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The development of the prostate in male rodents, which involves complex epithelial–mesenchymal interactions between the urogenital sinus epithelium (UGE) and the urogenital sinus mesenchyme (UGM), has been deeply studied. In females, however, this process is not very clear. In this study, the postnatal development of the prostate in female Mongolian gerbils employing three‐dimensional (3D) reconstructions, histochemical, and immunohistochemical techniques was characterized. It was observed that prostatic branching and differentiation in females was induced by a single mesenchyme localized at a ventrolateral position, which was named as ventrolateral mesenchyme (VLM); furthermore, the canalization of solid buds began on the third postnatal day (P3) and the branching morphogenesis on P5. We observed secretions in the acini at the end of the first month, and, on P45, the acini were completely differentiated. The strong cell proliferation phase in the first week coincided with the mesenchymal expression of estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1). The expression of androgen receptor (AR) paralleled cell differentiation, and, on P30, immunolabelling with p63 was restricted to basal cells. This study serves as a baseline parameter for future research on disruptions that could affect the development of the female prostate. Microsc. Res. Tech. 79:438–446, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this article, the reproductive system's morphology of three young animals of the species Saguinus midas, from the bauxite mine in Paragominas, is described. The specimens were fixed and preserved in a solution of 10% aqueous formaldehyde, followed by dissection, measurement of the genital organs (uterus, vagina, ovaries, and uterine tubes), and histological processing. The vulva is delimited by the labia, with a clitoris. It is lined by keratinized stratified squamous epithelium with sebaceous glands of holocrine secretion. The vagina is an elongated tube with an average length of 26 mm and diameter of 1 mm, presenting a non-keratinized squamous epithelium, disposed between the vestibule of the vagina and cervix, the latter being relatively short. The uterus is simple, has globular shape and is located in the caudal portion of the abdominal cavity, with an average length of 14 mm and average width of 7 mm. It is formed by vascular and serous layers of muscles, and undergoes a bifurcation to form two structures on the bottom of blind sac. The uterine tubes are long and convoluted with an average length of 35 mm (right) and 36 mm (left), consisting of loose connective tissue and muscle layer lined by simple ciliated columnar epithelium. The ovaries are large and ellipsoid with smooth surface. Histologically, one animal showed ovulation fosse.  相似文献   

The morphology and ultrastructure of the female reproductive system were examined for a larval–pupal parasitoid Trichomalopsis shirakii Crawford of Oulema oryzae Kuwayama using light and electron microscopes. The reproductive system includes two ovaries, two pairs of accessory glands, an unbranched venom gland, a large venom reservoir and a Dufour gland. Each ovariole contains follicles and oocytes at different stages of maturation. A fibrous layer covers the surface of mature egg. The accessory glands are made up of a layer of secretory cells surrounded by muscle fibers. In these secretory cells, numerous mitochondria, electron‐dense secretory granules and vesicles filled with dense granular particles are present. These granular particles appear as virus‐like particles (VLPs). The venom gland consists of a single layer of secretory cells which are organelle rich with abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and vesicular organelles, a layer of duct cells and an inner intima. The reservoir consists of a muscular sheath, epidermal cells with few organelles and an intima layer. The Dufour gland has a relatively large lumen surrounded by a single layer of columnar epithelial cells which are characterized by clusters of smooth endoplasmic reticulum and lipid droplets. Aside from the venom, the fibrous layer coating the egg and the granular particles which may be VLPs have been discovered in our study. They may serve as one of the parasitoid‐associated factors in their host–parasitoid relationship and play a role in host immune suppression. Microsc. Res. Tech. 79:625–636, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Phytoliths are an important component for interpreting the ancient botanical record. However, phytoliths can be altered through heating, either as the result of such activities as firing ceramics, clay molds use for casting metal or in hearths. Phytoliths can also be altered through heating as the result of creating comparative sample from living plants. By heating phytoliths at graduated intervals it was found that different types of phytoliths lost their diagnostic morphological characteristics at significantly different temperatures. The phytoliths used in this study are derived from economically important plants to Chinese archaeology and culture. Given the consistent results of the alteration of different type of phytoliths at specific temperatures it should eventually be possible to use phytolith alterations as a proxy measure of the original firing temperature of ancient objects and features.  相似文献   

The stroma plays a fundamental role in the function of different glandular systems. In the prostate, the stroma is responsible for the development and maintenance of the differentiated state of the epithelium. Nicotine induces tobacco dependence and promotes morphological alterations in the epithelial compartment. However, its effects on the prostate stroma are unclear. The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphology of the stromal microenvironment in the ventral prostate lobe of rats submitted to chronic nicotine administration. Twenty rats (Rattus norvegicus) were divided into two groups: 10 animals received subcutaneous nicotine and 10 animals received physiological saline by the same route. After treatment, samples were collected from the ventral prostate lobe, processed and submitted to histology, histochemistry, and ultrastructural analysis by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The level of circulating testosterone was also analyzed. The results showed a significant increase in the density of type I collagen (56.3% to 85.9%, P < 0.01) and a decrease in the density of type III collagen (43.7% to 14.1%, P < 0.01). In addition, there was a qualitative increase in elastic fibers and in the number of smooth muscle cells with a secretory phenotype. Circulating testosterone levels were significantly reduced (898.3 to 363.1 ng/mL, P < 0.01). The results showed that nicotine modifies different components of the prostate stroma, suggesting that this drug is a risk factor for morphofunctional alterations in the prostate gland.  相似文献   

The presence of hard jaws (trophi), with species-specific shape and size, is a taxonomic feature of Rotifera, a group of microscopic metazoans. Since trophi are used to discriminate among species, it is important to know whether these structures change in taxonomically important ways during postembryonic development. Using both SEM and optical images, we analyzed more than 100 individuals of a single clonal lineage of a monogonont rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis, in order to describe body and trophi development after hatching. Body size, expressed as lorica width and length, was isometrically related to age of the animals only during preadult stages. Trophi size, expressed as length of the different parts, was unrelated to either age or body size. Therefore, trophi elements do not grow after hatching in B. plicatilis. Despite the dimensional invariance with age, some differences in trophi size among individuals of the same clone were recorded. No difference in left-right asymmetry of the trophi was shown; the asymmetric elements of the trophi named rami consistently had the right ramus longer than the left. This constancy is in contrast to the reported trophi asymmetries in bdelloid rotifers, in which left-right asymmetries are not constant within clonal lineages. In conclusion, we suggest that also trophi size, constant within the analyzed clone, may be used as an additional taxonomic feature to help in the discrimination of taxa within the B. plicatilis complex of cryptic species.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural characteristics of several growth matrices were examined using two cell types chosen for their distinct growth habits. Chinese hamster ovary cells and Balb-c 3T3 mouse fibroblasts were grown on flat substrates (glass, tissue culture plastic, Millipore filters) as well as spherical (glass, tissue culture plastic, cross-linked dextran) substrates. Cells were plated maintaining equal densities and growth surface area. Once the majority of the cells reached confluency, the cell's morphology on each matrix was examined using scanning electron microscopy. Digital analysis was performed on cell attachment area to compare the effect of each matrix on cell spreading. Variation in cell shape was dramatic between matrices, being most noticeable between a textured surface (filter, dextran bead) and that of a smooth (glass) surface. Even within smooth surfaces, some variation was observed. There was also an effect of matrix curvature on cell attachment area, the greatest being in the 3T3-c Balb cells, causing an overall decrease in the area of attachment between cell and matrix. The changes seen could also be related to the particular cell type used. Hamster ovary cells tended to be cylindrical and showed little effect between matrices, whereas the mouse fibroblasts, which are more flattened, showed the matrix effect to a greater degree. This study demonstrates the necessity of being aware of substrate-induced cell changes in tissue culture, where some variation in cell shape may be due to the surface on which the cells are grown as opposed to the experimental procedure.  相似文献   

The presence and distribution of FMRFamide-like peptides (FLPs) in the cyprid larvae of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite were investigated using immunohistochemical methods. Barnacles are considered to be one of the most important constituents of animal fouling communities, and the cyprid stage is specialized for settlement and metamorphosis in to the sessile adult condition. FLPs immunoreactive (IR) neuronal cell bodies were detected in both the central and the peripheral nervous system. One bilateral group of neurons somata was immunodetected in the brain, and IR nerve fibers were observed in the neuropil area and optic lobes. Intense immunostaining was also observed in the frontal filament complex: frontal filament tracts leaving the optic lobes and projecting towards the compound eyes, swollen nerve endings in the frontal filament vesicles, and thin nerve endings in the external frontal filament. Thin IR nerve fibers were also present in the cement glands. Two pairs of neuronal cell bodies were immunodetected in the posterior ganglion; some of their axons appear to project to the cirri. FLPs IR neuronal cell bodies were also localized in the wall of the dilated midgut and in the narrow hindgut; their processes surround the gut wall and allow gut neurons to synapse with one another. Our data demonstrated the presence of FLPs IR substances in the barnacle cyprid. We hypothesize that these peptides act as integrators in the central nervous system, perform neuromuscular functions for thoracic limbs, trigger intestinal movements and, at the level of the frontal filament, play a neurosecretory role.  相似文献   

Male of Triatoma rubrofasciata has four elongated sac-like reproductive mesodermic accessory glands, lined by an inner single layer of secretory cells, with basal plasma membrane infolds and short apical microvilli, and externally enveloped by a thin visceral muscle layer. The secretory cells have a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, mitochondria, and secretory granules. In one day old adult the gland cells are poorly developed, presenting small, electron-transparent secretory granules scattered among the rough endoplasmatic reticulum, whereas in three days old adult these cells have the cisternae of the rough endoplasmatic reticulum varing size degree, filled with granular electrondense content. In five days old males the secretory granules increase in diameter, being released to the gland lumen. Therefore, there is an increase of the secretory activity according to male maturation.  相似文献   

Recent advances in gene technology have helped to identify novel proteins and allowed study of their distribution and functions in the mammalian brain. One class of these proteins is that of transporters, which exist in plasma and organellar membranes of neurons and other cells to move substances selectively across membranes. These transporters can be categorized further into subclasses by their structural property, substrate selectivity, and site of action. Some of them have been identified in the hypothalamus, which is the only brain site where a neural signal is converted to a humoral one, namely, a hormone for a target organ. This unique neural mechanism has long attracted attention as the neuroendocrine system, part of which has been extensively studied as the hypothalamic-neurohypophysial system involved in secretion of vasopressin and oxytocin. However, transporters in this system have been less well studied. A morphological examination of novel transporters would give us cues to a better understanding of the neuronal organization and function of the system. In this review, we first summarize recent findings on expression of transporter gene and immunoreactivity in the hypothalamus. In the second part, we explain our observations on two vesicular glutamate (inorganic phosphate) transporters (BNPI and DNPI) in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei and neurohypophysis. Further study of these and other transporters will provide a basis on which to reevaluate the organization and function of the hypothalamic-neurohypophysial system.  相似文献   

The genus Sophora (Fabaceae) is one of the taxonomically challenging genera with high economic and medical values. In this study, the pollen morphology of 43 samples of 27 species, 4 subspecies, and 4 varieties of the genus Sophora and 3 closely related genera was examined using scanning electron microscopy to evaluate the pollen diversity of the genus and its taxonomic significance. Pollen grains of the studied species were tricolporate (rarely six-aperture), and pollen shape varied from suboblate, spheroidal, subprolate to prolate. Echinate external ornamentation was reported for the first time in some species of the genus. Aperture membrane ornamentation and outline in a polar/equatorial view were described for the first time in the genus. Principal component analysis was used to understand the relationship and discrimination between the species and the genera, with six components accounting for 79.92% of the total variance. Taxonomic keys based on pollen morphology were also constructed to easily identify the taxa of the genus through palynological characteristics. Results showed that pollen morphology alone is not sufficient to elucidate or reconstruct taxonomic relationships within the genus Sophora, but palynological assessments can provide some useful information for identifying taxonomically problematic taxa.  相似文献   

Foliar and stem epidermal anatomical features of the tribe Cynoglosseae have been studied in detail for the taxonomic identification using light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) techniques. A comparative study was conducted on different plant parts (leaf and stem epidermal anatomy) of 25 species belonging to eight genera of the tribe Cynoglosseae (Boraginaceae) collected from different phytogeographical regions of Iran for the first time. Different qualitative and quantitative characteristics were observed in detail using LM and SEM. Results showed that although generally the stem and leaf anatomical traits were similar, but some diagnostic features were examined for distinguishing the closely related genera in the tribe. The ratio of cortex/diameter of stem and phloem/xylem, the average row number of collenchyma, palisade and spongy cells, structure of trichomes, type of indumentum and palisade arrangement were found taxonomically important. The anatomical characters were statistically analyzed using cluster analysis and principal component analysis. The study found that stem and leaf eccentrics are variable in the genus but constant within species of the same genus. Most species had typical isobilateral leaves, but some showed an incipient dorsoventrally symmetry with a layer of abaxial palisade tissue. Eglandular trichomes were observed found in all the studied species, which were recognized based on structure and function. In present study some novel characters have been observed which are of great interest to the taxonomist for the correct identification some genera delimitations. The characters studied here are of less taxonomic value and delimitating at species level.  相似文献   

There is an increasing variety of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) either with (anti)estrogenic or (anti)androgenic potential widely present in the environment. These xenosteroids may mimic endogenous steroid hormones disrupting the homeostasis of physiological pathways and leading to several disturbances, especially in tissues highly dependent on steroid hormones such as the prostate. Taking this into account, this comparative study aimed to verify the potential of ethinylestradiol (EE) and testosterone acting as ECDs on the prostate of both male and female adult gerbils exposed to these agents during the embryonic phase. Consequently, pregnant gerbils were treated either with 10 μg/kg/day of EE or with a single dose of 1 mg of testosterone cypionate. The pups that were born 6-8 days after testosterone exposure and the pups that were born after 3 days of EE exposure were allowed to grow but were sacrificed within 4 months. Serological, morphological, stereological, and immunohistochemical analyses were used. Overall, the results showed that both sexes exposed to testosterone and EE during gestation had a prostatic gland with an increased stromal and epithelial and a reduced luminal compartment. Moreover, we observed that glands affected with prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia showed intense stromal reshuffling. In conclusion, although these alterations were observed in both sexes, more relevant to this study was the differential responsiveness of males and females exposed to these different drugs. Whereas the EE affected males more, the testosterone was more harmful to the females.  相似文献   

In the dipteran genus Hermetia, only 6 of the 78 valid species have documented immature stages: H. albitarsis Fabricius, 1805, H. aurata Bellardi, 1859, H. concinna Williston, 1900, H. illucens (Linnaeus, 1758), H. panamensis Greene, 1940 and H. pulchra Weidemann, 1830. In particular, H. illucens stands out due to its reported applicability for forensic, medical and economic purposes. Here, we described the morphology of eggs and immature stages of this species, with a view to detecting differences between instars and in the pupal stage, which should eventually help properly identifying larval age. We utilized both optical and scanning electron microscopy tools. The eggs are elliptical and elongated, and color varies from cream white to yellowish. The larvae are apodal, hemichephalic and holopneustic, flattened dorso‐ventrally and may be recognized by the head elongated, dorsal and ventral chaetotaxy of the cephalic capsule, thoracic and abdominal segments, and the morphology of the anterior and posterior spiracles. The pupae are adecticous and coarctate, tegument dark brown and pruinescence varying from brown to golden. The overall morphology across instars is similar, but marked variations were observed in the shape of the antennal articuli and the shape of the setae (first instar compared to the others). Our results supplement the biological information on Hermetia illucens and should aid the proper identification and aging of juveniles in the field, as a way to minimize errors in the calculation of the post‐mortem interval.  相似文献   

Several species of the genus Aphidius are used in biological control programs against aphid pests throughout the world and their behavior and physiology are well studied. But despite knowing the importance of sensory organs in their behavior, their antennal structure has never been described. We describe here the types and distribution of antennal sensilla in Aphidius rhopalosiphi, a larval parasitoid of several aphid species and observe how this antennal structure is modified after cold storage or heat exposure. Six types of sensilla were found on both male and female antennae. Male and female antennae differed in the total number of antennomeres (16 in males, 14 in females) and in the number and distribution of three of the six types of sensilla. After cold storage or heat exposure, we observed the appearance of a small number of abnormal sensilla.  相似文献   

Currently, the necessity of controlling infestation by ticks, especially by Rhipicephalus sanguineus, has led researchers and public health managers around the world to search for new and more efficient control methods. This way, we can highlight neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) leaf, bark, and seed extracts, which have been very effective on tick control, and moreover causing less damage to the environment and to the host. This study showed the potential of neem as a control method for R. sanguineus through morphological and morphometric evaluation of the integument and synganglion of females, in semiengorged stage. To attain this, routine techniques of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and morphometry of the cuticle and subcuticle of the integument were applied. Expressive morphological alterations were observed in both organs, presenting a dose‐dependent effect. Integument epithelial cells and nerve cells of the synganglion showed signs of cell vacuolation, dilated intercellular boundaries, and cellular disorganization, alterations not previously reported in studies with neem. In addition, variations in subcuticle thickness were also observed. In general, the effects of neem are multiple, and affect the morphology and physiology of target animals in various ways. The results presented in this work are the first evidence of its effects in the coating and nervous system of ticks, thus allowing an indication of neem aqueous extracts as a potential control method of the brown dog tick and opening new perspectives on acaricide use. Microsc. Res. Tech. 77:989–998, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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