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王跃钢  刘斌 《测试技术学报》2002,16(Z2):1141-1144
本文在介绍知识发现的原理方法的基础上,针对CAMAC系统故障诊断的特点和设计要求,提出了一种将知识发现技术融入故障诊断系统中的新的框架,同时设计了知识发现操作的具体过程.该系统既可以发现新知识,又可以改进原有规则,大大提高了系统的知识获取和故障诊断能力.  相似文献   

论述了基于三维建模软件I-deas的工装CAD系统中工装知识库系统的结构、功能及其子库实现方法,分析了子库之间的相互关系。以开发的工装设计管理系统中工装知识库系统开发为例,描述了知识库系统与工装设计管理系统的集成。  相似文献   

基于知识的金属精密塑性成形数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了基于知识的金属成形数值模拟,包括建立数值模拟知识库,可用来存储、查询数值模拟前处理知识、数值模拟实例,实例包含前处理参数、模拟结果。通过文献收集、试验积累了大量材料流动应力模型。开发基于知识的金属成形数值模拟系统,利用该系统,可以一次性将数值模拟参数输入一张表中,输入数值模拟前处理参数时,可充分参考数值模拟知识库中的知识、实例,通过开发的专用接口可将前处理参数读入数值模拟软件。该系统可显著提高金属成形数值模拟的效率与精度。  相似文献   

为了提高板料冲裁工艺与模具设计的质量和效率,实现知识的重用和共享,对板料冲裁工艺与三维模具设计的智能化、参数化设计技术进行了系统地研究,提出了以数据库、框架、规则、面向对象和数学模型等混合方法表示工艺设计知识,以几何模型/数据库混合表示法描述结构设计知识;提出了面向工程的动态设计方法,将实际设计知识记录到动态知识库中,成为半标准化的知识,支持系统的智能设计.根据提出的方法,基于Ⅰ-DEAS软件平台,利用宏命令与API接口函数相结合的方法,建立了冲裁工艺与三维模具设计支持系统,具体设计实例表明所建立的系统大大提高了设计的质量和效率.  相似文献   

现实生活中存在着大量的时序数据.对于时序数据的分析,以发现其内在的规律,来指导人们的决策是很重要的.因此,我们讨论了几种基于知识发现的时序数据的分析方法,并对这些方法进行了比较、分析,最后归纳出其优缺点及其不同使用范围,以对选用时序数据方法者提供参考.  相似文献   

基于知识工程复杂产品开发过程的模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 为了提高复杂产品开发的效率,驾驭复杂产品开发过程各个环节相互关联的复杂性,提出一种基于知识工程的复杂产品开发过程新模型.该模型把知识工程理论融入复杂产品开发全生命周期过程中,通过知识推理技术从数据库和知识库中获取相应开发阶段的知识和数据来驱动和指导整个复杂产品开发过程,以更好地重用设计知识.研究了该模型的关键技术,包括复杂产品开发知识处理技术和基于知识的CAD/CAM/CAE/CAPP集成技术,提出了两种知识处理方法,即基于规则-对象-框架的知识处理方法和基于规则-实例的知识处理方法,并研究了相应的推理算法;以知识库、数据库、规则库和实例库为基础,通过PDM,STEP中型文件、规则、实例和知识等,实现CAD/CAM/CAE/CAPP集成.最后,通过数据库技术、编程语言VC# . NET和CATIA软件实现了隧道掘进机(TBM)主机的快速设计系统,有效地减少了隧道掘进机主机开发的复杂性和缩短开发周期,以TBM主机为应用实例进一步介绍该模型的合理性和有效性.  相似文献   

首先,给出了将工程实例库转化为结构选型规则库与实例基因库的方法,建立了实例空间、规则空间、基因空间及三者间的相互转换关系,实现了从实例到选型规则与基因间的转换;其次,给出了从实例基因库与基因空间中发现结构型式判别规则知识库的策略,提出了基因向量与正反实例基因库间的相似性度量方法,建立了基于实例基因库与实数码遗传算法的结构选型知识库发现过程与方法;最后,编制了基于实例基因库与遗传算法的知识发现程序,给出了所获取的钢筋混凝土结构型式产生知识。实践证明,该方法可有效自动地从实例基因库中获取结构型式产生的规则性知识库,为开采工程实例“富矿”、解决知识获取“瓶颈”、提高结构选型质量与效率等提供了新的途径与方法。  相似文献   

通过分析制造信息系统中数据集的特点,运用遗传算法的理论,对传统的关联知识挖掘算法进行了优化,对遗传算法中的系统编码进行了深入研究,并应用于制造信息系统中,进行了数据挖掘和知识发现的尝试,并给出了比较详细的算法描述与实现,之后对相应算法的效率以及优缺点进行了分析,并得到了详细量化的实验数据。通过对遗传算法优化过的关联规则的运用,使得对制造信息系统中大量数据进行挖掘的效率明显提高。  相似文献   

基于因特网的知识网框架的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了知识网概念 ,从新的角度构建了知识网框架 ,并对知识网运行过程进行了分析 ,总结了知识网的一些基本特征和管理原则 ,提出企业知识网的一些发展方法 ,最后介绍了作者所在课题组开发的一个基于因特网的知识网管理系统 .  相似文献   

本文详细地描述了一个基于知识的发动机诊断系统KBSED,它是一个集故障诊断、状态识别与监视和维修咨询为一体的基于知识的多任务信息处理系统;讨论了基于知识的发动机诊断问题的性质和求解策略;讨论了发动机系统的故障产生机理和三种主要的诊断知识源;在此础基上,本文还详细地讨论了该诊断系统的总体结构和功能以及有关的实现技术。  相似文献   

在分析数控编程KBE系统各模块相互联系的基础上,构建了基于KBE的复杂零件数控编程系统功能架构和广义知识库结构模型.综合数据库技术和知识库理论,建立了数控编程广义知识库系统.阐述了广义知识库的设计思想,给出了数控编程广义知识库与UG CAD/CAM应用接口实现的技术路线.并以企业需求为背景,在知识驱动型制造平台(UG CAD/CAM)上,利用VC++6.0和UG/Open,将广义知识库系统和UGCAD/CAM无缝集成,实现了KBE和UG CAD/CAM系统的融合,开发了复杂零件数控编程KBE系统,验证了课题研究的可行性和实用性.  相似文献   

企业工程学科正在发展之中.基于Internet的企业工程知识库能够帮助企业工程学科的发展,促进企业工程的知识为企业服务.基于Internet的企业工程知识库采用了开放的、自组织的发展模式,可以使系统的发展步入正反馈的循环,并使企业发展的需求、学生学习的需求和学科发展的需求有机地结合在一起,实现同步发展.  相似文献   

In recent years, with the continuous advancement of the intelligent process of the Internet of Vehicles (IoV), the problem of privacy leakage in IoV has become increasingly prominent. The research on the privacy protection of the IoV has become the focus of the society. This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the existing location privacy protection system structure and algorithms, proposes a privacy protection system structure based on untrusted data collection server, and designs a vehicle location acquisition algorithm based on a local differential privacy and game model. The algorithm first meshes the road network space. Then, the dynamic game model is introduced into the game user location privacy protection model and the attacker location semantic inference model, thereby minimizing the possibility of exposing the regional semantic privacy of the k-location set while maximizing the availability of the service. On this basis, a statistical method is designed, which satisfies the local differential privacy of k-location sets and obtains unbiased estimation of traffic density in different regions. Finally, this paper verifies the algorithm based on the data set of mobile vehicles in Shanghai. The experimental results show that the algorithm can guarantee the user’s location privacy and location semantic privacy while satisfying the service quality requirements, and provide better privacy protection and service for the users of the IoV.  相似文献   

In this paper a method is developed to model the design process gene based on the extensible basic-element with the purpose of design process optimization and reuse. First, the principle of genetic engineering based design process optimization and reuse is put forward and analyzed. Second, the extensible basic-element model of the design process gene is established based on the models of the design process base and the base pair through analyzing the concept and structure of the design process gene and the extensible basic-element as well as its extensibility. Third, the features of divergence and scalability of the extensible basic-element model of the design process gene are discussed for carrying out the extension translation to the design process gene by way of inserting, deleting and updating design process bases. Finally, an example of building extensible basic-element models for the design process base, base pair and design process gene in mechanical product design and the mutation process of the design process gene in airplane design is presented which demonstrates the application of the method proposed in this paper.  相似文献   

In this paper, 2D and 3D Multiphysics Voronoi Cells (MVCs) are developed, for the Direct Mesoscale Numerical Simulation (DMNS) of the switching phenomena in ferroelectric polycrystalline materials. These arbitrarily shaped MVCs (arbitrary polygons in 2D, and arbitrary polyhedrons in 3D with each face being an arbitrary polygon) are developed, based on assuming radial basis functions to represent the internal primal variables (mechanical displacements and electric potential), and assuming linear functions to represent the primal variables on the element boundaries. For the 3D case, the linear functions used to represent the primal variables on each of the polygonal surfaces of the polyhedral VCs are the Barycentric Washspress functions. The present 2D MVC is denoted as MVC-RBF, while the 3D MVC is denoted as MVC-RBF-W. Each MVC can represent a single grain or crystallite, with an irregular polygonal shape for the 2D case, and an irregular polyhedral shape for the 3D case. In this work, a nonlinear constitutive model is used to describe the evolution of volume fractions of the constitutive-variants in each grain, as the electric or mechanical loading changes. This constitutive model is based on satisfying a local dissipation inequality in each grain in the polycrystalline that yields the minimum Gibbs free energy in this grain. This requirement should always hold in order to be consistent with the second law of thermodynamics and is used to govern the switching process in each grain in each simulation step. Since the interaction between the grains during the loading cycles has a profound influence on the switching phenomena, it is important to simulate the grains with geometrical shapes that are similar to the real shapes of the grains as seen in the lab experiments. Hence the use of 3D MVCs, which allow for the presence of all the six variants of the constitutive relations, together with the randomly generated crystallographic axes in each grain (or MVC), as done in the present paper, is considered to be the most realistic analytical model that can be used for the direct mesoscale numerical simulation of polycrystalline ferroelectric materials.  相似文献   

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