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Small reservoirs known as tanks are constructed in the watersheds of arid, semiarid, and subhumid regions of India to provide supplementary or protective irrigation to crops during dry spells of the monsoon season or full irrigation during the postmonsoon season. The stored water in tanks or recharged groundwater is used for this irrigation. Several models have previously been developed to design the capacity of individual tanks. However, for optimum utilization of water generated in a watershed to meet the demands for irrigation and for downstream release, it is necessary to design the tanks together in terms of their number, locations, and capacities. A comprehensive methodology for this is presented using stream points, i.e., possible tank locations on the main stream(s) in the watershed. Tank strategies (combinations of numbers of tanks, their locations at stream points, and tank types) are then generated for the identified stream points. Subsequently, fields in the watershed are assigned to the catchment and the command of different tanks of a specified tank strategy. Simulation of field, tank, and groundwater balance is then carried out on a daily basis, from which optimum tank dimensions are obtained for a specified tank strategy. The optimum tank strategy and corresponding optimum tank dimensions are obtained by investigating all the possible tank strategies.  相似文献   

Quantifying Management of Irrigation and Drainage Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To evaluate the performance of irrigation systems, different indicators have been used by researchers. In this study some of the water management problems of three different irrigation systems in Iran are presented. In addition, the water delivery performance of the Doroodzan Irrigation and Drainage Network in southern Iran is evaluated in detail. The analyses included wet and dry seasons and were based on the indicators of overall project water delivery efficiency (ep) and the monthly water requirement of crops. The distribution and conveyance of water in the Doroodzan Irrigation Network was unreliable in both seasons. With an overall project efficiency of around 46%, about 20% of the total delivered water was distributed unreliably. Water distribution equity along tertiaries was also found to be poor. A contributing factor could be the poor operation and maintenance of gates.  相似文献   

This study determines the water delivery performance at secondary and tertiary canal level of the Menemen Left Bank Irrigation system, an open canal irrigation system located in Turkey, for the irrigation seasons of the years 2005–2007. At secondary canal level, water supply ratio was used, and at tertiary level, the indicators of adequacy, efficiency, dependability, and equity were used. In calculating these indicators in this study, the amounts of water diverted to the canals, efficiency of water conveyance, and of water application were measured. Of these indicators, the water supply ratio was determined for the secondary canal, and the other indicators were determined for a total of six selected tertiary canals at the head, middle, and lower end of the secondary. At secondary level, the water supply ratios obtained to total irrigation water requirements for the months of July and August, when requirement for irrigation water is at a maximum, was determined to be less than one, while the water supply ratios obtained to net irrigation water requirement was found to be more than one. With regard to water delivery performance at tertiary level, adequacy, efficiency, dependability, and equity were found to be poor for each of the three years of the study, with efficiency rising to “fair” level only in 2005. In order to raise the water delivery performance of the system, it is necessary to reduce water conveyance losses to increase the water application efficiency, to prepare water distribution plans which take in tertiary canals, and to measure and monitor the water diverted to the canals.  相似文献   

Landscapes continuously irrigated without proper drainage for a long period of time frequently experience a rise in water-table levels. Waterlogging and salinization of irrigated areas are immediate impacts of this situation in arid areas, especially when groundwater salinity is high. Flooding and heavy rainfall further recharge groundwater and accelerate these impacts. An understanding of regional groundwater dynamics is required to implement land and water management strategies. The purpose of this study is to quantify the impact of flood and rain events on spatial scales using a geographic information system (GIS). This paper presents a case study of shallow water-table levels and salinity problems in the Wakool irrigation district located in the Murray irrigation area with groundwater average electrical conductivity greater than 25,000?μS/cm. This area has experienced several large flood events during the past several decades. Piezometric data are interpolated to generate a water-table surface for each event by applying the Kriging method of spatial interpolation using the linear variogram model. Spatial and temporal analysis of major flood events over the last four decades is conducted using calculated water-table surfaces to quantify the change in groundwater storage and shallow water-table levels. The drainage impact of a subsurface drainage scheme partially covering the area has also been quantified in this paper. The results show that flooding and local rainfall have a significant impact on shallow groundwater. The study also found that postflood climatic conditions (evaporation and rainfall) play a significant role in the groundwater dynamics of the area. The spatial net average groundwater recharge during the flooding events ranges from 0.19 to 0.52?ML/ha. The GIS-based techniques described in this paper can be used for net recharge estimation in semiarid regions where it is important to quantify net recharge impacts of regional flooding and local rainfall. The spatial visualization of the net recharge in a GIS environment can help prioritize management actions by local communities.  相似文献   

Efficient water management is one of the key elements in successful operation of irrigation schemes in arid and semiarid regions. An integrated water management model was developed by combining an unsaturated flow model and a groundwater simulation model. These combined models serve as a tool for decision making in irrigation water management to maintain the water tables at a safe depth. The integrated model was applied on a regional scale in Sirsa Irrigation Circle, covering about a 0.42 million ha area in the northwestern part of Haryana, India, which is faced with serious waterlogging and salinity problems in areas underlain with saline ground irrigated by the canal network. The model was calibrated using the agrohydrologic data for the period 1977–1981 and validated for the period 1982–1990 by keeping the calibrating parameters unchanged. The model was used to study the long-term impact of two water management interventions related to the canal irrigation system—change in pricing system of irrigation water, and water supply according to demand—on the extent of waterlogging risk. Both of these strategies, if implemented, would considerably reduce aquifer recharge and consequently waterlogging risk, compared to the existing practice. The water supply according to demand strategy was slightly more effective in reducing aquifer recharge than the water pricing intervention. The implementation of the proposed water pricing policy would pose no problem in fitting into the existing irrigation system, and thus it would be easier to implement, compared to the water supply according to demand strategy, when taking technical, financial, and social considerations into account.  相似文献   

In closing river basins where nearly all available water is committed to existing uses, downstream irrigation projects are expected to experience water shortages more frequently. Understanding the scope for resilience and adaptation of large surface irrigation systems is vital to the development of management strategies designed to mitigate the impact of river basin closure on food production and the livelihoods of farmers. A multilevel analysis (farm-level surveys and regional assessment through remote-sensing techniques and statistics) of the dynamics of irrigation and land use in the Nagarjuna Sagar project (South India) in times of changing water availability (2000–2006) highlights that during low-flow years, there is large-scale adoption of rainfed or supplementary irrigated crops that have lower land productivity but higher water productivity, and that a large fraction of land is fallowed. Cropping pattern changes during the drought reveal short-term coping strategies rather than long-term evolutions: after the shock, farmers reverted to their usual cropping patterns during years with adequate canal supplies. For the sequence of water supply fluctuations observed from 2000 to 2006, the Nagarjuna Sagar irrigation system shows a high level of sensitivity to short-term perturbations, but long-term resilience if flows recover. Management strategies accounting for local-level adaptability will be necessary to mitigate the impacts of low-flow years but there is scope for improvement of the performance of the system.  相似文献   

A geographic information system (GIS) is found to be a platform of choice for meeting the needs of several core engineering functions. However, there is a dearth of GIS usage for engineering management service functions (EMSFs), which typically are specific to individual jurisdictions. This study outlines a simple approach for automating EMSFs on a GIS platform and demonstrates its efficacy. In the first phase of this research, a review of GIS applications in various municipal government functions is conducted. The review indicated that most municipal governments have currently employed GIS for a variety of general administrative services such as revenue collection, data archival, and information dissemination purposes. The proposed approach is demonstrated by developing a GIS model for a sanitary sewer reimbursement (GIS-MSSR) program at a fast-growing urban municipality. Data modeling issues related to representing complex management tasks within the context of a relational database model are discussed. Development of functional requirement specifications for GIS models and their implementation are also discussed. The effectiveness of the approach is verified by highlighting productivity gains resulting from the development of GIS-MSSR. The research concluded that several complex engineering service management functions can be automated on GIS platforms to realize substantial productivity gains. Automating multiple tasks, however small they might be, in an integrated environment can increase the productivity even further.  相似文献   

Optimum land and water allocation to different crops grown in different regions of an irrigation scheme is a complex process, especially when these irrigation schemes are characterized by different soils and environment and by a large network of canals. At the same time if the water supply in the irrigation schemes is limited, there is a need to allocate water both efficiently and equitably. This paper describes the approach to include both productivity (efficiency) and equity in the allocation process and to develop the allocation plans for optimum productivity and/or maximum equity for such irrigation schemes. The approach presented in this paper considers the different dimensions of equity such as water distribution over the season, water distribution during each irrigation, and benefits generated. It also includes distribution and conveyance losses while allocating water equitably to different allocation units. This paper explains the approach with the help of the area and water allocation model which uses the simulation–optimization technique for optimum allocation of land and water resources to different crops grown in different allocation units of the irrigation scheme.  相似文献   

A model is introduced that utilizes geographic information systems (GIS) to predict relative reductions in crop yield due to salinity and waterlogging at a field-scale by incorporating spatially and temporally variable crop, climatic, and irrigation data to simulate crop yields. This model utilizes soil and water data commonly collected in field-scale studies. The model’s algorithms are integrated into a GIS (ARCVIEW 3.2) as an extension. The result is a model that does not require extraordinary data collection but will provide practical insight into the spatial effects of salinity and waterlogging on crop yields.  相似文献   

Integrated Hydrologic Modeling and GIS in Water Resources Management   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The integration of a physically-based distributed model with a geographic information system (GIS) in watershed-based water resources management is presented, and an example watershed is chosen to demonstrate the spatial database and modeling system developed in this study. The spatial data is first processed by GIS. The model is then used to simulate runoff hydrographs. It operates at a daily time step on 1 × 1 km grid squares and simulates important hydrologic processes including evapotranspiration, snowmelt, infiltration, aquifer recharge, ground-water flow, and overland and channel runoff. Finally, the model result is displayed by using GIS. This study demonstrates that the integration of a physically based distributed model and GIS may successfully and efficiently implement the watershed-based water resources management. Not only does this process facilitate examination of a wider range of alternatives that would be impossible by using conventional methods, but it also provides a living management that could be modified and updated by water managers once the watershed condition is changed.  相似文献   

Significant improvements in the profitability and sustainability of irrigated areas can be obtained by the application of new technologies. In this work, a model for the simulation of water flows in irrigation districts is presented. The model is based on the combination of a number of modules specialized on surface irrigation, open channel distribution networks, crop growth modeling, irrigation decision making, and hydrosaline balances. These modules are executed in parallel, and are connected by a series of variables. The surface irrigation module is based on a numerical hydrodynamic routine solving the Saint Venant equations, including the heterogeneity of soil physical properties. The simulation of water conveyance is performed on the basis of the capacity of the elements of the conveyance network. Crop growth is simulated using a scheme derived from the well-known model CropWat. The irrigation decision making module satisfies water orders considering water stress, yield sensitivity to stress, multiple water sources, and the network capacity. Finally, the hydrosaline module is based on a steady state approach, and provides estimations of the volume and salinity of the irrigation return flows for the whole irrigation season. The application of the model to district irrigation management and modernization studies may be limited by the volume of data required. In a companion paper, the model is calibrated, validated, and applied to a real irrigation district.  相似文献   

On irrigation schemes with rotational irrigation systems in semiarid tropics, the existing rules for water allocation are based on applying a fixed depth of water with every irrigation irrespective of the crops, their growth stages, and soils on which these crops are grown. However, when water resources are scarce, it is necessary to allocate water optimally to different crops grown in the irrigation scheme taking account of different soils in the command area. Allocating water optimally may lead to applying less water to crops than is needed to obtain the maximum yield. In this paper, a three stage approach is proposed for allocating water from a reservoir optimally based on a deficit irrigation approach, using a simulation-optimization model. The allocation results with a deficit irrigation approach are compared for a single crop (wheat) in an irrigation scheme in India, first with full irrigation (irrigation to fill the root zone to field capacity) and second with the existing rule. The full irrigation with a small irrigation interval was equivalent to adequate irrigation (no stress to the crop). It is found that practicing deficit irrigation enables the irrigated area and the total crop production in the irrigation scheme used for the case study to be increased by about 30–45% and 20–40%, respectively, over the existing rule and by 50 and 45%, respectively, over the adequate irrigation. Allocation of resources also varied with soil types.  相似文献   

A three-step computational model for the optimal weekly interseasonal operation of a multipurpose (irrigation, environmental, domestic/industrial) reservoir is developed. Environmental and domestic/industrial uses are evaluated and considered as priority uses that induce deficit irrigation conditions. The spatiotemporal variability of the irrigation water demand at the basin level is accounted for. The objective is the maximization of the interseasonal agricultural profitability at the basin level. The optimal allocation process solves the competition for water on different temporal scales (weekly, seasonal, and interseasonal) and on different spatial scales (in basins among irrigation areas and in irrigation areas among crops). The three steps are simulation model operating at the soil-crop unit level, optimization model operating at the multicrop area level, and optimization model operating at the basin level. This consists of parametric dynamic programming for which an analytical objective function was defined and an analytical solution was determined. This solution replaces the iterative procedure, so that it is possible to account for all the variables without running into the “curse of dimensionality” problem. The environmental use allocation is expressed as a function of a parameter, the variations of which give different environmental protection levels. The validation case study emphasizes the importance of considering the spatiotemporal variability of the demand. This is consistent with the “computationally tractable” model algorithm.  相似文献   

A spatially distributed and continuous hydrologic model focusing on total maximum daily load (TMDL) projects was developed. Hydrologic models frequently used for TMDLs such as the hydrologic simulation program—FORTRAN (HSPF), soil and water assessment tool (SWAT), and generalized watershed loading function (GWLF) differ considerably in terms of spatial resolution, simulated processes, and linkage flexibility to external water quality models. The requirement of using an external water quality model for simulating specific processes is not uncommon. In addition, the scale of the watershed and water quality modeling, and the need for a robust and cost-effective modeling framework justify the development of alternative watershed modeling tools for TMDLs. The hydrologic and water quality integration tool (HydroWAMIT) is a spatially distributed and continuous time model that incorporates some of the features of GWLF and HSPF to provide a robust modeling structure for TMDL projects. HydroWAMIT operates within the WAMIT structure, developed by Omni Environmental LLC for the Passaic River TMDL in N. J. HydroWAMIT is divided into some basic components: the hydrologic component, responsible for the simulation of surface flow and baseflow from subwatersheds; the nonpoint-source (NPS) component, responsible for the calculation of the subwatershed NPS loads; and the linkage component, responsible for linking the flows and loads from HydroWAMIT to the water quality analysis simulation program (WASP). HydroWAMIT operates with the diffusion analogy flow model for flow routing. HydroWAMIT provides surface runoff, baseflow and associated loads as outputs for a daily timestep, and is relatively easy to calibrate compared to hydrologic models like HSPF. HydroWAMIT assumes that the soil profile is divided into saturated and unsaturated layers. The water available in the unsaturated layer directly affects the surface runoff from pervious areas. Surface runoff from impervious areas is calculated separately according to precipitation and the impervious fractions of the watershed. Baseflow is given by a linear function of the available water in the saturated zone. The utility of HydroWAMIT is illustrated for the North Branch and South Branch Raritan River Watershed (NSBRW) in New Jersey. The model was calibrated, validated, and linked to the WASP. The NPS component was tested for total dissolved solids. Available weather data and point-source discharges were used to prepare the meteorological and flow inputs for the model. Digital land use, soil type datasets, and digital elevation models were used for determining input data parameters and model segmentation. HydroWAMIT was successfully calibrated and validated for monthly and daily flows for the NSBRW outlet. The model statistics obtained using HydroWAMIT are comparable with statistics of HSPF and SWAT applications for medium and large drainage areas. The results show that HydroWAMIT is a feasible alternative to HSPF and SWAT, especially for large-scale TMDLs that require particular processes for water quality simulation and minor hydrologic model calibration effort.  相似文献   

The SIMGRO hydrologic simulation model was extended to include irrigation practice. It could then be used to evaluate the effect of hydrologic changes in an irrigated area in the province of Mendoza, Argentina where, given an average annual rainfall of approximately 200?mm, irrigation is crucial for agriculture. A storage dam was recently constructed in the Mendoza River to control the fluctuating river flow and to guarantee that the demand for water is met throughout the year. The dam will impact on parts of the irrigation system where groundwater levels are already high and salinization occurs. To evaluate these changes and possible mitigation measures, two performance indicators that consider groundwater and surface water were used: Relative evapotranspiration and the depleted fraction. Scenario runs revealed that the irrigation water losses from the canals affect the groundwater levels in the downstream part of the irrigated area; an increase in salinity was also revealed.  相似文献   

As water is becoming a scarcer commodity, savings in the irrigation sector could enhance water development in areas currently not being irrigated, and arrest the rapid environmental degradation due to waterlogging in arid areas. The agro-hydrological model SWAP is used to investigate possible water reductions for wheat and cotton crops under shallow water table conditions prevailing in the Fourth Drainage Project in Punjab, Pakistan. The simulations are performed for both drained and undrained conditions considering three different irrigation water qualities. The overall objective is to save good-quality irrigation water. The results indicate that when good-quality canal water is available, a reduced application to wheat (195 mm) and cotton (260 mm) will keep the soil healthier under both drained and undrained conditions. For poor-quality irrigation waters (mixed canal and tubewell or tubewell alone), this water conservation strategy will be insufficient. Therefore, more water (325 mm for wheat and 325 mm for cotton) should be applied to keep crop production and soil salinity within desirable limits. However, this will only be applicable to the areas where proper subsurface drainage systems are present. For undrained areas, this strategy will not be feasible due to rising water tables; other options like growing more salt-tolerant crops should be considered. Drainage cannot solve salinity buildup problems under all circumstances because relatively dry monsoons provide insufficient leaching water, and salts added by tubewell irrigation can only be evacuated from the soil profile if the drainage system is very intense. Reduced irrigation inputs is a proper short-term solution, although wheat production tends to decline in all areas without drainage, even when irrigated with canal water. Large-scale drainage investments associated with adjusted irrigation planning seem unavoidable in the long run.  相似文献   

The resource allocation model, area and water allocation model, incorporates the concept of deficit irrigation through a variable depth irrigation approach, VDI. It uses this to allocate land and water resources optimally to different crops in a heterogeneous irrigation scheme with limited water under rotational water supply. This model was applied to a medium irrigation scheme in India as a case study, to obtain the land and water allocation plans. These optimal allocation plans were compared to those obtained by using the model with the existing approach (full irrigation with a fixed irrigation interval of 21 days in Rabi and 14 days in the summer season). The allocation plans were obtained taking into account the different parameters that were included in the model, such as crops and cropping pattern, soils, irrigation interval, initial reservoir storage volumes, efficiencies, and the outlet and canal capacities. The total net benefits were compared for the two cases of fixed cropping distribution and free cropping distribution and a sensitivity analysis was conducted on other parameters. Summaries of the allocation plans with the VDI approach are presented for the two cases. The total net benefits obtained with the VDI approach introduced in the model were found to be 22% higher than those obtained with the existing approach. The results of this study are thus indicative of the benefits of deficit irrigation and its application within irrigation schemes that have limited water supply.  相似文献   

Physically based modeling of the interacting water flow during a furrow irrigation season can contribute to both a sustainable irrigation management and an improvement of the furrow irrigation efficiency. This paper presents a process based seasonal furrow irrigation model which describes the interacting one-dimensional surface–two-dimensional subsurface flow and crop growth during a whole growing period. The irrigation advance model presented in a previous study is extended to all hydraulic phases of an irrigation event. It is based on an analytical solution of the zero-inertia surface flow equations and is iteratively coupled with the two-dimensional subsurface flow model HYDRUS-2. A conceptual crop growth model calculates daily evaporation, transpiration and leaf area index. The crop model and HYDRUS-2 are coupled via its common boundaries, namely (1) by the flux across the soil-atmosphere interface; and (2) by the flux from the root zone, which is associated with the plant water uptake. We assume the water stress is the only environmental factor reducing crop development and hence final crop yield. The model performance is evaluated with field experimental data in the companion paper, Part II: Model Test and Evaluation (W?hling and Mailhol 2007).  相似文献   

The present approach adopted for suggesting alternative sustainable land use comprises taking into consideration present land use/land cover, soils, slope, and geomorphology. However, this paper deals with watershed management from a different perspective, by stressing the development of the watershed for agriculture activities; first, by implementing soil and water conservation works. The next step is to suggest alternative sustainable land uses based on soil and water conservation measures, groundwater prospects, land capability, and present land use/land cover in the area. The new approach is found to be very useful, as it takes into consideration basic factors necessary for the overall development and management of the watershed, and ensures stoppage of further degradation of the resources through appropriate soil conservation measures and land uses.  相似文献   

This paper presents the area and water allocation model (AWAM), which incorporates deficit irrigation for optimizing the use of water for irrigation. This model was developed for surface irrigation schemes in semiarid regions under rotational water supply. It allocates the land area and water optimally to the different crops grown in different types of soils up to the tertiary level or allocation unit. The model has four phases. In the first phase, all the possible irrigation strategies are generated for each crop-soil-region combination. The second phase prepares the irrigation program for each strategy, taking into account the response of the crop to the water deficit. The third phase selects the optimal and efficient irrigation programs. In the fourth phase of the model, irrigation programs are modified by incorporating the conveyance and the distribution efficiencies. These irrigation programs are then used for allocating the land and water resources and preparing the water release schedule for the canal network.  相似文献   

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