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实化视图可以显著改进查询处理的性能,针对拥有大量实化视图的实际系统,提出了层次索引和视图合并两种方法来有效减少可能被利用的实化视图的搜索空间,还提出了实用的启发式算法以找出较优重写查询。实验表明,所给算法可用来快速地响应查询。 相似文献
Using Stress Functions to Obtain OWA Operators 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The ordered weighted averaging operator attempts to provide a user-friendly class of mean type aggregation operators by allowing a user to easily and naturally go from a mental model of a desired type of aggregation to its formal realization. Our objective in this paper is to support this agenda by providing a new methodology to help a user describe the type of aggregation they desire using the idea of a stress function. With this stress function, a user can "stress" which argument values they want to give more weight in the aggregation. An important feature of this stress function is that it is only required to be nonnegative function on the unit interval. This allows a user to completely focus on the issue of where to put the stress in the aggregation without having to consider satisfaction of any other requirements. 相似文献
Roberto Ardon Laurent D. Cohen Anthony Yezzi 《Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision》2006,25(3):289-305
We introduce a novel implicit approach for single object segmentation in 3D images. The boundary surface of this object is
assumed to contain two or more known curves (the constraining curves), given by an expert. The aim of our method is to find
the desired surface by exploiting the information given in the supplied curves as much as possible. We use a cost potential
which penalizes image regions of low interest (for example areas of low gradient). In order to avoid local minima, we introduce
a new partial differential equation and use its solution for segmentation. We show that the zero level set of this solution
contains the constraining curves as well as a set of paths joining them. These paths globally minimize an energy which is
defined from the cost potential. Our approach, although conceptually different, can be seen as an implicit extension to 3D
of the minimal path framework already known for 2D image segmentation. As for this previous approach, and unlike other variational
methods, our method is not prone to local minima traps of the energy. We present a fast implementation which has been successfully
applied to 3D medical and synthetic images.
Roberto Ardon graduated from the Ecole Centrale Paris in 2001 with a major in applied mathematics, obtained his master degree in image
processing from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan in the same year and his Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from the
University Paris-Dauphine in 2005. Currently he is a research scientist in Philips Medical Systems Research Paris. His research
interests include calculus of variations mainlly focused on medical image processing.
Laurent D. Cohen was at Ecole Normale Superieure Ulm in Paris from 1981 to 1985. He received Master's and Ph.D. degrees in Applied Mathematics
from Paris 6 in 1983 and 1986. From 1985 to 1987, he was member at the Computer Graphics and Image Processing group at Schlumberger
Palo Alto Research, California and Schlumberger Montrouge Research, and remained consultant there for a few years afterwards.
He began working with INRIA, France in 1988, mainly with the medical image understanding group Epidaure. Since 1990, he is
Research Scholar (Charge then Directeur de Recherche) with CNRS in the Applied Mathematics and Image Processing group at CEREMADE,
University Paris-Dauphine. His research interests and teaching at the university are applications of variational methods and
Partial Differential Equations to Image Processing and Computer Vision, like deformable models, minimal paths, surface reconstruction,
Image registration, Image segmentation and restoration. He obtained CS 2002 Prize for Image and Signal Processing. He has
been member in program committees for boards for about 20 international conferences.
Anthony Yezzi obtained his Ph.D. in 1997 through the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Minnesota. After completing
a postdoctoral research position in the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) at Massacusetts Institute of
Technology, he joined the faculty of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology
in 1999 where he currently holds the position of Associate Professor. Prof. Yezzi has also consulted for a number of medical
imaging companies including GE, Picker, and VTI, and has been an IEEE member since 1999. His research lies primarily within
the fields of image processing and computer vision. He has worked on a variety of problems including image denoising, edge-detection,
segmentation and grouping, shape analysis, multi-frame stereo reconstruction, tracking, and registration. Some central themes
of his research include curve and surface evolution theory, differential geometry, and partial differential equations. 相似文献
基于纹理延伸和三角块拼接的快速曲面纹理合成 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对相邻的已合成三角形个数为1的待合成三角形使用"纹理延伸"的方法进行纹理合成;对相邻的已合成三角形个数大于1的待合成三角形采用梯形模板匹配的三角块拼接方法进行纹理合成.实验结果与理论分析表明,该算法合成质量较高,合成速度较现有方法提高了1/3. 相似文献
We present a high-order difference method for problems in elastodynamics involving the interaction of waves with highly nonlinear frictional interfaces. We restrict our attention to two-dimensional antiplane problems involving deformation in only one direction. Jump conditions that relate tractions on the interface, or fault, to the relative sliding velocity across it are of a form closely related to those used in earthquake rupture models and other frictional sliding problems. By using summation-by-parts (SBP) finite difference operators and weak enforcement of boundary and interface conditions, a strictly stable method is developed. Furthermore, it is shown that unless the nonlinear interface conditions are formulated in terms of characteristic variables, as opposed to the physical variables in terms of which they are more naturally stated, the semi-discretized system of equations can become extremely stiff, preventing efficient solution using explicit time integrators. 相似文献
论文讨论了图象重建的意义,提出了离散图象采样的Nyquist准则,并将图象重建的问题变成了矩阵方程的解的问题,讨论了分块Toeplitz矩阵,分块循环矩阵和离散傅立叶变换之间的关系,并利用其关系对非均匀采样图象提出了一种重建方法,该方法可以直接利用离散傅立叶变换,不需要迭代,并且可以实时进行。在文章末尾用该方法对一离散图象进行了仿真,结果表明该算法是确实有效的。 相似文献
Hillol Kargupta Vasundhara Puttagunta Martin Klein Kakali Sarkar 《New Generation Computing》2006,25(1):5-32
This paper considers the problem of monitoring vehicle data streams in a resource-constrained environment. It particularly
focuses on a monitoring task that requires frequent computation of correlation matrices using lightweight on-board computing
devices. It motivates this problem in the context of the MineFleet Real-Time system and offers a randomized algorithm for fast monitoring of correlation (FMC), inner product, and Euclidean distance
matrices among others. Unlike the existing approaches that compute all the entries of these matrices from a data set, the
proposed technique works using a divide-and-conquer approach. This paper presents a probabilistic test for quickly detecting
whether or not a subset of coefficients contains a significant one with a magnitude greater than a user given threshold. This
test is used for quickly identifying the portions of the space that contain significant coefficients. The proposed algorithm
is particularly suitable for monitoring correlation and related matrices computed from continuous data streams. 相似文献
AO4BPEL: An Aspect-oriented Extension to BPEL 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Process-oriented composition languages such as BPEL allow Web Services to be composed into more sophisticated services using
a workflow process. However, such languages exhibit some limitations with respect to modularity and flexibility. They do not
provide means for a well-modularized specification of crosscutting concerns such as logging, persistence, auditing, and security.
They also do not support the dynamic adaptation of composition at runtime. In this paper, we advocate an aspect-oriented approach
to Web Service composition and present the design and implementation of AO4BPEL, an aspect-oriented extension to BPEL. We
illustrate through examples how AO4BPEL makes the composition specification more modular and the composition itself more flexible
and adaptable. 相似文献
The role of inference is added to the capabilities of decentralized supervisors in a modal logic setting for discrete-event systems. In previous work, a decentralized supervisor made a control decision through formal reasoning, using only information obtained from direct observation of a given system. The framework is extended so that when a supervisor cannot make a definitive control decision based on its own knowledge of the system, the supervisor may reason about whether other supervisors have sufficient knowledge to eventually make the correct control decision 相似文献
Python是一种流行的动态语言,但是由于完全的动态性影响了其执行效率和使用。因此,在Python基础上进行了静态化扩充,研制了TPython语言。该语言在注释中引入了可选的类型声明,并提供了包括类型检查在内的静态检查。相对于动态语言而言,TPython能够提高程序的可读性和可靠性,降低调试成本,相对于静态语言而言,TPython又具有语法简单,易于开发的优势。 相似文献
R-Calculus: An Inference System for Belief Revision 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Levinshtein A. Stere A. Kutulakos K.N. Fleet D.J. Dickinson S.J. Siddiqi K. 《IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence》2009,31(12):2290-2297
We describe a geometric-flow-based algorithm for computing a dense oversegmentation of an image, often referred to as superpixels. It produces segments that, on one hand, respect local image boundaries, while, on the other hand, limiting undersegmentation through a compactness constraint. It is very fast, with complexity that is approximately linear in image size, and can be applied to megapixel sized images with high superpixel densities in a matter of minutes. We show qualitative demonstrations of high-quality results on several complex images. The Berkeley database is used to quantitatively compare its performance to a number of oversegmentation algorithms, showing that it yields less undersegmentation than algorithms that lack a compactness constraint while offering a significant speedup over N-cuts, which does enforce compactness. 相似文献
Stefan Langemeyer Peter Pirsch Holger Blume 《International journal of parallel programming》2013,41(2):331-354
The data throughput of SDRAMs is significantly reduced by the control overhead required for access or transposition of large two-dimensional data matrices stored in SDRAM memories. In this paper, a new address mapping scheme is introduced, taking advantage of multiple banks and burst capabilities of modern SDRAMs. In this way, the data throughput is maximized when reading or writing rows or columns of a two-dimensional data matrix. Other address mapping strategies minimize the total number of SDRAM page-opens while traversing the two-dimensional index-space in row or column direction. In order to achieve a higher data throughput, the new approach uses an alternative bank interleaving method to hide additional wait cycles. In this way, the number of data bus wait cycles do not depend on the overall number of page-opens directly any more. It is shown, that the data bus utilization can be increased significantly. In particular, the new mapping strategy is optimized for access of parallel samples, distributed among a number of SDRAM chips. Therefore, double buffering can be omitted. As a special operation, 2D-FFT processing for radar applications is considered. Depending on SDRAM parameters and dimensions, a continuous bandwidth utilization of 96–98 % is achieved for accesses in both matrix dimensions, including all page-opens and refresh operations. 相似文献
This paper studies the Galerkin finite element approximation of time-fractional Navier–Stokes equations. The discretization in space is done by the mixed finite element method. The time Caputo-fractional derivative is discretized by a finite difference method. The stability and convergence properties related to the time discretization are discussed and theoretically proven. Under some certain conditions that the solution and initial value satisfy, we give the error estimates for both semidiscrete and fully discrete schemes. Finally, a numerical example is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of our numerical methods. 相似文献
An Extension to SQL for Mining Association Rules 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1
Most people carry mobile telephones, which automatically capture behavioral data and store it in service provider databases around the world. The different types of captured data can provide insight into human cultures. Examples from various cultures and hundreds of millions of individuals illustrate how phones can serve as a cultural lens, improving our understanding of social networks, outlier events, and a culture's pace of life. 相似文献
In this paper, a feedforward neural network with sigmoid hidden units is used to design a neural network based iterative learning controller for nonlinear systems with state dependent input gains. No prior offline training phase is necessary, and only a single neural network is employed. All the weights of the neurons are tuned during the iteration process in order to achieve the desired learning performance. The adaptive laws for the weights of neurons and the analysis of learning performance are determined via Lyapunov‐like analysis. A projection learning algorithm is used to prevent drifting of weights. It is shown that the tracking error vector will asymptotically converges to zero as the iteration goes to infinity, and the all adjustable parameters as well as internal signals remain bounded. 相似文献