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Recent research has led to significant progress in the assessment and treatment of sleep disturbance in older adults. Similar advances have been made with sleep disorders secondary to age-related chronic illness. The assessment and treatment of sleep disorders encompasses numerous behavioral aspects. Thus, rehabilitation psychologists are ideally positioned to help apply these new advances to the growing number of older adult patients in the rehabilitation setting. The authors provide an overview of age and disease-related sleep disorders. They provide details for implementation of behavioral treatments for geriatric insomnia that is comorbid with chronic illness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Poor adherence to treatment in rehabilitation has historically been a costly and far-reaching problem. This article summarizes factors thought to affect adherence, including patient, treatment provider, environmental, and treatment characteristics. A model of adherence is proposed that emphasizes treatment characteristics. The concepts of treatment accommodation and research acceptability are introduced. Finally, steps are proposed to help clinicians design and implement treatment plans that facilitate treatment adherence in rehabilitation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"Residential treatment centers are rapidly becoming one of the most important developments in the treatment of emotionally disturbed children. There is, of course, still a serious shortage of these inpatient facilities… . Residential treatment provides a service for children who cannot be adequately treated elsewhere… . Activities carried on at the Emma Pendleton Bradley Home… illustrate some of the opportunities for psychologists in residential treatment centers." The role of the psychologist in diagnosis and psychotherapy is discussed. Clinical psychology will play a major role in the development of residential treatment center facilities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Is treating substance abuse generally a part of psychological practice? Do psychologists feel prepared to deliver substance abuse treatment? Licensed psychologists in Idaho were surveyed about their training and provision of substance abuse services. Of 144 respondents (66% return rate), nearly all (89%) had contact with substance abusers, yet most rated their graduate training as inadequate preparation for practice. Rural psychologists reported seeing the highest percentage of substance abusers. Many psychologists limited their treatment to self-help group referral. Continuing education offers the most immediate solution and might be related to certification efforts. Predoctoral training of generalist psychologists, especially in rural areas, is advocated with an emphasis on integrated behavioral health care. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Active and passive are opposite poles of a dimension defined in terms of the amount of action required by individuals for them to be protected. When effective and feasible passive measures exist, their adoption should be encouraged, since they apply to virtually everyone. Active measures must be implemented by each person to be protected, typically resulting in far less than 100 percent application. In recent years, attention has been focused on ways to prevent heart disease, cancer and stroke; health psychologists have emphasized the role of individuals in adopting appropriate behaviors. For many of the health goals for which individual actions are being promoted, there are also effective, but insufficiently implemented passive measures. In the motor vehicle area, individual actions have traditionally been emphasized. This approach largely failed and delayed adoption of passive measures, which are still greatly underused. Barriers to health psychologists' recognizing the option of the passive approach are discussed. It is suggested that health psychologists critically appraise the results of attempts to change individual behavior, and be wary of promoting marginally effective, costly approaches. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A review of current statutes indicates that six provinces in Canada now have acts which provide for the registration of psychologists. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A scale based on historically important psychologists and their contributions was marked by 125 Fellows of the APA. The names represented 9 a priori scales of values. Factor analysis produced 3 bipolar factors: laboratory vs. clinic, psychometric vs. verbal approach to individual, and methodological analysis vs. professional service. Value scores are given for members of the APA divisions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A preliminary report of the research procedures, findings, and additional questions to be investigated in a study whose major purpose is "the collection of data which may lead to (a) the better understanding of personal and environmental factors that influence the research productivity or the professional contribution of the individual psychologists, (b) increased appreciation of society's demands for and use of psychological services, and (c) an understanding of the influence of various programs of education and training in psychology." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"In June of 1958, letters were sent to the department chairmen of the 24 institutions approved by the APA Education and Training Board to train PhD psychologists in both the clinical and counseling specialties… . One-third of the 24 institutions are known to differentiate definitely in course requirements between the two specialties, while only one-eight are known to differentiate definitely in the preliminary examinations used for the two specialties… . Only three of the institutions definitely differentiate between the specialties in terms of both course requirements and preliminary examinations… . it seems obvious that little differentiation is being made between the two specialties in our major training institutions even though these institutions are approved to train for each of the specialties." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The literature and clinical experience confirm polypharmacy as an important contributor to avoidable morbidity and mortality among older adults. Sociocultural factors, along with the interplay among aging, physiology, chronic disease, and the medicines that seniors take play important roles in clinical presentations, conclusions drawn, interventions planned and implemented, and health care outcomes. Knowledgeable psychologists can help reduce the number and severity of common geriatric syndromes (e.g., falls and mental status changes) that our nation's elders suffer due to inappropriate polypharmacy. Providing high quality psychological services includes developing collaborative relationships with medication prescribers and participating in interdisciplinary teams, even if loosely defined (as is often the case at the community-based, independent practitioner level of care). Informed psychological interventions (including dynamic, cognitive, and/or behavioral) can effectively modify many older adults' medical and other health concerns, reducing the need for and risks associated with taking multiple medications. Participating in research, public education, and advocacy efforts in order to enhance the quality and effectiveness of the health care and services that older adults receive are also vital roles for psychology and psychologists. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Frequency of citation is suggested "… as an instrument for facilitating the assessment of the influence of a psychologist and of identifying his most influential work." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"Analysis of the value position of psychologists starts with an examination of certain of the intellectual postulates and biases of modern psychology. These contribute to what I call the ideology of professional psychologists… . Modern psychology derives its particular orientations in good measure from the social context of American life. The ideology of professional psychology, I shall argue, is linked to the antiphilosophical, antihistorical, narrowly means-oriented and optimistic character of much American thought and culture." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Most dissatisfaction with the present code involves its "cumbersome length" and the codifying of professional courtesies rather than the "hard core of ethical issues." 7 criteria adopted by the committee in its efforts at revision of the code are specified. "Containing only 18 major principles, the proposed revision retains the essence of the original code tentatively adopted in 1953." The proposed revision is presented with a preamble. Principles are titled as follows: General, Competence, Moral and Legal Standards, Misrepresentation, Public Statements, Confidentiality, Client Welfare, Client Relationship, Impersonal Services, Advertising, Interprofessional Relationship, Remuneration, Technique Security, Test Interpretation, Test Publication, Harmful After-effects, Publication Credit, Organizational Material. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

For a sample of 100 persons assessed over a two-year period, predictor and criterion ratings were obtained on five rating scales. The predictor ratings were made by two psychologists from the case files, the criterion ratings by one or more of the assessees' superiors. In addition, the criterion ratings were correlated with a large test battery. "… These general conclusions are drawn: (1) Compared with most validity findings these results are promising and indicate that the technique investigated has practical value and is definitely worthy of further research. (2) When the research is more rigorously conducted, the resulting estimates of validity are likely to be higher." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A table is provided indicating distribution of psychologists by state, during 1950 and 1960-61, and a growth index for the decade; a 2nd table indicates regional distribution of psychologists and growth index by region. "One conclusion seems quite definite. The geographic pattern of distribution and concentration of psychologists has shown considerable growth in the decade, but no real change in the pattern. There were in 1950 15 states above the national average in concentration of psychologists, and the District of Columbia, 16 units. Of these 11 were still above the national average in 1960-61 and no state had risen from below the national average in concentration in 1950 to above it in 1960-61. District of Columbia, New York, and California are home to over ? of all APA members." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A 6 X 26 matrix is presented in the form of a table titled Influences Acting on Psychologists in the Six Areas of Psychological Function. The 6 functional categories represent those given in the APA Code of Ethics are: Basic and Applied Research, Teaching, Service to Clients and Employers, Public Service, Professional Relations, and Writing, Publishing, Speaking. The 26 influences are grouped into 4 categories: Interpersonal Influences, Group Membership Influences, Formal Social Regulatory Influences, Other. A 2-step evaluative response toward each cell may be attempted, one evaluation concerning the existence of influence, and the other its desirability. Major sections are: Analysis of Present Influences Operating on Psychologists. Analysis of the Effects of Fund-Granting Agencies. Lessons from Other Professions. Conclusions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

During the past year, in discussions of the question of certification of psychologists, I have found that many are not familiar with two important problems associated with the trend of certification of the whole title. One consequence of such certification is that an academic psychologist cannot consult as a psychologist for a fee in his own specialty, however remote from contact with individual patients, without being certified or without in some way circumventing the law. This is a restriction that does not exist for nuclear physicists, physiologists, chemists, or others in any academic area. It stands, as such, as a limitation on traditional academic privileges. A second consequence is that restriction of the whole title creates a situation in which misunderstandings arise with sister disciplines that share subject matter or titles. For example, sociologists have trained persons in and claim competence in social psychology. It is concluded that aside from the issues involved and whether or not there have indeed been blunders, the implication is that the profession would not want to change, right or wrong; it would not be possible to rouse any action that would imply an alteration rather than a compromise with the current situation. What is disturbing is that considering the self-conscious concern with ethics in psychology, this seems to be a rather cynical view of the profession. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A preamble precedes a set of 19 specific principles titled as follows: Responsibility, Competence, Moral and Legal Standards, Misrepresentation, Public Statements, Confidentiality, Client Welfare, Client Relationship, Impersonal Services, Announcement of Services; Interprofessional Relations, Remuneration, Test Security, Test Interpretation, Test Publication, Research Precautions, Publication Credit, Responsibility Toward Organization, Promotional Activities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A revised ethical code consisting of a preamble and 18 principles approved by the American Psychological Association to be in effect for a 3-year trial period is presented. The principles are titled: 1. General, 2. Competence, 3. Moral and Legal Standards, 4. Misrepresentation, 5. Public Statements, 6. Confidentiality, 7. Client Welfare, 8. Client Relationship, 9. Impersonal Services, 10. Advertising, 11. Interprofessional Relationship, 12. Remuneration, 13. Test Security, 14. Test Interpretation, 15. Test Publication, 16. Harmful Aftereffects, 17. Publication Credit, and 18. Organizational Material. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"The purpose of this paper is to present a method for identifying those members of the American Psychological Association having a doctor's degree who are likely to make important contributions to psychology. The approach is essentially that of considering at one time two bits of information about a person." "The sample… consists of 1,974 persons who became Associates of APA and received the doctor's degree during the period 1941 to 1951… ." Three configurations are discussed: (1) those who became APA Associates before they received the doctor's degree; (2) those who became Associates after they received the degree; (3) those who became Associates the same year they received the degree. Criteria of contributions to psychology are publication in the 1954 APA journals and donation of money to APA Building Fund in 1954 and 1955. Three tables of results are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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