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In the context of an investigative monitoring programme a monitoring system comprising of a water quality monitoring station and a camera station has been installed and operated for more than one year. The monitoring target was to investigate changes of water quality which can be related to a repeated occurrence of foam, observed at a river stretch downstream the monitoring station. The extent and frequency of foam buildup was recorded by means of the camera station.The analysis of the online data clearly showed that some of the measured parameters can be used as indicators for specific discharges, which from additional targeted investigations could be identified as contributors to the foaming problems. The continuous ammonium measurement could be used to detect nitrification problems of WWTPs discharging upstream of the monitoring station.By combining different data sources (emission data, operative and investigative monitoring data) additional information can be gained, which can be used for a comprehensive data assessment as well as a detailed system analysis.  相似文献   

Photochemical degradation of naproxen in the aquatic environment.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Naproxen belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is often used to treat pain of rheumatic and non-rheumatic diseases. The photochemical experiments of naproxen degradation were performed in the wastewater effluents from wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) Kloten/Switzerland at its real concentrations (without standard addition) and in drinking water containing naproxen standard, adjusted to pH = 7 and pH = 6. All performed experiments showed that within 5 min of photochemical oxidation, the disappearance of naproxen exceeded 90%. The first-order rate constants of naproxen degradation were determined. The maximal value of rate constant was observed by UV/H2O2 process in water samples at pH = 6 (k = 0.997 min(-1)).  相似文献   

A consortium of Austrian scientists (ARCEM) carried out a multidisciplinary environmental study on Austrian surface and ground waters including chemical monitoring, bioindication, risk assessment and risk management for selected endocrine disrupters: 17beta-estradiol, estriol, estrone, 17alpha-ethinylestradiol, 4-nonylphenol, 4-nonylphenol ethoxylates (4-NP1EO, 4-NP2EO) and their degradation products, ocytlphenol, ocytlphenol ethoxylates (OP1EO, OP2EO) as well as bisphenol A. To obtain data representative for Austria, a material flow analysis served to select relevant compounds and water samples were collected monthly over one year at those sites routinely used in Austrian water quality control. The following results were obtained and conclusions drawn: 1. Chemical monitoring: As compared to other countries, relatively low levels of pollution with endocrine disrupters were detected. 2. Bioindication: In the surface waters under study, male fish showed significant signs of feminization and demasculinization (increased production of the egg-yolk protein and histological changes of the gonads. 3. Risk assessment: For humans, exposure via either drinking water abstraction (ground water) or fish consumption was considered. The exposure levels of the compounds under study were below those considered to result in human health risks. Likewise, for bisphenol A and octylphenols, there was no indication for risk posed upon the aquatic environment (fish). However, nonylphenol or 17alpha-ethinylestradiol exposure along with results of bioindication (2) suggest a borderline estrogenic activity in a considerable number of surface waters. Consequently the emissions of these substances into the surface waters affected have to be reduced. 4. Risk management: Waste water treatment experiments revealed a positive correlation between the removal rate of endocrine disrupters from the waste water and the sludge retention time in the treatment plants. These substances are removed to a higher extend at low loaded plants designed for nutrient removal than at plants that remove carbon and/or employ nitrification only. As to drinking water treatment, chlorine dioxide and ozone were found to eliminate all investigated substances, except nonylphenol ethoxylates. (For the complete study see: www.arcem.at)  相似文献   

Environmental risk evaluation for anionic surfactants based on the characteristics of the appearance of a high concentration was developed together with statistical analysis of MBAS data in rivers of Hyogo Pref., western Japan. Annual average MBAS at different monitoring points generally decreased during past 10 years and their geometric mean reduced by 70%. This rate of decrease agreed well with that of estimated environmental loads of anionic surfactants in the study area. The proportions of monitoring point with high risk (risk ratio over 1.0) to fish increased in the order of the weakness of toxicity in both 1989 and 1998. Their proportions were 2% for acute toxicity, 17% for chronic toxicity and 66% for avoidance response in 1989, which surpassed the proportion evaluated using average concentration in all cases. The proportions for whole toxicities decreased in 1998, however, the proportion for avoidance response kept considerably high level (42%). These results indicated the usefulness of environmental risk evaluation for surfactants based on the characteristics of appearance of high concentration, and also suggested the need for field investigation for fish avoidance response.  相似文献   

Dams were urgently needed in Japan during the 1950s to increase food production and hydropower generation, and to control floods. One of the first important protest movements against dams was organized during the 1960s for the Shimouke Dam on the Chikugo River. Though the construction of this Dam could not be stopped, the movement had major implications for dam construction later. An Act on Special Measures for Reservoir Development (ASMRAD) currently stipulates requirements for construction of dams which will submerge 20 or more households, or 20 hectares of agricultural land. Application of ASMRAD and the 1997 amendment to the River Law is discussed. Conflicts that arose due to the construction of the Nagara River Estuary Barrage are reviewed. The impacts of the Miyagase Dam on the environment and regional development are described.  相似文献   

In the drinking water and air pollution fields, odour quality characterisation and intensity of each odour characteristic needs to be developed to evaluate the causes of the odours present. Drinking water quality characterisation has matured to the point where an "odour wheel" is described and the primary chemicals producing the odour are known and therefore a potential treatment can be defined from the odours reported. Sufficient understanding of the types of odorous compounds that can arise from wastewater and compost treatment processes and odours in the urban environment are starting to emerge. This article presents the anatomy of the odour wheels. It is hoped that the foundation of odour wheels will evolve as odour quality data are reported and linked with chemical causation. The compost and urban odour wheels are presented in print for the first time.  相似文献   

美国基西米河渠化工程对河流生态环境的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
位于美国佛罗里达州的基西米河,所处流域自然条件优越,季节性的水流变化较大,河流沿岸湿地资源丰富,为各种水生生物提供了适宜的生存环境,构成了流域内丰富多彩的生态系统.由于防洪排涝的需要,1961年开展了大规模的渠化工程,将蜿蜒的自然河流变成了几段较为顺直的人工运河,提高了河道的防洪能力,然而渠化后的河道及其下游流域的生态环境也随之出现了一系列负面反应,原有的生态平衡受到破坏,教训是非常深刻的.文中针对该渠化工程的后果及教训进行了总结和介绍。  相似文献   

In developing tropical countries, the littoral region of lakes is exposed to high human pressures, and the degradation effects are more evident on riparian vegetation and macrophytes. Human impacts on other biological entities, such as plankton and macroinvertebrates, are rarely investigated and reported. The present study focuses on assessing the effects of habitat disturbance on the littoral macroinvertebrate assemblages in Lake Hawassa, Ethiopia. Samples were taken from February to November 2015/16 from 12 sampling sites purposefully selected on the basis of percentage disturbance score (PDS) and categorized into minimally disturbed (four sites), moderately disturbed (five sites) and highly disturbed (three sites). Macroinvertebrate samples were collected from each site using a D‐frame net of 500 µm, with both in situ measurement and laboratory analysis of the environmental variables being conducted. A total of 23,051 macroinvertebrates belonging to 43 families were identified. Analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) and non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analyses revealed significantly different macroinvertebrate assemblages among the disturbance levels (ANOSIM: p = .004, R = .55). Variables such as Biological Monitoring Working Party, Shannon diversity index, Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera (ET) family richness, and family richness exhibited a flawless pattern of decrease with increasing human disturbances and a negative correlation with nutrients. The reduction of these metrics for highly disturbed sites was attributable to the deterioration of vegetation and bottom substrate qualities, increasing stormwater inputs, lack of buffer zones and well‐planned land use induced by human interventions. It was evident anthropogenic activities in and around the littoral zone of the lake contributed to the degradation of habitat quality and decreased macroinvertebrate richness and abundance. Thus, effective lake management practices are recommended to rehabilitate the degraded littoral habitat quality in order to realize the sustainable use of this natural resource.  相似文献   

Globally, over the past few decades, extreme river channel deformation has been observed downstream of dams. Specially, estuarine channel deformation and its response to natural and anthropogenic factors are key issues influencing channel regulation and prediction of long-term stability in large estuarine deltas. Herein, bathymetry data for the upper reaches of the Yangtze Estuary (YE), China was collected for the years 1995, 2003, 2008, 2013, and 2019 to analyze the channel deformation process. Our findings show that the total erosion volume was approximately 11.22 × 108 m3, an equivalent of 15.7 × 108 t of sediment assuming a bulk density of 1.4 t/m3 for the riverbed material during 1995–2019. Meanwhile, the annual erosion rate is 0.63 Mt/year in 1995–2019, and the annual erosion rate is 0.90, 0.12, 0.40 Mt/year in 1995–2003, 2008–2013 and 2013–2019, respectively. Meanwhile, the annual deposition rate is 0.7 Mt/year during 2003–2008. Further analysis indicated that continuous reduction of the sediment load due to the construction of dams (e.g., the Three Gorges Dam) in the basin was a key factor influencing channel erosion over the past 24 years. The channel deformation process was characterized by severe erosion during 1995–2003, a deposition period during 2003–2008, a dynamic equilibrium period from 2008–2013, and an erosion period after 2013. Due to floods with maximum peak discharge lower than 70,000 m3/s, despite the annual sediment load is reduced, the channel deposition phenomenon occurred in 2003–2008. The channel changed from a depositional system to an erosion system during 2008–2013. After 2013, the channel was dominated by extensive erosion, severe local deposition, or severe local erosion as a response to anthropogenic interventions. These findings are of great significance to river management and regulation, as well as to the navigational safety.  相似文献   

A collaborative study among three nations (France, Belgium, Netherlands) along the Meuse River developed a consistent approach for collecting and interpreting macroinvertebrate data. Specific mesohabitats were sampled in 16 locations along an 800‐km stretch of this lowland regulated river. The objective was to assess the ‘river health’ using macroinvertebrate communities as indicators of biological and ecological variation in space. The main changes in assemblages were investigated using multimetric and multivariate approaches. The authors examined relationships between faunal variations and both physico‐chemical gradients and man‐made disturbances. We related species traits to faunal changes and habitat characteristics. Both a gradual shift from a macroinvertebrate assemblage dominated by insects to a community dominated by crustaceans and molluscs and a drastic decrease in biotic index values were observed along the longitudinal gradient. Taxa were distributed according to oxygen, nitrate and ammonium concentrations, pH, conductivity and summer hydraulic conditions. But major faunal differences among sites could not be explained simply by physico‐chemical variables. The trait analysis underlined the role of temporary habitats in structuring the summer macroinvertebrate community of sites of the uppermost French sector, which supported the most diverse community in terms of trait combination. Downstream the macroinvertebrate community exhibited a more simple and less stable functional organization. We concluded that the Meuse River exhibited both a high biodiversity and a ‘reasonably good’ water quality in the upper reaches. Two transition zones highlighted the influence of a high degree of human impact on stream integrity. Regulation for navigation, ship traffic and heavily polluted effluent discharges influenced instream conditions via multiple processes determining a decline of both habitat stability and diversity. However, the rare occurrence of habitat‐sensitive species in the lower reaches indicated that a partial recovery of communities may be predicted if restoration and protection of disturbed (especially riparian) habitats are fulfilled. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Weihe River has experienced a significant runoff decline in the past few decades, but the detailed and systematic analysis of different sub-regions of the Weihe River basin (WRB) for a long time is insufficient. Based on the data of five hydrological stations from 1957 to 2018, this study investigated the variation of annual runoff both in the whole Weihe River basin (WWRB) and its sub-regions: the upper, middle, and lower reaches of the Weihe River (URWR, MRWR, LRWR, respectively), the Jing River basin (JRB), and the Beiluo River basin (BLRB). Moreover, the contribution of climate change and anthropogenic activities on runoff change was quantified by double mass curve (DMC) and hydrological sensitivity analysis (HSA) methods. The results showed that runoff of the URWR, MRWR, JRB, BLRB, and WWRB showed significant downward trends, and with the change-point years of 1993, 1990, 1996, 1994, and 1993, respectively. Both results of DMC and HSA showed that anthropogenic activities were the main factors for runoff reduction. The contribution of human activities was largest in the JRB and BLRB, whereas lowest in the MRWR. Over the study period, land use has changed significantly in the basin, mainly manifested in the reduction of farmland, and the increase of construction land and grassland, indicating that intense anthropogenic activities have taken place. Moreover, the total water consumption of the WWRB increased evidently, which exacerbated the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources. The results of HSA showed that runoff was more sensitive to precipitation than to Ep. Precipitation reduced the runoff, while Ep increased runoff in the basin. The results of this study are helpful for understanding the regional hydrological situation in more detail, and can act as a reference for formulating reasonable water resources allocation schemes.  相似文献   

The results of hydrobiological investigations of Grošnica and Gruža Reservoirs near the city of Kragujevac in Serbia indicated differences in their trophic status. Although considerably younger than Grošnica Reservoir, Gruža Reservoir manifests all the signs of accelerated eutrophication. Primary and secondary plankton productivity is significantly greater in Gruža Reservoir, as is macrophyte production. Accelerated eutrophication also is indicated with the results of an ecological analysis. The manifested differences can be attributed mainly to the greater human influences, as well as the unfavourable morphometric characteristics of Gruža Reservoir, compared to Grošnica Reservoir.  相似文献   

潮白河水资源供需矛盾突出,水环境与经济社会发展极不协调,更不符合"绿色奥运"要求.近年潮白河进行了河道生态建设,污水资源化、蓄水绿化、雨洪利用等综合治理措施,潮白河河道面貌发生了巨大变化,对服务奥运和周边地区发展发挥了积极作用.  相似文献   

孙迪 《北京水务》2010,(4):14-16
推进北运河综合治理,建设清洁优美的水环境是营造宜居城市的基础,对建设"绿色北京"、打造"首善之区"具有十分重要的意义,现阶段综合治理工作已全面展开,且已初见成效,但从长远考虑,水环境治理任重道远,仍面临诸多挑战,需要不断去探索和改进。  相似文献   

In order to support the operation of wastewater systems and the workflow of sewage systems an application for demonstration has been developed to show exemplarily how a mobile information system can be transferred into practice and used by the staff. The paper presents a scalable information visualisation system, which can be used with mobile devices. The regarded information data does not only include process data, but also general information about buildings and units, work directions, occupational safety regulations as well as instructions of first aid in case of a work accident. This is particularly appropriate for the use in remote facilities. The implementation is based on but not limited to SQL, JSP and HTML.  相似文献   

横滨市水环境整治——安全、舒适、情趣   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫明 《中国水利》2001,(3):48-49
一、横滨市水利概况 横滨市是日本第三大城市,总面积约433km~2,总人口约340万,城市化面积已达75.8%,流经横滨市的主要河流共58条,总长约210km,分属8个水系。其中,分属6个水系的25条河流为横滨市管理的准用河流,总长约31km。此外,还有不少普通小河流。横滨市属丘陵地区,平均地面高程较高,其河流受海潮的影响较小。横滨市河流的特点是多而短,流域面积小。因此,短时间的集中暴雨很容易引起市区地面积水。  相似文献   

添加网格对增强表面活性剂减阻流体传热性能的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文应用热电偶测温系统和PIV(Particle Image Velocimetry),激光测量系统对二维流道内添加网格后CTAC(Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Chloride)表面活性剂减阻流体的传热性能和流动结构进行试验研究。研究表明:在完全减阻区内,减阻流体的传热性能大幅度降低;当雷诺数超过临界雷诺数后,传热性能呈指数级快速增长;网格的添加破坏了表面活性剂的胶束网状结构,在一定程度上恢复了流场的湍流强度,从而使传热效果显著增强。  相似文献   

日本韩国的水环境治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2002年底,北京市水利局组团赴日韩考察。考察主要目的是通过与同行技术交流及参观日韩河道、湖泊环保治理工程实例,学习借鉴发达国家在水资源管理和水环境治理中的先进经验,特别是生物生态技术在水污染治理中的应用,提高北京地区水库、河湖水资源管理和水环境治理水平。考察团走访了许多工程管理和研究机构,实地参观了不少工程项目。我们感到此次考察确有许多东西值得借鉴,对我们找出差距、更新观念、调整思路大有裨益。  相似文献   

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