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近日,记者走访了温州主要的制革生产基地温州瞿溪制革集中区,通过与部分企业相关人员的交流,得知温州制革产业已经是今非昔比了。  相似文献   

作为中国第一个"眼镜生产基地",温州眼镜曾经占有中国眼镜制造业的"半壁江山",同时温州眼镜也曾经以优越的性价比享誉国际市场,甚至成为"物美价廉"的代名词,而温州眼镜人那种敢为天下先的精神和他们所创造的经营奇迹,为国内同行所赞许和艳羡。然而,随着国内外市场形势的变化,温州眼镜产业模式固有的弊端和局限开始显现,特别是在2008年下半年开始的全球金融危机的强力冲击下,作为中国眼镜制造业"缩影"的温州眼镜长期以来积累的不少问题充分显露,许多企业遭遇了前所未有的生死之劫。如今,在全球经济形势逐步回暖,国内总体经济形势企稳向好的形势下,温州眼镜的现状究竟如何?面临着哪些问题?温州眼镜重塑辉煌的道路究竟何在?带着上述疑问,本刊记者走进了温州……  相似文献   

温州近日将市辖所属的龙湾区命名为“中国鞋都·女鞋基地”。虽然龙湾不乏生产制造女鞋的悠久历史和雄厚实力,显然温州是要借“中国鞋都”这张金名片的依托,着力打造中国女鞋的最大市场效应。  相似文献   

温州作为全国最大的皮革生产基地,历来是诸多皮化品牌的必争之地,也是国产和进口皮化竞争最激烈的市场。温州制革业在上世纪90年代中期开始摆脱过去低档加工的老路,大量引进先进技术和原材料,向高品质、高档次的方向转变,而大批进口皮化品牌正是抓住了这个时机纷纷进,驻温州市场,从而将原本技术基础薄弱、营销观念滞后的国产皮化一举甩开,占领了大部分中高档市场。  相似文献   

Bord Bia(Irish Food Board)(爱尔兰食物委员会)是爱尔兰政府的代理机构,负责爱尔兰食物、饮料与园艺产品的市场开发与推广。  相似文献   

本刊讯 2009年2月26日,上海光大会展二楼宴会大厅灯火通明.一派喜气。海昌客户年度答谢晚宴如期举行.约600家尊贵客户到场参加。来自海昌生产基地江苏丹阳市政府相关领导到场致贺,同时到场致贺的还有中国眼镜协会理事长徐云嫒.秘书长戴维平.本刊总编贺庆,国家眼镜玻璃搪瓷制品质量监督检验中心常务副主任孙环宝,上海眼镜协会秘书长胡东芳等。此次晚会,海昌斥资近300万.为来宾准备了丰厚抽奖礼品,共有11个奖级之多。海昌旗下上海巨盛公司总经理邱金德与著名主持人汪涵.杨乐乐担任晚会主持.  相似文献   

刘永彬  武宁 《新食品》2007,(6):54-55
思念食品去年在新加坡成功上市后,共募集资金约6亿元人民币。思念食品副董事长兼CEO王鸱在接受采访时表示,其中的3亿元将用于扩大公司生产规模:在大本营河南之外,启动了成都、上海、广东等地的三个项目,其中,成都项目将会在年初实现投产,成为投产最早的生产基地。至此,国内速冻行业的几大巨头全都已经在成都建立了生产基地:龙凤1998年就在成都设立了生产基地;海霸王投资6亿元的成都冷藏物流项目在去年8月份举行了开工奠基仪式,郑州三全也于去年10月份在成都温江修建工厂。  相似文献   

2005年,中国彩棉市场增长率达150%。新疆彩棉产量目前占中国的95%和世界的30%以上,成为全球最大的彩棉生产基地之一,彩棉的生产规模和科技含量均跻身世界领先水平。  相似文献   

目前,由于内销皮鞋过早进八淡季,凉鞋生产已经结束,秋季单鞋生产尚未开始,外销鞋市场低迷,皮革生产企业的生产形势不容乐观,这对皮机的生产及贸易形势影响较大。  相似文献   

品牌(BRAND)一词来源于古挪威文字BRAND,意思是"烙印".它非常形象地表达出了品牌的意义——"如何在消费者心目中留下烙印,一种想拥有且已拥有后而获得某种满足的美好烙印."因此我们可以这样理解:品牌就是给拥有者带来溢价、产生增值的一种无形的资产.它的载体是用以和其他竞争者的产品或劳务相区分的名称、术语、象征、记号及设计等组合,增值的源泉来自消费者心智中形成的关于其载体的美好印象.  相似文献   

Fungi associated with ochratoxin A (OTA)-contaminated liquorice root and their capabilities for OTA production were investigated. Medicinal materials of mouldy liquorice root were collected from herbal markets located in Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Henan provinces and Beijing, China, respectively. Sixteen fungal species belonging to Penicillium, Aspergillus, Eurotium, Fusarium, Mucor and Scopulariopsis were isolated; the fungal composition was different in each liquorice root sample. Penicillium polonicum was predominant, comprising 54% of the total isolates in the liquorice root sample from Jiangxi province, which was contaminated with OTA at the highest level. In other samples with lower OTA contents, species of Aspergillus and Eurotium were predominant. OTA production of representative strains on rice media was detected by LC-MS/MS; all Penicillium polonicum isolates and a P. chrysogenum were ochratoxigenic; OTA concentrations ranged from 6.94 to 217.37?ng?g(-1). This is the first study to report P. polonicum as an OTA-producing fungus. OTA contamination of mouldy liquorice root constitutes a major health hazard in consumption. This situation demands urgent and undivided attention.  相似文献   

Fungi associated with ochratoxin A (OTA)-contaminated liquorice root and their capabilities for OTA production were investigated. Medicinal materials of mouldy liquorice root were collected from herbal markets located in Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Henan provinces and Beijing, China, respectively. Sixteen fungal species belonging to Penicillium, Aspergillus, Eurotium, Fusarium, Mucor and Scopulariopsis were isolated; the fungal composition was different in each liquorice root sample. Penicillium polonicum was predominant, comprising 54% of the total isolates in the liquorice root sample from Jiangxi province, which was contaminated with OTA at the highest level. In other samples with lower OTA contents, species of Aspergillus and Eurotium were predominant. OTA production of representative strains on rice media was detected by LC-MS/MS; all Penicillium polonicum isolates and a P. chrysogenum were ochratoxigenic; OTA concentrations ranged from 6.94 to 217.37?ng?g?1. This is the first study to report P. polonicum as an OTA-producing fungus. OTA contamination of mouldy liquorice root constitutes a major health hazard in consumption. This situation demands urgent and undivided attention.  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA) as a chemical hazard may enter the milk chain during primary production at the farm and, successively, during milk processing at a dairy company. To identify the potential pathways that play a role in the occurrence of BPA, a monitoring model for risk assessment based on the identification of the hazards at each stage of milk processing was investigated. Milk samples were analyzed using liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Quantifiable levels were detected in samples obtained from the raw milk storage tank, pasteurized milk from the storage tank, and packaged milk. The highest BPA contamination levels were detected in raw milk from the storage tank (mean 0.265 µg/L). Despite the fact that dietary exposure levels were below the temporary daily intake, BPA may have adverse effects, particularly for vulnerable population groups. New monitoring programs involving each stage of milk processing should therefore be applied.  相似文献   

The main objective of this work was to assess the adequacy of a 5% agarose gel to simulate the acetic acid acidification process in cut raw root vegetables. The process was well described by a Fickian model, and temperature dependence of diffusivity followed Arrhenius behaviour from 20 to 70°C with an activation energy of 16.8 kJ mol−1. Equilibrium conditions were described with a constant partition coefficient of 0.94. External resistance to mass transfer was measurable under stagnant conditions and the mass transfer coefficients also changed with temperature as in an Arrhenius type equation with activation energy of 17.8 kJ mol−1. Raw turnips and potatoes were acidified for comparison and the acid uptake followed a similar behaviour, although some differences in the parameters were observed. In general terms it was concluded that the 5% agarose gel is a suitable model food for studying acetic acid processing of raw root vegetables with exposed cut surfaces.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of temperature and relative humidity (RH) on ochratoxin A (OTA) formation during liquorice root storage were investigated. For this purpose, a real storage procedure in which fresh root was dried in the open air was simulated. Four RH-temperature combinations corresponding to average climate conditions (RH-temperature) of each season in an important liquorice growing and processing region were simulated as follows: A, autumn (T?=?15°C, RH?=?49%); B, winter (T?=?9°C, RH?=?51%); C, spring (T?=?22°C, RH?=?35%); and D, summer (T?=?29°C, RH?=?27%). The crushed fresh roots were incubated for 60 days, and the OTA content of the roots was determined at 20-day intervals by using inverse ion mobility spectrometry. The results showed that the maximum levels of OTA occurred after 40 days and were 4.3?±?1.1, 0.9?±?0.2, 7.3?±?0.0 and 24.2?±?2.5?ngg?1 in roots stored under simulated conditions A, B, C and D, respectively. After 40 days, the amount of OTA started to decline in all samples but at different rates. The results seem to indicate that temperature plays a more significant role than RH in producing OTA by moulds in liquorice root. It appears that 22°C could be considered as the critical temperature for OTA formation in liquorice root stored under experimental conditions. It could be concluded that liquorice-processing plants should obtain, dry and store fresh moist root when the temperature is below the critical point. Moreover, the roots stored in the open shade condition should not be covered by plastic films even when it is raining as this increases the root temperature.  相似文献   

For many of the developing world's poorest farmers and food-insecure people, roots, tubers, bananas and plantain crops (RTBs) serve as a critical source of food, nutrition and cash income. RTBs have been particularly important in areas where local agri-food systems are under stress. Under such circumstances, growers, processors and traders often see opportunities to improve food security or increase their incomes with those crops due to shifting tastes and preferences for food and non-food products. Since the early 1990s, cassava output surged in sub-Saharan Africa, while potato production expanded rapidly in Asia. RTBs are consumed by over three billion people in developing countries with a market value of US$ 339 billion. This paper analyses the major changes in production, utilisation and trade of RTBs over the last six decades, assesses estimates of their future trajectory and offers recommendations so that they might achieve their full potential.  相似文献   

The feasibility of rapid analysis of glucose and fructose in lotus root powder by Fourier transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy was studied. Diffuse reflectance spectra were collected between 4000 and 12,432 cm−1. Calibration models established by partial least-squares regression (PLSR), interval PLS of forward (FiPLS) and backward (BiPLS), back propagation-artificial neural networks (BP-ANN) and least squares-support vector machine (LS-SVM) were compared. The optimal models for glucose and fructose were obtained by LS-SVM with the first 10 latent variables (LVs) as input. For fructose the correlation coefficients of calibration (rc) and prediction (rp), the root-mean-square errors of calibration (RMSEC) and prediction (RMSEP), and the residual predictive deviation (RPD) were 0.9827, 0.9765, 0.107%, 0.115% and 4.599, respectively. For glucose the indexes were 0.9243, 0.8286, 0.543%, 0.812% and 1.785. The results indicate that NIR spectroscopy technique with LS-SVM offers effective quantitative capability for glucose and fructose in lotus root powder.  相似文献   

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