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免抹灰铝合金模板在高层住宅建筑的标准层施工中被广泛使用,但目前铝合金模板系统尚无相应的行业和国家规范。基于此,结合实际工程案例,研究分析了免抹灰铝合金模板在使用中与我国现行的设计、施工及验收规范体系存在的"碰撞"之处并提出了相应的处理措施,以期为铝合金模板相关标准的制订提供参考。  相似文献   

为提高我国混凝土模板用胶合板质量的水平,使该产品更好地符合模板工程设计和混凝土浇注质量的要求,并进一步适应扩展国际贸易的需要,应依据先进国家同类产品标准,结合我国森林资源和生产的实际状况,对现行《混凝土模板用胶合板》行业标准进行必要的修订,使修订后的该标准具有先进性和可行性。  相似文献   

铝合金模板体系是针对我国传统模板施工技术对操作工人的技术依赖度大,劳动力愈发紧张,难以形成可控的工序作业标准等弊端而实施的新型模板施工技术。该技术可以有效形成深化设计、配模工厂化加工,显著提高模板的周转率、每道工序均有可控的工序标准。我们认为铝合金模板等新型装配式、工具化模板体系是实现建筑工业化的重要途径之一,铝合金模板体系混凝土成型质量好,安全可靠,符合安全文明施工、绿色施工的要求。有非常广阔的发展、推广空间。  相似文献   

国家行业标准《钢框胶合板模板设计与施工规程》通过审查由中国建筑科学研究院主编的《钢框胶合板模板设计与施工规程》已通过建设部审查。本规程的内容比较完整、配套,具有先进性和可操作性,填补了我国在此领域中的空白,处于国内领先地位。本规程已跻身于国际模板设计与施工标准的先进行列,国际上尚无同类标准。我国将成立房屋安全与鉴定委员会建设部以《建社管字[1993]第45号》文批准成立“中国房地产及住宅研究会房屋安全与鉴定  相似文献   

近年来,铝合金模板在我国发展迅速,已经被广泛应用于建筑工程项目。公共建筑的标准层高度比较高,模板施工难度大,而且施工质量难以控制。因此,在公共建筑的施工过程中,可以采用铝合金模板,合理设置构件尺寸,并进行载荷和受力分析。该文以某高校科研楼为例,首先说明了铝合金模板的施工平面布置和施工要求,其次明确了模板的技术参数和模架系统构造,最后详细阐述了模板的施工工艺,以期为同类工程项目施工提供参考,对工程施工质量的提升起到促进作用。  相似文献   

梁能忠 《山西建筑》2010,36(22):162-164
总结了南宁市某商住楼高大模板工程的成功经验,根据国家现行规范、标准、规定、结合广西地方标准的要求,介绍了高大模板支撑系统中模板支架构造设计、施工和安全管理,为类似高大模板工程施工积累了一定经验。  相似文献   

为提高我国混凝土模板用胶合板质量的水平,使该产品更好地符合模板工程设计和混凝土浇灌质量的要求,并进一步适应扩展国际贸易的需要,依据先进国家同类产品标准,并结合我国森林资源和生产的实际情况,目前林业部正组织实施对现行《混凝土模板用胶合板》(ZBB70006-88)行业标准进行修订工作。行业标准《混凝土模板用胶合板》将进行修订  相似文献   

曾春英 《山西建筑》2010,36(22):156-157
针对目前模板施工中的现状及其特点,阐述了标准层和非标准层的模板支撑施工技术要求,探讨了模板施工的安全控制措施,旨在确保模板施工安全顺利进行。  相似文献   

随着铝合金模板在业内各界得到越来越多的认可,近几年国内兴起大量铝合金模板生产制造企业。由于缺乏统一标准,各企业的模板基本自成体系,相互间无法互换通用。通过对国内外铝合金模板形式的调查比较,制定了一套较完整的铝合金模板标准体系,并给出了标准板的拼装大样。  相似文献   

中国模板协会于1999年10月10~14日在昆明召开了全国模板、脚手架新技术工作会。出席会议的代表共184名。大会由中国模板协会理事长刘鹤年主持。中国模板协会副理事长兼秘书长、教授级高工糜嘉平就我国新型模板、脚手架的发展动向在大会上作了重点发言,着重指出了几点体会和建议:①鉴于新型脚手架标准制订和颁发工作的滞后,以致施工安全事故时有发生,必须加快标准的制订和实施;②应加强对生产厂的产品质量监督管理,采取措施对施工单位的购置进行把关来保障施工安全;③大力促进脚手架技术进步,借鉴日本开发的多种形式的…  相似文献   

走出标准制定误区加快与国际标准接轨步伐   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对我国防水行业标准制定和修订中存在的问题,提出了若干改进工作的建议指出:标准制定应坚持先进性的原则,采取慎重的态度,使制定的标准有利于行业的技术进步,并加快与国际标准接轨的步伐。  相似文献   

助磨剂是水泥生产过程中唯一可以添加的外加剂,其行业发展依附于水泥工业的发展。而这几年,随着国家对水泥工业的重视,国务院连续两年针对水泥行业发展方向及水泥标准出台了相关意见,这些都将对水泥行业发展起到积极作用,也将影响到助磨剂行业的发展。本文从通用水泥产品标准、水泥单位产品能源消耗限额标准等行业影响较大的标准出发,分析了在今后一段时间中,助磨剂行业的发展动态。  相似文献   

"居住小区"一词虽然产生于计划经济,但与邻里单位是同一概念,都是工业化和城市现代化的产物,是不依政治经济体制而变化的客观需要。随着我国经济制度的逐步转型和市场化发展,居住区建设模式发生根本改变,小区理论以及技术标准受到诸多质疑。本文试图从小区理论的产生、与邻里单位的关系、国内外实践入手,阐述居住小区理论并未因市场化而失效,进而针对如何在市场条件下运用居住区基本原理提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

Energy-conservation standards for new buildings will play a major rôle in federal and state conservation policies in the coming decade. This article discusses economic-efficiency considerations that can be incorporated into the selection and development of such standards. Three types of energy budgets — ‘fixed energy budgets’, ‘partially variable energy budgets’, and ‘economically efficient energy budgets’ (EEEB) — are examined for use as standards. Economic-efficiency criteria are presented for use in selecting an appropriate energy budget. An illustrative example shows the potential dollar losses in life-cycle terms from failing to apply an EEEB. Research and operational requirements for developing and implementing an energy budget are described. Three energy-budget standards are evaluated in terms of economic efficiency, administrative feasibility, equity, and consistency in design requirements. An EEEB appears optimal in that it ranks highest overall with respect to the four criteria. Failure to begin research for, and development of, EEEBs now would impose unnecessary social costs in the form of extra expenses to achieve any chosen target levels of energy conservation in buildings.  相似文献   

Repair and protection of concrete structures using products according to the standard EN 1504 The European series of standards EN 1504 for protection and repair of concrete structures is actually more or less finished. It consists of 10 main standards and 62 European test standards. The main standards EN 1504‐2 to 7 refer to the product classes surface protection systems, mortars, adhesives for strengthening, materials for filling of cracks and voids, anchoring products as well as protection materials for the steel surface. The principles for the use of the products and systems as well as the application of the products on site including quality assurance are regulated in parts 9 and 10. Furthermore the quality assurance for the products is described in part 8. In this way within the next months an extensive set of standards for protection and repair of concrete structures is available. Actually it is discussed, how this set of standards will be introduced in Germany. Due to different reasons it has been decided, that the parts for design and application will not be introduced in Germany, because the existing standards of the DAfStb “Protection and repair of concrete structures” as well as the ZTV‐ING have been used successfully for several years. To be able to use the European CE‐marked products for protection and repair of concrete structures in future in Germany, for surface protection, mortars, materials for filling of cracks and voids as well as steel coatings in the meantime additional standards (DIN V 18026 to 18028) have been worked out, while the adhesives and anchoring products will be handled via approvals as before. This paper describes, how protection and repair of concrete structures will be carried out in Germany with CE‐marked products according to EN 1504.  相似文献   

可持续发展已成为新世纪经济发展的主要内容,可持续建筑也成为新世纪发展的重点,建筑业应注重对环境、资源的保护,这将是建筑业发展的方向。目前,我国建设规模巨大,对能源和资源供给将有很大需求。建筑业应执行节能建筑标准、加大建筑节能力度,因地制宜地利用可再生能源,使建筑业走上可持续发展之路。论文结合海南省实际。分析建筑业可持续发展的必要性,并提出确保海南省建筑业可持续发展的具体措施。  相似文献   

The National Flood Insurance Program emphasizes building elevation requirements to protect property from flood damage and to limit continued increases in national flood losses. Economists believe that the cost to elevate buildings will shift some development to flood-free locations. This article provides evidence that elevating buildings to NFIP standards does indeed reduce losses, but that adding additional elevation requirements will have little effect on the rate of increase in floodplain development. Instead, these requirements must be supplemented with regulation of floodplain land use.  相似文献   

Abstract Why are we ventilating buildings and how much ventilation is required? These are the fundamental questions that engineers, architects and hygienists have tried to answer over the past two hundred years. Dramatic changes in the philosophy behind ventilation have occurred but during the last half century, buildings have been ventilated primarily to avoid discomfort caused by odorants and irritants in the air, i.e. to establish an indoor air quality that is perceived as acceptable for humans. This philosophy is still behind ventilation standards at present being revised in different parts of the world, although health effects are also being considered. The historical development will be briefly reviewed and common new trends in the revisions of European and American standards will be discussed. New data on the additivity of sensory pollution sources and on the impact of temperature and humidity will be reviewed. A new paradigm shift in the philosophy behind ventilation is predicted.  相似文献   

The global marketplace and advances in information technologies are leading to great changes in standards. These include growing reliance on international standards, new standards-development techniques, and new media and environments in which standards are expressed. Both general and project-specific information are being stored in and accessed from distributed, electronic, object-oriented databases. Standards available from general-purpose information systems will be capable of accessing and processing data to evaluate compliance with their provisions. Such standards will be convenient and efficient: input data will be accessed automatically from pertinent fields of the general and project-specific databases; results of evaluations will be recorded automatically in the project-specific database and used in decisions affecting design, construction or operation of constructed facilities. Major uses of standards will be associated with computer-aided systems and major revenues from uses of standards will accrue to systems developers and users. Standards-developing organizations should respond to this marketplace by themselves producing standards in the form of executable objects. Computer aids can assist in the formulation and expression of standards that are complete in coverage of the intended scope, consistent and unambiguous in their logic, and correct in reproducing the intent of the formulators.  相似文献   

刘永红  刘秋玲 《规划师》2012,28(1):66-69
随着区域一体化的推进,属地规划管理模式越来越难以适应区域整体协调发展的要求,因此实现区域共同规划管理至关重要。建构区域规划信息平台是实现区域共同规划管理的重要途径,该平台由规划编制信息、规划成果信息和规划管理信息组成。深莞惠三市联合开展了区域规划信息共享的研究,尝试探索加强区域规划管理的信息化手段,通过采集区域共同的规划信息、逐步统一三市的规划信息标准、探索多途径的共享方式以及建立管理审批程序等手段,对三市的规划信息平台进行建构,为国内大都市区的区域规划管理和区域规划信息平台建设提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

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