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In this paper, a simulated annealing approach is developed for the parallel mixed-model assembly line balancing and model sequencing (PMMAL/BS) problem which is an extension of the parallel assembly line balancing (PALB) problem introduced by Gökçen et al. (2006 Gökçen, H and A?pak, K. 2006. A goal programming approach to simple U-line balancing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 171(2): 577585. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). In PALB, the aim is to balance more than one assembly line together. Balancing of the lines simultaneously with a common resource is very important in terms of resource minimisation. The proposed approach maximises the line efficiency and distributes the workloads smoothly across stations. The proposed approach is illustrated with two numerical examples and its performance is tested on a set of test problems. The computational results show that the proposed approach is very effective for PMMAL/BS.  相似文献   

Yakup Kara 《工程优选》2013,45(7):669-684
Mixed-model U-lines (MMULs) are important elements of just-in-time production systems. For successful implementation of MMULs, a smoothed workload distribution among workstations is important. This requires that line balancing and model sequencing problems are solved simultaneously. This article presents a mixed, zero–one, nonlinear mathematical programming formulation for balancing and sequencing MMULs simultaneously with the objective of reducing work overload. Since the problem is NP-hard, an effective simulated annealing approach is also presented and its performance compared with existing approaches. The results show that the proposed simulated annealing algorithm outperforms existing approaches.  相似文献   

A mixed-model assembly line is a type of production line which is used to assemble a variety of product models with a certain level of similarity in operational characteristics. This variety causes workload variance among other problems resulting in low efficiency and line stops. To cope with these problems, a hierarchical design procedure for line balancing and model sequencing is proposed. It is structured in terms of an amelioration procedure. On the basis of our evolutionary algorithm, a genetic encoding procedure entitled priority-based multi-chromosome (PMC) is proposed. It features a multi-functional chromosome and provides efficient representation of task assignment to workstations and model sequencing. The lean production perspective recognises the U-shape assembly line system as more advanced and beneficial compared to the traditional straight line system. To assure the effectiveness of the proposed procedure, both straight and U-shape assembly lines are examined under two major performance criteria, i.e., number of workstations (or line efficiency) as static criterion and variance of workload (line and models) as dynamic criterion. The results of simulation experiments suggest that the proposed procedure is an effective management tool of a mixed-model assembly line system.  相似文献   

Recently, the mixed-model assembly line (MMAL) has been widely studied by many researchers. In fact, there are two basic problems, namely balancing and sequencing problems, which have been investigated in a lot of studies separately, but few researchers have solved both problems simultaneously. Regarding this, the best results in minimising total utility work have been gained by developing a co-evolutionary genetic algorithm (Co-GA) so far. This paper provides a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model to jointly solve the problems. Because of NP-hardness, an evolution strategies (ES) algorithm is presented and evaluated by the same test problems in the literature. Two main hypotheses, namely simultaneous search and feasible search, are tested in the proposed algorithm to improve the quality of solutions. To calibrate the algorithm, a Taguchi design of experiments is employed. The proposed ES is compared with the modified version of Co-GA and the MILP model results. According to numerical experiments and statistical proving, the proposed ES outperformed the modified Co-GA from two points of view: the objective function and the computational time. Additionally, the meta-heuristic algorithms are examined in terms of other well-known criteria in MMAL. Finally, the contribution of each hypothesis in accounting for this superiority is analysed.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been an increasing trend towards using robots in production systems. Robots are used in different areas such as packaging, transportation, loading/unloading and especially assembly lines. One important step in taking advantage of robots on the assembly line is considering them while balancing the line. On the other hand, market conditions have increased the importance of mixed-model assembly lines. Therefore, in this article, the robotic mixed-model assembly line balancing problem is studied. The aim of this study is to develop a new efficient heuristic algorithm based on beam search in order to minimize the sum of cycle times over all models. In addition, mathematical models of the problem are presented for comparison. The proposed heuristic is tested on benchmark problems and compared with the optimal solutions. The results show that the algorithm is very competitive and is a promising tool for further research.  相似文献   

In this study, a mixed integer programming model for the parallel two-sided assembly line balancing problem is developed. Several extensions such as a cost-oriented model, a model with time and space constraints and a model with assignment restrictions which considers characteristics of parallel lines are also presented. The model has been tested on a number of test problems from the literature. The results for different objective functions are analysed on the test problems.  相似文献   

This article addresses advanced available-to-promise (AATP) in mixed-model assembly line sequencing problems. In the developed framework, customers are prioritized with respect to 11 defined criteria using the technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) method, and order quantities are calculated using a nonlinear mathematical program. Next, a mixed binary nonlinear mathematical program is developed to determine the optimum sequence of the optimized order quantities to minimize the total lateness. Since the proposed models are intractable, a hybrid genetic algorithm–simulated annealing method is also developed. Finally, an industrial case study is reported, the results of which validate the developed AATP framework.  相似文献   

A mixed-model assembly line (MMAL) is a type of production line that is capable of producing a variety of different product models simultaneously and continuously. The design and planning of such lines involve several long- and short-term problems. Among these problems, determining the sequence of products to be produced has received considerable attention from researchers. This problem is known as the Mixed-Model Assembly Line Sequencing Problem (MMALSP). This paper proposes an adaptive genetic algorithm approach to solve MMALSP where multiple objectives such as variation in part consumption rates, total utility work and setup costs are considered simultaneously. The proposed approach integrates an adaptive parameter control (APC) mechanism into a multi-objective genetic algorithm in order to improve the exploration and exploitation capabilities of the algorithm. The APC mechanism decides the probability of mutation and the elites that will be preserved for succeeding generations, all based on the feedback obtained during the run of the algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed adaptive GA-based approach outperforms the non-adaptive algorithm in both solution quantity and quality.  相似文献   

Within U-shaped assembly lines, the increase of labour costs and subsequent utilisation of robots has led to growing energy consumption, which is the current main expense of auto and electronics industries. However, there are limited researches concerning both energy consumption reduction and productivity improvement on U-shaped robotic assembly lines. This paper first develops a nonlinear multi-objective mixed-integer programming model, reformulates it into a linear form by linearising the multiplication of two binary variables, and then refines the weight of multiple objectives so as to achieve a better approximation of true Pareto frontiers. In addition, Pareto artificial bee colony algorithm (PABC) is extended to tackle this new complex problem. This algorithm stores all the non-dominated solutions into a permanent archive set to keep all the good genes, and selects one solution from this set to overcome the strong local minima. Comparative experiments based on a set of newly generated benchmarks verify the superiority of the proposed PABC over four multi-objective algorithms in terms of generation distance, maximum spread, hypervolume ratio and the ratio of non-dominated solution.  相似文献   

This paper presents a beam search-based method for the stochastic assembly line balancing problem in U-lines. The proposed method minimizes total expected cost comprised of total labour cost and total expected incompletion cost. A beam search is an approximate branch and bound method that operates on a search tree. Even though beam search has been used in various problem domains, this is the first application to the assembly line balancing problem. The performance of the proposed method is measured on various test problems. The results of the computational experiments indicate that the average performance of the proposed method is better than the best-known heuristic in the literature for the traditional straight-line problem. Since the proposed method is the first heuristic for the stochastic U-type problem with the total expected cost criterion, we only report its results on the benchmark problems. Future research directions and the related bibliography are also provided in the paper.  相似文献   

Growing interests from customers in customised products and increasing competitions among peers necessitate companies to configure their manufacturing systems more effectively than ever before. We propose a new assembly line system configuration for companies that need intelligent solutions to satisfy customised demands on time with existing resources. A mixed-model parallel two-sided assembly line system is introduced based on the parallel two-sided assembly line system previously proposed in the literature. The mixed-model parallel two-sided assembly line balancing problem is illustrated with examples from the perspective of simultaneous balancing and sequencing. An agent-based ant colony optimisation algorithm is proposed to solve the problem. This algorithm is the first attempt in the literature to solve an assembly line balancing problem with an agent-based ant colony optimisation approach. The algorithm is illustrated with an example and its operational procedures and principles are explained and discussed.  相似文献   

The mixed model assembly line is becoming more important than the traditional single model due to the increased demand for higher productivity. In this paper, a set of procedures for mixed-model assembly line balancing problems (MALBP) is proposed to make it efficiently balance. The proposed procedure based on the meta heuristics genetic algorithm can perform improved and efficient allocation of tasks to workstations for a pre-specified production rate and address some particular features, which are very common in a real world mixed model assembly lines (e.g. use of parallel workstations, zoning constraints, resource limitation). The main focus of this study is to study and modify the existing genetic algorithm framework. Here a heuristic is proposed to reassign the tasks after crossover that violates the constraints. The new method minimises the total number of workstation with higher efficiency and is suitable for both small and large scale problems. The method is then applied to solve a case of a plastic bag manufacturing company where the minimum number of workstations is found performing more efficiently.  相似文献   

The increasing market demand for product variety forces manufacturers to design mixed-model assembly lines (MMAL) on which a variety of product models similar to product characteristics are assembled. This paper presents a method combining the new ranked based roulette wheel selection algorithm with Pareto-based population ranking algorithm, named non-dominated ranking genetic algorithm (NRGA) to a just-in-time (JIT) sequencing problem when two objectives are considered simultaneously. The two objectives are minimisation the number of setups and variation of production rates. This type of problem is NP-hard. Various operators and parameters of the proposed algorithm are reviewed to calibrate the algorithm by means of the Taguchi method. The solutions obtained via NRGA are compared against solutions obtained via total enumeration (TE) scheme in small problems and also against four other search heuristics in small, medium and large problems. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is competitive with these other algorithms in terms of quality and diversity of solutions.  相似文献   

U-type and two-sided assembly lines are two types of design having advantages over traditional straight assembly lines. In this paper, a new line design hybrid of U-type and two-sided lines is presented. A bi-objective 0-1 integer programming model is developed to solve the line balancing problem of the proposed design. Zoning constraints are also considered for the proposed design. A number of test problems from the literature with up to 65 tasks are solved. Benefits of two-sided U-type lines are discussed.  相似文献   

Mixed-model assembly line sequencing is one of the most important strategic problems in the field of production management where diversified customers' demands exist. In this article, three major goals are considered: (i) total utility work, (ii) total production rate variation and (iii) total setup cost. Due to the complexity of the problem, a hybrid multi-objective algorithm based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) and tabu search (TS) is devised to obtain the locally Pareto-optimal frontier where simultaneous minimization of the above-mentioned objectives is desired. In order to validate the performance of the proposed algorithm in terms of solution quality and diversity level, the algorithm is applied to various test problems and its reliability, based on different comparison metrics, is compared with three prominent multi-objective genetic algorithms, PS-NC GA, NSGA-II and SPEA-II. The computational results show that the proposed hybrid algorithm significantly outperforms existing genetic algorithms in large-sized problems.  相似文献   

This research addresses the problem of sequencing items for production when it is desired that the production sequences result in minimal usage rates–surrogate measures for flexibility in a JIT environment. While seeking sequences with minimal usage rates, the number of required setups for the sequences is also considered, along with feasible batch-sizing combinations. The general intent is to find minimum usage-rate sequences for each associated number of setups and total batches. This multiple objective problem is addressed via a three-dimensional efficient frontier. Because the combinatorial nature of sequencing problems typically provides an intractable search space for problems of ‘real world’ size, the search heuristics of simulated annealing and genetic algorithms are presented and used to find solutions for several problem sets from the literature. Experimentation shows that the simulated annealing approach outperforms the genetic algorithm approach in both objective function and CPU performance.  相似文献   

This paper documents a study carried out on the problem of designing an integrated assembly line when many workers with a variety of skills are employed. This study addresses the problem of selecting multi-functional workers with different salaries to match their skills and of assigning tasks to work stations when there are precedence restrictions among the tasks. The objective of this study is to minimise the total annual work station costs and the annual salary of the assigned workers within a predetermined cycle time. A mixed integer linear program is developed with a genetic algorithm in order to address the problem of resource restrictions related to integrated assembly line balancing. Numerical examples demonstrate the efficiency of the developed genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

Assembly line balancing problems basically consist of assigning a set of tasks to a group of workstations while maintaining the tasks’ precedence relations, which are represented by a predetermined precedence graph. However, one or more parts of a product's assembly process may admit alternative precedence subgraphs, which represent possible assembly variants. In general, because of the great difficulty of the problem and the impossibility of representing alternative subgraphs in a precedence graph, the system designer will decide to select, a priori, one of such alternative subgraphs. This paper presents, characterizes and formulates a new general assembly line balancing problem with practical relevance: the alternative subgraphs assembly line balancing problem (ASALBP). Its novel characteristic is that it considers the possibility of having alternative assembly subgraphs, with the processing times and/or the precedence relations of certain tasks dependent on the assembly subgraph selected. Therefore, solving this problem implies simultaneously selecting an assembly subgraph for each part of the assembly that allows alternatives and balancing the line. The potentially positive effects of this on the solution of the problem are shown in a numerical example. Finally, a simple mathematical programming model is described and the results of a brief computational experiment are presented.  相似文献   

Optimised sequencing in the Mixed Model Assembly Line (MMAL) is a major factor to effectively balance the rate at which raw materials are used for production. In this paper we present an Ant Colony Optimisation with Elitist Ant (ACOEA) algorithm on the basis of the basic Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) algorithm. An ACOEA algorithm with the taboo search and elitist strategy is proposed to form an optimal sequence of multi-product models which can minimise deviation between the ideal material usage rate and the practical material usage rate. In this paper we compare applications of the ACOEA, ACO, and two other commonly applied algorithms (Genetic Algorithm and Goal Chasing Algorithm) to benchmark, stochastic problems and practical problems, and demonstrate that the use of the ACOEA algorithm minimised the deviation between the ideal material consumption rate and the practical material consumption rate under various critical parameters about multi-product models. We also demonstrate that the convergence rate for the ACOEA algorithm is significantly more than that for all the others considered.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the general assembly line balancing problem where the simple version is enriched by considering sequence-dependent setup times between tasks. Recently, Andres et al. (Andres, C., Miralles, C., and Pastor, R., 2008. Balancing and scheduling tasks in assembly lines with sequence-dependent setup times. European Journal of Operational Research, 187, (3), 1212–1223.) proposed the type I general assembly line balancing problem with setups (GALBPS-I) and developed a mathematical model and several algorithms for solving the problem. In a similar vein, we scrutinised the GALBPS type II problem where the challenge is to find the minimum cycle time for a predefined number of work stations. To solve the problem, we develop a mathematical model and a novel simulated annealing (SA) algorithm to solve such an NP-hard problem. We then employed the Taguchi method as an optimisation technique to extensively tune different parameters of our algorithm and make the classical SA algorithm more efficient in terms of running time and solution quality. Computational results reflected the high efficiency of the SA algorithm in both aspects.  相似文献   

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