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We report on the application of supplementary light-emitting diode (LED) lighting within a greenhouse for cultivation of red, green and light green leaf baby lettuces (Lactuca sativa L.) grown under natural illumination and high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps (16-h; PPFD-170 μmol m−2 s−1) during different growing season. Supplementary lighting from blue 455/470 nm and green 505/530 nm LEDs was applied (16-h; PPFD-30 μmol m−2 s−1). Our results showed that to achieve solely a positive effect is complicated, because metabolism of antioxidant properties in lettuce depended on multicomponent exposure of variety, light quality or seasonality. The general trend of a greater positive effect of supplemental LED components on the vitamin C and tocopherol contents was in order: 535 > 505 > 455 > 470 nm; on the total phenol content: 505 > 535 = 470 > 455 nm; on the DPPH free-radical scavenging capacity: 535 = 470 > 505 > 455 nm; on the total anthocyanins: 505 > 455 > 470 > 535 nm. Further investigations are needed for understanding the mechanism and interaction between antioxidants and light signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

This work was conducted to investigate changes in the bioactive nutrient content of hot (pungent) paprika as a function of ripening in four of the most important varieties cultivated in Hungary. For the quantitative determination, recent liquid chromatographic (HPLC) methods were applied. Forty carotenoids were separated, with β‐carotene and lutein of interest from the biological point of view. The major component of vitamin E was α‐tocopherol. Capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin and nordihydrocapsaicin were the dominant pungency principles. As for vitamin C components, only ascorbic acid could be detected and determined. The results indicated that all the examined compounds were at low level in the mature green fruits, and the onset of climacteric ripening caused their content to grow. In accord with the advance in ripening, carotenoids were being formed even at the overripening stage, while tocopherols, capsaicinoids and ascorbic acid reached their maximum level at the colour break or red stage and then declined. The highest values with regard to carotenoids were estimated in SZ‐178 and F0‐3 cultivars. The best retention of ascorbic acid was found in SZ‐178, which contained 4.86 mg g?1 dry matter in the dry pods. On the other hand, retention of α‐tocopherol during ripening and natural drying was found to depend on variety. The highest value for vitamin E was recorded in SZ‐178 followed by K‐V2, which contained the highest level of α‐tocopherol at the red stage of ripening. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is no literature on changes in organoleptic, nutritive and functional properties during plum development and on‐tree ripening. In this work a comparative study on the evolution of physical, chemical and nutritive parameters and bioactive compounds of eight plum cultivars (yellow and dark‐purple) was performed. RESULTS: The main changes related to ripening (colour, total soluble solids, acidity, firmness and bioactive compounds) started at the early stages of fruit development, with significant differences among cultivars. Colour hue angle was highly correlated with increase in anthocyanins or carotenoids (in both skin and flesh). Total antioxidant activity (TAA) was determined in the hydrophilic (H‐TAA) and lipophilic (L‐TAA) fractions separately, and values were always higher in the skin than in the flesh. A continuous increase in both H‐TAA and L‐TAA during the process of ripening occurred. H‐TAA was about twofold higher than L‐TAA in the dark‐purple cultivars, while the opposite was found in the yellow cultivars. In addition, H‐TAA was correlated with total phenolics and total anthocyanins, while L‐TAA was positively correlated with total carotenoids. CONCLUSION: In order to achieve the optimal organoleptic, nutritive and health‐beneficial properties of plum consumption, it would be advisable to harvest the fruits at the fully ripe stage. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Seeds are considered to be agro-industrial residues, which can be used as source of macronutrients and/or raw material for extraction of vegetable oils, since they present great quantities of bioactive compounds. This study aimed to characterize the lipid fractions and the seeds of pumpkin (Cucurbita sp) varieties Nova Caravela, Mini Paulista, Menina Brasileira, and Moranga de Mesa aiming at using them in food. The chemical composition of the seeds was performed according to the official methods of American Oil Chemists' Society and Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Total carotenoids and phenolic compounds were determined by spectrophotometry, while the levels of tocopherols were analyzed by high efficiency liquid chromatography. It was noted that the seeds contain high amounts of macronutrients that are essential for the functioning of the human organism. As to total carotenoids, Mini Paulista and Menina Brasileira pumpkin varieties presented significant amounts, 26.80 and 26.03 μg/g, respectively. Mini Paulista and Nova Caravela pumpkin varieties showed high amounts of total phenolic compounds in the lipid fractions and in the seeds. It was also found that γ-tocopherol is the isomer that stood out in the lipid fractions and in the seeds, mainly in Menina Brasileira. Finally, the consumption of these seeds and use of lipid fractions provide the supply of large quantities of compounds that are beneficial for health and that may be potentially used in food, besides representing an alternative to better use of agro-industrial residues. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Bioactive compounds, besides presenting basic nutritional functions, provide metabolic and physiological health benefits when consumed as part of the usual diet. Therefore, there is a growing interest in vegetable oils of special composition, such as the ones extracted from fruit seeds. The seeds of Cucurbita sp are shown to be promising sources of oils, and especially the Cucurbita moschata and maxima species have not yet been fully elucidated. For this reason, it becomes important to investigate the chemical composition and lipid fractions of these seeds, aiming to use them in food.  相似文献   

Freeze-drying is a good alternative means of obtaining fruit products, with a significant amount of thermolabile bioactive compounds. Despite the excellent benefits, this method provides the dehydrated product, and its main drawback is its high cost due to the duration of the process. Heat may be applied to the shelf so as to shorten the process time, as long as this does not affect the quality of the product. In this study, the impact of the freeze-drying shelf temperature, 30 and 50 °C, on the bioactive compounds of the product obtained from an orange juice formulated with gum Arabic and bamboo fibre has been considered, as has the temperature’s effect on the porosity, colour and mechanical properties of the cake and on the flowability and the rehydration capacity of the powder, together with the sensory evaluation of the rehydrated product. The results obtained point to 50 °C as being the recommended temperature for the freeze-drying of this product. This temperature shortens the process time by 64%, promotes the vitamin C content with no effect on the total phenols and carotenoids, leads to the cakes having better mechanical properties and does not affect the flowability and the rehydration behaviour of the powdered product.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bioactive compounds are capable of providing health benefits, reducing disease incidence or favoring body functioning. There is a growing search for vegetable oils containing such compounds. This study aimed to characterize the pulp and kernel oils of the Brazilian palm species guariroba (Syagrus oleracea), jerivá (Syagrus romanzoffiana) and macaúba (Acrocomia aculeata), aiming at possible uses in several industries. RESULTS: Fatty acid composition, phenolic and carotenoid contents, tocopherol composition were evaluated. The majority of the fatty acids in pulps were oleic and linoleic; macaúba pulp contained 526 g kg?1 of oleic acid. Lauric acid was detected in the kernels of all three species as the major saturated fatty acid, in amounts ranging from 325.8 to 424.3 g kg?1. The jerivá pulp contained carotenoids and tocopherols on average of 1219 µg g?1 and 323.50 mg kg?1, respectively. CONCLUSION: The pulps contained more unsaturated fatty acids than the kernels, mainly oleic and linoleic. Moreover, the pulps showed higher carotenoid and tocopherol contents. The kernels showed a predominance of saturated fatty acids, especially lauric acid. The fatty acid profiles of the kernels suggest that these oils may be better suited for the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries than for use in foods. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

This study was conducted to characterize the lipid fraction of 15 chia seed samples originating from five countries (Argentina, Paraguay, Uganda, Bolivia, and Peru). On average, chia seeds contained 34.5 g oil per 100 g dry-solids, in which the average contents of sterols, tocopherols, squalene, carotenoids, and phenolic compounds were 7,061, 600, 17.7, 2.2, and 9.7 mg/kg of oil, respectively. Alpha-linolenic acid share varied from 54.35% to 60.48%, and was accompanied by declining shares of linoleic, palmitic, oleic, and stearic acid, respectively. Principal component analysis showed that chia oil induction time was positively correlated with tocopherols and phenols, while negatively with quality indices and squalene content.  相似文献   

Lettuce is one of the most commonly consumed leafy vegetables worldwide and is available throughout the entire year. Lettuce is also a significant source of natural phytochemicals. These compounds, including glycosylated flavonoids, phenolic acids, carotenoids, the vitamin B groups, ascorbic acid, tocopherols, and sesquiterpene lactones, are essential nutritional bioactive compounds. This review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the composition of health-promoting compounds in different types of lettuce, the potential health benefits of lettuce in reducing the risks of chronic diseases, and the effect of preharvest and postharvest practices on the biosynthesis and accumulation of health-promoting compounds in lettuce.  相似文献   

This work aimed evaluating some physicochemical compounds, hydrophilic (H-AC) and lipophilic (L-AC) antioxidant capacity of eleven avocado genotypes grown in the Andes. The results show great variability in physical and chemical properties, dry matter (DM) and lipid contents with ranges of 18.4–39.3% and 10.1–23.2%, respectively. All genotypes had high oleic acid content (50.4–69.9%) and a high unsaturated fatty acid/saturated fatty acid ratio (UFA/SFA, from 3.05 to 6.05), while the unsaponifiable fraction contained mainly β-sitosterol (140.83–235.51 mg/100 g DM) and α-tocopherol (17.44–71.29 µg/g DM). Total phenolic compounds (TPC), H-AC and L-AC ranged from 0.48 to 0.88 mg EAG/g DM, 5.37 to 14.00 and 1.87 to 6.71 μmol ET/g DM, respectively. Although the genotype influences avocado characteristics, climatic conditions in the Andean region seem to be important for the biosynthesis of metabolites of interest and should be considered in future studies.  相似文献   

An extensive study on the effects of blanching/freezing and long‐term freezer storage on various bioactive compounds of more than 20 commonly used vegetables was performed. Effects were strongly plant species‐dependent. Contents of dietary fibre components either were not affected or increased slightly. Minerals in general were also stable, but some losses of soluble minerals by leaching were observed. Phenolic antioxidants and vitamins were clearly more sensitive. Significant losses (20–30%) of antioxidant activity and total phenolics were detected in many vegetables. A qualitative HPLC profiling method for phenolic antioxidants was developed which proved to be very useful when evaluating the complex behaviour of phenolics during food processing. Up to one‐third of vitamin C contents were lost during blanching, and further slight losses were detected during storage. Folic acid turned out to be very sensitive to blanching, with more than half of the vitamin being lost, but was stable during freezer storage. Carotenoids and sterols were not affected by blanching or freezer storage. The usefulness of the applied screening methods for evaluation of the effects of processing on vegetables is shown. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Thirty-four French red wines originating from six different grape varieties and three different production areas were analysed in duplicate for 15 anthocyanins, ten flavonoids and three colour parameters, F-statistics, principal component analysis and stepwise discriminant analysis were used to identify and to explain differences among samples. Clear difference between wines made from different varieties were mainly related to anthocyanin 3-acylglucosides. Malvidin and peonidin 3-acetylglucosides were found in increasing concentrations in wines made respectively from Grenache, Carignan, Cinsault, Merlot, Carbernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc grapes; the concentrations of peonidin and malvidin 3-p-coumarylglucosides were higher in the Cinsault wines studied. Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot wines made near Bordeaux had a less intense colour and a higher malvidin 3-glucoside content than wines from the same varieties produced near Narbonne. Wines made from Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc grapes contained more catechin, epicatechin and myricetin when produced in the south than in the north (Narbonne, Bordeaux, Angers). Of the samples analysed, 96%, and all of the nine extra wines, were correctly classified according to the variety of the grapes using four anthocyanins and catechin selected by step wise discriminant analyses.  相似文献   

The antioxidant activities of fruits (n = 21), vegetables (n = 67) and legumes (n = 7) commonly consumed in Korea were determined by both the lipophilic antioxidant performance assay (LAP) and the hydrophilic oxygen radical absorbance capacity assay (ORAC). The LAP assay used the lipophilic radical initiator MeO‐AMVN [2,2′‐azobis(4‐methoxy‐2,4‐dimethylvaleronitrile)] and the lipophilic probe BODIPY 581/591 [4,4‐difluoro‐5‐(4‐phenyl‐1,3‐butadienyl)‐4‐bora‐3a, 4a‐diaza‐s‐indacene‐3‐undecanoic acid]. The ORAC assay used the hydrophilic radical initiator AAPH [2,2′‐azobis(2‐amidinopropane) dihydrochloride] and the hydrophilic probe fluorescein. In addition, the lipid‐soluble phytonutrients, carotenoids and tocopherols were determined by a reverse‐phase HPLC system using a C30 column with a UV detector. The water‐soluble phytonutrient, ascorbic acid, was analyzed using an HPLC system with an electrochemical detector. Total phenols were determined by UV spectrophotometry. Tocopherols (r = 0.774, p < 0.0001) and carotenoids (r = 0.569, p < 0.0001) were significantly correlated with LAP in total samples (n = 95). ORAC was significantly correlated with total phenols (r = 0.893, p < 0.0001), but not with ascorbic acid (r = 0.009, p = 0.929) in total samples (n = 95). These data indicate that carotenoids and tocopherols and total phenols are the major contributors to the lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidant capacities, respectively. Therefore, the contribution of both the hydrophilic and lipophilic components of fruits and vegetables should be considered when determining the actual ‘total’ antioxidant activity of fruits and vegetables. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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