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The purpose of our studies was to examine the role of the nervous system in arrhythmias produced by digitalis overdose and coronary artery occlusion in the cat. This was done by observing the effect of these arrhythmogenic procedures on cardiac efferent neural activity and then determining whether any observed alteration in neural activity contributed to the cardiac rhythm disturbances evoked by digitalis and coronary artery occlusion. Our data indicate that both procedures used to evoke arrhythmias activate each division of the autonomic nervous system. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system resulted in a deleterious effect on cardiac rhythm whereas activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, in general, resulted in a beneficial effect on cardiac rhythm. With coronary occlusion, the role exerted by the nervous system depended on the anatomic location of the involved myocardium. Studies directed at elucidating the mechanisms whereby the nervous system caused cardiac rhythm disturbances indicated that there may be an important difference between the antiarrhythmic efficacy of beta-adrenergic blockade and bilateral stellate ganglionectomy. The latter procedure proved to be a more effective way of removing deleterious sympathetic neural effects on the heart. In conclusion, our findings suggest that the development of new drugs for treating arrhythmias resulting from digitalis and coronary occlusion should be aimed at finding drugs that act to either depress central sympathetic outflow or enhance parasympathetic effects on the ventricle.  相似文献   

Human and rat decalcified bone matrix preparations were shown to be active in inducing cartilage formation by subcutaneous implantation in the rat. When young rat fibroblastic cells were grown in cultures, which also contained bone matrix preprations in particulate form, the fibroblastic cells underwent a uniform and consistent morphological alteration. These altered cells showed higher rates of synthesis of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate than the controls and exhibited very active amino-sugar-nucleotide metabolism. It is suggested that this approach to the culture of connective tissue cells will allow a more precise definition of the early steps of connective tissue differentiation.  相似文献   

Human and mouse fibroblasts with normal p53 fail to enter mitosis when DNA synthesis is blocked by aphidicolin or hydroxyurea. Isogenic p53-null fibroblasts do enter mitosis with incompletely replicated DNA, revealing that p53 contributes to a checkpoint that ensures that mitosis does not occur until DNA synthesis is complete. When treated with N-(phosphonacetyl)-L-aspartate (PALA), which inhibits pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis, leading to synthesis of damaged DNA from highly unbalanced dNTP pools, p53-null cells enter mitosis after they have completed DNA replication, but cells with wild-type p53 do not, revealing that p53 also mediates a checkpoint that monitors the quality of newly replicated DNA.  相似文献   

Membrane potentials of Purkyn? cells, granular cells, astrocyte cells and oligodendrocyte cells were measured in the cerebral tissue culture under normal conditions and after anoxia. An increment of the membrane potential value with age of culture was found. After anoxia the resting potential decreased with exception of 2-week Purkyn? cells and granular cells. The highest anoxia-induced decrease of the membrane potential of all the cells studied was observed in 3-week tissue culture.  相似文献   

Cloning efficiency of erythroid progenitor cells in gel diffusion chambers from patients irradiated as a result of the Chernobyl accident was studied. Stimulation of erythroid progenitor cells, activation of enzymatic activity in peripheral blood cells and an increase of 2,3-D Ph G were detected. These data supplement the notion about the development of adaptative processes in the erythron system as a response to effects of radiation.  相似文献   

The amino acid requirement of rat mammary cells for milk protein synthesis was investigated in dispersed cell culture. A three-dimensional central composite design utilizing three variables (X1 = lysine; X2= methionine, valine, and arginine; X3 = isoleucine, tryptophan, threonine, phenylalanine, and histidine) at five concentrations each, was duplicated twice with mammary cells from lactating Sprague-Dawley rats. The optimum combination of amino acids for maximum milk protein synthesis from multiple regression models was X1 15.0-, X2 4.5-, and X3 1.5-fold their quantities in Eagle's minimal essential medium with leucine, tyrosine, cystine, and glutamine at the base 1-fold in the medium.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin coupled to peroxidase yielded a highly specific ultrastructural marker of plasma membrane monosialogangliosides. Studies with cultures of brain and brain tumors suggested that long-term culture of tissue in monolayers results in eventual loss of surface monosialogangliosides.  相似文献   

The Golgi apparatus of HeLa cells was fluorescently tagged with a green fluorescent protein (GFP), localized by attachment to the NH2-terminal retention signal of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (NAGT I). The location was confirmed by immunogold and immunofluorescence microscopy using a variety of Golgi markers. The behavior of the fluorescent Golgi marker was observed in fixed and living mitotic cells using confocal microscopy. By metaphase, cells contained a constant number of Golgi fragments dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. Conventional and cryoimmunoelectron microscopy showed that the NAGT I-GFP chimera (NAGFP)-positive fragments were tubulo-vesicular mitotic Golgi clusters. Mitotic conversion of Golgi stacks into mitotic clusters had surprisingly little effect on the polarity of Golgi membrane markers at the level of fluorescence microscopy. In living cells, there was little self-directed movement of the clusters in the period from metaphase to early telophase. In late telophase, the Golgi ribbon began to be reformed by a dynamic process of congregation and tubulation of the newly inherited Golgi fragments. The accuracy of partitioning the NAGFP-tagged Golgi was found to exceed that expected for a stochastic partitioning process. The results provide direct evidence for mitotic clusters as the unit of partitioning and suggest that precise regulation of the number, position, and compartmentation of mitotic membranes is a critical feature for the ordered inheritance of the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Rat myocardial cells in vitro were irradiated in individual mitochondria with an argon ion laser microbeam. The contractile respone termed fibrillation in single and multicellular groups of both ventricle and auricle cells were compared. Specific correlations were made between fibrillation duration, the number of cells in the group, and the number of times the cells had fibrillated. Correlations were also made for the number of laser shots needed to induce fibrillation and the number of cells in the group. Another set of correlations were made between the pre-irradiation beat frequency and the beat frequency following recovery. Several differences and similarities of the above parameters were detected between auricle and ventricle cells. A comparison of the morphology and ultrastructure of auricle and ventricle cells also revealed significant differences.  相似文献   

Partitioning of the mammalian Golgi apparatus during cell division involves disassembly at M-phase. Despite the importance of the disassembly/reassembly pathway in Golgi biogenesis, it remains unclear whether mitotic Golgi breakdown in vivo proceeds by direct vesiculation or involves fusion with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). To test whether mitotic Golgi is fused with the ER, we compared the distribution of ER and Golgi proteins in interphase and mitotic HeLa cells by immunofluorescence microscopy, velocity gradient fractionation, and density gradient fractionation. While mitotic ER appeared to be a fine reticulum excluded from the region containing the spindle-pole body, mitotic Golgi appeared to be dispersed small vesicles that penetrated the area containing spindle microtubules. After cell disruption, M-phase Golgi was recovered in two size classes. The major breakdown product, accounting for at least 75% of the Golgi, was a population of 60-nm vesicles that were completely separated from the ER using velocity gradient separation. The minor breakdown product was a larger, more heterogenously sized, membrane population. Double-label fluorescence analysis of these membranes indicated that this portion of mitotic Golgi also lacked detectable ER marker proteins. Therefore we conclude that the ER and Golgi remain distinct at M-phase in HeLa cells. To test whether the 60-nm vesicles might form from the ER at M-phase as the result of a two-step vesiculation pathway involving ER-Golgi fusion followed by Golgi vesicle budding, mitotic cells were generated with fused ER and Golgi by brefeldin A treatment. Upon brefeldin A removal, Golgi vesicles did not emerge from the ER. In contrast, the Golgi readily reformed from similarly treated interphase cells. We conclude that Golgi-derived vesicles remain distinct from the ER in mitotic HeLa cells, and that mitotic cells lack the capacity of interphase cells for Golgi reemergence from the ER. These experiments suggest that mitotic Golgi breakdown proceeds by direct vesiculation independent of the ER.  相似文献   

Septal neurons from embryonic rats were grown in tissue culture. Microfluorimetric and electrophysiological techniques were used to study Ca2+ homeostasis in these neurons. The estimated basal intracellular free ionized calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) in the neurons was low (50-100 nM). Depolarization of the neurons with 50 mM K+ resulted in rapid elevation of [Ca2+]i to 500-1,000 nM showing recovery to baseline [Ca2+]i over several minutes. The increases in [Ca2+]i caused by K+ depolarization were completely abolished by the removal of extracellular Ca2+, and were reduced by approximately 80% by the 'L-type' Ca2+ channel blocker, nimodipine (1 microM). [Ca2+]i was also increased by the excitatory amino acid L-glutamate, quisqualate, AMPA and kainate. Responses to AMPA and kainate were blocked by CNQX and DNQX. In the absence of extracellular Mg2+, large fluctuations in [Ca2+]i were observed that were blocked by removal of extracellular Ca2+, by tetrodotoxin (TTX), or by antagonists of N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) such as 2-amino 5-phosphonovalerate (APV). In zero Mg2+ and TTX, NMDA caused dose-dependent increases in [Ca2+]i that were blocked by APV. Caffeine (10 mM) caused transient increases in [Ca2+]i in the absence of extracellular Ca2+, which were prevented by thapsigargin, suggesting the existence of caffeine-sensitive ATP-dependent intracellular Ca2+ stores. Thapsigargin (2 microM) had little effect on [Ca2+]i, or on the recovery from K+ depolarization. Removal of extracellular Na+ had little effect on basal [Ca2+]i or on responses to high K+, suggesting that Na+/Ca2+ exchange mechanisms do not play a significant role in the short-term control of [Ca2+]i in septal neurons. The mitochondrial uncoupler, CCCP, caused a slowly developing increase in basal [Ca2+]i; however, [Ca2+]i recovered as normal from high K+ stimulation in the presence of CCCP, which suggests that the mitochondria are not involved in the rapid buffering of moderate increases in [Ca2+]i. In simultaneous electrophysiological and microfluorimetric recordings, the increase in [Ca2+]i associated with action potential activity was measured. The amplitude of the [Ca2+]i increase induced by a train of action potentials increased with the duration of the train, and with the frequency of firing, over a range of frequencies between 5 and 200 Hz. Recovery of [Ca2+]i from the modest Ca2+ loads imposed on the neuron by action potential trains follows a simple exponential decay (tau = 3-5 s).  相似文献   

The in vitro effects of GH on human adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity and messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) levels were studied using a tissue incubation technique. After preincubation for 3 days, abdominal sc adipose tissue pieces were exposed to cortisol (1000 nmol/L) for 3 days to induce LPL activity. Addition of GH (50 micrograms/L) to the cortisol-containing medium during the last 24 h (day 6) caused a decrease by 84 +/- 4% (P < 0.01) in heparin-releasable LPL activity and by 65 +/- 4% (P < 0.01) in total LPL activity. Moreover, the heparin-releasable fraction was reduced from 42% of the total LPL activity with cortisol alone to 17% when both GH and cortisol were present in the incubation medium during the last 24 h (P < 0.01). The reduction in LPL activity in response to GH was not accompanied by a decrease in the level of LPL mRNA measured by a solution hybridization ribonuclease protection assay. In adipose tissue incubated in the control medium for 6 days, the addition of GH alone during the last 24 h caused an insignificant decrease in heparin-releasable LPL activity. Low control activities limited the scope for further decrease. It is concluded that GH counteracts the potent stimulatory effect of glucocorticoids on LPL activity without affecting LPL mRNA levels. Therefore, the inhibition of LPL activity by GH probably occurs during translation and/or posttranslational processing of the enzyme, and the mechanism may involve a decreased channeling of the lipase to the cell surface.  相似文献   

A new oxidative pathway for the degradation of caffeine(1,3,7-Trimethylxanthine, I) by a mixed culture consisting of strains belonging to the genera Klebsiella and Rhodococcus is presented. The mixed culture does not initiate degradation by N-demethylation either complete or partial, but instead carries out oxidation at the C-8 position resulting in the formation of 1,3,7-trimethyluric acid (TMU, II) which further gets degraded to 3,6,8-trimethylallantoin (TMA, III). Both TMU and TMA are hitherto not shown to be formed in the microbial system. Further degradation of TMA (III) by caffeine grown cells yields dimethylurea (VII) as one of the metabolites. Oxygen uptake studies indicated that caffeine(I) grown cells oxidized TMU(II), TMA (III), glyoxalic acid (VI), dimethylurea(VII), and monomethylurea(V), but not monomethyl and dimethyluric acids. The mixed culture does not accept theophylline(1,3-dimethylxanthine), theobromine(3,7-dimethylxanthine), and paraxanthine(1,7-dimethylxanthine) as the carbon source.  相似文献   

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