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The effects of Mg content and cooling rate on the solidification behaviour of Al-7% Si-Mg(mass fraction)casting alloys have been investigated using differential scanning calorimetry, differential thermal analysis and microscopy. The Mg contents were selected as respectively 0.00%, 0.35% and 0. 70% (mass fraction). DTA curves of Al-7%Si-0.55%Mg(mass fraction) alloy at various cooling rates were accomplished and the alloy melt was cast in different cooling rates. The results indicate that increasing Mg content can lower the liquidus and binary Al-Si eutectic transformation temperatures. Large Fe-rich π-phases (AlsFeMg3Si6) are found in the 0.70% Mg alloys together with some small β-phases (Al5FeSi) ; in contrast, only β-phases are observed in the 0.35% Mg alloys. The test results of the Al-7%Si-0.55% Mg alloys identify that the liquidus and binary Al-Si eutectic transformation temperatures decrease, and the quantity of ternary Al-Si-Mg2 Si eutectic phase decreases as the cooling rate increases. 相似文献
采用真空熔炼法制备三种不同相态的Mg-xLi-1Al三元合金,并使用光学显微镜、X射线衍射分析及动态力学分析仪研究其显微组织及阻尼性能。结果表明:由于锂含量的增加,合金的相结构发生转变且出现新的阻尼机制,其中BCC结构的出现使阻尼性能显著提高,同时弹性模量的减小也使临界应变振幅值降低。两相共存状态的合金随温度变化表现出较高的阻尼现象,并在低温与高温区均出现两个较为明显的峰值,其中低温区的P1峰是位错阻尼峰,高温区的P2峰是晶界阻尼峰。 相似文献
Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) was applied to systematically investigate the low frequency damping properties of as-cast hypoeutectic Mg-Ni alloys. The results show that the as-cast hypoeutectic Mg-Ni alloys exhibit high damping capacities. The strain amplitude dependent damping curve has its own special characteristic, in which the damping is strongly related to the strain amplitude. The effect of the eutectic phase on damping and the mechanical properties of as-cast hypoeutectic Mg-Ni alloys were also discussed in detail. 相似文献
Liquid phase separation of Cu-Cr alloys during rapid cooling 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
SUN Zhan-bo WANGYou-hong GUO Juan School of Science Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an China 《中国有色金属学会会刊》2006,16(5):998-1002
1 Introduction Cu-Cr alloys containing 20%- 50%Cr have been widely investigated because they are the most important contact materials used in high voltage vacuum switches. It has been well known that the smaller the Cr particles in Cu-Cr alloys are, the b… 相似文献
选取成分为Al-5.17Cu-2.63Si(合金A)、Al-4.29Cu-1.09Mg(合金B)和Al-2.09Si-1.66Mg(合金C)三元铝合金,分别进行不同冷速下的凝固实验。对比研究不同凝固速率下得到的共晶相形貌与含量在接近各合金体系三元共晶温度下热处理前后的变化行为。结果表明:同一合金冷速越慢,得到的原始组织二次枝晶间距越大,合金A的石墨型、砂型、保温型冷却组织的二次枝晶间距分别为24.17、63.32和99.88μm,合金B的二次枝晶间距分别为24.35、82.78和139.42μm。均匀化热处理的热扩散过程可以明显地溶解非平衡共晶相,由于原始组织的尺度不同,共晶相所处的溶解阶段与溶解程度不同。合金A的石墨型、砂型、保温型组织热处理后与热处理前的共晶相含量比值分别为0.44、0.49和0.68,合金B的共晶相含量比值分别为0.084、0.30和0.38。 相似文献
LIUZheng JINGQingxiu 《稀有金属(英文版)》2005,24(1):55-59
An Al2O3f/Al-4.5Cu composite was made by squeeze casting. The solute segregation in the composite at different cooling rates was studied. The results indicate that the primary crystal of AI-4.5Cu alloy nucleates and grows in the interstice between fibers. The fiber surface cannot serve as site for the heterogeneous nucleation of a primary dendrite. There exists an increasing Cu concentration gradient from the center of the interstice between fibers to the interface or the grain boundaries. There are the eutectic phases around the fibers. The solute segregation in the matrix increases with the cooling rate rising. The amount of eutectic phases followed by imbalance crystalline can be numerically calculated with Clyne-Kurz formula. 相似文献
相组成对Cr-Nb合金高温氧化行为的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用机械活金化 热压烧结法制备5种不同相组成的Cr-Nb合金,研究相组成对Cr-Nb合金在950~1200℃空气中氧化行为的影响。结果表明,Cr相能显著增加NbCr2合金950℃的抗氧化性能;而Nb相不利于合金高温抗氧化性的提高,甚至发生灾难性氧化。SEM和XRD分析显示,单相Cr-2.5Nb合金发生了Cr的外氧化,只形成单一的Cr2O3膜;而双相Cr-18.5Nb合金和单相Laves相NbCr2合金均发生Cr的外氧化和内氧化,形成两层结构的氧化膜。但随着氧化温度增加到1200℃,由于Cr2O3的挥发,导致Cr-Nb合金高温抗氧化性变差。因此,为满足实际高温应用要求,对富软第二相Cr或Nb的NbCr2基合金实施相应的表面防护是必须的。 相似文献
采用真空电弧熔炼技术制备了4种成分的Ti-Sc二元合金,并借助金相显微镜(OM)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、能谱分析(EDS)、X射线衍射(XRD)技术及显微硬度测试,对合金的组织形貌、相成分以及不同形貌相的显微硬度进行了分析.结果表明:合金铸态组织形貌为螺旋状、团簇状片层、双相组织;金属Sc对合金的组织有着明显的细化作用,在合金中Sc与Ti形成了固溶体,不同形貌的相,其显微硬度差别较大;当Sc含量为2%~3%时,Ti-Sc二元合金的显微硬度达到最高值,Sc含量高于2%~3%时,合金基体硬度高于片层组织硬度,Sc含量低于2%~3%时,合金基体硬度低于片层组织硬度,少量Sc对合金性能有所提高,对α相片层组织有强化作用. 相似文献
The dendrite coherency point was determined for A357 alloys using double-thermocouples technique. The effects of the cooling rate and different treatments such as grain refinement, modification, and superheat on the dendrite coherency point were investigated. The results show that the increase of the cooling rate and refinement significantly postpones the coherency point of A357 alloys. The morphology of silicon phase is modified, which slightly leads to lower solid fraction (fs) at the coherency point. But the fs^coh value decreases after superheat treatment at 850 ℃ for 30 min. The grain size plays a decisive role in the fs^coh value ofA357 alloys. The smaller the grain size is, the more the fs^coh value increases, which is beneficial to improving the final property of this alloy, while the secondary dendrite arm spacing and modification have almost no influence on fs^coh. 相似文献
F. Yavari 《International Journal of Cast Metals Research》2019,32(2):85-94
Dendrite coherency point (DCP) is an important parameter for examining the solidification structure and castability of alloys. In this research, the DCP of AZ magnesium alloys (AZ31, AZ61 and AZ91) is measured in the range of 0.22 °Cs?1 to 8.13 °Cs?1 cooling rates using the two-thermocouple thermal analysis technique. The results show that when cooling rate increased, temperature interval of coherency (TN – TDCP) and coherency time (tDCP) are decreased; and it can postpone dendrite coherency. Also, by increasing the cooling rate, solid fraction at dendrite coherency increases initially and then decreases at higher cooling rates. To estimate the hot tearing susceptibility, Clyne and Davies’ criterion is used. Hot tearing susceptibility calculations exhibit initially reduce by increasing the cooling rate and then it increases at higher cooling rates. These results were explained based on the solidification principles. 相似文献
合金化对ZrMn2基Laves相贮氢合金相组成的影响 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
研究了Ni、V、Cr、Co、Fe、Cu和Ti等合金化元素取代ZrMn2 基Laves相贮氢合金的B侧或A侧对合金相组成的影响。结果表明 ,采用不同的元素对A侧或B侧进行部分取代 ,将引起ZrMn2 基合金相组成的变化。采用Ni取代Mn后 ,ZrMn2 合金的主相结构转变为C15型Laves相 ,表明Ni为C15相稳定元素。对Zr Mn Ni三元合金 ,V为C14相稳定元素 ,而Co、Fe、Cu则为C15相稳定元素。取代量较少时 ,Cr为C15相稳定元素 ,取代量增加时 ,C15相稳定作用减弱。Ti元素为C14相稳定元素 ,Ti对Zr的部分取代将导致合金主相结构转变为C14型Laves相。合金化元素对ZrMn2 合金的相组成的影响与元素的电子浓度和原子尺寸不同有关 相似文献
The Charpy impact energy of A356 alloys has been measured. Instrumented Charpy impact tests have been conducted at 25,100,150,
and 200 °C. The Charpy specimens were machined from plate castings ortapered cylindrical castings. The plates were produced
in sand molds, and tapered cylinders were produced in water-cooled copper molds. Both unmodified and strontium-modified castings
were tested. The results indicate that strontium modification improves the impact properties of sand and permanent mold castings.
The impact energy increases with solution treatment time. Strontium modification reduces the solution treatment time for attaining
a specific impact property level in the casting. 相似文献
Bi Guang-li Luo Xiao-mei Jiang Jing Zhang Yong-gang Xu Jian-ji Chen Jie-ming Li Yuan-dong Ma Ying 《中国铸造》2016,13(1):54-58
This paper presents some research information on the effects of Zn, Cu and Ni on the microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast Mg-2Dy(at.%) alloys. The Mg-2Dy alloy is composed of α-Mg and Mg24Dy5 phases. With the addition of 0.5at.%Zn, 0.5at.%Cu and 0.5at.%Ni, respectively, besides α-Mg, the long period stacking order(LPSO) phases containing Zn, Cu, and Ni precipitated in the α-Mg interdentritic boundary. The addition of Ni effectively refined the dendrite arm spacing. The as-cast Mg-2Dy-0.5Ni alloy exhibited the best tensile strengths and elongation. The better mechanical properties were mainly attributed to small secondry dendrite arm spacing(SDAS) and high volume fraction of LPSO phases. 相似文献
1 Introduction Due to their excellent castability and good mechanical properties, Al-Si alloys are the most important and most widely used casting aluminum alloys. A further increase in mechanical properties can be achieved by means of a modification treatment with Na or Sr. Without this treatment, the eutectic silicon crystallises into an acicular or lamellar morphology with poor properties; when a modifying element is added, it becomes a very fine and fibrous silicon network resulting in a… 相似文献
冷却速率对Al-Si-Mg三元合金凝固过程的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
试验研究了冷却速率对Al-2.06%Si-1.58%Mg三元合金凝固过程的影响.同时通过热力学计算预测了不同冷却条件下Al-2.06%Si-1.58%Mg三元合金的凝固路径和相析出规律.试验及计算结果均表明,改变凝固速率可使Al-2.06%Si-1.58%Mg合金的凝固过程按照不同的路径进行,从而达到控制析出相种类的目的.在低的冷却速率下,相析出规律为:L→L1 Fcc_A1→L1 Fcc_A1 Si→L1 Fcc_A1 Si Mg2Si,而在较高的冷却速率下,相析出规律为:L→L1 Fcc_A1→L1 Fcc_A1 Mg2Si→L1 Fcc_A1 Si Mg2Si. 相似文献