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刘鹏  孙伟  曹文 《有色冶炼》2006,35(5):39-42
介绍了基于DFI协议的通讯在铝厂监控系统中的应用实践。ABPLC与PC机之间采用DFI协议进行通讯,利用此协议制定合适的通讯流程,实现了PC机对远程设备的控制与监视,程序可移植性较好。  相似文献   

As our population ages, a potential exists for increase in lower extremity amputation related to diabetes mellitus and peripheral vascular disease. Besides the financial impact, amputations impose serious consequences on those affected. This article discusses the problem, its effects, care of the amputation sites, and offers support for prevention programs.  相似文献   

于涛  王启健 《黄金》2021,42(4):51-55
针对大尹格庄金矿供风系统人工巡检工作量大、管路破损发现不及时、管理数据不可见等问题,在供风网络关键节点加设传感器,获取风压、流速、流量等供风参数,在井下布置以太环网及无线覆盖网络,实现监测数据的实时上传,基于物联网和大数据分析技术,构建矿井智能供风监测系统.通过实时在线监测、历史数据查询、供风能耗分析、泄漏检测等多重手...  相似文献   

介绍了倾动炉生产工艺概况和罗克韦尔PLC应用于倾动炉生产监控中的系统配置、系统功能以及系统设计.详细介绍了风氧油自动配比控制、流量小信号切除、流量温度压力补偿、第三方通讯等功能在PLC的实现.  相似文献   

Proposed radiopharmaceutical schedules based on readily measured parameters (age, height, weight, surface area) have been considered with respect to their applicability in nuclear medicine. Although schedules based on age are considered to be inappropriate, there are valid cases for schedules based on height, weight and surface area. For many radiopharmaceutical studies, the most appropriate schedules are based on weight or surface area. Examination of simple theoretical physical models, including the influence of attenuation, suggests that the optimum administered amounts of radiopharmaceuticals fall mainly within the region bounded by these two schedules. The results of recent clinical studies designed to test the validity of different schedules are summarized. In general, they support the predictions of theoretical models, but also show how simple models can be influenced significantly by the age dependency of radiopharmaceutical biodistribution. The schedule based on surface area (or height) is less likely than that based on weight to require the identification of minimum administered amounts of radiopharmaceutical to preserve image quality in small children. However, recent studies have shown that the most appropriate schedule for regional cerebral blood flow with 99Tcm-HMPAO is that based on weight, without the need for a minimum activity. Paediatric radiation dosimetry is briefly summarized to indicate some recent innovations in methodology. Effective doses per unit of administered radiopharmaceutical (mSv MBq-1) have been calculated using five paediatric phantoms for a number of radiopharmaceuticals commonly used in children. Values of total effective dose resulting from the application of the weight and surface area schedules are presented, based on the adult reference amounts of administered radiopharmaceutical proposed by the Paediatric Task Group of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine. Although some values of effective dose exceed 10 mSv for the surface area schedule, the majority of values are less than 5 mSv.  相似文献   

露天边坡的稳定是露天矿山安全高效开采的关键因素。穆利亚希北露天矿在生产过程中,多处边坡发生不同程度塌方,对生产造成了较大影响。采用测量机器人地表位移监测系统对露天矿边坡进行监测,通过合理布设机器人和棱镜位置,设定监测频率及安全预警阈值,实现露天矿边坡的全方位监测,对矿产资源的安全、高效、可持续开采具有重要意义。  相似文献   

首钢京唐钢铁联合有限责任公司5500m^3高炉热风管系无线位移监测系统,通过安装在热风管系上的无线位移传感器测量管系的伸缩变形,由无线中继器和采集器将监测数据上传给上位机,实现了热风管系伸缩变形的无线自动监测。实际应用效果表明此系统具有较高的灵敏度和准确性,为分析热风管系的安全运行状况提供了客观依据,具有很高的应用和推广价值。  相似文献   

MCGS 组态软件在激光测径计算机监测系统中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘利平  孙进生 《冶金自动化》2004,28(3):47-49,70
激光测径计算机监测系统以激光测径仪为核心,由激光测径仪、工业控制计算机、大屏幕显示屏等几部分组成。采用工控组态软件(MCGS)开发计算机监测系统的人机接口可视化界面(HMI),并通过开放的OLE接口连接激光测径仪和大屏幕显示装置。系统具有界面操作人性化、运行可靠、便于升级扩充等特点。  相似文献   

董华兴  李淑霞  孙帅 《黄金》2013,(7):39-43
采空区是引起地表塌陷、恶化矿山开采条件的严重安全隐患,对不明采空区的精细探测技术、治理技术及安全监测装备与预警技术的开发研究,是复杂条件下矿山安全高效开采迫切需要解决的重大课题。以西郝庄矿为工程背景,介绍了采空区地表GPS监测系统及沉降监测方案;通过在地表合理设置若干个监测点,利用所安装的监测系统来监视裂缝区域和地表沉降区域的动态演变过程,并将监测信息发送到监控室;通过布点监测,及时预测地压来临时间,为预警决策和矿山及时撤出处于危险区人员提供依据,实现矿山安全生产,具有一定的推广意义。  相似文献   

介绍了基于DF1协议的通讯在铝厂监控系统中的应用实践。AB PLC与PC机之间采用DF1协议进行通讯,利用此协议制定合适的通讯流程,实现了PC机对远程设备的控制与监视,程序可移植性较好。  相似文献   

热连轧机厚度监控系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以德国AEG公司为本钢热连轧机(七机架)提供的计算机控制系统为背景,阐述了监控系统在厚调过程中的作用,分析了该系统的特点、结构与实施方法。  相似文献   

计算机监控技术在企业集中供热中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了在换热站使用的控制系统的结构、硬件组成及功能。在远程控制中,ABB变频器用于对循环水泵及补水泵的控制,西门子S7-300用于对现场仪表的数据采集及调节阀的控制,MOXA串口联网服务器转换模块把PLC采集信号远传到监控中心,利用摄像机对设备和周边安防进行监控,通过光纤把视频信号远传到监控中心,采用力控的组态软件PCAuto 3.62组建了远程控制管理系统。系统运行后,节约了人工成本,降低了用汽量消耗,具有较大的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

介绍了云铜冶炼加工总厂生产实时信息监控系统的开发。该系统的应用,实现了分厂车间各自动化控制系统之间的信息共享,历史数据的采集、管理、分析,提高了企业的生产效率及管理水平。  相似文献   

The accuracy of single-beam dose profiles used in the algorithm of the Gamma Knife treatment planning system (Leksell GammaPlan) is verified. EGS4 Monte Carlo calculation was employed to calculate the dose distributions of single-beams in a spherical water phantom with diameter 160 mm. The beams were directed to the center of the phantom. Collimators of 4, 8, 14, and 18 mm sizes were studied. The single-beam dose profiles provided by Elekta (Manufacturer of Leksell Gamma Knife) were excellently consistent with the results of Monte Carlo for the 4, 14, and 18 mm collimators. The maximum discrepancy was less than 3% at all radial distances. For the 8 mm collimator, the maximum discrepancy was 8% in the relative dose in the radial distance range from 4.3 mm to 5.2 mm. Excellent agreement in dose profiles along x, y, and z axes for all collimator helmets by summing over all 201 sources was observed between the cases using the default single-beam dose profiles and the calculated Monte Carlo results, except for the 8 mm collimator helmet along z axis. Such difference may however be too small to give a clinical significance.  相似文献   

根据炼钢连铸结晶器的特点,设计并实现了便携式结晶器振动监测系统。系统实现了三维振动动画模型的建立、振动频率辨识与计算、振动相位计算、振动幅值及偏差计算和相关工艺参数计算。经过在炼钢厂的现场应用,系统设计满足工业现场的使用要求,能精确地测量结晶器的振动幅值、频率、相位和相关工艺参数,为结晶器的安全生产提供了科学依据,有较好的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

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