks and intensified side branches in the dilution zone. But the smoothed, coarse columnar ones became dominant in the upper clad layer due to the repeated energy input during multi-track cladding. The Vickers microhardness presented a linear change trend through the cross-sections, which well confirmed the gradient distribution of TiC x . With more TiC x , C1 presented higher hardness than C2.  相似文献   

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