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As the information-oriented society has matured, telecommunication development has had various impacts on our urban lifestyle. One such impact is increased allocative efficiency of off-duty hours. As money income increases, preference has been directed toward leisure time, and the time constraint has become tight. Another impact is changes in labor environments. Work at the office as well as at one's own home is made possible by communication services. Also, many firms have introduced flexible working hours. A model in which time is a scarce resource is necessary to analyze these impacts. This paper presents a numerical simulation model that analyzes the impacts of communication on location, consumption, and the allocation of time.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 11th Pacific Conference, Singapore, July, 1989.  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》1997,25(1):63-68
This study is an evaluation of the effect of using or not using daylight saving time on a residential building's HVAC and lighting energy consumption. Daylight saving time is the practice of shifting clock time ahead by one hour. The well-verified and robust hour-by-hour simulation code DOE-2.1 E is used to predict a residence's annual energy consumption at 224 locations in the US. The quantities tracked are annual electrical energy use, electrical cost, natural gas quantity, natural gas cost and total energy cost. The house used in the study is an existing structure in Lawrence, KS, and its actual characteristics, operation schedules and utility bills are used in the preparation of the energy model. The results show that for this residence, which is somewhat typical of US houses, total energy consumption is just slightly increased on average when summer daylight saving time is used instead of standard time year-round. Other combinations of standard and daylight saving time are also examined.  相似文献   

张新颖  张志宏 《山西建筑》2007,33(10):36-37
从分析影响城市居住用地区位的因素入手,进而探讨了城市居住用地的郊区化现象以及目前存在的问题,并提出对策,为居住用地的开发建设提供了参考。  相似文献   

我国城镇住宅夏季空调能耗状况分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
根据调查和计算,利用模拟归纳法对我国城镇住宅夏季空调能耗状况进行了定量分析.结果表明,目前我国城镇住宅夏季空调的总体能耗水平较低,但增速较快,且不同气候区之间差异较大.2005年全国城镇住宅夏季空调总耗电量约为285亿kwh,平均耗电指标约为2.65 kWh/m2.我国城镇住宅空调能耗前4位的地区是:广东、浙江、江苏和湖北,它们的空调总能耗约占全国城镇住宅空调总能耗的51.8%,广东、福建、重庆、浙江、上海、湖北、江苏和广西的空调能耗指标较高,它们是我国城镇住宅空调节能的重点地区.  相似文献   

肖哲涛  郝丽君 《山西建筑》2007,33(33):61-62
通过分析儿童日常生活户外活动场所的规划设计应该注意的问题,探讨了城市住区儿童日常生活户外活动场所规划设计方法,以期在实际的城市住区规划设计中有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

聂子昊 《山西建筑》2010,36(33):26-27
针对中小城市居住区商业空间普遍缺乏与城市互动的现象进行了分析,提出在设计中小城市居住区商业空间时应具有整体效益观,从系统的角度整合城市空间与居住区商业空间的设计原则,以期指导中小城市居住区商业空间规划。  相似文献   

It is found in the literature that if duopolists produce differentiated products and engage in price competition in a linear city model with elastic demand, the two firms necessarily agglomerate at the market center and this is the unique locational equilibrium, irrespective of the pricing policies charged by the firms. Utilizing a more reasonable market-serving assumption, this paper finds that the firms can be either centrally agglomerated or dispersed depending on the magnitude of the transport rate and the degree of product differentiation. Moreover, if the two firms choose quantity instead of price as their decision variables, the two firms become less likely to stay apart. But if they do, the distance of their locations necessarily shrinks. This paper also examines the locational configuration in the absence of the market-serving assumption and finds that spatial dispersion could be the only location pattern.  相似文献   

随着新零售时代的到来,线上线下一体化的促销活动成为当下炙手可热的营销策略。线下卖场促销货位的混乱布局在大促销期间极易造成局部拥堵,且货位间缺乏关联关系的挖掘。针对此问题,运用系统布置设计方法结合数据挖掘领域中的关联分析方法,建立收益最大关联规则模型,并以具体案例对促销货位布局和促销品货位分配策略进行设计规划。将关联分析方法应用于系统布局设计和商品货位指派问题中,有效地改善凭借主观经验进行促销货位布局和促销品货位分配问题的现状,增强组织促销过程中的科学性和系统性。  相似文献   

浅谈居室绿化与植物配置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了居室绿化的作用,论述了居室内绿化植物选择须遵循的原则,从客厅、餐厅、书房、卧室、阳台、门厅和走廊几方面详细介绍了居室绿化植物的配置,指出必须尽量利用居室环境的特点及室内装饰的原则来进行绿化,才能达到美化居室环境的目的.  相似文献   

以节能率65%的唐山市某住宅小区的34户住户为研究对象,采用基于通断时间面积法的热计量系统,对2012—2013年供暖季的运行参数进行了采集与分析。结果表明,正常住户的供暖概率介于0.8~1之间,邻室传热的设计温差小于5℃,可减少住户在调节过程中的热干扰现象;在室内外平均温度分别为22℃和-2.3℃时,该建筑的耗热量为26.6 W/m2,折算成设计参数下的耗热量为20.4 W/m2,高于指标值12.4 W/m2。  相似文献   

介绍了人员密集场所、商业服务网点、小型人员密集场所的概念,分析了商业服务网点改建为小型人员密集场所产生的一系列问题,并探讨了增强住宅建筑底部小型人员密集场所消防安全性能的措施,提出了避免此类违法改建行为产生的建议。  相似文献   

通过对消费者信任以及消费者购买行为相关研究文献的综述,结合住宅市场的消费特点,提出了住宅消费行为下信任的定义、维度和结果,最后探讨了如何将房地产市场营销向信任营销发展.  相似文献   

Experience with nature contributes to human wellbeing and environmental stewardship. Both may be affected when people experience local environmental disturbances. I test the hypothesis that relatively gradual ecological disturbance in urban areas increases awareness and appreciation of urban nature and environmental stewardship. In recent years the Emerald Ash Borer killed 10,000 street trees in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Information on residents’ attitudes and behavior regarding urban nature and street trees was collected from a mailed survey returned by 594 homeowners. Residential properties in the sample were distributed across the city as 24 pairs of nearest neighbor streets, including a “treatment street” (>70% street trees lost) and a “control street” (<30% street trees lost).Findings indicate that those experiencing tree loss were significantly more engaged with nature and more willing to participate in stewardship. The degree of increased engagement was directly related to the individual's proximity to the disturbance. Proximity to the loss was also a significant contributor to respondents’ appreciation of urban nature and the feeling that street trees enhance sense of wellbeing. However, regardless of proximity to tree loss, responses to items concerning appreciation of urban nature and the feeling that street trees enhance sense of wellbeing were extremely high. The results of this study suggest that recovery from ecological disturbance may be best supported by stewardship activities that engage citizens in what the care about, in ways that foster wellbeing of both the self and the urban ecosystem.  相似文献   

TheChicago Area Transportation/Land-Use Analysis System (CATLAS) is a large scale urban simulation model which synthesizes location rent analysis from urban economics with travel demand analysis from transportation planning. This paper describes the theoretical formulation, empirical estimation and policy application of CATLAS to the evaluation of CBD-oriented rapid transit projects in Chicago.  相似文献   

以上海市为例谈城市居住空间分异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
车乐 《山西建筑》2005,31(20):11-12
介绍了上海居住空间的分异表象,探讨了在上海现行住宅政策的基础上引入的HUD模式,分析了美国不同收入阶层混合居住邻里的经验,并根据经验阐明了其在上海实施该模式的可行性.  相似文献   

介绍了住宅小区的规划设计原则,并以太原市御景华府小区为例,从总体布局、配套设施、交通系统、绿化景观、建筑风格等方面,阐述了该小区的规划设计方法,旨在创造出个性、舒适、优美的居住空间。  相似文献   

This research examined new ways of investigating the economic viability of prospective urban housing development. The paper reviews both the theory and the practice of assessing economic viability. The research sought to improve the economic viability aspects of urban capacity studies that identify land and buildings that are suitable for future residential development. The methodology adopted and applied in the research proposes that viability can be judged from indicative residual values for identified sites. The values are generated from secondary data informed by professional opinion. Estimates of all development costs, other than site acquisition costs, are deducted from anticipated revenue to provide the residual values. Positive indicative residual values, if they are large enough to cover site acquisition costs, suggest that sites are viable for residential development. Whilst developed for the purposes of informing urban capacity studies, the methodology has wider applications, including informing policy actions that are designed to enhance the viability of potential residential development sites.  相似文献   

结合公共娱乐场所的消防特点,对现今公共娱乐场所消防监督检查工作中存在的问题进行分析,提出具体的解决思路,可有效防止公共娱乐场所出现消防事故,保证人民群众的生命及财产安全。  相似文献   

"The San Francisco Bay Area has taken on a distinct polycentric metropolitan form, with three tiers of hierarchical employment centers encircling downtown San Francisco.... In this paper it is found that polycentric development is associated with differentials in suburban and urban commute trip times: commute trips made by employees of suburban centers are shorter in duration than commute trips made by their counterparts in larger and denser urban centers. Differentials were even greater, however, with respect to commuting modal splits. Lower density, outlying employment centers averaged far higher rates of drive-alone automobile commuting and insignificant levels of transit commuting....The effects of housing availability and prices on the residential locational choices of those working both in urban and in suburban employment centers are also investigated...."  相似文献   

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