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This research is aimed at finding efficient alternative designs, in the physical, economical, and ecological sense, for the standard groynes as they are found in the large rivers of Europe. In order to test the effects of various groyne shapes on the flow in a groyne field, experiments were performed in a physical model of a schematized river reach, geometrically scaled 1:40. Four different types of schematized groynes were tested, all arranged in an array of five identical groyne fields, i.e., standard reference groynes, groynes with a head having a gentle slope and extending into the main channel, permeable groynes consisting of pile rows, and hybrid groynes consisting of a lowered impermeable groyne with a pile row on top. Flow velocities were measured using particle tracking velocimetry. The design of the experiment was such that the cross-sectional area blocked by the groyne was the same in all cases. Depending on the groyne head shape and the extent of submergence variations in the intensity of vortex shedding and recirculation in the groyne field were observed. The experimental data are used to understand the physical processes like vortex formation and detachment near the groyne head. It is demonstrated that the turbulence properties near and downstream of the groyne can be manipulated by changing the permeability and slope of the groyne head. It is also observed that for submerged conditions the flow becomes complex and locally dominated by three-dimensional effects, which will make it difficult to predict by applying depth average numerical models or by three-dimensional models with a coarse resolution in the vertical direction.  相似文献   

Exchange Processes between a River and Its Groyne Fields: Model Experiments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The exchange of dissolved matter between a groyne field and a main stream influences the transport and distribution of a pollutant cloud in a river. In forecasting models, groyne fields are represented as dead zones with effective properties like exchange coefficients and exchanging volume. Despite its relevance for such practical applications, little research has been done on the exchange process between a groyne field and the main stream itself. Therefore, this study is aimed at examining this exchange process and validating the dead-zone prediction model, which treats the exchange process as a first order system. A schematized physical model of a river with groynes was built in a laboratory flume. The exchange process was visualized quantitatively with dye in adjacent groyne fields. In order to couple the exchange process to the velocity field, particle tracking velocimetry measurements were performed. Two different types of exchange were observed. First, exchange takes place via the mixing layer that is formed at the river-groyne-field interface. The large eddies formed in the mixing layer are the major cause of this exchange. Second, under certain conditions, even larger eddies are shed from the upstream groyne tip. Distortions in the flow field caused by such intermittent structures cause a much larger exchange than that by the mixing layer alone. The occurrence of large shed eddies depends on the presence of a sufficiently large, stationary, secondary gyre located at the upstream corner of the groyne field. The overall exchange of matter could be characterized as a first-order process, in accordance with the dead-zone-theory. The corresponding exchange coefficients agreed reasonably well with the results of earlier experiments and the effective coefficients as found in experiments in real river flows.  相似文献   

Soil and sediments play an important role in water management and water quality. Issues such as water turbidity, associated contaminants, reservoir sedimentation, undesirable erosion and scour, and aquatic habitat are all linked to sediment properties and behaviors. In situ analysis is necessary to develop an understanding of the erosion and transport of sediments. Sandia National Laboratories has recently patented the Adjustable Shear Stress Erosion and Transport (ASSET) Flume that quantifies in situ erosion of a sediment core with depth while affording simultaneous examination of transport modes (bedload versus suspended load) of the eroded material. Core erosion rates and ratios of bedload to suspended load transport of quartz sediments were studied with the ASSET Flume. The erosion and transport of a fine-grained natural cohesive sediment were also observed. Experiments using quartz sands revealed that the ratio of suspended load to bedload sediment transport is a function of grain diameter and shear stress at the sediment surface. Data collected from the ASSET Flume were used to formulate a novel empirical relation for predicting the ratio of bedload to suspended load as a function of shear stress and grain diameter for noncohesive sediments.  相似文献   

The high sediment load of the Yellow River results in rapid infilling of its reservoirs when sediment is not regularly flushed. Simultaneously, the downstream reaches of the Yellow River experience extremely high siltation rates, which are reduced when sediment is retained in its reservoirs. To minimize siltation in the reservoirs and the downstream river bed, water and sediment are released from the reservoir in a controlled way through flushing experiments. In this paper, we analyze the effect of such a flushing event on the downstream river bed through data analysis and numerical modeling. Sedimentation may be minimized by relating the amount of sediment released from the reservoir to the sediment available for release through operational monitoring and by releasing relatively clear water after turbid water. Despite this flushing of sediment, the reservoir will eventually fill up, and more sediment released again into the lower Yellow River. The change in discharge magnitude and frequency brought about by the reservoir will then probably result in increased siltation rates in the lower Yellow River compared to the predam situation.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional turbulent flow field around a spur dike in a plane fixed-bed laboratory open channel was studied experimentally using a microacoustic Doppler velocimeter. Mean and turbulence characteristics in all three spatial directions were evaluated at upstream and downstream cross sections near the dike. Results showed that the primary flow separated in both lateral and vertical directions. Two counter-rotating flow circulations, consisting of the lateral and vertical velocity components, originated at the dike section. Downstream of the dike, the circulation in the flow-separation zone is stronger than the one in the contracted primary flow zone. The maximum bed-shear stresses estimated using Reynolds stresses is about three times as large as the mean bed-shear stress of incoming flow.  相似文献   

It is a challenge to apply coupled hydrodynamic, sediment process, and contaminant fate and transport models to the studies of surface water systems. So far, there are few published modeling studies on sediment and metal transport in rivers that simulate storm events on an hourly basis and use comprehensive data sets for model input and model calibration. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) in 1997 emphasized the need for credible modeling tools that can be used to quantitatively evaluate the impacts of point sources, nonpoint sources, and internal transport processes in 1D/2D/3D environments. A 1D and time-dependent hydrodynamic, sediment, and toxic model, within the framework of the 3D Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC), has been developed and applied to Blackstone River, Mass. The Blackstone River Initiative (USEPA) in 1996, a multiyear and multimillion-dollar project, provided the most comprehensive surveys on water quality, sediment, and heavy metals in the river, and served as the primary data set for this study. The model simulates three storm events successfully. The river flow rates are well calculated both in amplitude and in phase. The sediment transport and resuspension processes are depicted satisfactorily. The concentrations of sediment and five metals (cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, and lead) during the three storm events are also simulated very well. Numerical analyses are conducted to clarify the impacts of contaminant sources and sediment resuspension processes on the river. While point sources are important to sediment contamination in the river, other sources, including nonpoint sources from watershed and bed resuspension, were found to contribute significantly to the sediment and metals in the river. Point sources alone cannot account for the total metals in the river. The model presented in this paper can be a useful tool for studying sediment and metals transport in shallow rivers and for water resource management.  相似文献   

A large thermal-power station drawing water from a small alluvial river had a chronic problem with alluvial-bed sediment buildup at the station’s river-water intake structure. The problem required expensive corrective dredging and adversely affected the station’s fuel-consumption efficiency. This case-study paper describes how the sediment problem was successfully controlled by means of modifications to the area in front of the intake and the upstream riverbank. The modifications comprised erosion-promoting vanes and a skimming wall, together with realignment of the riverbank upstream of the intake. A hydraulic model was used to aid the design of the modifications. Installation of the modifications required construction techniques that enabled the intake and power station to continue operating while the modifications were being installed.  相似文献   

To evaluate the performance of a computer model simulating runoff and sediment load in the upper region of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) basin over a relatively short time interval, including examining the applicability of the input precipitation data generated from global circulation models and satellite data, we used a spatially distributed model, HSPF with the International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project (ISLSCP) precipitation data for 1987 and 1988 as input data. The Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient (R2) for 5-day average streamflow was 0.94 in the calibration period and 0.95 in the verification period for the whole upper region. Moreover, the model simulated the 5-day average streamflow well in each main tributary, as shown by R2 values of 0.46–0.96, except that it underestimated the peak flow rates during the flood season over 2 years by up to 71% in Tuojiang and 61% in Jialingjiang. The model simulated the 5-day concentrations of suspended solids (SS) fairly well in the headwaters and upper regions of the Jinshajiang, Yalongjiang, and Minjiang watersheds, as shown by R2 values of 0.31–0.65. In the other regions, however, the model underestimated the SS load by up to 72%, and rarely simulated the fluctuation of SS concentration in each river channel during the flood season. These errors led to the underestimation of sediment runoff volume from the whole upper region during the flood season, as shown by the ratio of the simulated sediment load to the observed data at Yichang: 0.69 in the calibration period and 0.68 in the verification period. The ISLSCP precipitation tended to be more frequent and less intense than the measured precipitation. This was probably the main reason why the HSPF did not perform well in all regions at all times.  相似文献   

The problem of suspended sediment transport in river and coastal flows is addressed. High-quality field data of river and coastal flows have been selected and clustered into four particle size classes (60–100, 100–200, 200–400, and 400–600?μm). The suspended sand transport is found to be strongly dependent on particle size and on current velocity. The suspended sand transport in the coastal zone is found to be strongly dependent on the relative wave height (Hs/h), particularly for current velocities in the range 0.2–0.5?m/s. The time-averaged (over the wave period) advection–diffusion equation is applied to compute the time-averaged sand concentration profile for combined current and wave conditions. Flocculation, hindered settling, and stratification effects are included by fairly simple expressions. The bed-shear stress is based on a new bed roughness predictor. The reference concentration function has been recalibrated using laboratory and field data for combined steady and oscillatory flow. The computed transport rates show reasonably good agreement (within a factor of 2) with measured values for velocities in the range of 0.6–1.8?m/s and sediments in the range of 60–600?μm. The proposed method underpredicts in the low-velocity range (<0.6?m/s). A new simplified transport formula is presented, which can be used to obtain a quick estimate of suspended transport. The modeling of wash load transport in river flow based on the energy concept of Bagnold shows that an extremely large amount of very fine sediment (clay and very fine silt) can be transported by the flow.  相似文献   

This paper is written to mark the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Hans Albert Einstein (1904–1973). It casts his career as that of the archetypal researcher protagonist determined to master intellectually the way water flows and conveys alluvial sediment in rivers. In that effort, Einstein personified the mix of success and frustration experienced by many researchers who have attempted to formulate the complicated behavior of alluvial rivers in terms of mechanically based equations. His formulation of the relationship between rates of bed-sediment transport (especially bedload transport) and water flow comprised an innovative departure from the largely empirical approach that prevailed at the time. He introduced into that relationship the emerging fluid-mechanic concepts of turbulence and boundary layers, and concepts of probability theory. Inevitably the numerous complexities attending sediment transport mire formulation and prompt his use of several approximating compromises in order to make estimating bed-sediment transport practicable. His formulation nonetheless is a milestone in river engineering.  相似文献   

Kootenai River white sturgeon spawn in an 18-km reach of the Kootenai River, Id. Since completion of Libby Dam upstream from the spawning reach in 1972, 1974 is the only year with documented significant recruitment of juvenile fish. Where successful in other rivers, white sturgeon spawn over clean coarse material of gravel size or larger. The channel substrate in the current (2008) 18-km spawning reach is composed primarily of sand and some buried gravel; within a few kilometers upstream there is an extended reach of clean gravel, cobble, and bedrock. We used a quasi-three-dimensional flow and sediment-transport model along with the locations of collected sturgeon eggs as a proxy for spawning location from 1994 to 2002 to gain insight into spawning-habitat selection in a reach which is currently unsuitable due to the lack of coarse substrate. Spatial correlations between spawning locations and simulated velocity and depth indicate fish select regions of higher velocity and greater depth within any river cross section to spawn. These regions of high velocity and depth occur in the same locations regardless of the discharge magnitude as modeled over a range of pre- and postdam flow conditions. A flow and sediment-transport simulation shows high discharge, and relatively long-duration flow associated with predam flow events is sufficient to scour the fine sediment overburden, periodically exposing existing lenses of gravel and cobble as lag deposits in the current spawning reach. This is corroborated by video observations of bed surface material following a significant flood event in 2006, which show gravel and cobble present in many locations in the current spawning reach. Thus, both modeling and observations suggest that the relative rarity of extremely high flows in the current regulated flow regime is at least partly responsible for the lack of successful spawning; in the predam flow regime, frequent high flows removed the fine sediment overburden, unveiling coarse material and providing suitable substrate in the current spawning reach.  相似文献   

Standard bed-load sediment-transport formulas are extended using basic mechanical principles to include gravitational influence on large slopes of arbitrary orientation. The resulting sediment fluxes are then incorporated into a morphodynamics model in a general-purpose, three-dimensional, finite-volume, Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) code. Major features are: (1) the downslope component of weight is combined with the fluid stress to form an effective bed stress (similar to the work of Wu in 2004); (2) the critical effective stress is reduced in proportion to the component of gravity normal to the slope; (3) a simple flux-based model for avalanching is implemented as a numerical means of preventing the local slope from exceeding the angle of repose; (4) an entirely vectorial formulation of bed-load transport is developed to account for arbitrary surface orientation; and (5) methods for reducing numerical instability in the morphodynamics equation are described. Sample computations are shown for scour and accretion in a channel bend and for the movement of sand mounds on erodible and nonerodible bases.  相似文献   

Sediment fingerprinting has been developed by researchers over the past three decades for watershed sediment transport research. Sediment fingerprinting is a method to allocate sediment nonpoint source pollutants in a watershed through the use of natural tracer technology with a combination of field data collection, laboratory analyses of sediments, and statistical modeling techniques. The method offers a valuable tool for total maximum daily load assessment to aid in developing efficient remediation strategies for pollution in watersheds. We review the methodological steps of sediment fingerprinting including classification of sediment sources in a watershed, identification of unique tracers for each sediment source, representation of sediment sources and sinks using field sampling, accounting for sediment and tracer fate during transport from source to sink, and utilization of an unmixing model to allocate sediment sources. This review places additional emphasis upon tracers used to discriminate sediment sources during past studies performed on different continents and across different physiogeographic regions. Review and analysis of tracer dependence upon watershed variables provides an additional resource for tracer selection to the community. Finally, future improvements needed for sediment fingerprinting are discussed in order to practically apply the technology for sediment nonpoint source pollution allocation within the context of total maximum daily load assessments.  相似文献   

Pipe bursting is a construction technique that involves the replacement of an existing buried pipe with potentially much less surface disturbance than traditional cut and cover construction. However, excessive ground movements associated with pipe-bursting operations may lead to damage to surrounding infrastructure. A static pipe-bursting experiment was performed in sand and gravel within an 8-m-long, 8-m-wide, and 3-m-deep test pit to quantify the ground displacements from pipe bursting. An existing unreinforced concrete pipe buried 1.385 m below the ground surface was replaced with a high-density polyethylene pipe. Pulling force and the three-dimensional nature of surface displacements associated with pipe bursting are examined. The 4-m wide surface response had a peak vertical displacement of 6 mm. In addition, transverse displacements of 1.2 mm resulted in the formation of a tension crack in the ground above the concrete pipe. This experiment offers data that improves the understanding of the mechanisms of ground disturbance, and provides unique experimental data for calibration of numerical models.  相似文献   

Protection of banks against erosion is an important but very expensive task in river management. The outer banks in river bends are most vulnerable to erosion and require an enhanced protection. This paper investigates, in an experimental flume, the efficiency of scour reduction and bank protection near the outer banks in open-channel bends by means of a horizontal foundation, called footing, protruding into the flow. First it is experimentally verified that bed mobility has a minor influence on the bed topography, which is mainly shaped by bend effects. Subsequently, the influence of the footing width and vertical elevation on the bed topography is investigated under clear water scour conditions. A maximum scour reduction of more than 40% was obtained with a footing placed at one-third of the maximum scour depth without bank protection and a footing width of about two-thirds of this maximum scour value. But a footing that is too narrow and/or not deep enough is vulnerable to underscour and subsequent bank failure. The experiments convincingly demonstrate the efficiency of this bank protection technique. The optimal footing parameters in the presented experiments should merely be seen as indicative, however, as they are expected to be case dependent.  相似文献   

The two-dimensional (2D) depth-averaged river model Finite-Element Surface-Water Modeling System (FESWMS) was used to predict flow distribution at the bend of a compound channel. The site studied was the Highway 13 bridge over the Big Sioux River in Flandreau, South Dakota. The Flandreau site has complex channel and floodplain geometry that produces unique flow conditions at the bridge crossing. The 2D model was calibrated using flow measurements obtained during two floods in 1993. The calibrated model was used to examine the hydraulic and geomorphic factors that affect the main channel and floodplain flows and the flow interactions between the two portions. A one-dimensional (1D) flow model of the bridge site was also created in Hydrologic Engineering Centers River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) for comparison. Soil samples were collected from the bridge site and tested in an erosion function apparatus (EFA) to determine the critical shear stress and erosion rate constant. The results of EFA testing and 2D flow modeling were used as inputs to the Scour Rate in Cohesive Soils (SRICOS) method to predict local scour at the northern and southernmost piers. The sensitivity of predicted scour depth to the hydraulic and soil parameters was examined. The predicted scour depth was very sensitive to the approach-flow velocity and critical shear stress. Overall, this study has provided a better understanding of 2D flow effects in compound channels and an overall assessment of the SRICOS method for prediction of bridge pier scour.  相似文献   

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