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包头白云鄂博矿是我国大型多金属共生矿床,1954年开始建设的包头钢铁公司是新中国最早建设的钢铁工业基地之一,在1978年全国科学大会上又被确定为全国矿产资源综合利用三大基地之一。时任国务院副总理方毅领导和部署白云鄂博矿的综合利用工作,并调集了全国上百家相关单位参与该矿的研发利用。中国科学院化工冶金研究所(现过程工程研究所)首任所长叶渚沛早在1952年就主张以稀土元素综合利用为主,1962年他与同事实地考察后发表了《关于合理利用包头稀土稀有资源的建议》,但当时未被完全采纳。1978年起,作为中国科学院参与研究单位之一,化工冶金研究所承担了白云鄂博矿综合利用项目中的高炉富稀土渣综合利用等研究任务,经过协同攻坚,取得系列研究成果,为白云鄂博矿综合利用做出了重要贡献。梳理了叶渚沛在国家如何利用好稀土这种战略资源方面屡次建言献策得到中央领导重视的史实,记述了中科院科研人员开展包头矿化工冶金研究方面科技攻关的历程,分析了国家重大战略需求与科学技术咨询和研究之间的关系。藉此反映以过程工程研究所为代表的国立科研机构,围绕国家重大战略需求开展科技攻关的过程、成果及作用。  相似文献   

传统的化学工业给环境带来的污染已十分严重,目前全世界每年产生的有害废物达3亿~4亿吨,给环境造成危害,并威胁着人类的生存.严峻的现实使得各国必须寻找一条不破坏环境、不危害人类生存的可持续发展的道路.化学工业能否生产出对环境无害的化学品?甚至开发出不产生废物的工艺?“绿色化工”概念的提出及实践为化工环境污染问题的解决带来了新的希望.  相似文献   

从工程集成、工程建构、工程运行和工程管理的视角,结合钢铁冶金工程讨论了工程知识。从知识论的角度看,钢铁冶金过程是物理知识、化学知识、技术知识、管理知识等诸多知识范畴的集成,包括了工程科学、工程技术、工程设计、工程管理、工程哲学等方面的知识。分析了钢铁材料对经济社会发展的重要作用,阐述了钢铁冶金工程流程运行的主要特征,解析了钢铁冶金流程动态运行的物理本质。在此基础上探讨了冶金工程知识的结构,揭示了冶金工程知识系统的复杂性、协同性、整体性、集成性等特征;论述了钢铁冶金工程知识的形成和发展过程,以及技术进步对冶金工程知识创新的推动作用;讨论了"界面技术"对冶金制造流程协同–集成的重要性,以及信息技术对钢铁冶金工程智能化的推动作用。最后,在工程哲学的视野下,探讨了宏观动态冶金学和钢铁冶金工程知识面向智能化和绿色化的发展方向和目标。  相似文献   

<正>传统的化学工业给环境带来的污染已十分严重,目前全世界每年产生的有害废物达3亿~4亿吨,给环境造成危害,并威胁着人类的生存。严峻的现实使得各国必须寻找一条不破坏环境、不危害人类生存的可持续发展的道路。化学工业能否生产出对环境无害的化学品?甚至开发出不产生废物的工艺?"绿色化工"概念的提出及实践为化工环境污染问题的解决带来了新的希望。  相似文献   

张九辰 《工程研究》2011,3(2):196-205
近现代地质学在中国的建立,与社会需求密切相关.本文以地质学的分支学科——水文地质及工程地质学的创建与发展为案例,通过中国水文地质及工程地质学的开创者之一陈梦熊院士的学术经历,分析了社会需求与学术研究之间的关系.藉此反映中国科学体制化之后,学术研究与社会、政治、经济之间的关系.  相似文献   

There exists the molecular-particle-equipment-system complex multi-scale structure in chemical engineering. There also exists the multi-scale heterogeneous structure in chemical reactor and separator. The main characteristic of this structure is that there are particles, gas bubbles, particle agglomerates, liquid drops in gas or liquid continuum. And their sizes are different; their distributions in continuum are heterogeneous. This heterogeneous structure is closely related to the behaviors of flow, transfer, and reaction. However, in traditional chemical engineering the multi-scale heterogeneous structure is ignored and the averaged and pseudo homogeneous method is adopted. As a result, the predictions for transfer and reaction behaviors and scale-up lead to big deviation and fault. In recent years, scientists are paying close attention to the structure issue of chemical engineering, and have made certain progresses in studying the structure prediction theory, the relationship between structure and transfer and reaction, the structure optimal control methods, and the TFM model combined with structure model for com-putational simulation.  相似文献   

In the 20 years from the late 19th century to early 20th century, industry developed rapidly in Europe and the U.S. During this period new branches of engineering science came into being. In order to have deep understanding of engineering science, the author chooses American Institute of Chemical Engineers as her case study target. On the basis of important sources and literatures, the paper made a study on the history of the formulation of chemical engineering as a new discipline from the perspectives of historiography and sociology of science. The paper shows that in the rapid growth of the chemical industry in the U.S, chemical engineers has become a new profession, and chemical engineering as a discipline is gradually shaped by the interaction and intersection of chemistry and mechanical engineering. In 1888, Boston Institute of Technology (the predecessor of MIT) started to design chemical engineering courses and to train engineers needed in chemical industry. Chemical engineers paid more attention to the connection of their work with pure chemistry and mechanical engineering. They tried to find out their own professional and knowledge boundaries in industry. The chemical industry grew along with the formation of chemical engineer groups and institutionalization of chemical engineering education. In such a context, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers was established in 1908. The AIChE was a distinguished mark of the institutionalization of chemical engineering. It played an important role in the shaping and promoting of the new discipline: defining the professional identity of the chemical engineer; constructing a platform of academic communication; clarifying the boundary of chemical engineering and the relationship among chemical engineering, chemistry, mechanical engineering and other disciplines; reforming the education of chemical engineering at American universities, standardizing the curriculum of chemical engineering; promoting the connection among academic institutions, universities and enterprises.  相似文献   

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