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针对机械手臂控制中使用LuGre模型进行动态摩擦力补偿时的内部摩擦力状态识别问题,在已有的非线性观测器和基于滑模的观测器的研究基础上,缩减非线性观测器中的冗余部分,提出简化非线性观测器.采用Lyapunov方法分析基于该观测器的自适应控制算法的稳定性,说明简化观测器的使用条件为加入合适的低通滤波器,消除速度采样高频波动对观测结果的影响.实验结果对比了3种内部摩擦力状态观测器在动态LuGre摩擦力补偿中对手臂控制效果的影响,采用3种观测器进行自适应跟踪控制时的位置跟踪精度分别可以达到0.010、0.009和0.004 rad.实验表明,采用简化观测器可以取得比前2种观测器更好的自适应控制效果.  相似文献   

针对车辆紧急制动过程中增加车辆行驶安全以及寻求最优刹车策略的要求,对车辆稳定控制系统中防抱死制动系统进行研究,提出一种基于LuGre动态轮胎模型的防抱死制动系统的反演(backstepping)自适应滑模控制方法.首先,构建结合LuGre动态轮胎模型的1/4车辆模型,应用实际轮胎数据拟合LuGre模型参数.其次,利用纵向动力学和滑移率的关系搭建控制系统模型设计反演自适应的滑模控制器,在自适应控制器作用下快速跟踪期望滑移率并改善系统的输出抖动,根据Lyapunov稳定性理论对该方法的稳定性进行了证明.最后,在良好路面和低附着路面上进行车辆紧急制动仿真实验,对该方法的可行性及有效性进行验证.  相似文献   

缓冲气缸缓冲特性建模与仿真   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在对缓冲气缸运动过程分析的基础上,采用非线性微分方程组形式建立了缓冲气缸的非线性模型,并利用计算机仿真技术,对缓冲气缸在缓冲过程中缓冲腔的压力变化进行了仿真、分析,找到影响其特性的参数.这对了解缓冲气缸的全面性能、缓冲结构改型以及优化设计缓冲气缸系统提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

论述了系统的硬件组成与工作原理,指出了基于频谱分析的软件算法及用户界面的实现。通过频谱分析对各个气缸的点火电压信号进行检测,得到了出现故障气缸的点火电压信号波形的峰值最小,并以此来鉴别故障气缸。  相似文献   

为了避免气缸运动过程中出现爬行现象, 应用试验分析供气压力、节流口声速流导、外作用力、以及进气腔初始体积在实际应用中对气缸爬行的影响. 通过对爬行现象的分析及现有的研究提出爬行判据, 以此判据为依据设计不同工况下的临界爬行试验. 对试验曲线进行观察发现,气缸最终趋于匀速运动. 通过对临界爬行试验数据进行多项式曲面拟合, 得到以供气压力、节流口声速流导以及外作用力为参数的气缸爬行经验判别函数式. 为了验证该判别函数式的有效性和可行性, 对另一个同型号的气缸进行多次试验.结果表明,采用该经验判别函数式能够有效地预测不同供气压力、节流口声速流导及外作用力下同型号气缸是否产生爬行现象.  相似文献   

基于神经网络的伺服机械手LuGre摩擦补偿控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对伺服机械手系统的LuGre摩擦模型参数辨识难,难以建立其精确的数学模型,利用径向基函数( RBF)神经网络的万能逼近特性逼近LuGre摩擦,并作为计算转矩控制器的补偿项。通过Lyapunov方法证明了系统的稳定性以及闭环系统跟踪误差的收敛性。仿真结果证明控制算法能对摩擦进行有效补偿,提高了伺服机械手系统的轨迹跟踪控制性能。  相似文献   

对摩擦力起积极作用的挤压工艺进行了试验研究.结果表明:与同样条件下常规挤压工艺相比,挤压力下降20%左右,变形死区缩小,挤压件内部纤维改善.对摩擦力起积极作用的挤压工艺特征与变形机制也进行了分析.  相似文献   

滚动问题中摩擦力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滚动问题是工程力学中常见的问题,摩擦力的研究是其中的重要课题,深刻理解摩擦力的概念、正确判断摩擦力的方向对分析和解决滚动问题至关重要.分别分析了滚动物体在不受外力作用及受外力作用两种情况下,如何判断滑动摩擦力的类型及方向,最后讨论了滚动问题中滑动簿撩力的功.  相似文献   

对选用的两种摩擦力(库仑摩擦力、指数函数摩擦力)分别编程计算单质点的地震响应,运用newmark方法推导了库仑摩擦力下单质点地震响应的计算公式。对计算结果进行分析,得出质量比、摩擦系数对隔震效果的影响,并给出在文章假定的结构参数下,滑移面摩擦系数的取值范围。  相似文献   

液压缸作为液压系统将液压能转化为机械能的主要执行元件之一,其工作效率将不仅影响整机的使用,而且关系到能源能否得到有效利用,因而受到整个行业越来越多的关注。而液压缸摩擦力的存在又是影响液压缸工作效率以及工作寿命的最重要因素之一。因此,该文将结合摩擦学及液压密封理论对液压缸摩擦力从其影响、特性以及理论计算等方面进行一定的研究分析,并提出相应的改善措施。可为液压缸密封的设计选择及润滑提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

The position tracking control problem of an electrical cylinder in the presence of dynamic friction nonlinearities in its transmission process is addressed in this paper. First, a torque decou- piing approach is proposed to formulate the dynamic model. Secondly, to compensate the friction in the case of servo motion, a modified LuGre model is designed to make a continuous transition be- tween a static model at a high speed and a LuGre model at a low speed to avoid instability due to dis- cretization with a finite sampling rate. To accelerate the speed of estimating time-varying parame- ters, a fast adaption law is proposed by designing an attraction domain around a rough value related to the load force. Finally, a discontinuous projection based adaptive robust controller is synthesized to effectively handle parametric uncertainties for ensuring a guaranteed robust performance. A Lya- punov stability analysis demonstrates that all signals including tracking errors have the guaranteed convergent and bounded performance. Extensive comparative simulations with sinusoidal and point- point tracks are obtained respectively in low and high speeds. The results show the effectiveness and the achievable control performance of the proposed control strategy.  相似文献   

In order to control the vehicle body position precisely, 1/4 nonlinear mathematical model of hydro-pneumatic suspension is established, and the influence of the frictional force in a hydraulic cylinder is analyzed. The friction characteristics are described based on the LuGre model when the piston of a hydraulic actuator is operated at a low speed. Due to the fact parameters of the friction model are effected by the system condition, an adaptive friction compensation (AFC) controller is designed through the Backstepping method, and a dual-observer has been implemented to estimate the friction state. The global asymptotic convergence of a closed-loop system is proven by the Lyapunov theorem. The simulation results show that the positional accuracy of the adaptive friction compensation yiedls a significant improvement in the vehicle height adjustment as compared to the PID control, demonstrating the effectiveness of the adaptive fiction compensation method in the vehicle height adjustable system of the hydro-pneumatic suspension.  相似文献   

Adaptive control of servo actuator with nonlinear friction compensation is addressed.LuGre dynamic friction model is adopted to characterize the nonlinear friction and a new kind of sliding-mode observer is designed to estimate the internal immeasurable state of LuGre model.Based on the estimated friction state,adaptive laws are designed to identify the unknown model parameters and the external disturbances,and the system stability and asymptotic trajectory tracking performance are guaranteed by Lyapunov function.The position tracking performance is verified by the experimental results.  相似文献   

A new experimental apparatus was set up to investigate the actual fi-iction characteristics on the basis of speed control of the serve system.A modified friction model was proposed due to real time varying deformation resistance.The approach to identify the parameters of comprehensive friction behaviors based on the modified model was proposed and applied to the forging press.The impacts on parameters which the external load had were also investigated.The results show that friction force decreases with velocity in the low velocity regime whereas the friction force increases with the velocity in the high velocity regime under no external load.It is also shown that the Coulomb friction force,the maximum static friction force and the vicious friction coefficient change linearly with the external load taking the velocity at which the magnitude of the steady state friction force becomes minimum as the critical velocity.  相似文献   

在等截面直管绝热有壁面摩擦一维可压缩管道流动模型的基础上,推导以管道进口截面速度因数为自变量的气动管道流量特性参数函数S/A(管道有效截面积与横截面积之比)和临界压力比b的基本表达式。采用基于当地摩擦因数求解管道平均摩擦因数的新方法,直接计算出总压为0.6MPa、总温为300K、长度为1~50m、内径为2.5~9mm尼龙管的流量特性参数S和b,并与经验值进行了比较。S和b的理论计算值与经验曲线变化趋势相同,且计算值与经验值相吻合,表明新方法可以在相当程度上反映气动管道流量特性参数变化的物理本质。将新方法得到的有效截面积S的理论计算值下跌20%、临界压力比b的理论计算值上浮40%,即可作为同等条件下选用气动系统尼龙管的经验推荐值使用。  相似文献   

针对机电作动系统在低速阶段摩擦非线性明显且同时存在其他干扰,易导致系统跟踪精度、稳定性下降这一问题,设计基于非线性观测器摩擦补偿的自适应鲁棒控制器. 针对摩擦非线性,利用LuGre摩擦模型描述系统的摩擦现象,提出非线性观测器对模型的内部摩擦状态进行观测. 针对系统摩擦系数、转动惯量及其他不确定性参数,设计参数自适应律进行估计. 利用前馈补偿的方法,对摩擦非线性和参数不确定性进行补偿,设计鲁棒项克服系统的其他扰动. 利用Lyapunov稳定性定理证明了提出的控制器在存在扰动的情况下可以实现系统的有界稳定性. 实验结果表明,提出的控制器具有较高的控制精度与较强的鲁棒性,跟踪精度较传统的PID控制器提高了一个数量级.  相似文献   

为了解决机器人运动过程中库伦+黏性摩擦模型不能真实反映关节摩擦的非线性特性的问题,采用改进Stribeck摩擦模型对机器人关节摩擦进行建模,提出基于混合遗传算法与余弦轨迹的模型参数辨识方法. 采用不同的余弦轨迹对机器人关节进行激励,利用已知的机器人动力学方程确定关节摩擦力矩,从而建立机器人关节速度与关节摩擦力矩之间的映射关系,并利用模拟退火混合遗传算法对摩擦参数进行辨识. 为了验证所提方法的有效性,以多关节串联型机器人为研究对象,进行摩擦参数辨识实验. 实验结果表明,与传统的库伦+黏性摩擦模型相比,改进的Stribeck摩擦模型可以减少17.7%~33.6%的关节力矩计算误差,并能够进一步提高机器人动力学模型的准确性.  相似文献   

High-accuracy motion trajectory tracking control of a pneumatic cylinder driven by a proportional directional control valve was considered. A mathematical model of the system was developed firstly. Due to the time-varying friction force in the cylinder, unmodeled dynamics, and unknown disturbances, there exist large extent of parametric uncertainties and rather severe uncertain nonlinearities in the pneumatic system. To deal with these uncertainties effectively, an adaptive robust controller was constructed in this work. The proposed controller employs on-line recursive least squares estimation (RLSE) to reduce the extent of parametric uncertainties, and utilizes the sliding mode control method to attenuate the effects of parameter estimation errors, unmodeled dynamics and disturbances. Therefore, a prescribed motion tracking transient performance and final tracking accuracy can be guaranteed. Since the system model uncertainties are unmatched, the recursive backstepping design technology was applied. In order to solve the conflicts between the sliding mode control design and the adaptive control design, the projection mapping was used to condition the RLSE algorithm so that the parameter estimates are kept within a known bounded convex set. Extensive experimental results were presented to illustrate the excellent achievable performance of the proposed controller and performance robustness to the load variation and sudden disturbance.  相似文献   

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