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This paper presents the design of model-based globally linearizing control (GLC) structure for a distillation process within the differential geometric framework. The model of a nonideal binary distillation column, whose characteristics were highly nonlinear and strongly interactive, is used as a real process. The classical GLC law is comprised of a transformer (input-output linearizing state feedback), a nonlinear state observer, and an external PI controller. The tray temperature based short-cut observer (TTBSCO) has been used as a state estimator within the control structure, in which all tray temperatures were considered to be measured. Accordingly, the liquid phase composition of each tray was calculated online using the derived temperature-composition correlation. In the simulation experiment, the proposed GLC coupled with TTBSCO (GLC-TTBSCO) outperformed a conventional PI controller based on servo performances with and without measurement noise as well as on regulatory behaviors. In the subsequent part, the GLC law has been synthesized in conjunction with tray temperature based reduced-order observer (GLC-TTBROO) where the distillate and bottom compositions of the distillation process have been inferred from top and bottom product temperatures respectively, which were measured online. Finally, the comparative performance of the GLC-TTBSCO and the GLC-TTBROO has been addressed under parametric uncertainty and the GLC-TTBSCO algorithm provided slightly better performance than the GLC-TTBROO. The resulting control laws are rather general and can be easily adopted for other binary distillation columns.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the present research is to organize an algorithm in the area of distillation column system based upon a new AI-based predictive control scheme. In this investigation, at first, an appropriate prediction of the system behavior needs to be accurately made through a number of investigated fuzzy-based model approaches and subsequently the corresponding control scheme is designed to cope with the system in a desirable manner.  相似文献   

精馏塔是一个非常重要的操作单元,具有较强的非线性和时变性,很难进行基于机理建模分析的实时优化控制.通过对精馏塔的相关过程变量进行主元分析确定了5~6个关键变量作为神经网络的输入,建立了精馏塔多个质量指标的RBF神经网络的软仪表模型,实现了这些质量指标的在线估计.选取其中部分软仪表模型作为优化控制系统中的约束条件函数模型和目标函数模型,采用NLJ优化算法(变收缩系数的随机搜索算法)获取最优的决策变量设定值,从而得到了满足生产质量要求的精馏塔产品的最大采出,实现了精馏塔的卡边优化控制.  相似文献   

Industrial methanol production involves a multi component feed containing methanol, water and trace levels of ethanol being refined to produce AA grade methanol at high product recovery. Due to practical constraints, the bottoms discharge of the column is primarily water with only trace of methanol impurities. As a result of these constraints, ethanol, which is a non-key middle boiling component gets “trapped” near the side draw of the column forming an ethanol bulge, which in turn results in non-linear, inverse, time and state varying behaviour of the side draw ethanol composition. In this work, we established that the existence of the ethanol bulge creates the complex process behaviour of the side draw ethanol composition and that this bulge needs to be explicitly controlled. This type of explicit composition bulge analysis and subsequent control has not been attempted on methanol distillation columns before. For this purpose a novel, robust and practical side draw control scheme to detect and remedy the excess ethanol bulge movement using override control is presented. The side draw controller, together with other regulatory controllers is shown to maintain on-specification operations of the column. Disturbance rejection tests carried out illustrate that the side draw control scheme will keep the column operating within commercial specification. It is also shown that a traditional DV control structure is unable to achieve this objective.  相似文献   

The heavy equipment industry is building more and more equipment with electro-hydraulic control systems. The existing industry practices for the design of control systems in construction machines primarily rely on classical designs coupled with ad-hoc synthesis procedures. Such practices produce desirable results, but lack a systematic procedure to account for invariably present plant uncertainties in the design process as well as coupled dynamics of the multi-input multi-output (MIMO) configuration. In this paper, two H based robust control designs are presented for an automatic bucket leveling mechanism of a wheel loader. In one case, the controller is designed for the base plant model. In another case, the controller is designed for the plant with a feedback linearization control law applied yielding improved stability robustness. A MIMO nonlinear model for an electro-hydraulically actuated wheel loader linkage is considered. The robustness of the controller designs are validated by using analysis and by simulation using a complete nonlinear model of the wheel loader linkage and hydraulic system.  相似文献   

In this work we have developed a novel, robust practical control structure to regulate an industrial methanol distillation column. This proposed control scheme is based on a override control framework and can manage a non-key trace ethanol product impurity specification while maintaining high product recovery. For comparison purposes, a MPC with a discrete process model (based on step tests) was also developed and tested. The results from process disturbance testing shows that, both the MPC and the proposed controller were capable of maintaining both the trace level ethanol specification in the distillate (XD) and high product recovery (β). Closer analysis revealed that the MPC controller has a tighter XD control, while the proposed controller was tighter in β control. The tight XD control allowed the MPC to operate at a higher XD set point (closer to the 10 ppm AA grade methanol standard), allowing for savings in energy usage. Despite the energy savings of the MPC, the proposed control scheme has lower installation and running costs. An economic analysis revealed a multitude of other external economic and plant design factors, that should be considered when making a decision between the two controllers. In general, we found relatively high energy costs favour MPC.  相似文献   

In this research, a robust feedback linearization technique is studied for nonlinear processes control. The main contributions are described as follows: 1) Theory says that if a linearized controlled process is stable, then nonlinear process states are asymptotically stable, it is not satisfied in applications because some states converge to small values; therefore, a theorem based on Lyapunov theory is proposed to prove that if a linearized controlled process is stable, then nonlinear process states are uniformly stable. 2) Theory says that all the main and crossed states feedbacks should be considered for the nonlinear processes regulation, it makes more difficult to find the controller gains; consequently, only the main states feedbacks are utilized to obtain a satisfactory result in applications. This introduced strategy is applied in a fuel cell and a manipulator.  相似文献   

In the present study, structural inspection and troubleshooting analysis of a lab-scale distillation column has been performed using gamma scanning technique and Monte Carlo simulations. MCNP4C Monte Carlo code has been used for simulations of the column and calculation of the computational density profile. The tested column is a one-pass tray type with 51 cm diameter. A Cs-137 sealed source and a 1 × 1 inch NaI (Tl) detector has been used for this gamma scanning process. According to the results, both experimental and simulation results showed the specification of trays and another section of the column accurately. Also, in addition to the flooding and damaged tray in the column, defects such as foaming with the density of 0.17 g/cm3 can be distinguished using this technique. Based on the results, using photopeak count approach the differences in the material attenuations can be better distinguished. The effectiveness of this approach in determination of malfunctions increases with the density of the material between the source and the detector. Analyzing the experimental and simulation results are indicative of the fact that the procedures and methods used in this work are quite suitable for improving the accuracy of the troubleshooting analysis based on gamma scanning technique.  相似文献   

An automated system of acquisition of raw experimental data and a control system for operation modes of an experimental large-scale separation column are described. The influence of a new method of irrigation of a structured packing on the separation column efficiency is studied. Based on the data obtained by the developed automated system, a 20–30% increase in the efficiency of mixture separation on a structured packing is expected.  相似文献   

精馏过程属于多变量、时变、强耦合和具有分布参数的非线性过程,为了实现精馏塔塔顶和塔底的产品均需达到一定纯度的要求,在分析精馏塔工作特性以及塔顶和塔底的温度耦合特征的基础上,提出了一种塔顶和塔底温度模糊解耦控制方案。通过对塔顶和塔底温度的PID控制、解耦控制、模糊解耦控制,进行了设定值扰动测试、过程扰动测试的仿真。结果表明,模糊解耦优于PID控制和解耦控制,验证了模糊解耦控制的可行性。  相似文献   

The work is devoted to design the globally linearizing control (GLC) strategy for a multicomponent distillation process. The control system is comprised with a nonlinear transformer, a nonlinear closed-loop state estimator [extended Kalman filter (EKF)], and a linear external controller [conventional proportional integral (PI) controller]. The model of a binary distillation column has been used as a state predictor to avoid huge design complexity of the EKF estimator. The binary components are the light key and the heavy key of the multicomponent system. The proposed GLC-EKF (GLC in conjunction with EKF) control algorithm has been compared with the GLC-ROOLE [GLC coupled with reduced-order open-loop estimator (ROOLE)] and the dual-loop PI controller based on set point tracking and disturbance rejection performance. Despite huge process/predictor mismatch, the superiority of the GLC-EKF has been inspected over the GLC-ROOLE control structure.  相似文献   

This paper exploited partial feedback linearization technique to control design of a three phase shunt active power filter (APF) by considering it as a Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system. The averaged dynamic model of the three phase APF has been derived considering the single phase equivalent circuit of the system. This averaged dynamic model is used to partially feedback linearize the MIMO nonlinear system dynamics. New control input to the linearized system is obtained considering the stability of the complete APF system. After that, control input to APF is derived by nonlinear transformation. Stability of the internal dynamics of the system is analyzed considering zero dynamics of the system. MATLAB/Simulink based simulation results are provided to validate the performance of the controller.  相似文献   

The changes in the characteristics of the crude oil feed to an atmospheric distillation unit can influence the quality of the products. Also, the crude flow rate disturbances should be handled efficiently. An inferential control structure is adopted using RGA analysis where multiple tray temperatures are controlled. Then, a closed-loop stochastic optimization framework is proposed for tighter control and set of the decision variables is extended using the set-points of the decentralized PI controllers. The closed-loop simulations show improved disturbance rejection performance of the controllers against disturbances of feed flow rate and quality as well. Also, the challenges regarding the specifications of the product quality expressed as equality constraints are addressed. Both single and joint constraints cases are discussed.  相似文献   

针对轴向永磁偏置磁轴承一侧线圈无电流时磁轴承承载能力下降且非线性增强的情况,提出一种反馈线性化与保性能控制相结合的组合容错控制策略来提高轴向磁轴承在故障情况下的承载能力并使其能在承重时稳定悬浮转子。首先,建立了故障情况下后轴向磁轴承-转子系统的非线性动力学模型,通过反馈线性化方法使系统大范围线性化。然后,在考虑参数摄动的基础上设计最优保性能控制器使转子稳定悬浮。最后,在轴向一侧线圈无电流的永磁偏置磁悬浮转子上进行了多项实验。实验结果表明,所设计的组合容错控制器实现了承重情况下转子的稳定悬浮,摄动最大的参数变化约35%时位移跳动量峰值为2.6μm,超调量小于3%,调节时间为82ms。结果验证了该方法不仅能实现容错控制,而且具有良好的动静态性能及鲁棒性。  相似文献   

为了解决当前隧道照明中存在的耗电量大,照度测量繁杂,难以实时保证实际照明亮度等问题,设计了一种隧道照明闭环反馈智慧控制系统。该系统能够根据车辆有无、车辆行为信息和环境信息实时调整照明状态实现按需照明;采用摄像机图像亮度测量方法,通过图像灰度与亮度转换来实时获取隧道路面的亮度。为保证照明需求,系统采用PID闭环反馈调节方法,以照明所需亮度和实际测量亮度为基础,实时调节照明系统输出。实验证明,设计的系统安全可靠,自适应性强,具备实时亮度测量和闭环反馈调节功能;实现了按需照明,能保证实际照明亮度实时达到标准要求,同时最大限度地节能降耗;并能在保证行车安全的同时使人眼获得最佳的视觉感受。  相似文献   

扭摆加速度计负反馈电容驱动控制系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文建立了扭摆加速度计的数学模型,研究了运用复合形优化方法对负反馈电容驱动控制系统中PID调节器参数进行整定,分析了整定后的扭摆加速度计的相关性能。仿真结果表明,应用复合形法整定扭摆加速计中的PID参数是可行的,并取得了很好的整定效果。  相似文献   

玻璃窑炉液位对象具有大滞后、大惯性并无自平衡能力的特点,但工艺过程对液位的要求又十分苛刻这就使得控制难度增大,传统的线性控制系统不能满足控制精度要求。本文在认真分析下班液位对象特点的基础上,提出了一种结构简单、设计方便和鲁棒性强的非线性PID控制算法。现场运行结果表明该算法简单可靠,能完全保证工艺参数在理想的范围。  相似文献   

This paper describes a nonintrusive plant analysis technique for variable pairing that relies on power spectrum frequency analysis. The development of the method is described and guidelines for the implementation of the method are presented. Information gathered from the frequency analysis is used in variable pairing to ensure minimal impacts from unmeasured disturbances. Specifically, the nested epsilon decomposition method for variable pairing is used. This nonintrusive analysis method is implemented on a pilot plant distillation column. The results of the pilot plant test are used in the decoupling of a multiloop control system.  相似文献   

一种新的自适应PID控制算法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
针对大惯性工业对象,设计了一种新的自适应PID调节器控制算法并应用手工业温度控制系统中,实验结果表明,利用人工智能算法与PID自适应算法的有机结合,可以使温度控制曲线在不同的阶段平滑过渡,使系统控制过程达到最优。  相似文献   

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