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结合杭州市低影响开发区对雨水控制的要求,运用SWMM模型模拟常规开发模式、组合LID设施、组合LID+蓄水池对雨洪控制的效果.研究结果表明,组合LID设施可以有效降低场地内洪峰流量、径流系数,并使场地在50 a重现期以下的降雨情况无溢流节点;组合LID+蓄水池可以控制杭州市100 a重现期2 h短历时降雨量的94.3%...  相似文献   

王建富  郭豪  秦祎  张超 《净水技术》2022,41(5):122-130
近几年SWMM模型逐渐应用到建设海绵城市相关的规划设计中,如何提高模型参数选择、率定的效率,以提高模型的应用效果,是重要的工作之一。文中以迁安典型片区为例,结合设计资料、人工试验和自然降雨条件下的监测数据,参考相关文献,提出参数的选择和率定方法。参考模型手册和相关文献,明确敏感性高的参数,并确定参数的先验分布范围,采用拉丁超立方抽样法(LHS)从中选取参数样本,对其进行率定和验证,确定参数的最佳取值范围和最优值。在此基础上,进一步对LID措施的非结构性参数进行率定与验证,为当地海绵城市建设提供经验,也为我国SWMM模型应用提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

随着现代城市的快速发展,导致城市排水防涝等问题变得越来越重要,引起了相关政府职能部门以及研究学者们的高度关注。本文针对SWMM暴雨模型软件在城市排水防涝工程设计中的应用展开研究,介绍了排水防涝工程实施的重要现实意义,给出了SWMM暴雨模型软件的基本构架以及其在现实应用中的注意事项,论证了其在城市排水防涝工程中的实用性。  相似文献   

汤钟  张亮  俞露  李亚  陆利杰 《净水技术》2020,39(1):136-143
近年来,极端天气出现的频率和强度骤增、城市不透水下垫面面积的急剧增加等因素造成城市雨洪灾害日益严重。韧性城市理念作为城市规划中的新理念,要求提高城市在各类不确定因素下的抵抗力、恢复力和适应力。城市雨洪韧性系统属于韧性城市中的重要环节,超越了常规排水管网系统的缺陷,成为应对城市雨洪灾害的一种有效途径。以海绵城市国家试点区———深圳市光明区为例,按照韧性城市理念对区域雨洪安全问题进行梳理,从生态雨洪韧性、工程雨洪韧性、社会雨洪韧性3个维度分别进行阐述和剖析。并通过对规划区的本底分析和模型评估,建立起了从源头到末端,从工程到管理,从灰色到绿色的区域雨洪系统,以期为其他同类型项目提供参考。  相似文献   

通过SWMM模型对南京市丁家庄燕春路及周边地块进行建模分析,应用实测的透水路面各层厚度与渗透系数等相关资料,对场地的降雨径流进行模拟,从而评估透水路面在不同降雨重现期下的径流削减效果。模拟结果显示,不同暴雨重现期下,透水路面对峰值流量的削减率在31.0%左右,对径流系数的削减率在34.3%左右。模拟结果可为透水路面的实际应用提供参考。  相似文献   

雨水调蓄池作为城市内涝防治的一种重要措施,其有效容积的确定在设计过程中极为重要。以云南省某市为例,采用传统公式法计算与SWMM软件模拟2种方法得到调蓄池有效容积,对2种方法的结果进行比较分析,结果表明在低重现期下公式法计算值要大于软件模拟值,而在高重现期下软件模拟值将大于公式计算值。  相似文献   

李昂  刘加强  汪思颖 《净水技术》2022,(11):121-126
城市排水管网是城市重要的基础设施和组成部分,是维持现代化城市正常运作的命脉。近年来,为了解决城市内涝的问题,各地加快了老旧管网改造的步伐。在前期基础资料收集和实际调研基础上,构建了徐州市某汇水区的排水SWMM模型,模拟分析了在不同重现期下(1、2、3、5 a)汇水区现状排水管网承载能力和内涝程度。结果表明,汇水区雨水管网排水能力有约48%满足1年一遇重现期,满足1~2年一遇重现期的占47%,满足2~3年一遇重现期的占2%,满足3~5年一遇重现期的占3%,满足大于5年一遇重现期的约占0。随着降雨重现期的增大,汇水区积水面积和积水深度也随着增加。其中,1年一遇重现期下,淹没区面积占4.12%,淹没深度大于0.2 m占0.71%;2年一遇重现期下,淹没区面积占5.51%,淹没深度大于0.2 m占0.94%;3年一遇重现期下,淹没区面积占7.02%,淹没深度大于0.2 m占1.08%;5年一遇重现期下,淹没区面积占8.45%,淹没深度大于0.2 m占1.28%。研究结果可为后期完善现状雨水管网和管网改造提供依据。  相似文献   

Direct and residual effects of urea and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) on dry matter (DM) response were measured at a total of 12 application times in early spring over three years. The variation in the direct effect was described by models that included temperature and long-term rainfall for CAN and, additionally, short-term rainfall for urea. The operative temperature was the accumulated mean daily air temperature for combined intervals pre-application and postapplication of N. The effect of rainfall was apparent only when the data were adjusted for temperature.Simulation studies with the models indicated that, although the influence of temperature was dominant, rainfall modified it strongly in terms of the relative efficiencies of the two N sources and the magnitude of response. For instance, the temperature-induced increase in DM response to urea between cold and normal years was 402 kg ha–1 for a specified period, whereas differences between dry and wet years were decreases of 166 and 259 kg ha–1 in the case of urea and CAN, respectively. Short-term rainfall had a positive effect on response to urea.The experimental values varied widely both between and within years. The direct effect of the application of urea at 50 kg N ha–1 varied from 0 to 750 kg DM ha–1, and the residual effect varied from 0 to 1620 kg DM ha–1. The corresponding values for apparent N recovery varied from 0.1 to 45% and from 7 to 68%, respectively. The efficiency of urea was comparable to, and in instances better than, CAN.  相似文献   

基于两相流流型的平行流冷凝器整体仿真模型与实验验证   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
引言平行流冷凝器作为一种新颖的换热器加之其不同于传统翅片管换热器的结构,因此其传热流动性能尚处研究之中。尤其是平行流冷凝器制冷剂侧微通道两相流机制及其转变不同于常规的管子,以往关于平行流冷凝器整体仿真模型的研究中,微通道两相流数值模拟大都采用传统大管径模型或者修正  相似文献   

高颂  徐燕燕  李继香  叶爽  黄伟光 《化工学报》2021,72(10):5082-5093
了解离心泵内微气泡的发生特性,对于优化现有基于旋转流场的微气泡发生装置的性能、提高工业废水废气的污染物去除率至关重要。在考虑气泡破碎合并的前提下,通过将双流体模型(TFM)与群体平衡模型(PBM)进行耦合,求解离心泵内气液两相旋转流场,研究了入口体积气含率(IGVF)、入口气泡尺寸对泵内气泡沿程尺寸变化、出口气泡尺寸分布的影响,并结合Luo等的破碎合并模型分析成因。结果表明,随IGVF增加,叶轮内气体聚集引起局部气含率陡升,气泡由破碎主导转变为合并主导,而后在蜗壳内气含率恢复正常,气泡又变为破碎主导,总体上出口气泡尺寸逐渐增大。另外,入口气泡尺寸对出口气泡尺寸的影响对IGVF敏感,当IGVF较低时,随入口气泡尺寸增大,出口气泡尺寸先增大后减小;而当IGVF较高时,由于泵内气体聚集,入口气泡尺寸的影响并不明显。  相似文献   

The compaction of pharmaceutical powders can be simulated using phenomenological elasto-plastic continuum models adopted from soil mechanics. These models are typically implemented in finite element codes and have been used recently to investigate the macroscopic property distributions in powders during compaction.The present study demonstrates the importance of obtaining accurate yield surface parameters for use in such models. A commercial finite element code implementing the Drucker-Prager Cap (DPC) model was used to model the compression and decompression stages of powder compaction in a tabletting operation. The parameters used in the DPC model were obtained from the literature. Although the compression stage of the process gave expected behavior, the decompression response was unrealistic for at least one set of published data. Small values for the friction and cohesion parameters resulted in a significant elastic recovery during decompression. This study demonstrates the need to obtain accurate parameter data in order to model the decompression stage of powder compaction.  相似文献   

李庆会  张述伟  李燕 《化工进展》2012,(Z1):474-481
对于多级分离过程的模拟通常都采用平衡级模型,而实际化工过程的非理想性使其应用受到了很大限制。本文引入非平衡级模型,采用修正的PSRK物性方法用Aspen plus软件对低温甲醇洗流程的吸收塔及CO2解吸塔进行模拟研究,并将其模拟结果与平衡级模型作对比。该模型下对吸收塔及CO2解吸塔的模拟结果都与设计值吻合很好。并将该流程吸收塔的非平衡级模型计算结果与本文作者教研组前期工作中研究的吸收塔的非平衡级模型结果作对比。研究结果表明,非平衡级模型可以应用于低温甲醇洗流程的模拟计算,为低温甲醇洗流程的设计计算提供了可靠的技术支持。  相似文献   

针对滇池地区某中低品位胶磷矿性质,采用单一反浮选工艺流程选别。研究结果表明,在反浮选一次粗选、一次粗选一次精选和一次粗选一次精选全硫酸流程3种工艺条件下,均可获得磷精矿w(P2O5)33.3%、w(Mg O)0.85%,P2O5回收率≥76.0%的选矿指标;反浮选工艺适合该矿石选别,能实现目的矿物和脉石矿物的有效分离,得到合格的磷精矿。  相似文献   

An experimental study on electrokinetic removal of cadmium from kaolinitic clays is presented in this work, which is aimed to investigate the effect of surface reactions on the electrokinetic process. Enhanced electrokinetic tests were performed in which the pH of the compartments was controlled. Cadmium spiked kaolin was adopted in the experimental runs. On the basis of the experimental results, a numerical model was formulated to simulate the cadmium (Cd) transport under an electric field by combining a one-dimensional diffusion-advection model with a geochemical model: the combined model describes the contaminant transport driven by chemical and electrical gradients, as well as the effect of the surface reactions. The geochemical model utilized parameters derived from the literature, and it was validated by experimental data obtained by sorption and titration experiments. Electrokinetic tests were utilized to validate the results of the proposed model. A good prediction of the behaviour of the soil/cadmium ions system under electrical field was obtained: the differences between experimental and model predicted profiles for the species considered were less than 5% in all the examined conditions.  相似文献   

化学驱油体系中各组分在油砂表面上静吸附特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对辽河油田某区块原油筛选优化出的化学驱油体系配方,开展了组成体系中的阴离子型表面活性剂、非离子型表面活性剂、聚合物及碱剂,在辽河油田特定区块油砂上的静吸附特征和吸附损失量的研究。通过实验得出了驱油剂在不同体系组成中的静吸附规律不同,吸附量大小不同。多组分的复合驱油体系中单剂的静吸附量小;碱剂在含有聚合物的体系中静吸附量较大;由聚合物、碱、非离子型表活剂和阴离子型表活剂组成的四组分ASP三元驱油体系中各单剂的静态吸附损失量最小,阴离子型表活剂的存在,减少非离子表活剂在岩石表面上的吸附损失量。不同化学驱油体系中单剂的静吸附损失的研究结果,对矿场实施化学驱油试验体系配方的确定、组成及段塞的设计和油藏数值模拟等提供科学依据和基础实验数据,具有一定的现实意义和指导意义。  相似文献   

吴微  师佳  周华  曹志凯  江青茵 《化工学报》2012,63(4):1124-1131
以Aspen Batch Distillation(ABD)中的间歇精馏仿真系统为过程原型,提出了利用过程的模拟测试数据来建立间歇精馏过程的样条插值简化模型(spline interpolation model, SIM)。结合变回流比下的动态修正函数,构造出了一种简单实用的动态模型。该模型可有效模拟不同组分浓度下回流比发生变化时馏出液浓度和流量的动态变化情况。以该模型作为预测模型,进一步提出了一种变回流比的预测控制(model predictive control, MPC)算法来使馏出液浓度按照期望的设定值变化。控制仿真结果表明该控制方案计算简单,同时具有较好的控制效果。  相似文献   

Calibration of kinetic models of wet air oxidation (WAO) is usually performed through minimisation algorithms with respect to total organic carbon (TOC) experimental data. However, the reliability of the estimated value of the kinetic parameters is frequently not reported. Moreover, the influence of data quantity/quality in the kinetic parameters identifiability is not properly assessed. The objective of this study is to compare the calibration goodness of a proposed kinetic model when using one set of data (total effluent TOC [TOCeff]) or two sets of independent experimental measurements (total effluent TOC [TOCeff] and residual TOC of target pollutant [TOC[A]]). The systematic comparison was made using identifiability analysis with contour plots of both objective functions and the confidence intervals were calculated through the Fisher information matrix (FIM). The experimental data used in this study comes from a previous one, where WAO was investigated as a suitable precursor for the biological treatment of industrial wastewater containing high concentrations of o-cresol or 2-chlorophenol [M.E. Suárez-Ojeda, J. Carrera, I.S. Metcalfe, J. Font, Wet air oxidation (WAO) as a precursor to biological treatment of substituted phenols: refractory nature of the WAO intermediates, Chem. Eng. J. 144 (2008) 205–212.]. The results show that the model correctly fitted the experimental [TOCeff] in all cases with less than 6% as averaged relative deviation, either using one set of data ([TOCeff]) or two sets of independent experimental measures ([TOCeff] and [TOC[A]]) in the objective function. However, when using only [TOCeff], the model was not capable of fitting the proportion between [TOC[A]] and intermediates TOC. The obtained EACT for the calibration made with [TOCeff] and [TOC[A]] were 71 ± 20 kJ mol−1 (R2 = 0.92) and 47 ± 9 kJ mol−1 (R2 = 0.96) for o-cresol and 2-chlorophenol, respectively. However, when using just [TOCeff], the obtained EACT values were not in the range of the values reported in the literature and had smaller regression coefficients. Moreover, the calibration with just [TOCeff] presented a high correlation between the obtained rate constants, whereas the calibration with [TOCeff] and [TOC[A]] was statistically more reliable. As example, the D-criterion values are three to six times larger for the calibration made with ([TOCeff] and [TOC[A]] than for the calibration made only with [TOCeff], in the framework of OED/PE criteria, this is related to minimisation of the geometric mean of the identification errors.  相似文献   

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