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Free fatty acids (FFA) and lipid and protein oxidation changes were studied throughout maturation process of a raw goat milk cheese with protected designation of origin. Cheeses were analyzed at 4 different times of maturation, at 1, 30, 60, and 90 d. All FFA significantly increased during maturation and the relative increase was higher for long-chain than medium- or short-chain FFA. At the end of maturation, oleic (C18:1 n9), butyric (C4:0), and palmitic (C16:0) acids were the most abundant. The higher levels of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) regarding total FFA obtained at the end of Ibores cheese ripening compared with other raw goat milk cheeses, highlight the notable role of SCFA on the flavor of this cheese owing to their low-odor thresholds. Lipid oxidation values significantly increased during maturation process but low levels of malondialdehyde were reported; however, protein oxidation did not significantly change during ripening.  相似文献   

Beaten ewe's milk cheese is a traditional autochthonous type of cheese manufactured in Macedonia with a relatively high nutritional value and sensory characteristics. The objective of this study was to characterise the gross composition, proteolysis and volatile profiles of the cheese that is supplied from different retails. The ranges for gross composition were from 31.53% to 42.83% (w/w) for moisture, 41.99% to 50.98% (w/w) for fat‐in‐dry matter, 2.03% to 8.25% (w/w) for salt content and 20.74% to 33.35% (w/w) for protein. Proteolysis results showed various levels of soluble nitrogen ranged from 3.15 to 33.50 for water‐soluble nitrogen (WSN) and from 1.11% to 6.79% for nitrogen soluble in 12% trichloroacetic acid (TCA‐SN). The ranges for total free amino acids were from 1.65 to 8.06 mg Leu/g. Lower proteolysis was observed in the cheese samples due to high salt contents. In total, 65 volatile compounds were identified in Beaten cheese. As a conclusion, the variation of the peptide profile, electrophoresis and volatile contents of Beaten cheeses are due to the lack of standardised manufacture protocols.  相似文献   

A commercial blue-veined cheese made from unpasteurized milk was examined by conventional culturing and PCR denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of the bacterial community 16S rRNA genes using 3 primer sets, V3, V4V5, and V6V8. Genomic DNA for amplification was extracted directly from raw milk, starter culture, cheese at different stages of production, fully ripened cheese, and from the cultured cells grown on various media. The outer rind was sampled separately from the inner white core and blue veins. A diverse microbiota containing Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus curvatus, Staphylococcus gallinarum, Staphylococcus devriesei, Microbacterium sp., Sphingobacterium sp., Mycetocola sp., Brevundimonas sp., Enterococcus faecalis, Proteus sp., and Kocuria sp. was detected in the raw milk using culturing methods, but only Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Enterococcus faecalis survived to the final cheese and were detected both in the core and the rind. Using PCR denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of the cheese process samples, Staphylococcus equorum and Enterococcus durans were found in the rind of prepiercing samples but not in the core and veins; after piercing, these species were found in all parts of the cheese but survived only in the rind when the cheese was fully ripened. Brevibacterium sp., Halomonas sp., Acinetobacter sp., Alkalibacterium sp., and Corynebacterium casei were identified only by PCR denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and not cultured from the samples. Brevibacterium sp. was initially identified in the cheese postpiercing (core and veins), Halomonas sp. was found in the matured cheese (rind), and Acinetobacter sp., Alkalibacterium sp., and Corynebacterium casei were also found in the prepiercing samples (rind) and then found through the subsequent process stages. The work suggests that in this raw milk cheese, a limited community from the milk survive to the final cheese, with salt addition and handling contributing to the final cheese consortium.  相似文献   

The sensory characteristics of Salers Protected Denomination of Origin raw-milk cheeses are linked to the biochemical composition of the raw material (milk) and to the resultant microbial community. To evaluate the influence of the microbial community on sensory characteristics, Salers-type cheeses were manufactured with the same pasteurized milk, reinoculated with 3 different microbial communities from 3 different filtrates from microfiltered milks. Each cheese was subjected to microbial counts (on selective media), biochemical tests, and volatile and sensory component analyses at different times of ripening. Adding different microbial communities to specimens of the same (biochemically identical) pasteurized milk lead to different sensory characteristics of the cheeses. Cheeses with fresh cream, hazelnut, and caramel attributes were opposed to those with fermented cream, chemical, and garlic flavors. The aromatic compounds identified (esters, acids, alcohols, and aldehydes) in these cheeses were quite similar. Nevertheless, one milk was distinguished by a higher content of acetoin, and lower 2-butanone and 3-methylpentanone concentrations. Over the production period of 1 mo, the different cheeses were characterized by the same balance of the microbial population assessed by microbial counts on different media. This was associated with the stability of some sensory attributes describing these cheeses. Nevertheless, there was no linear correlation between microbial flora data and sensory characteristics as measured in this study.  相似文献   

Physicochemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics, evolution of lipolysis monitored by measuring acid degree value (ADV) and the main mineral elements were studied during ripening and storage of artisanal Xinotyri cheese from raw goat's milk. Cheeses were characterized by a high content in total solids (TS; 83%) and fat (59% of TS), and very low pH (4.0), water activity (0.87) and moisture (17%). Protein and salt contents at the end of storage were 31% and 2.8%, respectively. Lipolysis increased, while variations in mineral (Ca, P, Mg and Zn) content were found during ripening and storage. Cheeses were free of Salmonella and Listeria in 25 g, while enterobacteria, pseudomonads, and coagulase-positive staphylococci were < 100 cfu/g. Mesophilic lactic acid bacteria increased above 8 log cfu/g by day 6, but declined by 2–3 logs in the ripened cheese (45 days) and by 3–4 logs during cheese storage at 4°C for up to 180 days.  相似文献   

The production of volatile compounds by wild strains of Lactococcus lactis used as starter cultures and their effect on the sensory characteristics of ewes' raw milk cheese were investigated. Sixteen vats of cheese were manufactured and ripened for 120 d in two experiments, each of them duplicated. In the first experiment, milk was inoculated with different ratios of four wild Lactococcus lactis strains, two producing and two not producing branched-chain volatile compounds, and in the second experiment with different ratios of a commercial starter culture and the two strains producing branched-chain volatile compounds. Cheese pH, proteolysis, and aminopeptidase activity increased when the strains producing branched-chain volatile compounds were inoculated at a higher rate. Fifty volatile compounds were identified in cheeses using a purge and trap system coupled to a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry apparatus. The relative abundances of 30 volatile compounds (8 alcohols, 5 aldehydes, 3 ketones, 12 esters, 1 sulfur compound, and 1 benzenic compound) were influenced by starter culture composition. 2-Methylpropanol, 3-methylbutanol, isobutyl acetate, isoamyl acetate, ethyl butyrate, isobutyl butyrate, and isoamyl butyrate were always more abundant in the cheeses made with a higher level of L. lactis strains producing branched-chain volatile compounds. Flavor intensity was enhanced by a high level of L. lactis strains producing branched-chain volatile compounds in the first experiment, in which four wild L. lactis strains were used as starter culture, but not in the second experiment, in which a combination of two wild L. lactis strains and the commercial starter culture were used. Flavor quality, as judged by trained panelists, was impaired in both experiments by a high level of L. lactis strains producing branched-chain volatile compounds.  相似文献   

The fate of 2 different Listeria innocua strains was analyzed during the production and ripening of smeared raw milk Greyerzer cheese (Gruyère). These strains were used as surrogates for the pathogenic Listeria monocytogenes, as they are physiologically very similar. Bacterial cells were added to the cheese milk at levels of 105 cfu/mL. During the first 24 h of cheese making, the number of the test strains decreased to a level of below 102 cfu/g. Obviously, the cooking temperature of 56°C and the subsequent slight temperature decrease to 50°C within 70 min contributed to a distinct reduction of Listeria counts. The counts in the cheese cores did not exceed 103 cfu/g within 12 wk of cheese ripening and Listeria was not detectable after 24 wk. In contrast to the cores of the cheeses of the 4 batches in this study, their rinds always contained a high listerial load of approximately 106 to 108 cfu/g throughout the entire ripening period. The smeared surface showed an increase of pH to alkaline values, corresponding to smear microbiota development. Coryneforms and Staphylococcus counts were stable at >107 cfu/cm2 over 175 d, whereas yeast counts decreased to about 105 cfu/cm2 at the end of ripening. The study shows that the smear culture had no noticeable anti-listerial potential. When removing the rind or portioning such smeared cheese loaves with a cutting device, a postprocess contamination of the core might occur, thus presenting a major hygienic risk.  相似文献   

This study 1) evaluated the overall milk quality and prevalence of 4 target pathogens (Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp., and Escherichia coli O157:H7) in raw milk used for small-scale artisan cheesemaking and 2) examined specific farm characteristics and practices and their effect on bacterial and somatic cell counts (SCC). Raw milk samples were collected weekly from 21 artisan cheese operations (6 organic) in the state of Vermont that manufactured raw-milk cheese from cow (12), goat (5), or sheep (4) milk during the summer of 2008. Individual samples were examined for standard plate counts (SPC), coliform counts (CC), and SCC. Samples were also screened for target pathogens both quantitatively and qualitatively by direct plating and PCR. Overall, 86% of samples had SPC <10,000 cfu/mL, with 42% <1,000 cfu/mL. Additionally, 68% of samples tested were within pasteurized milk standards for coliform bacteria under the United States’ Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance at <10 cfu/mL. Log10 SPC and CC did not differ significantly among species. Similarly, method of sample delivery (shipped or picked up), farm type (organic or conventional), and duration of milking (year-round or seasonal) did not have significant effects on farm aggregated mean log10 SPC, CC, or SCC. Strong positive correlations were observed between herd size and mean log10 SPC and between log10 SPC and CC as well as SCC when data from all animal species were combined. Although SCC for cow milk were significantly lower than those for goat and sheep milk, 98, 71, and 92% of cow, sheep, and goat milk samples, respectively, were within the compliance limits of the United States’ Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance for SCC. Fourteen of the 21 farms (67%) were positive for Staph. aureus, detected in 38% of samples at an average level of 20 cfu/mL. Neither L. monocytogenes, E. coli O157:H7, or Salmonella spp. were detected or recovered from any of the 101 samples tested. Our results indicate that the majority of raw milk produced for small-scale artisan cheesemaking was of high microbiological quality with no detectable target pathogens despite the repeat sampling of farms. These data will help to inform risk assessments that evaluate the microbiological safety of artisan and farmstead cheeses, particularly those manufactured from raw milk.  相似文献   

In this study, some gross chemical compositions and fatty characteristics of herby cheeses were investigated. In the present study, the cheeses used as materials were collected from 10 different plants. The cheeses were made from sheep milk, cow's milk or a mixture of them, and stored in brine at 7–8°C and analysed for some proximate chemical compositions and fatty acid composition after 150 days of ripening. Capric acid, palmitic acid, oleic acid, short-chain fatty acids, medium-chain fatty acids, long-chain fatty acids, saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other fatty acids as g in 100 g fatty acids were determined.  相似文献   

This study is aimed at investigating the molecular prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in raw milk and cheese of different animal species (sheep, goat, cow and water buffalo) in Kayseri Province, Türkiye, to provide a preliminary assessment for contamination risk. A total of 200 milk and cheese samples were analysed by real-time PCR. Toxoplasma gondii DNA was detected in two (8%) ewes and one (4%) goat raw milk sample, while none of the cheese samples were positive. These results indicated that the presence of T. gondii DNA in raw milk samples sold in Kayseri Province might be a risk factor for public health.  相似文献   

Enzyme-rich cheeses are prone to over-ripening during refrigerated storage. Blue-veined cheeses fall within this category because of the profuse growth of Penicillium roqueforti in their interior, which results in the production of highly active proteinases, lipases, and other enzymes responsible for the formation of a great number of flavor compounds. To control the excessive formation of free fatty acids (FFA) and volatile compounds, blue-veined cheeses were submitted to high-pressure processing (HPP) at 400 or 600 MPa on d 21, 42, or 63 after manufacture. Cheeses were ripened for 30 d at 10°C and 93% relative humidity, followed by 60 d at 5°C, and then held at 3°C until d 360. High-pressure processing influenced the concentrations of acetic acid and short-chain, medium-chain, and long-chain FFA. The effect was dependent on treatment conditions (pressure level and cheese age at the time of treatment). The lowest concentrations of acetic acid and FFA were recorded for cheeses treated at 600 MPa on d 21; these cheeses showed the lowest esterase activity values. Acetic acid and all FFA groups increased during ripening and refrigerated storage. The 102 volatile compounds detected in cheese belonged to 10 chemical groups (5 aldehydes, 12 ketones, 17 alcohols, 12 acids, 35 esters, 9 hydrocarbons, 5 aromatic compounds, 3 nitrogen compounds, 3 terpenes, and 1 sulfur compound). High-pressure processing influenced the levels of 97 individual compounds, whereas 68 individual compounds varied during refrigerated storage. Total concentrations of all groups of volatile compounds were influenced by HPP, but only ketones, acids, esters, and sulfur compounds varied during refrigerated storage. The lowest total concentrations for most groups of volatile compounds were recorded for the cheese pressurized at 600 MPa on d 21. A principal component analysis combining total concentrations of groups of FFA and volatile compounds discriminated cheeses by age and by the pressure level applied to HPP cheeses.  相似文献   

Proteolytic and lipolytic changes were studied throughout ripening of five batches of León cow's milk cheese, a traditional variety made in the north of Spain. Total soluble nitrogen, non-protein nitrogen, oligopeptides nitrogen, amino nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen fractions increased slightly during the ripening process. The final values of these nitrogen fractions indicate that this cheese undergoes a very slight proteolysis as much in extent as in depth. This weak protein degradation is corroborated when the caseins and their degradation products were quantified by electrophoresis. β-Casein stayed practically intact throughout the ripening process and only 10% of αs-casein became degraded. The content of total free amino acids increased progressively but in a slightly increased way during ripening, reaching final average values of 592 mg (100 g)−1 of total solids. The most abundant free amino acid at the end of ripening was lysine, followed by leucine, glutamic acid, tryptophan, valine and phenylalanine. The acidity index of the fat values increased during ripening by a factor of 4.39. The final values of this parameter are in the range of those observed in other cow's milk cheeses ripened by bacteria. The content in total free fatty acids underwent an increase throughout ripening reaching final average values of 6669 ppm. The most abundant free fatty acid at the end of ripening was oleic acid followed by butyric and palmitic acids. The high content of short-chain fatty acids is outstanding, specially that of butyric acid.  相似文献   

The lactic acid bacteria contributing to Lighvan cheese ripening during the different stages of production were investigated. Isolated strains from different culture media were identified phenotypically to species and subspecies level. In total, 413 strains were isolated from raw milk, 1-day-old cheese and fully ripened cheese. The most abundant species belonged to Enterococcus faecium (87 isolates), Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis (68 isolates), Enterococcus faecalis (55 isolates) and Lactobacillus plantarum (48 isolates). E. faecium, Lc. lactis and Lb. plantarum were the predominantly isolated strains from ripened cheese. Therefore, they may contribute considerably to the aroma and flavour development of Lighvan cheese.  相似文献   

The headspace compounds of teleme cheese made from sheep's milk, goats' milk or mixture of sheep's and goats' milk (50:50) were analysed during ripening by static headspace gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. A total of 21 major compounds were identified, including aldehydes (7), alcohols (5), ketones (4), and acids (2). All types of cheeses contained approximately the same volatiles at different concentrations. The total volatile compounds (TVC) increased during ripening. Cheeses made from sheep's milk showed the highest level of TVC, whereas cheeses made from goats' milk showed the lowest one.  相似文献   

Spontaneous lipolysis (SL) is an enzymatic reaction that leads to a release of fatty acids that can modify technological and sensory properties of milk and milk products. However, few studies have been done to assess the effect of feeding systems (FS) and breed on SL. Most of them were conducted in the 1980s and are not fully representative of cattle today. No previous study investigated the effect of cow breed at the whole-lactation scale. Thus, a trial was carried out to study the effects of 2 FS (high- and low-input FS) with 2 breeds [Holstein (HO) and Normande (NO)] during 1 entire lactation. Sixty-three cows were followed throughout 1 lactation. Cows were divided into 4 groups according to their breed and their FS. The high FS (HFS) consisted of a high-energy diet (in winter, corn silage with 30% concentrate; otherwise, pasture with 4 kg/d of concentrate) and the low FS (LFS) consisted of a low-energy diet (in winter, conserved grass with no concentrate; otherwise, pasture with no concentrate). The cows calved between January and March. Individual milk samples were collected every month from both morning and evening milkings for fat, protein, milk fat globule size, major fatty acids and proteins profiles, and SL determinations. Data were analyzed using the mixed procedure of SAS. The SL was higher in evening milks compared with morning milks. In early lactation, in evening milks, SL was higher in LFS than in HFS. No difference was shown according to the FS in mid and late lactation. Pasture was associated with low SL rate in mid lactation. The NO cows were less susceptible to SL during the entire lactation than HO cows. Finally, early and late lactation periods were identified as being more susceptible to SL, but this depended on breed and FS. During early lactation, HO cows and LFS were associated with higher levels of SL, particularly in evening milks, and, during late lactation, HO cows were associated with higher levels of SL. No intertreatment or intercow correlations (coefficient of determination <0.16) were found between SL, milk fat and protein contents, milk production, milk fat globule size, proportion of fatty acids and proteins, body condition, and weight during the entire lactation. Effects of breed, FS, and lactation stage were clearly identified and quantified. Causal mechanisms might involve energy balance and circadian secretion of milk fat globule components.  相似文献   

La Serena cheeses made from raw Merino ewe's milk were high-pressure (HP) treated at 300 or 400 MPa for 10 min on d 2 or 50 after manufacture. Ripening of HP-treated and control cheeses proceeded until d 60 at 8°C. Volatile compounds were determined throughout ripening, and analysis of related sensory characteristics was carried out on ripe cheeses. High-pressure treatments on d 2 enhanced the formation of branched-chain aldehydes and of 2-alcohols except 2-butanol, but retarded that of n-aldehydes, 2-methyl ketones, dihydroxy-ketones, n-alcohols, unsaturated alcohols, ethyl esters, propyl esters, and branched-chain esters. Differences between HP-treated and control cheeses in the levels of some volatile compounds tended to disappear during ripening. The odor of ripe cheeses was scarcely affected by HP treatments on d 2, but aroma quality and intensity scores were lowered in comparison with control cheese of the same age. On the other hand, HP treatments on d 50 did not influence either the volatile compound profile or the sensory characteristics of 60-d-old cheese.  相似文献   

La Serena cheese, a Spanish variety made from Merino ewes’ raw milk, has a high pH value, low salt content, and high moisture, conditions that are all favorable for growth and survival of contaminating microorganisms, including pathogens. To improve its microbiological quality and safety, high-pressure treatments at 300 or 400 MPa for 10 min at 10°C were applied to 2 batches of La Serena cheese on d 2 or 50 of ripening. Cheese treated on d 2 at 300 MPa showed viable aerobic counts that were 0.99 log units lower than those for control cheese on d 3 and showed counts of enterococci, coagulase-positive staphylococci, gram-negative bacteria, and coliforms that were 2.05, 0.49, 3.14, and 4.13 log units lower, respectively, than control cheese. For cheese treated on d 2 at 400 MPa, the respective reductions in counts were 2.02, 2.68, 1.45, 3.96, and 5.50 log units. On d 60, viable aerobic counts in cheese treated on d 50 at 300 MPa were 0.50 log units lower than those in control cheese, and counts of enterococci, gram-negative bacteria, and coliforms were 1.37, 2.30, and 4.85 log units lower, respectively. For cheese treated on d 50 at 400 MPa, the respective reductions in counts were 1.29, 1.98, 4.47, and > 5 log units. High-pressure treatments at 300 or 400 MPa on d 2 or 50 reduced significantly the counts of undesirable microorganisms, improving the microbiological quality and safety of La Serena cheese immediately after treatment and at the end of the ripening period.  相似文献   

The compositional characteristics of Feta cheese manufactured in two mountainous areas from raw milk, from sheep fed by grass, and the forages’ volatile organic compounds (VOC) were studied, to differentiate the Feta cheese. Although the main compositional features did not vary greatly, the proteolysis mode was altered. The VOC profiles of the cheeses varied. While some VOCs were common to both groups of cheeses, others were discriminatory for each production area. There were common terpenes in both the bulk forage and the mature cheeses. Overall, the VOC composition of Feta could provide a basis for identification with regard to its region of origin.  相似文献   

As ovine milk production increases in the United States, somatic cell count (SCC) is increasingly used in routine ovine milk testing procedures as an indicator of flock health. Ovine milk was collected from 72 East Friesian-crossbred ewes that were machine milked twice daily. The milk was segregated and categorized into three different SCC groups: < 100,000 (group I); 100,000 to 1,000,000 (group II); and > 1,000,000 cells/ ml (group III). Milk was stored frozen at -19 degrees C for 4 mo. Milk was then thawed at 7 degrees C over a 3-d period before pasteurization and cheese making. Casein (CN) content and CN-to-true protein ratio decreased with increasing SCC group 3.99, 3.97, to 3.72% CN, and 81.43, 79.72, and 79.32% CN to true protein ratio, respectively. Milk fat varied from 5.49, 5.67, and 4.86% in groups I, II, and III, respectively. Hard ewe's milk cheese was made from each of the three different SCC groups using a Manchego cheese manufacturing protocol. As the level of SCC increased, the time required for visual flocculation increased, and it took longer to reach the desired firmness for cutting the coagulum. The fat and moisture contents were lower in the highest SCC cheeses. After 3 mo, total free fatty acids (FFA) contents were significantly higher in the highest SCC cheeses. Butyric and caprylic acids levels were significantly higher in group III cheeses at all stages of ripening. Cheese graders noted rancid or lipase flavor in the highest SCC level cheeses at each of the sampling points, and they also deducted points for more body and textural defects in these cheeses at 6 and 9 mo.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize Staphylococcus aureus isolates from Swiss raw milk cheeses that had been found to be contaminated with coagulase-positive staphylococci and to estimate the frequency of the various genotypes, in particular the mastitis-associated Staph. aureus genotype B (GTB). The isolates were also tested for staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) genes and other virulence factors. From 623 coagulase-positive staphylococci isolated from 78 contaminated raw milk cheeses, 609 were found to be Staphylococcus aureus. Genotyping of all Staph. aureus isolates was performed by PCR amplification of the 16S–23S rRNA intergenic spacer region, as this method was used previously to differentiate between mastitis subtypes associated with their clinical outcome. In total, 20 different genotypes were obtained and the 5 most frequently occurring genotypes were distributed in 6.4% or more of the samples. The enterotoxin-producing Staph. aureus GTB, known for its high contagiousness and increased pathogenicity in Swiss mastitis herds, was found to be the most abundant subtype at the sample level (71.8%) as well as among the isolates (62.0%). A subset of 107 isolates of the different genotypes were analyzed for the presence of SE genes and revealed 9 different SE gene patterns, with sed being most frequently detected and 26% being PCR-negative for SE genes. Almost all isolates of the major contaminant GTB contained the SE gene pattern sed, sej, ser, with half of them additionally carrying sea. Production of SE in vitro was consistent with the SE genes detected in most of the cases; however, some isolated GTB did not produce SEA. Staphylococcus aureus Protein A (spa) typing revealed 30 different subtypes and most GTB isolates belonged to the bovine spa type t2953; GTB/t2953 was linked among other subtypes to SE production in cheese and staphylococcal intoxication cases. Furthermore, 1 of the 623 isolates was a methicillin-resistant Staph. aureus, which was an seh-carrying Staph. aureus spa type tbl 0635 (non-GTB). We conclude that control and reduction of enterotoxigenic Staph. aureus GTB in dairy herds in Switzerland will not only prevent economic losses at the farm level but also improve the safety of raw milk cheeses; distribution of methicillin-resistant Staph. aureus via raw milk cheese is of less concern.  相似文献   

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