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李东  万晓景 《金属学报》1984,20(6):391-397
Ti_3X相是影响钛合金热稳定性的重要因素。Ti_3X相沉淀和生长的倾向可用电子浓度值来描述。同时,合金脆化过程与暴露温度和时间因素有关。因此,可综合电子浓度,使用温度和时间因素加以考虑,确定一个允许的电子浓度值_p作为一个合金的热稳定性判据。热稳定性判别式可表示为∑N_if_i~a≤_p。 判据具有明确的物理意义,它可以用作合金生产的质量控制标准和新的合金设计依据。 若以合金元素对电子浓度的贡献来确定各合金元素的Al当量因子,则Rosenberg的经验Al当量公式应修改为1(%Al)+0.46(%Sn)+0.42(%Ga)+6.7(%O)≤8(wt-%)。  相似文献   

郑运荣  赵林岩 《金属学报》1994,30(3):97-103
研究了Ti-44.9Al(at.-%)和Ti-44.3Al-3Cr(at.-%)合金的铸态组织及其在热处理过程中的变化。结果表明:Cr增加了Ti-Al合金中TiAl(γ)相的含量,促使Ti3Al(α2)相由片状变成块状;加速了α2+γ片状组织的不连续粗化过程,形成了尺寸较小的新生α2+γ晶。因此,加Cr和1150℃长时热处理是细化α2+γ两相合金铸态粗晶组织的有效途径;Cr促进有序体心立方β2相的  相似文献   


用透射电镜观察了Inconel718及其改型合金中的时效析出组织调整Nb,Ti,Al的含量及比例,可以得到与通常合金中γ′和γ″单独析出有所不同的γ′和γ″的复合组织及包覆组织两类析出形态、其中γ″在γ′上析出的包覆组织具有较好的高温长期时效组织稳定性过时效试验结果表明.改型合金不同于Inconel718合金γ″致δ的相转变,却以强化相溶解而使材料软化  相似文献   

Conventional two-layered structure thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) were prepared onto γ'-Ni3Al based alloy IC-6 by electron beam physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD). Isothermal oxidation and thermal cycling tests were carried out to investigate the effect of Mo content at the interface between bond coat and ceramic top coat caused by diffusion. It has been found that the alloy coated with TBCs presented the lowest oxidation weight gain value for the reason that the ceramic top coat in TBC system can effectively stop Mo oxides evaporating. The life time of TBCs has close relation with Mo content at the interface between the bond coat and top coat. Spaliation of ceramic top coat occurred during thermal cyclic testing when Mo atoms accumulated at the interface up to certain amount to decline the combination between the bond coat and top coat.  相似文献   

对Al-Bi基难混溶合金添加第三组元Si和Cu,揭示了Si和Cu含量对Al-Bi合金快速定向凝固组织的影响.结果表明,添加Si或Cu均使凝固组织中的富Bi粒子尺寸增大;在相同的实验条件下,元素Si比Cu更易使富Bi相粗化.分析了第三组元对二元合金体系的自由能、两液相间界面能和液相粘度的改变及其对合金凝固过程的影响,加深了对三元难混溶合金凝固特征的认识.  相似文献   


利用“闭塞”阳极装置研究了六种合金元素和两种微量添加的强化元素对于低合金钢在海水中的局部腐蚀性能的影响。从六个2~3、1个3×2~2和一个2~2的析因组的实验结果可以看到,就合金元素对于低台金钢的局部腐蚀性能的影响而言,元素之间存在着复杂的交互效应。依据各个元素的主效应同它与其他合金元素的交互效应所起作用大小,我们所研究过的6个常用合金元素可以分为两类。第一类元素包括硅和铝,它们的特点是具有很强的有利的主效应。其他合金元素的存在与含量,只能影响它们有利效应的大小,但不能改变它们作用的有利性质。相反,它们的含量却往往对于其他合金元素的作用之是否有利,有重要的影响。这一类中硅是尤其值得注意的元素。另一类元素的特点是:它们添加到钢中之是否有利,须视同其他合金元素的配合情况而定,Cr,Mo,Cu和Ni具有这种特点。铬在低硅时是有利的,在高硅时则一般说来没有好的影响。钼能促进硅或铬的有利效应,但其本身的主效应则是不利的。铜在低硅条件下不利而在高硅条件下有利。镍本身的主效应比较弱,但Ni与Cu,Mo及〈Cr-Al〉都是有利的配合。在两种微量添加的强化元素Nb和V中,钒的效应比铌的效应好。  相似文献   

1Introduction Recently,the layered ternary carbide Ti3SiC2has attracted attention due to its unique properties such as high toughness,high fatigue-crack growth threshold and elastic modulus,plasticity at high temperature,excellent electrical and thermal c…  相似文献   

罗阳  王振琴 《金属学报》1983,19(3):23-146
本文用粉纹法仔细研究了晶粒取向3%Si-Fe中,几种典型畴结构随所施压应力的变化。指出沿轧向施加的压应力使主畴处于能量极为不利的地位,遂引起畴结构根本性的改变,即横向畴核(沿与施力方向垂直的易轴磁化)长大,变为主要的畴结构。本文对压应力感生的两类横向畴(横向条状畴及“人字形”畴)的成因进行了探讨,并提出相应畴结构的模型。  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》2008,56(17):4549-4558
A new severe plastic deformation (SPD) process to obtain nanocrystalline (NC) structure by wear is reported. An Al–Al3Ti functionally graded material fabricated by a centrifugal method is wear tested to investigate the microstructure of the wear-induced layer. When the sliding distance of the wear exceeds l = 100 m, the wear-induced layer is obtained just below the worn surface. The microstructure of the wear-induced layer consists of fine Al3Ti fibrous particles and an NC solid-solution matrix containing a partly amorphized phase. The NC matrix has fine grains with a mean diameter of 16 nm and is a supersaturated solid-solution in which Ti is dissolved in the Al matrix. From the microstructure, it is estimated that the wear-induced layer is formed at a nominal shear strain of more than 90 and an effective shear strain of more than 52. An NC structured wear-induced layer is generated by the SPD process.  相似文献   

在已建立的TbCl_3-DyCl_3-HCl-H_2O-1mol P204煤油体系萃取平衡多项式模型的基础上,研究了分馏萃取静态特性的数学模拟。借助于建立的目标函数,用此法选择了分离Tb的最优工艺,并进行了试验验证。数学模拟与试验模拟结果相比较,相对误差是:Tb,Dy纯度<1.6%,收率<4.5%。  相似文献   

张启运  刘淑祺  胡佳 《金属学报》1984,20(2):138-218
用金相方法以及合金全腐蚀分离出Si相,分级沉降,然后进行扫描电镜观察的方法,对Al-Si合金未变质,Na,Sr,La变质的Si相进行了观察。发现La变质Si枝条最短,有时呈根瘤状,Na变质Si最长,Sr次之,此现象与变质剂的价电荷有关。在对上述退火试样观察中发现共晶Si相普遍溶解,再结晶产生新的Si晶。其中以La变质Si的再结晶速度最快,依次为Sr变质,Na变质,未变质的Si晶。对过共晶Al-Si合金考查结果表明,初晶Si并无溶解再结晶现象。再结晶速度与Si晶的平衡状态有关。据此提出“不平衡度”概念作为衡量变质结构的准则。  相似文献   

It is reported that there are several different transformation mechanisms of the O phase in different heat treatment conditions in the Ti3Al based alloys. However, very little work has been carried out on the α2→O phase transformation in the Ti3Al–Nb alloys of Nb amounts exceeding 12 at%. In this paper, the formation mechanism of the O phase in the Ti–24Al–14Nb–3V–0.5Mo (at%) alloy has been carried out by means of TEM and HRTEM. The results show that the O phase is directly derived from the primary equiaxed α2 grains with a fine streak contrast, and exists in multivariant forms owing to its different orientations after the alloy is solution treated at 1000°C for 1 h followed by water quenching (WQ) and aged at 650°C for 24 h. The O plates in the primary equiaxed α2 grains exist not only in the form of a single variant, but also in the form of fine α2+O mixtures. The analysis indicates that the formation of the O phase is the result of a phase decomposition, that is the introduction of niobium as the preferred β stabilizer makes the supersaturation of niobium in the primary α2 grains, and the α2 phase containing Niobium separates into Niobium lean and Niobium rich regions through the Niobium diffusion: α2→α2(Nb-lean)+O(Nb-rich). Niobium rich regions transform to the ordered orthorhombic phase (O phase) with a lattice distortion and only a very small composition change. It appears, therefore, that the transformation involves nucleation, growth and coarsening of the O phase by a diffusion mechanism.  相似文献   

杨平  O.Enler 《金属学报》1998,34(8):793-801
本文报了Al-Mn合金形昧形变取向基体中粒子周围亚晶转动规律及对应的粒子促进形核晶粒的取向特征的基础上,进一步测定了处在晶界,立方带上的了周转新晶粒的取向分布。  相似文献   

在试验分析的基础上,本研究提出了一种程序,以建立C-Mn结构钢在韧性断裂过程中的空穴增长与塑性应变及三轴应力状态之间的关系,并确定了空穴增长系数。由光滑拉伸试样和预制裂纹侧槽三点弯曲试样试验所确定的空穴增长系数,可能适宜较宽的试样拘束变化范围。空穴增长的实验关系式表明,当三轴应力状态(σm/(?))约大于1.2时,在该结构钢中的实际空穴增长速率低于由Rice-Tracey理论所确定的空穴增长速率,然而当三轴应力状态(σm/(?))约小于1.2时,由Rice-Tracey理论所确定的空穴增长表现为对实际材料中的空穴增长估计略为不足。另外,根据实验空穴增长研究,对预制裂纹侧槽三点弯曲试样在韧性起裂时钝化裂纹前端的塑性应变、相对空穴体积和应力状态三轴性的变化进行了测量和估计。  相似文献   

林栋梁  吴建生 《金属学报》1984,20(1):62-152
本文研究了淬火温度对4330M钢在蒸馏水中的应力腐蚀裂纹扩展速率的影响。实验表明,淬火温度从870℃上升到1100℃时,裂纹扩展速率da/dt显著下降(相差一个数量级);从1100℃上升到1200℃时,裂纹扩展速率da/dt却稍提高,在1100℃处,da/dt有一最小值。断口分析表明,随淬火温度升高,应力腐蚀的断裂方式有所改变,870,1000℃淬火的试样系沿晶断裂,而1100,1200℃淬火试样则是穿晶准解理断裂。 用饱和苦味酸溶液腐蚀显示奥氏体晶界,通过奥氏体晶界腐蚀沟槽深度估算出杂质磷在奥氏体晶界的平衡偏聚浓度,它和淬火加热温度之间的关系符合Mclean的平衡偏聚理论。磷在奥氏体晶界的偏聚是造成应力腐蚀裂纹扩展速率da/dt变化的主要原因。 采用杂质原子偏聚和氢对脆性断裂影响的理论,对各种实验现象加以解释,并认为杂质原子在晶界偏聚和氢共同作用的氢脆断口是沿晶断裂型,而单纯氢起作用的氢脆断口是穿晶准解理断裂型。  相似文献   

唐子龙  宋诗哲 《金属学报》1995,31(14):67-72
采用恒电位-恒电流(P-G)瞬态响应技术研究了2205和316L不锈钢在2.5mol/LH2SO4溶液中钝化膜的结构.研究结果证实这两种体系的钝化膜均具有多层结构.利用由P-G响应曲线计算得到的各特征参数随极化电位和极化时间的变化关系,有效地分析了两种体系钝化膜的稳定性及生长规律.  相似文献   

The microstructural evolution of a novel β-type Ti–6Mo–6V–5Cr–3Sn–2.5Zr (wt%) alloy subjected to different aging treatments was investigated. The normalized intensity of the α precipitates reached a peak value at 450 °C. A nanoscale orthorhombic phase was observed to coexist with α precipitates in the β matrix, which followed the Burgers orientation relation of 〈\(1120\)α//〈111〉β and {0001}α//{110}β. Fine α precipitates were formed with metastable O and β′ phases, and the β phase was spinodally decomposed to β and β′ phases. The maximum hardness value of the specimen was obtained after aging at 450 °C. Compositional partitioning of Mo, V, and Cr elements occurred with the depletion of fine acicular α precipitates upon aging 450 °C.  相似文献   

本文系统地研究了Ti,Ta和Nb三个γ′形成元素在抗热腐蚀合金系统Ni-16Cr—9Al-4Co—2W—1Mo—Ti-Ta—Nb(at-%)中的作用该合金系统是根据d-电子合金设计理论和镍基高温合金合金化的特点选出的根据DTA和图象仪分析结果确定了凝固反应温度以及共晶(γ+γ′)体积分数在Ti-Ta—Nb浓度三角形中的等值线分布,与参考合金IN738LC相比较,在所研究的大部分成分范围内,设计合金表现出很低的共晶(γ+γ′)析出(<0.4v-%),较低的凝固范围(<65℃)和较宽的热处理温度范围(>100℃),说明合金具有良好的组织稳定性,单晶铸造性能和热处理工艺性能.经长期时效(900℃/500h)后,无TCP相析出,在很宽的成分范围内,试验合金表现出良好的抗热腐蚀性能(900℃/24h坩埚试验,失重<20mg/cm~2)综合各项结果,给出了可供选择合金成分进行最后单晶生长及力学性能评价的具有较好综合性能的成分范围  相似文献   

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