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以聚合物ZPU-44和聚砜(PSU,polysulfone risi n)分别作为波导包层和芯层材料,采用倒脊形波导结构,设计并 优化了聚合物可重构微环谐振腔滤波器的波导截面参数、弯曲半径、耦合区波导长度和间距 以及调谐电极 等结构参数,分析了其谐振滤波特性。采用传统的微加工工艺制备了聚合物可重构微环谐振 腔滤波器并进 行了测试。结果表明,其在通信波段1550nm附 近的自由光谱范围(FSR)为0.15nm,3dB带宽约为0.0235nm, 品质因子Q达6.60×104,在0~ 4V电压范围内实现了0.5~12.95dB消光比的调谐,且 谐振波长调谐一 个FSR的电压为4.75V,与理论设计基本 相 符。本文的聚合物可重构微环谐振腔滤波器可用于集成波导可调谐光延时线和可调谐滤波。  相似文献   

设计并制备了一种热光聚合物微环谐振腔滤波器。微谐振环采用跑道型结构,通过光束传播法(BPM)对其弯曲半径进行了设计和优化。采用传统的接触式光刻曝光工艺制备了微环谐振腔滤波器并对其进行了光谱测试,实验结果表明,所设计的器件在1 550nm附近的自由光谱范围(FSR)为112pm,消光比约为12.8dB,3dB带宽约为0.026nm,品质因子Q为5.96×104,调制效率是6.13pm/mW;同时测量了器件的响应时间,得到的响应时间约为1.5ms。  相似文献   

采用电子束光刻和ICP刻蚀等工艺制作出绝缘体上Si(SoI)基纳米线波导微环谐振(MRR)滤波器,波导截面尺寸为300 nm×320 nm,微环半径为5 μm.测试结果表明,器件的自由频谱宽度(FSR)为16.8nm,1.55μm波长附近的消光比(ER)为18.1 dB.通过对MRR滤波器进行热光调制,在21.4~60...  相似文献   

研究了一种基于微环谐振腔的耦合共振光波导反射镜.基于耦合模理论,对这种新型波导反射镜的反射光谱进行了数值分析,详细讨论了直波导与微环谐振腔之间的耦合系数和相邻微环谐振腔之间的耦合系数对反射光谱的影响.计算结果表明这种反射镜的反射光谱存在多峰结构,在弱耦合的情况下可以实现波长选择性反射滤波,并且发现在这种波导反射镜中存在类似于原子系统中电磁诱导透明现象的耦合共振诱导透明现象.  相似文献   

基于Add-Drop型氮化硅微环滤波器,利用光学单边带调制和光载波分离的方法,实现可重构微波光子带通滤波器。滤波器带宽和带外抑制比分别达到726 MHz和37.0dB。并且通过改变光载波波长实现1.64~23.41GHz的滤波器频率调谐;通过调节微环耦合系数实现0.683~2.246GHz的滤波器带宽调谐,在带宽调谐范围内带外抑制比大于26dB。  相似文献   

采用电子束光刻和ICP刻蚀等工艺制作出基于SOI纳米线波导微环谐振滤波器。滤波器微环半径为5μm左右,波导截面尺寸为(350nm~500nm)220nm不等。测试结果表明,波导宽度为450nm时器件性能最为理想,其自由频谱宽度为16.8nm,1.55μm波长附近的消光比为22.1dB。通过对微环滤波器进行热光调制,在21.4℃~60℃温度范围内实现了4.8nm波长范围的可调谐滤波特性,热光调谐效率达到0.12nm /℃。同时,研究了基于单环和双环的多通道上下载滤波器,实验结果表明多通道滤波器的信号传输存在串扰,主要是不同信道之间的串扰,尤其在信号上载时,会在相邻信道产生较大串扰。  相似文献   

针对微环谐振器用于折射率传感时动态范围较窄的问题,提出了一种基于少模氮化硅微环谐振器的折射率传感技术,使谐振波长漂移的计算能够不用考虑原始参考值以及增大折射率探测范围,并验证高阶模对环境变化更敏感.通过理论分析,建立仿真模型,验证了该方法的可行性,并使用具有不同折射率的待测溶液开展传感实验,得到了91.79 nm/RI...  相似文献   

新型的可调谐微环谐振器的设计   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
应毓海 《红外与激光工程》2016,45(6):620002-0620002(6)
为了改进微机电系统中的传感器应用范围和特性参数,采用微纳光纤制作了环形谐振腔结构,设计的结构具有尺寸小、损耗低,品质因素高等优点。理论上分析了微纳光纤的光传输模式特性,通过电场的传数矩阵推导了谐振腔中的速度变化与光强变化间的关系,得到了加速度作用下微环谐振腔的谐振波长、周长、有效折射率的变化值间的函数关系。仿真结果分析表明:设计的微环波导电场波动明显,耦合效率较好;光谱强度和3 dB带宽变化较小,Q值达到104;在质量块每增加10 g时,输出光谱图约向右漂移3 nm;加速度与谐振波长漂移量基本呈线性关系,可以通过谐振波长的漂移量来实现对加速度的测量。研究结果能够为全光网络和微机电系统提供实现多种功能的光波导器件。  相似文献   

利用微环谐振腔中的光场关系实现了光学延时与色散补偿,并利用了Kerr效应来控制微环内相移的改变。文章给出了所设计器件的经过优化后的参数,可以在抖动<±8ps的条件下,达到>-1 200ps/nm的色散补偿数值,同时每个信道的色散补偿带宽均>20GHz,满足DWDM(密集波分复用)系统的要求。整个结构的功耗较小,不超过1.2mW,响应速度快,完全光控,体积小便于集成。  相似文献   

This paper describes the mechanism of selective Si3N4 etching over SiO2 in capacitively-coupled plasmas of hydrogen-containing fluorocarbon gas, including CHF3, CH2F2 and CH3F. The etch rate of Si3N4 and SiO2 is investigated as a function of O2 percentage in all plasma gases. Addition of O2 in feed gases causes plasma gas phase change especially H density. The SiO2 etch rate decreases with increase of O2 percentage due to the decline of CFx etchant. The Si3N4 etch rate is found to be strong correlated to the H density in plasma gas phase. H can react with CN by forming HCN to reduce polymer thickness on Si3N4 surface and promote the removal of N atoms from the substrate. Thus the Si3N4 etch rate increases with H intensity. As a result, a relative high selectivity of Si3N4 over SiO2 can be achieved with addition of suitable amount of O2 which corresponds to the maximum of H density.  相似文献   

n-Type Si(100) wafers with a thermally grown Si3N4 layer (∼170 nm) were sequentially implanted with 160 keV He ions at a dose of 5 × 1016 cm−2 and 110 keV H ions at a dose of 1 × 1016 cm−2. Depending on the annealing temperature, surface exfoliations of two layers were observed by optical microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The first layer exfoliation was found to correspond to the top Si3N4 layer, which was produced at lower annealing temperatures. The other was ascribed to the implanted Si layer, which was formed at higher temperatures. The possible exfoliation processes are tentatively discussed, and potential applications of such phenomena are also suggested.  相似文献   

设计了基于Si3N4掩模的太阳电池选择性掺杂工艺,并对其工艺参数进行了仿真优化。选择性掺杂电池的一次掺杂条件为仿真所得最佳非选择性掺杂电池的工艺参数。运用SILVACO软件分别对选择性掺杂的时间、预淀积浓度和温度进行了仿真研究。仿真结果表明,随着选择性掺杂的预淀积浓度的增加,光谱响应率先增加后降低;随着扩散温度和扩散时间的增加,电池的光谱响应率逐渐减小。所得最佳选择性掺杂工艺参数为预淀积磷硅玻璃杂质浓度1×1019 cm-3、扩散温度800℃、扩散时间5min。  相似文献   

The process window for the infinite etch selectivity of silicon nitride (Si3N4) layers to ArF photoresist (PR) and ArF PR deformation were investigated in a CH2F2/H2/Ar dual-frequency superimposed capacitive coupled plasma (DFS-CCP) by varying the process parameters, such as the low frequency power (PLF), CH2F2 flow rate, and H2 flow rate. It was found that infinitely high etch selectivities of the Si3N4 layers to the the ArF PR on both the blanket and patterned wafers could be obtained for certain gas flow conditions. The H2 and CH2F2 flow rates were found to play a critical role in determining the process window for infinite Si3N4/ArF PR etch selectivity, due to the change in the degree of polymerization. The preferential chemical reaction of hydrogen with the carbon in the hydrofluorocarbon (CHxFy) layer and the nitrogen on the Si3N4 surface, leading to the formation of HCN etch by-products, results in a thinner steady-state hydrofluorocarbon layer and, in turn, in continuous Si3N4 etching, due to enhanced SiF4 formation, while the hydrofluorocarbon layer is deposited on the ArF photoresist surface.  相似文献   

Oxidation characteristics of Si0.85Ge0.15 nanowires were investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analyses. Si0.85Ge0.15 nanowires were grown in a tube furnace by vapor–liquid–solid (VLS) method and thermally oxidized at 925 °C for 1–8 h. After oxidation, oxide thicknesses were measured using TEM images. Si0.85Ge0.15 nanowires showed a thicker oxide than Si nanowires, for the whole range of oxidation time. The oxidation rate of Si0.85Ge0.15 nanowires significantly decreased in nanowires with diameters less than 150 nm. Long-term oxidation in Si0.85Ge0.15 nanowire resulted in the oxidation of germanium atoms.  相似文献   

田少华 《光电子.激光》2015,26(10):1942-1946
采用固相法于550℃灼烧4h,合成了Eu3+ 单掺杂的NaY(MoO4)2材料,研究了材料的 发光特性。X射线衍射(XRD)结果显示,掺杂少量杂质的材料仍为纯相的NaY(MoO4)2。以 393nm波长 近紫外光作为激发源时,NaY(MoO4)2:Eu3+可以发射主峰位于616nm波长的红色光,对应Eu3+5D0-7F2跃迁发射。研究发现,增大Eu3+掺杂量 时,对应材料的发射强度会逐渐增大,但是 未发现浓度猝灭现象,通过相应的衰减曲线解释了此结果。测量不同Eu3+掺杂量下 , NaY(MoO4)2:Eu3+的色坐标结果显示,色坐标基本不变,位于红色区域。上述 结果表明, NaY(MoO4)2:Eu3+在白光LEDs领域有一定的应用潜力。  相似文献   

采用两步水热法在导电玻璃(FTO)上制备了WO3/NiWO4复合薄膜。通过XRD,SEM表征了WO3/NiWO4复合薄膜的组成结构及微观形貌,利用UV-Vis、光电流测试、光电催化测试和交流阻抗测试分析了WO3/NiWO4复合薄膜的光电性能。结果表明:WO3/NiWO4复合薄膜相较于WO3薄膜具有更好的光吸收特性、光电流密度和光电催化活性,其中水热反应3h的WO3/NiWO4复合薄膜的光电化学性能最佳。WO3/NiWO4-3h在1.4V(vs.Ag/AgCl)时的光电流密度为1.94mA/cm2,光电催化210min对亚甲基蓝溶液的降解效率为57.1%。交流阻抗图谱表明WO3/NiWO4薄膜的电荷转移电阻小于WO3薄膜,光电化学性能更优。  相似文献   

碳酸铯(Cs2CO3)是优秀的电子注入材料,本文通过器件ITO/MoO3(3nm)/NPB(40nm)/C545T:Alq3(99∶1,30nm)/Alq3(30nm)/Cs2CO3(xnm)/Al(100nm)优化了Cs2CO3作为电子注入层(EIL)的厚度。Cs2CO3作为EIL,提高了器件的电子注入能力,使更多的电子得以与空穴在发光层复合发光。实验结果表明,Cs2CO3作为EIL的优化厚度为1.5nm时,对应器件的效率是不含Cs2CO3的3倍以上。在Cs2CO3作为EIL的基础上,研究器件结构为ITO/NPB(40nm)/Alq3(45nm)/Cs2CO3:Bphen(0%,5%,10%,15nm)/Cs2CO3(1.5nm)/Al(100nm)时不同浓度的Cs2CO3掺杂电子传输层Bphen(Cs2CO3:Bphen)对器件性能的影响。结果表明,Cs2CO3掺杂浓度较低时(5%)能进一步改善器件的电子传输和注入能力,进而提高器件的发光效率;而掺杂浓度较高时(10%),由于Cs扩散严重,形成淬灭中心,使得发光效率衰减严重。  相似文献   

The sintering process of semiconducting Y-doped BaTiO3 ceramics added with BaB2O4 as low temperature sintering aid were investigated. When the low temperature sintering aid BaB2O4 added Y-doped BaTiO3 ceramics prepared by Sol-Gel method, the sintering temperature of BaTiO3-based ceramics would be greatly decreased, and also widen sintering range. Y-doped BaTiO3 ceramics with BaB2O4 addition can be obtained at 1050 °C. Ceramics samples with room temperature resistivity 60-80 Ω cm, ratio of the maximum resistivity to minimum resistance (Rmax/Rmin) 104 and temperature coefficient of resistivity (α) 10%/°C were obtained.  相似文献   

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