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Double doped spinel LiCo x Ni y Mn2−xy O4 (x = y = 0.25) have been synthesised via sol–gel method using different chelating agents viz., acetic acid, maleic acid and oxalic acid to obtain 5 V positive electrode material for use in lithium rechargeable batteries. The sol–gel route endows lower processing temperature, lesser synthesis time, high purity, better homogeneity, good control of particle size and surface morphology. Physical characterizations of the synthesized powder were carried out using thermo-gravimetric and differential thermal analysis (TG/DTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The electrochemical behaviour of the calcined samples has been carried out by galvanostatic charge/discharge cycling studies in the voltage range 3–5 V. The XRD patterns reveal crystalline single-phase spinel product. SEM photographs indicate micron sized particles with good agglomeration. The charge–discharge studies show LiCo0.25Ni0.25Mn1.5O4 synthesized using oxalic acid to be as a promising cathode material as compared to other two chelating agents and delivers average discharge capacity of 110 mA h g−1 with low capacity fade of 0.2 mA h g−1 per cycle over the investigated 15 cycles.  相似文献   

制备光学性能优异的陶瓷材料是无机材料研究和发展的重要方向。近年来,结构与功能一体化的透明陶瓷已然是材料研究的热点。非计量La1–xErZr2O7–3x/2透明陶瓷采用燃烧法和真空烧结技术成功制备,通过X射线衍射仪、Raman光谱仪、扫描电子显微镜等测试技术,研究了La含量对相组成、微观结构和光学性能的影响。结果表明,随着La含量的降低,样品中烧绿石相和缺陷萤石相的共存状态逐渐转变为缺陷萤石相。x=0.1的样品在红外区域2.5~7.0μm表现出稳定的透过率,其透过率约为74.8%(厚度1 mm),最大红外截止值在8.5~9.0μm。x=0.2的样品在可见光到中红外区域表现出出色的透过率,并且在980 nm波长激发下,该陶瓷在684 nm处呈现出强烈的红光发射,在561 nm处呈现出微弱的绿光发射,在446 nm处呈现出微弱的蓝光发射。此外,La1–xErZr2O7–3x/2透明陶瓷的透过率光谱中出现大量吸收峰,La的适量降低有助于提高光学质量。与化学计量La...  相似文献   

La1?xSrxMn0.5Сo0.5O3 (x ≤ 0.75) perovskites have been studied as a function of temperature by neutron powder diffraction (NPD), magnetization and magnetoresistance measurements. The NPD data show that x = 0.15 and 0.5 compounds are stoichiometric, so the Sr2+ doping transforms Co2+ ions into the Co3+ ones, whereas manganese ions remain in the 4+ oxidation state as in the parent ferromagnetic compound LaCo0.52+Mn0.54+O3. The magnetization data show a decrease in the Curie temperature from 215 K for the compound with x = 0 down to 147 K for the compound with x = 0.05. The compounds with x > 0.15 show an increase in TC up to 260 K (x = 0.75) in spite of a gradual decrease of the spontaneous magnetization. The stoichiometric compound x = 0.5 demonstrates a sharp ferromagnet-paramagnet transition with TC = 250 K. However, there is no visible coherent magnetic contribution to the NPD patterns. All compounds are semiconductors and exhibit large magnetoresistance gradually increasing with decrease of temperature. The magnetic data have been interpreted assuming that the Co3+ ions are in high spin state, however, there is a fraction of cobalt ions in low spin state. It is suggested that the superexchange interaction between Co3+ ions in the high spin state and Mn4+ ions is ferromagnetic and that the ferromagnetism of the compounds with x > 0.5 and high TC is associated with positive exchange interactions between Co3+ being in high spin state and Mn4+ ions distributed within the short range regions. Based on the NPD results and magnetization data the magnetic phase diagram has been constructed.  相似文献   

综述了Al2O3包覆LiNi(1/3)Co(1/3)Mn(1/3)O2锂离子电池正极材料的研究现状与进展,并评述了其制备方法和包覆改性;讨论了包覆改善该正极材料性能的机理;提出了这种正极材料的研发过程中的一些问题并对其未来的发展前景作了展望。  相似文献   

以球形三元前驱体Ni0.5Co0.2Mn0.3(OH)2以及LiOH.H2O为原料,用正交实验优化锂离子电池正极材料LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2合成工艺,考察烧结温度、保温时间以及锂与金属元素(Ni、Co、Mn总量)物质的量比等因素对材料电化学性能的影响。得到最佳条件:烧结温度为800℃,保温时间为12 h,锂与金属元素物质的量比为1.06。按最佳工艺合成的样品在0.2 C、1 C首次放电比容量分别为165.1 mA.h/g和151.6 mA.h/g,且表现出良好的循环稳定性。  相似文献   

The influence of CuO and B2O3 addition on the sintering behavior, microstructure and microwave dielectric properties of Ti1?xCux/3Nb2x/3O2 (TCN, x = 0.23) ceramic have been investigated. It was found that the addition of CuO and B2O3 successfully reduced the sintering temperature of TCN ceramics from 950 to 875 °C. X-ray diffraction studies showed that addition of CuO-B2O3 has no effect on the phase composition. The TCN ceramics with 0.5 wt% CuO-B2O3 addition showed a high dielectric constant of 95.63, τf value of + 329 ppm/°C and a good Q × f value of 8700 GHz after sintered at 875 °C for 5 h, cofirable with silver electrode.  相似文献   

A magnetic nanocomposite was generated by the sol–gel auto-combustion method in the presence of 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, a functional solvent. The temperature-dependent magnetic properties of the CoFe2O4 nanoparticles have been extensively studied in the temperature range of 10–400 K and magnetic fields up to 80 kOe. Zero field cooled (ZFC) and field cooled (FC) curves indicate that the blocking temperature (TB) of the CoFe2O4 nanoparticles is above 400 K. It was found from M–H curves that the low temperature saturation magnetization values are higher than bulk value of CoFe2O4. The saturation magnetization (Ms), remanence magnetization (Mr), reduced remanent magnetization (Mr/Ms) and coercive field (Hc) values decrease with increasing temperature. The Mr/Ms value of 0.75 at 10 K indicates that the CoFe2O4 nanoparticles used in this work have, as expected, cubic magnetocrystalline anisotropy according to the Stoner–Wohlfarth model. T1/2 dependence of the coercive field was observed in the temperature range of 10–400 K according to Kneller's law. The extrapolated TB and the zero-temperature coercive field values calculated according to Kneller's law are almost 427 K and 13.2 kOe, respectively. The room temperature Hc value is higher than that of the previously reported room temperature bulk values. The effective magnetic anisotropy constant (Keff) was calculated as about 0.23×106 erg/cm3 which is lower than that of the bulk value obtained due to disordered surface spins.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline samples of Cu1+xMn1-xO2 (x?=?0 and 0.06) have been obtained by solid state reaction in silica tubes. Measurements of complex impedance (Z?=?Z′?+?iZ′′) at various temperatures T, between 30 °C and 120 °C and over the frequency range 100?Hz–2?MHz were performed. The frequency dependence of Z′′(f) exhibits a maximum which moves towards higher frequencies by increasing the temperature, proving thus the hopping of the charge carriers between the localized states is the dominant mechanism for the electrical conduction in the investigated samples. The barrier energy values were: 0.287?eV for CuMnO2 and 0.208?eV for Cu1.06Mn0.94O2.The conductivity spectrum, σ(f) follows the Jonscher universal law at each constant temperature. Based on the temperature and frequency dependencies of the electrical conductivity and using the variable-range-hopping (VRH) model, the frequency and temperature dependencies of the density of localized states near the Fermi level, N(EF), the hopping distance, R and the hopping energy, W were computed. The results show that at constant frequency, N(EF) does not depend on temperature for both samples. At constant temperature and frequencies up to 30?kHz, increasing the concentration of Cu ions leads to the decrease of R and W, whilst at high frequencies (over 100?kHz), R and W increase with the increase in the concentration of Cu ions.  相似文献   

游美玲  黄行康  童庆松 《广州化工》2013,(12):109-111,122
采用固相法制备锂离子正极材料LiCoMnO4尖晶石,其结构属于立方晶系Fd3m空间点群的面心立方结构。研究表明:制得的尖晶石LiCo1+xMn1-xO4粒径较小,且分布均匀,材料电化学性能良好;当x=0、0.05和0.1时,材料的首次放电容量分别为87.0、84.8、77.9 mAh.g-1,20周循环后容量保持率分别为72.3%、76.2%和75.8%,即在LiCoMnO4中以Co部分取代Mn会使得容量略为降低,但可提高其循环性能;同时,可以提高5 V放电平台所占容量的比例,改善尖晶石LiCoMnO4的电化学性能,例如提高了锂离子在材料的扩散速度(LiCoMnO4和LiCo1.05Mn0.95O4的锂离子的扩散系数D分别为2.18×10-6和2.44×10-6 cm2.s-1)。  相似文献   

LiEuW2O8 phosphor with the optical function of color conversion from near-UV to red wavelength was prepared by sol–gel method using inorganic salts as a starting material. Viscous mixing sol was prefired at 300 °C for 120 min in air and then white precursor was finally annealed at 800 °C for 240 min in Ar. Structural and photoluminescent properties of the sample were analyzed by an X-ray diffraction analysis, field emission-scanning electron microscope and a fluorescent spectrophotometer. The main emission peak is 5D0 → 7F2 transitions of Eu3+ at 615 nm, other transitions from the 5D0 → 7F1, 5D0 → 7F3 and 5D0 → 7F4 located at 570–700 nm range are weak. The characteristic emission of WO42− in LiEuW2O8 is quenched absolutely and only red-light emission of Eu3+ appears.  相似文献   

采用共沉淀法制备了锂离子电池正极材料Li1.2Mn0.6Ni0.2O2和Li1.2Ni0.18Mn0.58Cr0.04O2,并利用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)和电化学性能测试对材料的晶体结构、形貌和电化学性能进行了表征。结果表明:掺Cr3+后材料的阳离子混排程度降低,层状结构更为规整,电化学性能明显优于Li1.2Mn0.6Ni0.2O2,其0.2C和1C首次放电容量分别为262.2 mAh/g和241.7 mAh/g,1C倍率下循环50次的容量保持率为95.5%。  相似文献   

以共沉淀法制备出的球形Ni0.5Co0.3Mn0.2(OH)2为前驱体,以碳酸锂为锂源,通过高温固相法合成了球形LiNi0.5Co0.3Mn0.2O2正极材料。通过热重分析(TGA/DSC)、X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、粒度分布、以及电化学性能的测试考查了不同烧结温度对LiNi0.5Co0.3Mn0.2O2的物理性能及电化学性能的影响。结果表明,900℃下烧结得到的LiNi0.5Co0.3Mn0.2O2晶体结构完整、球形形貌规则、粒度分布均匀,并表现出了优异的电化学性能,0.2 C首次放电容量达到了166.7 mA.h/g;1 C首次放电容量为151.6 mA.h/g,20次循环后,容量保持率高达97.9%。  相似文献   

以球形前驱体Mn0.6Ni0.2(OH)1.6及碳酸锂为原料,通过高温固相法合成富锂锰基正极材料Li1.2Mn0.6Ni0.2O2。通过X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对不同锂盐用量条件下得到的Li1.2Mn0.6Ni0.2O2的结构和形貌进行了表征,并对其进行了电化学性能测试。结果表明:当锂盐用量过量4%时,合成的Li1.2Mn0.6Ni0.2O2的晶体结构最完整、球形形貌更规则、电化学性能优异。在0.2 C和1.0 C下首次放电比容量可达250.7、235.2 m A·h/g;1.0 C下循环50次后,容量保持率为86.86%。  相似文献   

The structural and magnetic properties of the Al-doped LaCrO3 have been investigated. The samples were produced by combustion method using urea as fuel. X-ray diffraction measurement shows that all samples are formed in a single phase. It is observed that increasing the Al content induces a structural phase transition from orthorhombic to a rhombohedral structure. The magnetic measurements indicate that all samples have an antiferromagnetic order with a strong decrease in the magnetic ordering temperature with increasing Al content. The consistent variation of the magnetic moment confirms that the Al3+ ion replaced the Cr3+ ion on the B-site of the perovskite.  相似文献   

本文通过共沉淀法合成了0.7Li2MnO3-0.3LiNi1/2Mn1/2O2这种正极材料,并对这种材料的结构、相组成和微观形貌进行了表征,并且进行了电化学性能测试。结果表明这种电极材料在循环测试中比容量能达到100mAh.g-1,后续循环稳定性较好。  相似文献   

利用溶胶-凝胶高温法制得三元正极材料Li LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2,在不同的温度条件下,系统的研究了材料的电化学性能。研究发现,该材料在环境温度为25、45、75℃条件下,首次放电容量分别为139.5、129.7、97.8mAh·g,第20周放电容量分别为133.2、120.9、87.8mAh·g-1,20周循环容量保持率分别为95.5%、93.2%、89.8%。表明该材料具有优越的循环性能和高温稳定性能。  相似文献   

Haitao Gu 《Electrochimica acta》2009,54(27):7094-9945
The electrochemical properties of LaBaCo2O5+δ-xSm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 (LBCO-xSDC, x = 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, wt%) were investigated for the potential application in intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs). The LBCO-50SDC composite cathode exhibited the best electrochemical performance in the LBCO-xSDC cathodes. With x = 50 wt%, the ASR was 1.308 Ω cm2 at 500 °C (0.267 Ω cm2 at 600 °C and 0.052 Ω cm2 at 700 °C). The maximum of exchange current density i0 was 0.5630 A cm−2 at 700 °C. The improved electrochemical properties of LBCO-50SDC were ascribed to the porous structures of the cathode and more cathode/electrolyte/gas triple phase boundary (TPB) areas.  相似文献   

付小宁  林茹 《广州化工》2013,41(3):93-94
建立了一套可用于实际电池及材料生产、研制的电池材料镍钴锰酸锂中Ni的测定方法。在解决了原子发射法的基体效应及光谱干扰问题后,选定合适的分析条件,进行方法的准确度和精密度实验,数据结果显示方法可以满足实际分析工作的要求。  相似文献   

Mn-substituted cordierites, 2(Mg1?xMnx)O·2Al2O3·5SiO2 (x?=?0–1), were prepared from natural components (talc, clay, alumina) and MnO2. Sintering behavior, phase transformation, and microstructural features of the samples were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential thermal analysis (DTA), dilatometric measurements and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive analysis (EDS). The results of DTA and XRD analysis indicate that MnO2 is successively reduced to Mn2O3 and MnO in the sintering process. Mn2+ ions incorporate into the crystal structure of α-cordierite substituting Mg2+ ions in octahedral sites and thus increasing the cordierite unit cell volume. Mn promotes the sintering process: the crystallization temperature, melting point, density and open porosity of Mn-substituted cordierites lowered, whereas the shrinkage and medium pore diameter enlarged with an increase in MnO2 content in the mixture of raw materials. Surface enrichment with Mn with the formation of manganese oxide crystallites was found for the samples with high substitution degree.  相似文献   

An alumina–15 wt.% zirconia (3 mol% yttria) nanopowder was synthesized by sol–gel method using salt and alkoxide as precursors. Al(NO3)3·9H2O, ZrOCl2·8H2O and Y(NO3)3·6H2O were used as salt precursors and Al(OC4H9)3 and Zr(OC4H9)4 were used as alkoxide precursors. The dried gels of two precursors were heat treated in the range of 450–1350 °C. The powders produced by alkoxide precursors calcined at 750 °C were in the range of 15–75 nm, while those prepared by salt precursors had the size in the range of 30–90 nm. The former powders had a higher surface area and smaller mean pore diameter compared with the later powder, i.e. 152 m2/g and 5.63 nm comparing with 121 m2/g and 9.79 nm, respectively. Therefore phase transformation in the former occurred in lower temperatures.  相似文献   

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