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齐宝崇 《山西建筑》2005,31(3):21-22
介绍了我国城市居住地建设的客观状况.就居住区向城市边缘拓展的原因进行了分析,结合阳泉市居住用地及住宅建设现状,提出了城市边缘住区规划设计的思路,以利于城市居住地健康发展。  相似文献   

通过对莱芜市钢城边缘区永兴路的空间解读,提出了构建整体性城市设计的目标,重点通过对带形区域的功能定位、城市空间形态重新进行评估和认识,对土地资源进行整合,研究确定城市边缘区城市设计的策略。  相似文献   

住宅区用地规模及规划设计问题探讨   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
住宅区的规模直接影响着住宅区的规划结构和城市的生活空间品质。就目前我们通常采用的住宅区用地的开发与规划设计规模问题从房地产开发、居住环境品质、服务设施配套和城市街道系统等方面进行研讨。  相似文献   

This paper examines how plans for urban densification, particularly those supported by international organisations, intersect with local residents’ perceptions of housing and land use in the developing world. The study focuses on ger districts in Ulaanbaatar, the site of numerous plans for large-scale urban transformation. Ger districts are rapidly growing areas named for the felt tents that are considered their typical housing mode. This study interviewed 120 ger district residents across central, middle and outer areas of the city. The results reveal migration patterns different from those typically reported, with the highest proportions of migrants and renters living in the central district. Interviewees generally held positive views of apartment living, while preferring low-density land use. Residents’ views of density were strongly influenced by Mongolian attitudes to land and open space. The paper concludes by discussing the reasons for, and consequences of, residents’ and international policy-makers’ different framings of urban density.  相似文献   

中外城市边缘区相关概念辨析与学科发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市边缘区不仅是城市空间和文明扩张的承载地,也是城市与外部区域物质与能量交换的集散地。目前,城市边缘区已成为城市空间中变化量最大、变化最迅速、最敏感的地带,城市边缘区土地、人口、经济、生态环境、社会发展的合理与否直接关系着城市自身可持续发展策略的实施。本文通过对近20年国际国内权威期刊的文献分析,梳理了中外边缘区相关理论和学科发展趋势,对“城市边缘区”、“城乡结合部”、“郊区”等概念进行了辨析,以廓清目前学术边界的混乱;并比较了中外城市边缘区理论研究的异同。  相似文献   

依托人口普查和经济普查的数据平台,对2000—2010年上海市人口的居住和就业的空间变迁进行较为详实的呈现。研究发现,上海常住人口的居住空间变迁有2个特点:居住空间呈现圈层特征,其密度向外递减,且随着时间推移不断向外扩散;同时,不同年龄组人口在居住空间上呈现高度分化的态势。造成这种变迁现象的一个主要原因是劳动年龄的净迁入人口大量进入中心城周边地区。人口普查和经济普查数据的叠加分析表现出这样一种现象:就业在中心城区的空间聚集度远高于居住,而向中心城周边地区的扩散速度则远低于居住,其后果是职住分离状况的加剧。在上海市应对未来人口规模的持续增长的情境下,该研究可提供一个基于城市功能与空间结构调整的视角。  相似文献   


The paper contributes to the growing research on relational thinking about housing and home by exploring the informal homes of rural migrants in Khulna city, Bangladesh. The concept of ‘unbounding’ is used to trace the fluidity and connections established between migrant homes and neighbourhood socio-ecologies. Walking interviews exploring women’s livelihoods reveal that different expendable agencies of the urban environment (e.g. trash, weeds and animal excreta) create conditions for labour in which migrant women hold specific competencies to secure essential resources for home. Unbounding positions home within a socio-ecology of multiple houses that women traverse to support their urban living. The approach offers opportunities to examine the unique ways urban homeless populations strategically as well as affectively engage with under-recognized agencies and actors in informal settlements. Unbounding provides a useful lens with which to raise new conceptual and empirical questions about housing and home in relation to the city that contributes to the homes and livelihoods of marginalized populations.  相似文献   

当前中国正经历快速城市化进程。在城市空间重构中,作为一种中国特有的外来流动人口聚居空间,"城中村"备受各界关注。本研究旨在通过调查分析,掌握上海市城中村的发展动态。结果发现,目前上海仍然存在一定数量的城中村,并主要分布在城市内外环之间及外环周边地区。与全市总体水平相比,城中村的居住条件要差得多,居住面积小、住房设施不足、住房破旧。然而这样的地方,却成为众多寻求廉价住房的租客集聚之地。随着上海市城中村改造的不断推进,城中村正逐渐消失。在此过程中,政府应更多地考虑如何有效地为这些外来人口提供适宜的住房。  相似文献   

This research utilizes empirical data to explore the sources of demand and their effects on urban fringe housing around Kumasi, Ghana. The research found that housing demand on the urban fringe has accelerated due to changing values ascribed to traditional rural and modern urban locations and to preferences for single-family homes, strengthened by the Ghanaian expatriate housing demand back home. This demand was expressed in a context of uncertainty created by a complex institutional system, which reinforced the attractions of the fringe locations. These results provide a perspective on urban fringe housing demand that differs from those developed in Western cities and the approaches recently used in accounting for change on the fringes of some South-east Asian cities. The paper concludes that more needs to be done to understand the institutional factors and the way that they influence a drawn-out construction process to account more fully for the mosaic of housing structures scattered haphazardly on the fringes of Kumasi.  相似文献   

汤西子  邢忠 《风景园林》2021,28(2):90-95
环城绿带是位于城市边缘区的绿色开放空间,具有控制建设用地无序蔓延、保护自然环境资源、维持区域生物多样性等服务功能.城市边缘区半自然生境作为环城绿带的重要组分,具有服务潜能复合与管控问题复杂的特征,影响环城绿带功能发挥,针对半自然生境的保护研究具有一定的创新意义.明确区域生态系统服务高效供给的物质基础及对环城绿带的空间要...  相似文献   

本文选取深圳市14个居住型城中村作 为案例,基于手机信令数据分析城中村的通勤特 征,探讨其与就业的职住关系模式。研究发现, 城中村的通勤特征呈现出了显著的区位差异性: 从通勤距离看,城边村最长,城内村次之,城外 村最短;从通勤方向看,城内村和区位条件较好 的城边村具有较强的市中心指向,而城外村的 通勤多局限于外围区。结合深圳的就业空间布局 特征,研究归纳了不同区位城中村的职住关系模 式,分析职住空间错配的表现,进而提出优化职 住空间格局的政策建议,包括针对不同区位的城 中村制定差异化的空间引导政策,以及在城市中 心区外培育非工业类就业中心等。  相似文献   

论边缘空间   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
邢忠  王琦 《新建筑》2005,(5):80-82
对城市空间的探讨大多重主体空间而容易忽略边缘空间,边缘空间并非空间单元的结束,而是显现相邻异质空间交互特性与相互间作用的开端,它与核心空间相对存在并可能随时间与尺度的变化而相互转化。边缘空间具有异质性、中介性、前沿性、公共性与关联性等空间特征,蕴涵源于异质空间之间内在关联的边缘效应。贯穿于城市的各层级边缘空间可将各种功能单元、空间、活动联为一体,为城市空间提供良好的接续场所,赋予城市空间多重涵义与广博包容能力,并使其具有满足人的多种需求的空间品质。  相似文献   

In China, rural migrants to urban destinations often experience poor living conditions and a low rate of homeownership, which are viewed as the results of urban institutional restrictions. Previous studies have primarily focused on rural migrants’ living conditions and comparisons of housing tenure between migrants and local citizens in large, high-level cities. However, the status and determinants of housing tenure choices of rural migrants in urban destinations other than large cities are generally overlooked. Moreover, several factors, such as rural landholding and migrants’ intention, are rarely studied. Using data from a 2010 survey conducted in Jiangsu Province, multinomial logistic regression models are adopted to explore the features and determinants of rural migrants’ tenure choices in urban destinations. In addition to the urban institutional scheme and housing market, rural land and migrants’ intention are found to play important roles in tenure choices of rural migrants in urban destinations.  相似文献   

李文生 《山西建筑》2014,(18):20-21
对城市发展过程中出现的人口膨胀、交通拥堵、环境恶化、住房紧张、就业困难等城市病的根源进行了分析,总结了城镇化背景下解决城市病的途径,以促进城镇化的健康发展。  相似文献   

Although there is no broad consensus on the meaning of the term, this paper uses the notions of social equity and social justice as a starting point for analyzing ‘social sustainability’. Planning strategies such as compact city design and urban intensification are claimed to positively affect levels of social sustainability within the city, but is this actually the case? Medium density housing is one component of an urban compaction approach that is becoming more prevalent in the New Zealand context. This paper develops a model of the social sustainability of housing derived from key themes in the literature. The model is then used to ascertain the extent to which medium density housing in the central area of Christchurch is meeting residents' social needs. Information from in-depth interviews is used as a basis for examining the way such housing may be contributing to the overall ‘social sustainability’ of this city.  相似文献   

近年来,随着城市化的快速推进,城市空间逐渐由单中心向多中心转变,以往城市的边缘地区在区位上逐渐由边缘地带向城市中心地带转变,在功能和形态上都需要进行更新调整。然而受到现有土地利用、开发组织方式以及制度基础的交织影响,边缘区更新难以顺利实施,难以适应城市重构的需要。本文借鉴政治经济学相关理论,研究城市空间重构下边缘区功能、空间演化特征和机制,并以常州市清潭片区为对象进行实证研究,探讨其在转型阶段的发展诉求,为边缘区更新提供参考。  相似文献   

针对当前我国城市低收入者面临的社会隔离、就业难、生活条件差等问题,归纳总结了欧美发达国家在解决低收入者居住问题上所经历的公共住房、混合住区、多元社区三个阶段的经验;并结合我国国情指出,大量的廉租房建设不能从根本上解决低收入者的问题,在当前无法实现居住混合与社会混合相结合的情况下,我国应该走一种以多元化混合社区为目标的过渡模式.以此为基础,提出了促进我国社会融合的低收入住区渐进式更新模式——“磁性社区”,探讨了“磁性社区”开放混合与动态生长的两个特点,并从社区边界、公共交通、功能业态、住宅类型和设施布局等方面提出“磁性社区”的更新方向,希望为解决我国低收入者的生存与发展问题提出一条发展思路.  相似文献   

国外慢城市生活研究进展及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近10年来,国外发达国家在慢餐、慢城、慢活等倡导性运动的基础上演绎出慢城市生活的研究,与低碳城市、人文城市、社会城市等理念一道成为城市研究的新领域。本文回溯了国外慢城市生活研究的缘起、慢城市联盟框架及实质,结合中国城市发展的实际,提出了以慢城市理念为基础的城市生活空间及阶层化生活行为方式的城市研究,目的在于抗衡我国城市化快速发展阶段的城市重经济发展轻社会生活及空间剥夺等生活不公平现象,构建人本、包容的城市生活空间及发展方向。  相似文献   

侯学英  吴巩胜 《城市规划》2019,43(3):104-111
针对城市低收入人群这一弱势群体,基于城市地理学和城市社会学相结合的视角,以低收入住区居民作为低收入人群的代表,揭示城市社会空间分异和空间结构重组背景下的低收入群体通勤行为特征、内部差异及其影响因素。以昆明市为样本城市,采用调查问卷的方法,对城中村、保障性住区(包含廉租、公租、经适住区)和衰败工厂家属区三类低收入住区居民的通勤行为进行定量分析。研究发现,不仅不同类型住区、不同就业岗位低收入人群的通勤行为存在明显差异,其通勤行为的影响因素也与一般市民不同。研究结果可为进一步探索城市弱势群体的就业障碍和居住空间隔离等问题提供基础。  相似文献   

Between 1990 and 2006 in Spain, municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants expanded by 58.28% in land area as a result of the housing bubble. This expansion provided the opportunity for an evolution in urban design practice, integrating a variety of theories about the city that had evolved separately during the previous decades related to urban morphology, housing typology, density and attention to open space. The paper assesses these factors in an exemplar of this trend towards integration, which is the last major urban intervention that took place in Huesca before the financial crisis affected Spain: Padre Querbes neighbourhood.  相似文献   

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