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高气压屏栅电离室的调试和58Ni(n,p)反应双微分截面的试测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了高气压屏栅电离室的结构和调试,并对^58Ni(n,p)试测结果进行了分析,结果证明此电离和测量方法对(n,p)反应的测量是适用的。目前正用此电离室进行测量(n,p)反应堆面的实验。  相似文献   

本文描述一个以屏栅电离室作△E探测器,以Au-Si面垒探测器测定核粒子剩余能量E_R的△E-E计数器望远镜,如图1所示。作为阴极而处于地电位的壳体是由黄铜加工而成的。入射窗架固定在前盖板上,它同时又充当入射粒子的准直孔(φ4 mm×40 mm)。  相似文献   

核设施退役过程中,需对超过1 000 cm2以上的大面积超铀核素平面板放射性进行准确定量,常用无损测量方法有效测量面积均较小,且探测限较高,不能满足快速分析大面积低活度样品的需求。屏栅电离室是一种用于低水平α放射性能谱测量的仪器,可满足以上分析需求,但受制于电极加工工艺,可测样品一般小于500 cm2。为解决以上问题,研制了灵敏面积接近2 000 cm2的超大面积屏栅电离室,通过对工作气压和电压的调试优化,该电离室对241Am电沉积源的能量分辨率为1.8%,最小可探测活度为10-2 Bq,对直径≤460 mm的平面样品2π角探测效率为97.7%。  相似文献   

研制了一台大面积低本底α屏栅电离室,其阴极表面积为1500cm~2,收集极对地电容约20pF,充以1.8大气压的 P_(10)气体(90%氩+10%甲烷)。分析了几种主要因素对能量分辨率的贡献,在源自吸收贡献为30keV 情况下,对~(210)Poα源的能量分辨率约为41keV。在4—6MeV 能区内装置的本底为6.1cph,在5MeV 处50keV 谱宽内的本底为0.1cph。采用新试制的氧化锆除氧炉循环净化负电性气体,以保证长时间稳定工作。对~(210)Po 电沉积小源测得的分辨率约为35—45keV;对于厚度为40μg/cm~2的1500 cm~2大源测得的分辨率平均为69keV,和估算值相符。最低可测放射性强度为10~(-14)—10~(-15)Ci。  相似文献   

在α放射性活度测量中,屏栅电离室是一种常用装置,在众多领域得到广泛应用。该装置适用于各种环境样品,如土壤、水、空气、生物样品、食品、建材、地质及考古样品的测量,后处理中的α发射体、禁产核查及物料衡算样品中微量α放射性的测量,以及核设施周围环境介质中人工放射性核  相似文献   

大面积屏栅电离室α谱仪的研制@汪建清@佟伯亭@姚艳玲@王国军  相似文献   

介绍用于α放射性活度测量的平行板屏栅电离室谱仪系统.设计了一套带独立真空系统的屏栅电离室.该谱仪系统由三部分组成,电离室主体、充气系统及电子学系统.能量分辨率对于239Pu源可达25keV,在4~6MeV能区本底计数率为4h-1,探测效率接近50%.该谱仪系统可以测量核素的α射线能量,分析出它们的能谱结构,进而鉴定出各个α能谱所相应的核素及其相对含量和绝对含量.  相似文献   

在α放射性活度测量中,屏栅电离室是一种常用装置,在众多领域得到广泛应用。该装置适用于各种环境样品,如土壤、水、空气、生物样品、食品、建材、地质及考古样品的测量,后处理中的α发射体、禁产核查及物料衡算样品中微量α放射性的测量,以及核设施周围环境介质中人工放射性核素的监测。  相似文献   

本文设计了一种高气压氩气电离室.在设计中,以MCNP和EGSnrc程序的计算结果作为指导选取高气压电离室工作气体及壁材.通过分析电离室的壁厚、直径和工作气体压力等因素对电离室性能的影响,找出合适的参数.实验标定的结果表明:该电离室的能量响应性能良好.  相似文献   

杨璐  王强  郑玉来  王国保 《同位素》2016,29(4):230-234
为了测量微量α放射性活度,研究了平行板α屏栅电离室谱仪系统。设计了一套带独立真空系统的屏栅电离室。该谱仪系统将电离室主体、充气系统及电子学系统三部分集成为一体,可缩小体积,节省放置空间,使操作智能化。电离室测试结果显示,239 Pu源能量分辨率可达26keV,在4~6 MeV能区本底计数率为10h~(-1),24h系统漂移不大于0.5%。结果表明,该谱仪系统可用于测量核素的α射线能量,分析能谱结构,鉴定核素。  相似文献   

Cross sections for two high energy threshold reactions 23Na(n, 2n)22Na and 58Ni(n, 2n)57Ni were measured by the activation method in the neutron energy range from 14 to 18 MeV. Inelastic scattering cross section for 115In was measured in the threshold region, i.e. from 0.5 to 1.3 MeV. The results of measurements are compared with scarce and divergent earlier data.  相似文献   

The activation method is used to measure cross sections for the 51V(n, p)51Ti reaction from En = 2.856 to 9.267 MeV and for the 51V(n, α)48Sc reaction from 5.515 to 9.567 MeV. Both measurements utilize ENDF/B-V evaluated neutron-induced fission cross sections of 238U as a standard. The experimental results from this work are compared with corresponding ENDF/B-V evaluated cross sections for V and substantial differences are evident. The most significant difference is a tendency for the measured values to exceed evaluated ones by as much as 50% in the vicinity of 8 MeV.  相似文献   

利用理论研究获得的换能单元参数制备了单晶硅基换能单元,确定了63Ni的加载工艺和原型电池的封装材料配方与技术,通过加速热老化和温度交变考核了原型电池的性能。结果表明:所制备的63Ni辐射伏特效应微型同位素原型电池的短路电流Isc、开路电压Voc、最大输出功率Pmax和衰变能-电能转换效率η分别为5.97 nA、88.0 mV、0.255 nW和0.561%;原理样机稳定输出超过220 d。  相似文献   

A lead-shielded HPGe detector and offline γ-ray spectra of the residual product were used to measure the cross section(CS)and ratios of isomeric CS(σm/σg) in 134Xe(n,2n)133m,gXe reactions at different energies(13.5 MeV, 13.8 MeV, 14.1 MeV,14.4 MeV, 14.8 MeV) relative to the 93Nb(n,2n)92m Nb reaction CS. The target was high-purity natural Xe gas under high pressure. The T(d,n)4He reaction produces neutrons. TALYS code(version 1.95) for nuclea...  相似文献   

The tritium release from Li2O single crystals due to a recoil process during neutron irradiation was investigated. The linear relationship between the number of tritium atoms ejected from Li2O and the 6Li(n, α) 3H reaction density was observed up to about 1 × 1024 reactions/m3 and the linearity was deviated above this reaction density. From this linear relationship, the recoil range of 2.7 MeV tritons in Li2O single crystals was determined and discussed in terms of the calculated value.  相似文献   

用屏栅电离室对 3.6 7MeV与 4 .4 2MeV中子6Li(n ,t) 4He反应微分截面进行了测量。利用氘气体靶通过D(d ,n) 3 He反应产生中子 ,用BF3 和液闪探测器 (NE2 13)进行相对中子通量监测 ,绝对中子通量用2 3 8U(n ,f)与H(n ,p)反应来刻度。测量结果表明 ,氚的质心系微分截面在中子能量为 3.6 7MeV时很接近 90°对称 ,而到 4 .4 2MeV时则明显前倾  相似文献   

Modern rare isotope beam (RIB) factories will significantly enhance the production of extremely rare isotopes (ERI) at or near drip lines.As one of the most important methods employed in RIB factories,the production of ERIs in projectile fragmentation reactions should be theoretically improved to provide better guidance for experimental research.The cross-sections of ERIs produced in 140 MeV/u 78;86Kr/58;64Ni/40;48Ca+ 9Be projectile fragmentation react...  相似文献   

A comprehensive review of the neutron-induced cross-sections for (n,3He) reactions has been made for the interval of 14⩽Z⩽84 around 14 MeV neutron energy. For practical purposes, an empirical expression has been found by using the experimental (n,3 He) cross section values as a function of (N-Z) and (En-Eth) where (N-Z) is the neutron excess of the target nucleus, En and Eth are the incident neutron energy and the (n,3He) threshold energy, respectively. The derived empirical relation gives a good fit with the experimental values  相似文献   

Using a time-of-flight method the neutron spectra in the Li6 + + p and Li7 + p reactions have been investigated at a proton energy of 9 Mev. Neutron groups have been found in the (p, n) reaction corresponding to the ground state in Be6 and the three lowest states of Be7 as well as a continuous neutron spectrum at lower energy, due to more complicated reactions. The observation of the neutron group for the Li6(p, n)Be6 reaction is the first experimental indication of the existence of the Be6 nucleus. The energy of the Li6(p, n)Be6 reaction is 5.2 Mev, the width of the ground state in Be6 is T < 0.3 Mev. The differential cross sections for neutron formation have been measured at 0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 °.The authors wish to thank their colleagues at the Cyclotron Laboratory, who made the present work possible; we are also indebted to A. I. Baz who participated in a discussion of the results.  相似文献   

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