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城市生活垃圾能源利用探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
报道了城市有机废弃物转化为能源的几种途径。在管式反应器内甘蔗渣裂解气化制煤气以及在高压釜内湿式裂解气化制煤气液体产品,可得到中值煤气。也研究了甘蔗渣二步法糖化和糖发酵,当PH为3.6,酵母浓度为1.33%,乙醇产率可达理论值的64.86%。  相似文献   

能源农场-中国可持续农业新模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了我国能源短缺,农业废弃物的污染和自然生态环境的现状,由此引出能源农场的概念,并详细阐述了国内外对于能源农场的研究现状及进展,着重分析了我国建设能源农场的意义,并展望了我国未来能源农场的发展趋向。  相似文献   

环境问题是在社会经济发展中产生的,它大体可分为资源破坏和环境污染两大类。随着江苏资源能源日益昂贵、匮乏和环境问题日趋严重,资源环境问题对社会经济发展的制约力越来越大,人们对工业废弃物的资源能源化也愈加重视。本文针对江苏实际,试图从废弃物资源化的价值观念角度,分析废弃物造成的环境污染和危害及其综合利用的潜力,并探索我省工业废弃物资源能源化途径和对策。一、废弃物资源化的价值观念  相似文献   

介绍了天然气利用的特点和现状。分析了天然气利用的条件和市场培育,以及产生的良好效果和采取的相应举措。  相似文献   

废橡胶的能源利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了充分利用资源和保护环境,在废橡胶的各种处理方法中,能源利用是一种很有效的手段。文章论述了废橡胶能源利用的各种途径。  相似文献   

中国能源可持续利用评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1能源可持续利用的涵义中国实施可持续发展战略面临着经济发展和环境保护的双重任务,随着人口、国民经济发展和人民生活水平的提高,能源需求将有较大的增长,因此带来的环境问题将更加严峻,而且对周边国家都将产生影响。所以,中国要实施可持续发展战略,首先要解决好...  相似文献   

继去年首次发布影响较大的《浙江省能源利用状况白皮书(2003年)》后,10月27日,省政府新闻办又举行了2004年浙江省能源与利用状况新闻发布会。省经贸委副主任沈陇声和省统计局副局长王杰在发布会上讲了话,现将要点刊登如下。[编者按]  相似文献   

编者按 :为进一步贯彻落实《国务院批转国家经贸委等部门关于进一步开展资源综合利用意见的通知》(国发 [1 996 ]3 6号 ) ,促进浙江省资源综合利用企业的健康发展 ,根据国家经贸委《资源综合利用认定管理办法》(国经贸资源 [1 998]71 6号 )等文件精神 ,结合浙江省近两年来开展资源综合利用认定工作的实际 ,浙江省经贸委、浙江省国税局、浙江省地税局联合制定了《浙江省资源综合利用企业 (项目 )认定实施办法》 ,现全文刊登如下 ,要求浙江省辖区内企业单位认真贯彻执行  相似文献   

The paper examines the total energy input requirements and outputs of subsistence agriculture in the rural areas of Nepal with specific emphasis on animate energy inputs for different crops. It analyses the availability of animate energy and the usage pattern and also looks into various issues of energy demands in subsistence agriculture at micro levels and its impact at macro level. The paper attempts to highlight major policy options that are imperative for raising the living standard of the rurals through increased productivity.  相似文献   

This research was aimed at investigating the feasibility of using dried agricultural waste as desiccant for an open cycle air conditioning system. The natural fibers are, therefore, intended to replace chemical desiccant such as silica gel, molecular sieves etc. The investigation was limited to Coconut coir (Cocos nucifera) and Durian peels (Durio zibethinus).Experimental results confirmed that dry coconut coir and durian peel can absorb 30 g and 17 g H2O per 100 g dry product, respectively, from air at the average condition of 32°C and 75% relative humidity. The optimum airflow rate is about 84 and 98 m3/hr-100 g dry product, respectively. Therefore, the dry coconut coir is more suitable than the dry durian peel.Comparison between the dry coconut coir and silica gel showed that the average adsorption rate of coconut coir is less than that of silica gel by about 5 g/h-100 g dry product at an airflow rate of 84 m3/h and 60 min operating time. However, it is still an interesting option to replace silica gel in open cycle air conditioning system, as the decrease of average adsorption rate is rather small.The other extremely interesting advantage of coconut coir is that during moisture absorption the heat generated during the process is less important. That means the air leaves the coconut coir bed at a lower temperature compared to that with a silica gel. Therefore, the saving of cooling energy is much more important.  相似文献   

浙江省常规能源资源比较匮乏,随着城市化进程的深入及人们生活水平的提高,能源供需矛盾日益突出,能源基础设施建设步伐相对滞后于快速增长的能源消费需求。文章探讨了浙江省城市能源基础设施发展现状,对比分析了具有代表性的能源指标,并对浙江省的能源建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

The author explains trends in energy use in agriculture in developing countries at the global, national and farm level. It is shown that energy input in traditional agriculture is quite significant if the role of animals is taken into account. The author explains how currently agriculture makes a net energy contribution towards meeting the basic needs of cooking, heating and local industry, and with the modernization of agriculture, the availability of crop residues and animal wastes is expected to decline, widening the gap between demand and supply of energy for the survival needs of the poor in developing countries. The author states that there is an immediate need to initiate policies and programmes — such as energy pricing, subsidies, biogas plants and gasification units — to improve the efficiency of agro-energy.  相似文献   

周玉成 《太阳能》2006,(4):59-59
浙江省是我国经济发展最为活跃的地区之一,也是近几年全国最大的缺电省份,同时也是拥有丰富沿海可再生能源资源的地区。面对严重的电荒制约,浙江省在“十一五”经济社会发展规划中提出:  相似文献   

T. Sonnino 《Energy》1982,7(2):221-230
Energy consumption in Israeli industry and agriculture is analyzed for the years 1968-77. The consumption of electricity and petroleum products is treated separately. The other productive factors, such as capital stock and manpower, are also considered. The outputs are evaluated in terms of total revenues, added values and exports. Outputs per employed person and per unit of energy are calculated for each of the 18 major industrial branches. It is found that, for the typical year 1975, the revenues produced per unit of energy vary by a factor of more than 100 from the most to the least energy-intensive industry. The corresponding variation for manpower is only a factor of 4. It is concluded that the increase in energy consumption is reflected in increased productivity. Agriculture, including water consumption, is also analyzed along these same lines.  相似文献   

Average physical inputs in maize cultivation in three districts of Haryana (North India) have been transformed into energy units and compared with the energy outputs of grain and byproducts. The chief inputs were in the form of farm yard manure (FYM), traditional farm equipment, tractor and fuel, followed by irrigation and chemical fertilizers. Detailed data of physical inputs were collected from 31 individual farm units of Ambala district, ranging from 0.41 to 3.24 ha. Six of these farms showed extremes of size, tractor use, fertilizer application, FYM inputs, irrigation, as well as yields of grain and byproducts. Data from these farms were analysed in terms of energy utilization. Energy use efficiency ranged from 0.06 to 0.28 for grain and from 0.29 to 1.16 for total produce. The data suggest that grain production can be increased and energy utilization improved by minimizing the use of FYM and by increased use of chemical fertilizers and irrigation.  相似文献   

As the world races toward its urban future, the quantity of wastes, one of the vital by-products of an enhancement in the standards of living, is exponentially rising. The treatment of wastes employing plasma is an upcoming area of research and is globally used for the simultaneous processing of diverse wastes coupled with the recovery of energy and materials. Ground-breaking and cost-effective thermal plasma technologies with high efficiencies are a prerequisite for the growth of this technology. This paper delivers an evaluation of the fundamentals such as the generation and characteristics of the thermal plasma along with the various types of wastes treatable by thermal plasma and the related issues. Furthermore, the authors discuss different types of advanced technologies as well as the material and energy recovery techniques and their present status worldwide, at lab-scale and industrial scale. The application of different thermal plasma technologies is discussed as a means to promote this technology into alternative applications, which require higher flexibility and greater efficiency. Mathematical modeling studies are also assessed with an objective to derive ideal conditions and permissible limits for the reactors and to test a variety of waste materials. A strategy to improve the feasibility and sustainability of waste utilization is via technological advancement and the minimization of environmental effects and process economics. This paper sheds light on diverse areas of waste utilization via thermal plasma as a potentially sustainable and environmentally friendly technology.  相似文献   

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