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Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and gamma-interferon (IFN-gamma) cooperate during a variety of biological responses and ultimately synergistically enhance the expression of genes involved in immune and inflammatory responses. Recently, we demonstrated that IFN-gamma can significantly potentiate TNF-alpha-induced nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB nuclear translocation in neuronal derived and endothelial cell lines. The mechanism by which these two cytokines exert their synergistic effect on NF-kappaB involves the de novo degradation of the NF-kappaB inhibitor, IkappaBbeta. The double-stranded RNA-dependent kinase PKR is IFN-inducible and has been implicated in the activation of NF-kappaB; therefore, we examined the possibility that PKR may play a role in the synergistic activation of NF-kappaB during TNF-alpha/IFN-gamma cotreatment. The PKR inhibitor 2-aminopurine (2-AP) inhibited TNF-alpha/IFN-gamma-induced NF-kappaB nuclear translocation in neuronal derived cells but not in endothelial cells. The induced degradation of IkappaBbeta, which is normally observed upon TNF-alpha/IFN-gamma cotreatment, was blocked completely by 2-AP in neuronal derived cells. Also, 2-AP treatment or overexpression of a catalytically inactive PKR inhibited the TNF-alpha/IFN-gamma-induced synergistic activation of kappaB-dependent gene expression. Our results suggest that the signal generated by IFN-gamma during TNF-alpha/IFN-gamma cotreatment may require PKR to elicit enhanced NF-kappaB activity, and this signal may affect the stability of the IkappaBbeta protein.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is a major mediator of both acute and chronic inflammatory responses in many diseases. Tristetraprolin (TTP), the prototype of a class of Cys-Cys-Cys-His (CCCH) zinc finger proteins, inhibited TNF-alpha production from macrophages by destabilizing its messenger RNA. This effect appeared to result from direct TTP binding to the AU-rich element of the TNF-alpha messenger RNA. TTP is a cytosolic protein in these cells, and its biosynthesis was induced by the same agents that stimulate TNF-alpha production, including TNF-alpha itself. These findings identify TTP as a component of a negative feedback loop that interferes with TNF-alpha production by destabilizing its messenger RNA. This pathway represents a potential target for anti-TNF-alpha therapies.  相似文献   

Previously, we have shown that tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), a proinflammatory cytokine, increases the synthesis and release of endothelin-1 (ET-1), a potent vasoactive peptide from human non-pigmented ciliary epithelial (HNPE) cells, in a protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent manner. Diacylglycerol (DAG) and intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) are well known activators of PKC. Some cytokines induce PKC activation by stimulating phospholipase C that hydrolyzes phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate (PIP2) into IP3 (intracellular calcium mobilizer) and DAG. In this study, the existence of a similar pathway was evaluated in HNPE cells treated with TNF-alpha, using intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) measurements, PKC translocation assays and thin-layer chromatography (TLC) for quantification of DAG. Incubation times for agonists and inhibitors ranged from 1-30 minutes. The increase in DAG levels with TNF-alpha treatment was consistent with the observed translocation of the calcium-dependent PKC alpha isoform from the cytosol to the plasma membrane. However, these observations were not accompanied by a concomitant increase in [Ca2+]i. Similar translocation responses were observed with phorbol ester (phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate) treatment. Our results indicate that TNF-alpha-induced PKC activation in HNPE cells occurs as a result of elevated DAG levels and is not due to an increase in intracellular calcium. Activated PKC, could enhance the pro-inflammatory responses of TNF-alpha in part by increasing the production of endothelins in the eye.  相似文献   

A rat thyroid cell line (FRTL-5) was used to study the phagocytic activity of thyroid follicular cells using fluorescent latex beads and flow cytometric analysis. Morphologic studies demonstrated that latex beads were engulfed and located within cytoplasmic vacuoles of thyrocytes. Flow cytometric evaluation of cell suspensions revealed high levels of fluorescence in cells engulfing latex beads. Using thyrotropin (TSH) as a stimulator of thyroid function and human interleukin-1 beta as an inhibitor, protocols were established for measuring the effects of these substances on either basal or TSH-induced phagocytosis. Cells exposed to latex beads over time in basal (0H) or TSH-containing medium had an increase in time-dependent phagocytic activity which was maximal after 24 or 8 h, respectively. Treatment of FRTL-5 cells with either a stimulator or an inhibitor revealed maximal change in phagocytic activity after 72 h as measured by the percentage of phagocytic cells as well as the mean fluorescence intensity. Phagocytic activity and iodide trapping by FRTL-5 cells were qualitatively similar in both sensitivity and magnitude of change in the assays used in this study. Phagocytosis of fluorescent latex beads represents a sensitive nonradioactive assay of thyrocyte function whose regulation is similar to iodide trapping.  相似文献   

Metallothionein (MT) synthesis induced by the inflammatory cytokines, interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF), was studied in vivo. Administration of recombinant human IL-6 or TNF to rats caused the acute phase responses including rapid decreases in plasma zinc (Zn), and increases in plasma copper (Cu) and ceruloplasmin. Hepatic concentration of MT-I, one of MT isoforms, began to increase within 3 h after the injection of IL-6 or TNF. In IL-6-treated rats, MT-I concentration in liver reached a maximum level at 12 h and decreased with a transient rebound, whereas, in TNF-treated rats, a high level of MT-I lasted for about 48 h. MT-II, the other MT isoform, was induced more than MT-I in liver by both cytokines. MT-I was also induced in lung and heart by TNF, but little by IL-6. The data suggest that IL-6 may be responsible for MT synthesis in liver, whereas TNF may be responsible not only in liver but also in lung and heart. Furthermore plasma concentration of MT did not always reflect the enhanced concentration of MT by TNF and IL-6 in liver, suggesting involvement of many factors influencing plasma MT levels. The interrelation between IL-6 and TNF for MT synthesis has also been discussed.  相似文献   

It is well known that human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is sometimes secreted from nontrophoblastic neoplasms. To elucidate the role of ectopic hCG, we investigated the effect of hCG produced from a papillary thyroid cancer cell line (B-CPAP cells) on stimulation and growth promotion of FRTL-5 rat thyroid cells. Ectopic hCG contained in the culture medium of B-CPAP cells was purified using gel filtration and bioassayed for thyrotropic activity in FRTL-5 cells. Addition of ectopic hCG (up to 5.2 x 10(4) IU/L) increased cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) accumulation and 3H-thymidine incorporation in FRTL-5 cells dose dependently. These effects were almost as potent as the stimulation induced by standard hCG CR-127. After the absorption of the ectopic hCG by anti-hCG-beta monoclonal antibody, the cAMP accumulation was significantly decreased. Analysis of ectopic hCG isoforms with different isoelectric points indicated the predominance of the acidic hCG isoform with isoelectric point (pI) 3.8-3.2 that is the major isoform of standard hCG. Basic isoforms (pI 5.7-5.3) with higher thyrotropic potency were also detected. These results indicate that the ectopic hCG secreted from papillary thyroid cancer cells possess intrinsic thyroid-stimulating and growth-promoting activity. The ectopic hCG may act as an autocrine-paracrine factor in nontrophoblastic neoplasms.  相似文献   

The aim of this study, in rabbit tibia, was an evaluation of the early reactions of the tissues to the insertion of polylactic membranes, used in connection with titanium implants. The specimens were retrieved after 1-4 weeks, and a histological analysis was performed. It was possible to see that, in the early implantation phases, no degradation of the macrostructure of the membrane was present. On the outer portion of the membrane many multinucleated giant cells (MGC) were present and membrane fragments were present inside the cytoplasm of these cells. These cells could explain the inflammatory processes reported, in some reports, with the use of materials made by polylactic and polyglycolic acid. We did not observe detrimental effects in the bone tissue around the membrane, and the membrane appeared to have a mechanical stability for the time necessary for bone regeneration.  相似文献   

Blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis Say, is the principal vector of Borrelia burgdorferi Johnson, Schmid, Hyde, Steigerwalt & Brenner in the eastern half of the United States. Populations exhibit extreme variation in morphology, host usage, development time, and behavior. We examined sequence variation in the 16S and 12S mitochondrial ribosomal DNA genes to determine genetic relationships among I. scapularis collections from throughout its range. Single strand conformation polymorphism analysis of 300 bp of the 16S molecule was used to identify different haplotypes and estimate their relative frequencies among 198 ticks. Eleven different haplotypes were detected. Haplotype diversity was least in northeastern collections and greatest in the southeast. The 11 haplotypes were sequenced in 24 specimens. In total, 462 bp in the 16S gene and 420 bp in the 12S gene were sequenced to reveal 66 informative sites. Phylogenetic analysis, using I. ricinus L. and I. pacificus Cooley & Kohls as outgroups, revealed 2 clades within I. scapularis. One clade was limited to the South and the other was distributed throughout the range of I. scapularis. Specimens from the Southern United States were basal in the broadly distributed clade. Random amplified polymorphic DNA by polymerase chain reaction patterns examined between members of the 2 clades provided no evidence for reproductive isolation. These patterns suggest that I. scapularis arose in the South but that a large geographic split gave rise to 2 distinct lineages. These lineages now interbreed and are partially sympatric.  相似文献   

An experimental study of Allergan's Oxysept Comfort system was performed by measuring the slight reddish hue that appears in the disinfecting solution, indicating to the users that their lenses are again ready to be worn. The temporal evolution of the color of the solution has been measured under standardized conditions and analyzed in the CIELAB system, from the perspective of the typical threshold discrimination of the human eye. Color differences between neutralized and non-neutralized solutions occurred in an appropriate direction of the color space to enhance discrimination and were clearly perceptible by normal observers (greater than 9.7 +/- 1.2 CIELAB units). Colorimetric analyses have been used to draw conclusions regarding observers with defective color vision. The color of the solution changes abruptly, approximately 25 min after the neutralization process begins, and remains nearly constant after about 60 min, this agreeing well with the temporal evolution of the hydrogen peroxide concentration.  相似文献   

Based on the recent findings that show how recombinant human tumor necrosis factor (rh-TNF)-alpha has potent antitumor activity on human cancer patients when it locally administrated, we have tested the cytotoxicity of rh-TNF-alpha on 3 canine cultured cells: (1) canine kidney carcinoma (CKCa-1), (2) mastocytoma and (3) Mardin Darby canine kidney cells (MDCK). The cell surface expression of TNF-alpha receptors on these canine cells was also determined with anti-human TNF RI and RII polyclonal antibodies. Our data shows that on CKCa-1 which has TNF RI receptors rh-TNF-alpha induced cytotoxicity. By contrast, it exhibited no toxicity on canine mastocytoma which has mainly RII receptors. The data also suggest actinomycin D (ACT-D), an anticancer antibiotic, enhanced the cytotoxicity of rh-TNF-alpha. Combined with ACT-D, rh-TNF-alpha showed the cytotoxicity on MDCK which possessed both TNF RI and RII receptors. The results indicate that the cytotoxicity of rh-TNF-alpha depends on the presence of TNF RI receptors on canine tumor cells.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the intravenous administration of yohimbine, an alpha 2 antagonist, increases norepinephrine turnover and has related anxiogenic effects in humans. We herein report that yohimbine also increases plasma neuropeptide Y (NPY) in healthy human subjects. This finding is consistent with previous reports in animals, but contrasts with a previously reported study in humans. NPY is a 36 amino acid peptide neurotransmitter located in sympathetic and nonsympathetic nerve fibers, as well as in brain structures such as the locus coeruleus, where it is colocalized with norepinephrine. NPY has been shown to inhibit locus coeruleus neuronal firing, decrease norepinephrine release, and increase postsynaptic noradrenergic signal transduction. When administered centrally, NPY also has anxiolytic properties. This study therefore suggests that yohimbine challenge may be useful in assessing NPY and noradrenergic system interactions in neuropsychiatric disorders such as panic disorder or post traumatic stress disorder in which noradrenergic system dysfunction has been observed.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is a potent cytokine in inflammatory processes. A variety of mechanisms that modulate its activity have been described, one being its binding to soluble receptors (sTNFR). In this study, we demonstrate that human monocytic cells such as THP-1 respond to direct contact with a membrane preparation of stimulated HUT-78 cells by producing TNF-alpha and by releasing sTNFR-p75, but not sTNFR-p55, with different kinetics. TNF-alpha concentration peaked after 12 h of contact and then decreased, whereas sTNFR-p75 production increased progressively upon cell/cell contact. The decrease in TNF-alpha concentration is not due to trapping of TNF-alpha by its soluble receptors or other soluble or cell-associated molecules, but rather to a proteolytic activity associated to THP-1 cells. On the other hand, the increase in sTNFR-p75 release does not result from an increase in the cleavage of pre-existing cell-associated sTNFR-p75 but from an increase in TNFR-p75 expression, immediately followed by the cleavage of its extracellular domain. Phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride, a serine protease inhibitor, has a negative effect on both TNF-alpha degradation and sTNFR-p75 release by THP-1 cells. Thus, there may be an enzymatic activity associated to THP-1 cells that plays an important role in the neutralization of TNF-alpha activity both by degrading the molecule and by cleaving its receptors at the cell surface.  相似文献   

Lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells generated from peripheral blood lymphocytes incubated with recombinant interleukin-2 were transfected with the human tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha gene by means of novel liposomes with a positive change on their surface. The cells secreted significant amounts of TNF-alpha into the culture medium and exhibited reinforcement of cytotoxicity toward a human glioma cell line (U251-SP), being three times more cytotoxic than nontransfected LAK cells. The mechanism for the reinforcement of cytotoxicity is considered to involve not only an increase in TNF-alpha secretion from LAK cells but also its expression on their surface. Intratumoral or intrathecal injection of LAK cells transfected with the TNF-alpha gene may be useful for the treatment of patients with malignant gliomas.  相似文献   

S O'Neil  J Hunt  J Filkins  R Gamelli 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,122(2):281-6; discussion 286-7
BACKGROUND: Obstructive jaundice (OJ) predisposes patients to postoperative sepsis. We determined whether OJ led to an increased endotoxin stimulated tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) production by macrophage-rich organs and whether a lack of intraluminal gut bile contributed to this increased sensitivity. METHODS: Rats underwent laparotomy and common bile duct ligation and division (CBDL) or sham operation after they were given low-dose endotoxin or saline solution (NS). TNF-alpha levels in plasma, perfusate from the isolated perfused rat liver, and tissue from lung, spleen, and liver were measured 90 minutes later. An additional group underwent creation of a choledochal-vesical fistula and endotoxin administration. RESULTS: The plasma TNF-alpha, liver perfusate TNF-alpha, and the tissue TNF-alpha levels in liver, lung, and spleen were significantly elevated in the CBDL + endotoxin (CBDL + ETX) group compared with the SHAM + ETX and CBDL + NS groups (p < 0.05). The choledochal-vesical fistula group after endotoxin had plasma TNF-alpha levels only 27% that of the CBDL + ETX group (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: OJ sensitizes macrophage-rich organs to produce larger amounts of TNF-alpha in response to endotoxin. This sensitization is not solely due to decreased intraluminal gut bile.  相似文献   

The Fas antigen is a transmembrane receptor belonging to the tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) receptor family that, when activated by Fas ligand or agonistic antibodies, induces death by apoptosis. Although the presence of Fas antigen in ovarian tissues has been demonstrated, little is known about whether Fas antigen is functional in the ovary. This report shows that murine granulosa cells are initially resistant to antibody-induced Fas-mediated apoptosis, but will undergo apoptosis when cotreated with TNF and interferon-gamma (IFN) or cycloheximide (CX). Granulosa cells were obtained from follicles of 23-day-old mice 2 days after injection of PMSG. Twenty-four hours after plating, cells were pretreated with either 0 or 200 U/ml IFN, which has been shown to induce Fas antigen expression and is required for Fas-mediated killing in many cell types. At 48 h, cells were treated with 2 microg/ml control IgG, 2 microg/ml anti-Fas antigen antibody (Fas mAb), 10 ng/ml TNF, or Fas mAb and TNF. Cytotoxicity (percent killing) relative to control IgG was determined at 72 h by counting granulosa cells after trypsinization. In the absence of IFN, no cytotoxicity was observed. In the presence of IFN, neither TNF or Fas mAb alone was cytotoxic, but the combination of Fas mAb and TNF resulted in 25% killing (P < 0.05). Fas antigen messenger RNA (mRNA) was detectable in cultures not treated with cytokines and was increased 5-fold by TNF, 2-fold by IFN, and 17-fold by the combination of IFN and TNF. To test whether the presence of a labile inhibitor(s) of Fas-mediated killing in granulosa cells is the cause of resistance to Fas mAb, the protein synthesis inhibitor CX was used. Experiments were performed as described above, except that cells were treated with 0.5 microg/ml CX in conjunction with other treatments at 48 h. Fas mAb treatment in the presence of CX induced 25% cell death without IFN pretreatment and 38% with IFN (P < 0.05). TNF treatment in the presence of CX had no effect alone, but potentiated the effects of Fas mAb, resulting in 56% killing in the absence of IFN and 86% killing in the presence of IFN (P < 0.05). Cells stained positively for DNA fragmentation and annexin V binding, features characteristic of apoptosis. Because initial experiments showed that treatment with TNF alone increased Fas mRNA levels, the effect of pretreating cells for 24 h with TNF before treatment with Fas mAb was tested. Pretreatment with TNF or IFN alone did not promote Fas mAb-mediated killing, but combined pretreatment with TNF and IFN resulted in 25% killing in response to Fas mAb. Treatment of cells with the combination of IFN and TNF induced a 19-fold increase in Fas antigen mRNA levels. Corresponding increases in Fas antigen protein expression on the surface of cells in response to cytokine treatments were detected by immunocytochemistry. Human TNF did not duplicate the effects of mouse TNF in inducing Fas antigen mRNA expression and Fas mAb-induced killing. As human TNF interacts exclusively with the type I, but not the type II, TNF receptor in the mouse, potentiating effects of mouse TNF on the Fas pathway are probably mediated via the type II TNF receptor. The effects of cytokine treatments on levels of mRNA for FAP-1, an inhibitor of Fas-mediated apoptosis, were determined. FAP-1 mRNA was detectable in untreated granulosa cells, and levels were not altered by treatment with TNF and/or IFN. In summary, the Fas-mediated pathway of apoptosis is functional in mouse granulosa cells that are stimulated with IFN and TNF. These cytokines may function at least partially by increasing Fas antigen expression. Granulosa cells appear to have inhibitors of the Fas antigen pathway, as treatment with CX potentiates Fas-mediated death. TNF promotes Fas-mediated killing in the presence and absence of CX. Therefore, TNF is not likely to act simply by increasing Fas antigen expression or decreasing protein inhibitors of the Fas pathway, because TNF remains effec  相似文献   

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