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基于伪谱法的翼伞系统归航轨迹容错设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对翼伞系统在归航过程中,控制电机工作异常致使控制性能发生变化,无法按原有规划轨迹到达目标点的问题,提出一种基于Gauss伪谱法的归航轨迹容错设计方法.首先根据翼伞系统控制特性的不同,分别建立了正常和单电机异常工作状态下的质点模型,并根据伞形参数确定了两种工作状态下的约束条件和目标函数;其次,利用Gauss伪谱法分别对两种工作状态下轨迹规划的最优控制问题求解,获得翼伞系统不同状态下的最优飞行轨迹.仿真结果表明,在约束情况下,翼伞系统无论在正常和单电机异常工作时都可以顺利到达目标点,获得高精度的飞行轨迹.  相似文献   

设计一种用于翼伞空投系统上的控制系统。采用ARM控制器作为核心控制元件,为操纵绳电机设计驱动电路。针对经典PID控制过程中存在的缺陷,结合翼伞系统飞行特点,提出基于LADRC 控制理论设计控制算法,并利用MATLAB仿真软件对该算法的正确性进行验证,以及介绍控制系统的软件工作流程。  相似文献   

翼伞回收系统具有精确、定点、无损等特点,已成为当前回收领域的一个研究热点,首先建立了含附加质量的翼伞系统的六自由度动力学模型,然后将其带入翼伞系统的动力学方程中得到了运动轨迹以及三个姿态角随不同操纵方式变化的时间曲线,对翼伞系统的基本运动特性进行了分析.其次采用分段归航策略对翼伞系统的轨迹规划进行了设计,并利用遗传算法...  相似文献   

翼伞系统在较大风场中的归航控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
翼伞系统是一类特殊的柔翼飞行器,由于其飞行速度较低,容易受到风场的影响.针对翼伞系统在较大风场中难以准确跟踪归航轨迹、实现精确着陆,因此将风场中平均风的影响在轨迹规划中予以考虑,采用一种改进的粒子群算法(particle swarm optimization,PSO)优化分段归航轨迹;将紊流的影响作为外界的干扰,由线性自抗扰控制器(linear active disturbance rejection controller,LADRC)进行修正.仿真结果表明,该归航控制方法对提高翼伞系统在较大风场环境下的抗风性能和归航精度有重要意义.  相似文献   

针对翼伞系统在未知风场条件和障碍区域内难以保证着陆精度的问题,提出了翼伞系统航迹在线规划方法.在建立翼伞系统六自由度(6DOF)动力学模型的基础上,改进了经典分段归航控制方案,设计了自适应航迹规划算法,得到了低能耗、短航时的航迹规划结果.设计了PD控制器以仿真验证算法的有效性,仿真结果表明:提出的算法满足精确空投任务要求.  相似文献   

基于Serret Frenet坐标系的翼伞系统轨迹跟踪控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于翼伞系统归航轨迹的特点,采用Serret-Frenet坐标系表示距离“平衡”轨迹的偏差,得到线性时不变的误差运动方程.由此误差方程可以得到控制量与轨迹偏差之间的传递函数,直接进行轨迹控制器的设计.对于控制器输入所需的轨迹偏差和偏差率可以采用解析的方法近似求解,极大地简化了计算.整个设计流程简单明了,采用PD控制器进行轨迹跟踪的算例表明此套方法的有效性.  相似文献   

以灾难环境下翼伞空投机器人系统为背景,建立了翼伞系统六自由度的简化运动模型,针对预选的某伞型对该翼伞系统进行了动力学仿真.设置了常值侧风的仿真环境,分析了风对系统的影响,得出了翼伞的转弯、雀降等重要性能的参数,提供了验证控制算法的仿真基础,为设计实际控制系统提供理论依据.  相似文献   

杨锋魁  刘琦 《测控技术》2022,41(2):70-74
以组合翼伞气动特性为研究对象,通过开展8m×6m直流开口式风洞试验对组合翼伞气动特性开展试验研究.对组合翼伞进行风洞试验气动特性研究,通过光测系统获取稳定状态下组合翼伞实际迎角,六分量天平测试系统获取气动力(矩),得到不同迎角下组合翼伞的气动力(矩)数据.通过本次试验探索柔性翼伞风洞试验方法,积累组合翼伞真实试验气动数...  相似文献   

为了确保动力翼伞控制器的多功能实现及其系统稳定运行,设计了一种基于实时操作系统μC/OS-III的动力翼伞控制系统。系统基于Cortex-M4内核的微控制器STM32F407IGT6和Cortex-M3内核的微控制器STM32F103VCT6硬件平台,采用μC/OS-III系统实现了飞行模式选择、GPS采集、控制量计算、地面站交互、舵机位置采集、横向控制、纵向控制和系统信息读写等任务。详细介绍了系统总体构成以及软硬件实现方法。实验表明,采用μC/OS-III对动力翼伞系统进行实时多任务管理,可以最大化利用CPU资源,提高系统的运行效率,增强系统的稳定性和实时性。  相似文献   

在流体管道运行中,打开的阀门突然关闭会造成管道内部流体对阀门及管壁的巨大压力冲击,这种现象叫做水锤效应,严重威胁流体管道的健康运行.基于此,本文研究了阀门关闭过程中抑制水锤效应的最优边界控制问题.水锤模型由一组非线性时空演化方程描述,本文首先通过半离散方法得到一个有限维模型.然后,采用分段一次线性控制变量参数化方法及灵敏度分析方法,结合时间尺度变换方法,推导其梯度形式.最后,结合非线性优化求解器,完成边界最优控制设计.仿真结果显示时间尺度变换方法能够更有效地抑制水锤效应.考虑到实际工程中的控制量为阀门相对开度,在得到阀门处的流量和压力的最优变化过程后,本文给出了阀门相对开度随时间的演化关系.  相似文献   

Particle accelerators are devices used for research in scientific problems such as high energy and nuclear physics. In a particle accelerator, the shape of particle beam envelope is changed dynamically along the forward direction. Thus, this reference direction can be considered as an auxiliary \"time\" beam axis. In this paper, the optimal beam matching control problem for a low energy transport system in a charged particle accelerator is considered. The beam matching procedure is formulated as a finite \"time\" dynamic optimization problem, in which the Kapchinsky-Vladimirsky (K-V) coupled envelope equations model beam dynamics. The aim is to drive any arbitrary initial beam state to a prescribed target state, as well as to track reference trajectory as closely as possible, through the control of the lens focusing strengths in the beam matching channel. We first apply the control parameterization method to optimize lens focusing strengths, and then combine this with the time-scaling transformation technique to further optimize the drift and lens length in the beam matching channel. The exact gradients of the cost function with respect to the decision parameters are computed explicitly through the state sensitivity-based analysis method. Finally, numerical simulations are illustrated to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.   相似文献   

This paper presents a computational approach for optimizing a class of hybrid systems in which the state dynamics switch between two distinct modes. The times at which the mode transitions occur cannot be specified directly, but are instead governed by a state-dependent switching condition. The control variables, which should be chosen optimally by the system designer, consist of a set of continuous-time input signals. By introducing an auxiliary binary-valued control function to represent the system's current mode, we show that any dual-mode hybrid system with state-dependent switching conditions can be transformed into a standard dynamic system subject to path constraints. We then develop a computational algorithm, based on control parameterization, the time-scaling transformation, and an exact penalty method, for determining the optimal piecewise constant input signals for the original hybrid system. A numerical example on cancer chemotherapy is included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper considers a class of switched nonlinear systems with time-scaling transformation. A newconcept named ‘time-scaling transformational average dwell time’ is proposed, based on which two stability conditions for the original switched system are established that rely on each mode's dynamics of the transformational switched system and the characteristic of the time-scaling transformation. The new observation significantly extends existing stability results, especially for the case with unstable modes. A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

基于粒子群算法的飞行器再入轨迹优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出将粒子群优化算法(PSO)应用于飞行器再入轨迹优化。以最小控制能量高超声速飞行器再入轨迹优化为例,对飞行器运动模型进行简化和控制量参数化,粒子群算法采用自适应权值,并充分利用飞行器再入时的运动特性来设置PSO算法初始参数,分析比较仿真步数对结果的影响。仿真结果表明提出方法的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

An approach is proposed to generate collision-free, near time-optimal trajectories for two cooperative redundant manipulators between two sets of end-points. The time-optimal trajectory of one manipulator is found first. Then by considering this manipulator as a moving obstacle, the collision-free trajectory for the other manipulator is found. After obtaining the trajectories of both manipulators, an iterative approach is proposed to scale the time profile of the trajectories to minimize the traveling time. A simulation example is included to illustrate the validity of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

针对间歇过程批次内扰动影响最终优化效果的问题,提出一种基于互信息操作变量曲线参数化的间歇过程批内修正优化方法.首先根据操作变量与指标变量间互信息和相关系数划分出操作变量曲线上对指标变量作用近似的时段;然后,结合操作变量曲线的形态特征选择有代表性参数建立优化模型,以降低优化模型求解的复杂度.考虑到生产过程噪声干扰影响最终优化效果,在批次内设置决策点,并根据当前工况信息对决策点后未实施的操作变量曲线进行调整,以减弱批次内扰动对最终优化效果的影响.最后,将所提出方法用于某一化工厂双酚A结晶过程的优化研究,通过仿真结果验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This study proposed an online reference governor for a mobile robot to reduce the occurrence of control input saturation. For following the trajectory by a mobile robot, it is one of the practical subjects to provide appropriate control reference even if any disturbances occur. We proposed a methodology to regulate the control reference iteratively based on time-scaling approach. The time-scaling approach is a method to realize to regulate time development characteristic on the given trajectory. It is difficult to model the effect of the interaction with the road surface and the trajectory tracking error is appeared as the amount of accumulated such factors. Therefore, it is a practical approach to reduce the occurrence of control input saturation based on the evaluation of the trajectory tracking error. Proposed reference governor realizes online time scaling based on the trajectory tracking error index and a smooth transition dynamics. By introducing the proposed method, the occurrence of control input saturation can be reduced in case of that the disturbances occur. For verification of our proposed method, computer simulations utilizing a stable velocity controller were conducted and the results were discussed.  相似文献   

利用SFE Concept建立某轿车白车身的参数化模型,采用有限元法对白车身的静态弯曲和扭转刚度、主要低阶模态进行分析,并将仿真结果与试验结果进行对比。将参数化白车身与动力总成、底盘、闭合件连接后,仿真分析整车正面100%碰撞安全性能并验证有限元模型的有效性。提出通过相对灵敏度分析确定白车身非安全件设计变量的方法,采用最优拉丁超立方方法生成样本点,基于径向基神经网络方法拟合近似模型,以白车身非安全件和正碰安全件为轻量化对象,通过第二代非劣排序遗传算法对白车身进行多目标优化设计。结果表明:在白车身静态弯曲刚度降低3.60%、静态扭转刚度降低3.91%、一阶弯曲模态固有频率降低0.09%、一阶扭转模态固有频率上升1.26%、正碰安全性能基本不变的情况下,白车身质量减少24.17 kg,减重7.42%,轻量化效果显著。  相似文献   

为实现整车综合性能的快速方案验证和优化设计,在新车型设计阶段构建车身隐式参数化模型,并对其进行模态、刚度和安全等综合性能计算,验证参数化模型的有效性。基于灵敏度分析、试验设计(design of experiments, DOE)方法和近似模型优化等策略,对某白车身进行多学科轻量化设计。优化设计结果表明,白车身的模态、刚度和安全性能均满足设计要求。  相似文献   

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