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An important construct in positive psychology is life satisfaction (LS). Although its importance has been recognized by some school psychologists, research findings have remained unsynthesized. In this article, theory, measurement, and correlates of LS among children and youth are reviewed. Following this review, interrelationships among LS research, positive psychology, and school psychology are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Huperzine A, alkaloid from the Chinese herbal medicine Qian Ceng Ta, which is prepared from the moss Huperzia serrata, has been used in China for centuries to treat fever and inflammation. Huperzine A is a strong inhibitor of cholinesterases with high selectivity to acetylcholinesterase and in China is developed as therapeutic against Alzheimer's disease. May be that huperzine A will be better than other centrally active anticholinesterases in treating this neurodegenerative disorder. Huperzine A appears to have additional pharmacological properties that make it an attractive candidate therapy for clinical trials.  相似文献   

This article presents issues related to the communication assessment of children with psychiatric and communication disorders. Challenges inherent in assessing this population are discussed. Frequently used assessment instruments and procedures are described. Consideration is given to the assessment of very young or low-functioning children and older or high-functioning children.  相似文献   

Recent meta-analyses suggest that psychotherapy is quite effective with children and adolescents. However, most research in those analyses involved controlled laboratory interventions that may not represent typical therapy in clinics. We studied more representative treatment as it routinely occurs, in 9 clinics. We compared 93 youngsters who completed a course of therapy with 60 who dropped out after intake. At intake, the groups did not differ on demographic, family, or clinical measures, including Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) scores. Six months later (when therapy had ended for 98% of the treated children) and again 1 year later, the 2 groups were compared on CBCL scores, parent ratings of each child's major referral problem, and (for a subsample) teacher reports. No comparison showed significant main effects of therapy. The findings (a) raise questions about the generalizability of findings from research-oriented therapy and (b) suggest that the control and precision of research therapy may be needed in clinical practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Quality of life becomes more and more important in evaluating the effects of treatments. At the moment, different questionnaires to measure quality of life in children and adolescents with asthma are available. The Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (PAQL) was developed by Juniper and co-workers in Canada and has already been translated into German. It is a self- or interviewer-administered instrument for children and adolescents between age 7 and 17. The PAQL contains 23 items in three domains: activity limitation, symptoms, and emotional function. The empirical results suggest that the PAQL is reliable and sensitive to clinical change. Problems associated with the administration are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The German Ministry of Health commissioned a nonprofit organization to develop a tool for assessing the quality of psychiatric hospital care. METHODS: The authors were members of an expert group established to develop an assessment tool that could be used by professional caregivers, patients, patients' relatives, managers, purchasers, and mental health care planners. RESULTS: A three-dimensional model was developed in which 23 quality standards may be applied to 28 areas of practice. For each application, questions can be asked at four levels to stimulate ongoing quality management: the individual treatment process, the individual outcome, the treatment unit, and the hospital as a whole. The authors provide sample questions to illustrate the approach. CONCLUSIONS: The approach to quality assessment embodied in the model is comprehensive and addresses ethical issues, but it is also complicated and difficult to handle. Unlike models developed in the United States, it is not intended to be objective or standardized, and it does not yield a score. To some extent, the model's approach to assessment may reflect German cultural values and traditions.  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: The development and construction of a specific instrument for measuring quality of life in adolescents with spine deformities was investigated. OBJECTIVES: To assess the validity and reliability of the Quality of Life Profile for Spine Deformities. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: An 88-item questionnaire was self-administered to 174 patients ranging in age from 10 to 20 years with spine deformities. Items were rated on a five-point Likert scale. Higher scores means high level of impairment in quality of life. Age, gender, menarche or voice change, salient symptoms in the medical record, ordinary parameters on physical examination, and measurements on standard anteroposterior and lateral radiographs were recorded. The retest was done 10 days after the initial administration in a subsample of 35 patients. METHODS: The test-retest reliability was analyzed calculating the intraclass correlation coefficient. Internal consistency was measured with the Cronbach's alpha method. Factor analysis was used to obtain a reduced number of variables. Construct validity was assessed using the principal components model of factor analysis based on the correlation matrix and using the varimax computer algorithm for orthogonal rotation. Discriminant validity was assessed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. RESULTS: The Quality of Life Profile for Spine Deformities contained 21 items and five factors in conceptual terms labeled psychosocial functioning, sleep disturbances, back pain, body image, and back flexibility. The overall questionnaire score showed an internal consistency of 0.88 and a test-retest correlation of 0.91. Patients with structural curves showed significantly higher scores in all dimensions of the Quality of Life Profile for Spine Deformities except for the subscale of body image than patients with postural curves. When patients were grouped according to the symptom of back pain, those with backache had a significantly higher quality of life overalls score and scores in the dimensions of sleep disturbances and pain. Brace-treated patients showed statistically significant differences in the quality of life overall score and scores in the dimensions of psychosocial functioning and back flexibility. CONCLUSIONS: The instrument developed for measuring quality of life in patients with spine deformities during the period of bone growth has validity, internal consistency, and high test-retest reliability. The conceptualization of quality of life of the Quality of Life Profile for Spine Deformity includes psychosocial dimensions and pain and function.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To extend findings regarding predictive factors of psychiatric outcome from the first to the second year after traumatic brain injury (TBI) in children and adolescents. METHOD: Subjects were children aged 6 to 14 years at the time they were hospitalized after TBI. The study used a prospective follow-up design. Assessments of preinjury psychiatric, behavioral, adaptive functioning, family functioning and family psychiatric history status were conducted. Severity of injury was assessed by standard clinical scales and neuroimaging was analyzed. The outcome measure was the presence of a psychiatric disorder, not present before the injury ("novel"), during the second year after TBI. RESULTS: Fifty subjects enrolled, and the analyses focused on 42 subjects followed at 24 months. Severity of injury, preinjury family function, and preinjury lifetime psychiatric history predicted the development of a "novel" psychiatric disorder present in the second year. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that there are children, identifiable through clinical assessment, at increased risk for "novel" psychiatric disorders in the second year after TBI.  相似文献   

Conducted a meta-analytic review of 116 studies, which indicated significant improvement in children's and adolescents' self-esteem and self-concept, and significant concomitant changes in behavioral, personality, and academic functioning. Interventions specifically focused on changing self-esteem and self-concept were significantly more effective (mean effect size = 0.57) than programs focused on another target, such as behavior or social skills (0.10). Treatment programs were also more effective (0.47) than primary prevention programs (0.09) in changing self-esteem. Four variables emerged as significant predictors of self-esteem outcomes: 2 methodological features (type of design and control group), the use of a theoretical or empirical rationale, and the type of program (treatment or prevention). Future research needs to examine the causal connection between changes occurring in self-esteem and other areas of adjustment, assess intervention success for different ethnic groups and for children of different ages and sex, and determine the long-term impact of interventions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify aspects of social role functioning that are impaired in adolescents with specific psychiatric disorders in order to improve the psychiatric taxonomy and clinical knowledge base. METHOD: Adolescents in four urban public schools were screened for mental health problems. Structured psychiatric interviews (National Institute of Mental Health Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children Version 2.2) with 288 adolescents and their mothers were used to identify youths with psychiatric disorders, and 10 aspects of social role functioning were assessed. Aspects of social role functioning that discriminated between youths with and without psychiatric disorders and between those with emotional disorders and those with disruptive disorders were identified for boys and for girls. RESULTS: Boys with any type of disorder and all youths with disruptive disorders had significant, consistent impairment in academic performance and several other areas of functioning. Youths with emotional disorders, especially girls, demonstrated impairment in social activity participation and peer acceptance, but girls with disorders were not as consistently different from those without as were the boys with emotional disorders. CONCLUSIONS: Role functioning differs in important ways between youths with and without psychiatric disorders and between girls and boys with disorders. The results underscore the importance of investigating observable aspects of role behavior in order to improve the timely detection and effective management of psychiatric disorders in youth.  相似文献   

In a randomized, controlled trial that demonstrated the efficacy of interferon alfa-2b 3 million units three times a week for 24 weeks in controlling chronic hepatitic C (non-A, non-B), the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP) was used to evaluate the impact of disease and treatment on health-related quality of life (HRQOL). The SIP was self-administered by 160 patients before treatment, at the end of treatment, and at the study endpoint. Before treatment, patients with chronic hepatitis C scored significantly (P < 0.05) higher (worse) than an historical control group of the general population in mean total SIP score and in all categories except eating. The highest degree of impairment was observed in the work, sleep and rest, and recreation and pastimes categories. After treatment, patients who received interferon alfa-2b had significant (P < or = 0.05) improvement in work, sleep and rest, and recreation and pastimes scores. Numerical improvement was observed in total score, physical and psychosocial dimension scores, and most individual category scores. Mean SIP scores were unchanged or slightly worsened in untreated control patients. In responders (patients with improvement in serum alanine aminotransferase levels), the largest improvement was seen in work scores. The SIP appears to be a reliable and valid instrument for describing the impact of chronic hepatitis C on HRQOL but lacks disease-specificity and the ability to reflect clinically relevant changes. Thus the SIP is not the best instrument to evaluate the HRQOL effects of treatment with interferon alfa-2b in patients with chronic hepatitis C.  相似文献   

Dystonia rarely is a consequence of head trauma. In most of these patients lesions of the contralateral caudate or putamen are found. We report a 27-year-old patient who displayed focal dystonia of the right hand with the latency of four months after he had sustained a severe head trauma. The development of a lesion in the contralateral dorsolateral thalamus within the first weeks after the craniocerebral injury is demonstrated with sequential computertomographic and magnetic resonance imaging. There were no lesions of the caudate or the putamen.  相似文献   

The characteristics of male adolescent suicide victims with (n = 84) and without (n = 8) a diagnosable psychiatric disorder were compared. Using psychological autopsy methods--interviews with victims' family members and health care professionals, and review of records (e.g., medical, school, police)-data were collected on all adolescent suicides in Finland during a 12-month period. Compared with adolescents with a psychiatric disorder, those with no disorder tended to come from less disturbed families, had shown less antisocial behavior, and had less frequently utilized health care and social services. Adolescents with no disorder more often communicated suicidal thoughts for the first time just before the suicide, and difficulties with the law (discipline problems) were more common precipitants than among those with a disorder. It was concluded that the process leading to suicide seems to be relatively short among male adolescents with no diagnosable psychiatric disorder. Communication of suicidal intent and problems with discipline are among the few clinical warning signs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To critically review the research on anxiety disorders in children and adolescents, focusing on new developments in the past 10 years. METHOD: This review includes recent articles which contribute to the conceptualization, assessment, and treatment of childhood anxiety disorders. RESULTS: Information was organized into a developmental framework. Anxiety disorders research has shown steady progress. CONCLUSIONS: More research is needed, particularly in the areas of neurobiological basis of anxiety disorders, longitudinal studies, and treatment.  相似文献   

This study examined relations among parents' perceptions of their childhood, attitudes about life, expectations for child behavior, attitudes about their child's behavior, and the child-rearing environment parents provide. Eighty mothers of 1–5 yr olds were interviewed about perceptions of receiving harsh parenting as children, current attitudes about life, developmental expectations, and views of intentionality and severity of their child's misbehavior. The home environment was measured using the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (R. H. Bradley & B. Caldwell, 1979) scale. Mothers who reported harsh parenting as children, negative attitudes about life, and unrealistic developmental expectations had negative attitudes about their own child. These attitudes were related to provision of lower quality home environments. Results support a constructivist approach to understanding parental social cognitions and behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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