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相关MIMO Nakagami衰落信道上MQAM WCDMA系统的性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用矩生成函数(MGF)方法,推导相关MIMO Nakagami衰落信道上WCDMA系统下行链路中采用组合二维瑞克(2D RAKE)接收机和发送分集的M进制正交幅度调制(MQAM)的平均误符号率精确解析表达式.利用获得的解析表达式,研究天线阵结构(如发射天线和接收天线的数目、天线间的距离)和工作环境(如衰落系数、角度扩展、多径延迟轮廓等)对MQAM WCDMA系统性能的影响.  相似文献   

在各收发天线间的信道相互独立时,空时编码技术可获得最大分集增益。而在实际环境中,信道之间是彼此相关的,这将在一定程度上影响通信系统的性能。结合差分空时编码方案研究该问题,并以2个发射天线,1个接收天线为例详细推导了空间相关衰落信道条件下,差分检测方案误码率上界的解析表示式。计算机仿真验证了该表示式的有效性。  相似文献   

In multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) fading environments, degenerate channel phenomena, called keyholes or pinholes, may exist under the realistic assumption that the spatial fading is uncorrelated at the transmitter and the receiver, but the channel has a rank-deficient transfer matrix. In this paper, we analyze the exact average symbol error rate (SER) of orthogonal space-time block codes (STBCs) with M-PSK and M-QAM constellations over Nakagami-m fading channels in the presence of the keyhole. We derive the moment generating function (MGF) of instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) after space-time block decoding (signal combining) in such channels. Using a well-known MGF-based analysis approach, we express the average SER of the STBC in the form of single finite-range integrals whose integrand contains only the derived MGF. Numerical results show that the keyhole significantly degrades the SER performance of the STBC from idealistic behaviors in independent identically distributed MIMO channels.  相似文献   

We derive the exact pairwise error probability (PEP) for space-time coding over quasi-static Rayleigh fading channels in the presence of spatial fading correlation. We show that receive correlation always degrades the PEP for all signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). We quantify the effect of receive correlation by employing the notion of "majorization". We show that the stronger the receive correlation, the worse the PEP for all SNRs. We show that at low SNR, depending on the codes, transmit correlation can either improve or degrade the PEP performance. We show that to guarantee robust performance for arbitrary transmit correlation, the minimum eigenvalue of the codeword pair difference matrix should be maximized among all codeword pairs.  相似文献   

Robust space-time codes for correlated Rayleigh fading channels   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Space-time (ST) coding has emerged as an effective strategy to enhance performance of wireless communications in fading environments. Many different ST coding schemes have been proposed to achieve reliable communications in independent fading channels. However, a design of robust ST codes for correlated fading channels has not been addressed. We propose a simple robust ST coding scheme that achieves robust performance over a wide range of fading conditions. The key to achieve robust performance is to formulate code design criteria that are not dependent on the channel correlation statistics. A provably robust scheme can be formulated by concatenating a full-rank ST block code with an outer encoder. We derive several robust code examples via the concatenated orthogonal ST block code and TCM construction. The simulation results show that some traditional ST codes perform poorly, whereas the proposed codes achieve robust performance over a broad range of fading conditions.  相似文献   

.张琳  秦家银 《通信学报》2006,27(12):43-47
讨论了Turbo码在无法获取信道状态信息的移动通信系统中的纠错性能联合上界,提出无信道状态信息时,Nakagami慢衰落信道中成对差错概率的2个精确计算式和2个近似计算式。数值分析结果表明,成对差错概率的2个精确计算式的数值积分曲线完全吻合;封闭形式近似计算式的计算结果与精确值相近。仿真结果说明,理论联合上界在高信噪比处逼近仿真性能。所提出的性能分析式可快速有效地评估无信道状态信息的移动通信系统中Turbo码的性能。  相似文献   

A cross-layer design (CLD) scheme for orthogonal space-time block coded MIMO systems with imperfect channel state information is presented by combining adaptive modulation and automatic repeat request, and the corresponding system performance is investigated over Ricean fading channel. The fading gain value is partitioned into a number of regions by which the modulation is adapted in terms of the region the fading gain falls in. The fading gain switching thresholds subject to a target packet error rate (PER) constraint are derived. According to these results, and using the generalized Marcum Q-function, we derive the theoretical formulae of average PER and spectrum efficiency (SE) of the system with CLD for both perfect and imperfect estimation in detail. As a result, closed-form expressions for average PER and SE are obtained. These expressions include some existing expressions in Rayleigh channel as special cases. With these expressions, the system performance in Ricean channel with perfect and imperfect estimation information can be evaluated effectively. Computer simulation for average PER and SE show that the theoretical analysis and simulation are consistent. The results show that the system performance will be effectively improved as Ricean factor increases, but it will be degraded as estimation errors increases.  相似文献   

The presence of carrier offsets in the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels is an important practical and theoretical problem. Double-differential coding is a technique which allows the receiver to decode the data without any channel or carrier offset knowledge. We propose a double-differential (DD) coding scheme which is applicable to square orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBC) using M-PSK constellation. The main advantages of our proposed DD coding scheme are: 1) The previously proposed DD codes are applicable only to the specific class of space-time block codes which follow the diagonal unitary group property, whereas our DD coding is applicable to any square OSTBC. 2) We propose a suboptimal decoder which preserves the linear decoding property of the OSTBC. 3) A theoretical analysis is performed to find a pairwise error probability (PEP) upper bound of the proposed doubledifferential orthogonal space-time block codes (DDOSTBC). 4) In order to improve the performance of DDOSTBC over the arbitrarily correlated Rayleigh channels we propose a precoder which minimizes an upper bound of the PEP. The proposed DDOSTBC are able to achieve higher coding gain than the similar rate existing DD coding scheme. In addition, the proposed precoded DDOSTBC achieves performance gain for correlated channels as compared to the unprecoded DDOSTBC.  相似文献   

对于任意抽头数的多输入多输出(MIMO)频率选择性Nakagami衰落信道,利用矩生成函数(MGF)方法和高斯Q函数的指数近似表达式,推导采用矩形M进制正交幅度调制(MQAM)的空频分组编码(SFBC)正交频分复用(OFDM)系统的平均误符号率(SER)性能的精确和近似解析表达式。数值计算和仿真结果证明了理论分析的正确性和近似分析的准确性。  相似文献   

In this paper, joint differential space-time modulation (DSTM) and eigen-beamforming for correlated multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) fading channels. While DSTM does not require knowledge of each channel realization, the channel's spatial correlation can be easily estimated without training at the receiver and exploited by the transmitter to enhance the error probability performance. A transmission scheme is developed here that combines beamforming with differential multiantenna modulation based on orthogonal space-time block coding. Error probability is analyzed for both spatially correlated and independent Rayleigh fading channels. Based on the error probability analysis, power loading coefficients are derived to improve performance. The analytical and simulation results presented here corroborate that the proposed scheme can achieve considerable performance gain in correlated channels relative to DSTM without beamforming.  相似文献   

Chen  J. Du  Z. Gao  X. 《Electronics letters》2008,44(8):534-535
Orthogonal space-time block coding in combination with orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing converts frequency-selective multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) channels into a set of equivalent scalar Gaussian channels. For MIMO Nakagami-m fading channels in the presence of spatial correlation, a simple and closed-form approximation for the capacity of the equivalent channels is derived with good accuracy.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new computationally simple approach to blind decoding of orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBCs) is proposed. Using specific properties of OSTBCs, the authors' approach estimates the channel matrix in a closed form and in a fully blind fashion. This channel estimate is then used in the maximum-likelihood (ML) receiver to decode the information symbols. The proposed estimation technique provides consistent channel estimates, and, as a result, the performance of the authors' blind ML receiver approaches that of the coherent ML receiver, which exploits the exact channel state information (CSI). Simulation results demonstrate the performance improvements achieved by the proposed blind decoding algorithm relative to the popular differential space-time modulation scheme.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the performance of an important class of MIMO systems that of orthogonal space-time block codes concatenated with channel coding. This system configuration has an attractive combination of simplicity and performance. We study this system under spatially independent fading as well as correlated fading that may arise from the proximity of transmit or receive antennas or unfavorable scattering conditions. We consider the effects of time correlation and present a general analysis for the case where both spatial and temporal correlations exist in the system. We present simulation results for a variety of channel codes, including convolutional codes, turbo codes, trellis coded modulation (TCM), and multiple trellis coded modulation (MTCM), under quasi-static and block-fading Rayleigh as well as Rician fading. Simulations verify the validity of our analysis.  相似文献   

We investigate the performance of a cooperative multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay channel in which the source and relay use the same orthogonal space-time block code (OSTBC) for transmission whereas the relay and destination use maximum-ratio-combining (MRC) for reception. Considering that perfect channel state information is available at the relay and destination, we derive a closed-form expression for the outage probability of the destination signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in terms of the confluent hypergeometric function of two variables in a Rayleigh flat-fading environment. The validity of the closed-form expression is confirmed with the numerical results.  相似文献   

Selection-and-stay combining (SSTC) is addressed and its outage probability is derived for dual-branch diversity on correlated Nakagami fading channels. In the SSTC scheme, the receiver uses the branch with a larger signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) until its SNR is lower than a preset threshold, and selection combining (SC) is used only at the switching instance. Numerical results from analyses and simulations are also presented.  相似文献   

Due to the crowded orbits and shortage of frequency resources, the use of MIMO technology to improve spectrum efficiency and an increase of the capacity have become a necessary trend of broadband satellite communication. Firstly, we analyze the main influenced factors and compare the bit error rate (BER) performance of space-time block code (STBC) scheme and space-time trellis code (STTC) scheme. Then we build up the model of land mobile satellite (LMS) channel under different environments by using 3-state Markov chain. This paper emphatically studies the BER performance of STTC and STBC in the MIMO satellite channel. The main emphasis is placed on the effects of different factors, such as terminal environment and elevation angles, on the BER performance of STBC and STTC schemes. Simulation results indicate that performance of STTC in Rayleigh channel is obviously improved with the increasing number of transmitting and receiving antennas, but the encoder state has little impact on the performance. In the Rayleigh channel, the performance of Alamouti code is better than that of STTC. In the LMS channel, performance of these two kinds of space-time coding in open area is optimal, and in the urban area it is the worst. Nevertheless, performance of STTC is slightly superior to the performance of STBC under different circumstances. Under the same environmental conditions, BER of STBC and STTC reduces with the increase of the satellite altitude angle, and therefore, the BER curves of STTC fall faster.  相似文献   

The authors introduced an algebraic design framework for space-time coding in flat-fading channels . We extend this framework to design algebraic codes for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) frequency-selective fading channels. The proposed codes strive to optimally exploit both the spatial and frequency diversity available in the channel. We consider two design approaches: The first uses space-time coding and maximum likelihood decoding to exploit the multi-path nature of the channel at the expense of increased receiver complexity. Within this time domain framework, we also propose a serially concatenated coding construction which is shown to offer a performance gain with a reasonable complexity iterative receiver in some scenarios. The second approach utilizes the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing technique to transform the MIMO multipath channel into a MIMO flat block fading channel. The algebraic framework is then used to construct space-frequency codes (SFC) that optimally exploit the diversity available in the resulting flat block fading channel. Finally, the two approaches are compared in terms of decoder complexity, maximum achievable diversity advantage, and simulated frame error rate performance in certain representative scenarios.  相似文献   

对多输入多输出(MIMO)相关衰落信道上宽带码分多址接入(WCDMA)的安全性能进行评估,一种省时高效的解决方案是理论分析法。推导了相关 Nakagami 衰落信道上采用空时分组码和二维瑞克接收机(2D-Rake)的 WCDMA 系统的非零安全容量概率和安全中断概率的精确解析表达式。利用上述表达式,可以快速地评估收发天线数、天线相关系数、Nakagami衰落系数、平均路径衰减系数等参数对WCDMA系统安全性能造成的影响。数值计算和仿真结果相吻合,证明了以上理论分析的正确性。推导了WCDMA系统渐近安全中断概率的解析表达式。结果表明,WCDMA 系统的安全分集增益为主信道各个可分离路径上的分集增益之和,与窃听信道无关;对于恒定多径强度轮廓的同分布Nakagami衰落信道,WCDMA系统的安全分集增益为主信道的收/发天线数、多径个数以及Nakagami衰落系数四者之积。  相似文献   

Multi-input multi-output (MIMO) channels have been shown in the literature to present a significant capacity increase over single-input single-output ones in some situations. To achieve this theoretical capacity, the constituent parallel subchannels arising from the MIMO channel have to be properly used. Many practical schemes are being currently developed to achieve this goal. We first show that, from an information-theoretic point of view, beamforming becomes asymptotically optimal as the spatial correlation of the channel fading increases. In light of this result, wideband beamvectors are jointly derived for both transmission and reception. We allow a controlled partial response and design zero-forcing and minimum mean-squared error transmit-receive filters. Conceptually, the beamforming scheme is shown to decompose into two stages: the first one corresponds to a spatial flattening of the MIMO channel, i.e., choosing the subchannel with the highest gain at each frequency; the second stage depends on the particular design criterion and performs a power distribution at the transmitter and defines the equalizer at the receiver. These methods are further extended to the general case of multiple beamforming, i.e., when more than one subchannel are used. An exact and practical implementation of a modified "waterfilling" solution required for the filter design is proposed. All derived methods are assessed and compared in terms of capacity and bit-error rate.  相似文献   

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