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用PowerPoint软件本身所具备的Microsoft Graph图表功能绘制原煤可选性曲线,同时能获得较为独特的图表动画演示效果,介绍了各条曲线的绘制方法。 相似文献
在我国,动画是一项具有辉煌前景的产业,有着巨大的发展潜力和广阔的市场空间。目前中国许多高校都开设了动画专业,文章就其学习过程中应注意的几点问题进行探讨。 相似文献
传统基于核映射的非线性故障检测方法的性能受核函数类型和核参数的调优影响较大,且实际工业环境中对过程变量的非线性阶数存在很多物理限制。针对这一问题,提出一种非线性动态全局局部保留投影(nonlinear dynamic global-local preserving projections,NDGLPP)的故障检测算法。该方法首先使用动态全局局部保留投影算法对数据矩阵进行降维;然后对降维后的矩阵建立二阶多项式映射提取非线性空间的相关特性;接着通过迭代这两个步骤以获得高阶非线性映射;最后,将所提方法应用于乙烯精馏过程和Tennessee Eastman(TE)过程仿真中,验证了检测方法的有效性和可行性。 相似文献
《有机化学》作为工科院校化学类及相关专业必修的一门基础理论课,多年来在教学中一直延续着传统的教学模式,根据学生的反馈意见,大多数学生认为:对其中一些抽象的概念难以理解,解题时无从下手。有机化学多媒体课件在教学中的应用则可以克服以上困难,将抽象的概念蕴含于一些简单明了的动画中,使学生一目了然,同时也促进了学生对《有机化学》这门课程本身的学习。激发了学生的学习兴趣。经过六个班次的教学实践,收到了良好的教学效果。 相似文献
进入21世纪,随着计算机的高速发展,计算机已经在各行各业中广泛使用。电气制图一直是电气设计施工中的主要依据。因此图纸的规范设计能确保电气工程的正确施工,在此就简单介绍一下AutoCAD在电气制图中的应用。 相似文献
创造型教学应用在《化工制图》教学中,采用“一案”、“四段式”及“四化”的教学方法和手段,可以充分调动学生的学习积极性和创造性。另外,应用AutoCAD软件可以快捷准确的达到画图要求,弥补手工制图的不足。 相似文献
本文主要介绍PowerMIll精加工中投影加工策略,包括三点投影精加工、直线投影精加工、平面投影精加工、投影曲线精加工以及曲面投影精加工。 相似文献
我公司输煤上料系统采用人工配料,工人凭经验对两种物料(煤、矸石)进行配比,混合破碎后输送到锅炉料仓。用这种方法上料,配料精度低、效率低、人为因素大,两种物料配比不匀,造成锅炉发热量不稳定,对锅炉的寿命也有一定影响。如采用可靠性高的微机配料系统,则可提高锅炉的发热量,减轻工人劳动强度,提高经济效益。 相似文献
当前应用课件实施美术教学是非常广泛的,其显著特点是直观明了,将抽象的东西化为具象,使学生从被动学变为主动学,在课程效果上容易增加学生对美术的感性认知,在教学实施上能够提高教学质量和扩展教学内容。 相似文献
For complex industrial processes with multiple operational conditions, it is important to develop effective monitoring algorithms to ensure the safety of production processes. This paper proposes a novel monitoring strategy based on fuzzy C-means. The high dimensional historical data are transferred to a low dimensional subspace spanned by locality preserving projection. Then the scores in the novel subspace are classified into several overlapped clusters, each representing an operational mode. The distance statistics of each cluster are integrated though the membership values into a novel BID (Bayesian inference distance) monitoring index. The efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed method are validated though the Tennessee Eastman benchmark process. 相似文献
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a useful tool in process fault detection, but offers little support on fault isolation. In this article, structured residual with strong isolation property is introduced. Although it is easy to get the residual by transformation matrix in static process, unfortunately, it becomes hard in dynamic process under control loop. Therefore, partial dynamic PCA(PDPCA) is proposed to obtain structured residual and enhance the isolation ability of dynamic process monitoring, and a compound statistic is introduced to resolve the problem resulting from independent variables in every variable subset. Simulations on continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) show the effectiveness of the proposed method. 相似文献
Locality preserving projection (LPP) is a newly emerging fault detection method which can discover local manifold structure of a data set to be analyzed, but its linear assumption may lead to monitoring performance degradation for complicated nonlinear industrial processes. In this paper, an improved LPP method, referred to as sparse kernel locality preserving projection (SKLPP) is proposed for nonlinear process fault detection. Based on the LPP model, kernel trick is applied to construct nonlinear kernel model. Furthermore, for reducing the computational complexity of kernel model, feature samples selection technique is adopted to make the kernel LPP model sparse. Lastly, two monitoring statistics of SKLPP model are built to detect process faults. Simulations on a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) system show that SKLPP is more effective than LPP in terms of fault detection performance. 相似文献